Lehman Brothers (LEH)

Lehman Brothersist on hakatud rääkima kui järgmisest Bear Sternsist ning firma on lähedal oma osade, sealhulgas Neuberger Bermani müügile. Eile langes aktsia nende uudiste peale üle 14 protsendi. Mis võib oodata Lehmani Brothersit lähitulevikus?

(LEH) Lehman Brothers: (Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc LEH 14.04, -2.16, -13.3%) Talks between the investment bank and Korea Development Bank have ended, the chairman of South Korea's Financial Services Commission said, according to Dow Jones Newswires. He declined to say what if any conclusions had been reached, the report said.
Lehman Brothers was set to announce "key strategic initiatives" on
Wednesday after the U.S. investment bank's shares plunged more than 45 percent
to a decade low on funding worries.
Lehman is in talks with BlackRock Inc to sell some British real
estate assets, people familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal, and
also plans to spin off some commercial real estate assets into a new company.
It is also seeking investors for part of its investment management unit,
which includes the profitable asset-manager Neuberger Berman -- a sale that
could fetch about $5 billion, the Wall Street Journal said.
A South Korean government official said state-owned Korea Development Bank
(KDB) had ended talks on a possible investment in the troubled U.S. bank, but
state news agency Yonhap quoted an unnamed official as saying KDB was seeking
management rights in Lehman for around $6 billion.
Korea Development Bank (KDB)

[KDB.UL] has made an offer for a possible investment in Lehman Brothers and is waiting for a response, a KDB official in charge of the talks told Reuters on Wednesday.

"Our proposal has been delivered to them, and they are reviewing it," the official said on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

"Considering all circumstances, it looks difficult to reach a deal."

KDB ja LEH deal is off, lugu ise börsipäeva foorumis!
Chanos pisut ka Lehmanist
Siia ka siis uudis.

USA suurpank Lehman Brothers andis ise sisse pankrotiavalduse
Postimees, 15.09

USA suuruselt neljas investeerimispank Lehman Brothers andis ise sisse pankrotiavalduse.

Lehman on kandnud miljardite dollarite suurust kahju USA eluasemelaenude turul, kirjutab BBC.
Lehman Brothers, USA keskpank ja rahandusministeerium pidasid nädalavahetusel läbirääkimisi võimalike ostjatega ning kuna tugevaimad, Barclays ja Bank of America, tõmbusid tagasi, kasvas järsult oht, et investeerimispank kukub aktsiaturu avanedes kokku.

Lehmani pankrott lisab hoogu üleilmsele finantskriisile. Teisalt annab pankrotimenetlus aega ettevõttele või selle osadele uute ostjate leidmiseks.
probleemid tasapisi järjest tähtsusetumaks muutunud LEH osas on siiski juba nii kaua kestnud, et sellist võimalust ei saanud enam välistada. Pisut esialgset soigumist ja tõenäoliselt jääb peale arvamus, et see näitab antud juhul "süsteemi tugevust", mitte nõrkust, et kärnasemad koerad ikkagi ka maha lastakse.
Tõepoolest - jäänud oligi ju veel vaid vormistmine.
Mis saab aktsiate omanikest? Kas makstakse midagi? Kas sellist infot on? Mis saab PUT-ide omanikest?
viimased saavad USA'sse sissesõidukeelu, muud midagi.
10 points, kristjan :)
RTRS - Citigroup, Bank of New York Mellon, Azora Bank, Mizuho Financial Group, among Lehman’s top unsecured creditors.
RTRS - Citigroup, Bank of New York Mellon hold about $138bln of Lehman’s bond debt as indenture trustees, under LBHI senior notes.
Lehman’s total debts (as at May 31st) $613bn.
tee oma pakkumine!
Ma ei saa seda osta. Shipping to USA ONLY!:(
hädas aitab http://www.netikuller.ee/

Q: Since I live in New York, will you waive the shipping charge?
A: OK but just this once
Q: Reichsmarks accepted if I win the bid?
A: Ja, but only if transportable in wheel barrows.
Q: Should I be the successful bidder, can you guarantee that all the corporate hottie, can't type, can't spell, oh, um, "personal assistants" will be retained for the new administration?
A: if you have to ask .... you are not a serious buyer
Q: What will you accept as collateral? I have Enron Class C paper and several reams of Washington Mutual letterhead.
A: now your talking --- Q. where is Enron paper traded?
Q: Can I demote the CEO to a janitor after I make this purchase?
A: we expect you will be working along side him.
Q: Does it come with that life sized inflatable punch bag of Alan Greenspan
A: Yes and if you act now we'll throw in an inflatable Bernanke and Paulson
Q: How many years do you allow for payment if using the PayPal Easy Monthly Payment Plan?
A: Best offer gets this puppy.. you can do better than that.
Q: My office is across the hall from a Lehman branch. There is a cute blonde receptionist by the name of Halley that works there. Is she included in this sale?
A: This would be a separate transaction between you and Halley, however as the prestigious owner of an investment bank ... you have the wind at your back
Q: My mother says she'll send you a note promising to send you my allowance for the next three years- would this be acceptable payment?
A: please send info on your mother asap
Q: Will you toss AIG in with it as a bonus item? Will the Federal Reserve help with the auction fees?
A: AIG = All Is Good ... of course.. though we do not own them. Reserve no can do
Q: If I buy this and it all goes bad, will the Federal Reserve give me unlimited funds to make it all better? How much dummy spitting would I need to do?
A: not this time a lot
Q: Can I pay with shares of WAMU or AIG?
A: no .. we don't have time to look at their book(s)(s)
Q: How about the toxic mortgage securities and all of the debt? Is that included?
A: duh
Q: Will I still be expected to pay executives large performance bonuses, or have they already taken all the money?
A: Yes to both questions
Q: I'm a little short on cash right now, would you be willing to finance my purchase?
A: we are considering a COO right now (see earlier response) you can be asst. COO
Q: Does it come with any pie? I like Pie. 87 peices please.
A: yea
Q: Does this auction include the corporate yatch? Corporate jet?
A: and the corporate T shirts mugs, pens etc.
Q: Does Dick Fuld come with this lot and, if so, will come with options?
A: Dick is available though you will have to negotiate with him. at this point we have no options.. (chapter 11)
Q: Can I forcibly eject the current home owners?
A: the rats have already left the bldg.
Q: If I purchase LEH, can I use my '78 Chevy Nova (currently on blocks) for collateral (a few $B) at the Fed begging window?
A: see earlier comments -- doesn't Nova mean no go?
ja mina arvasin, et Lehmani aktsia kukub, kuna shordid seda ründavad...