Kuna reedel on püha tõttu turud suletud, siis täna on selle nädala viimane kauplemispäev. Pikk nädalavahetus võib tähendada, et turud on täna tavapärasest õhukesema käibega. Viimaste nädalate positiivsus jätkub ka täna hommikul, kus S&P500 indeks on tõusnud 832 punkti peale, +1.2%.
Kell kaks Eesti aja järgi annab Inglise keskpank teada, millised on edasised plaanid kvantitatiivse leevendamise poliitika osas. Kuna BOE laenumäär on hetkel 0.5% siis usutavasti siin muutust ei tule. Pigem otsivad turuosalised kinnitust või ümberlükkavaid tõendit panga juhi Mervyn Kingi märtsi lõpus tehtud avaldusele nagu ei kavatseks nad eelmisel kohtumisel väljakuulutatud otsust täies mahus täita. 5. märtsil nimelt avalikusti plaan osta 75 miljardi naela eest valitsuse võlakirjasid, mis viis 10-aastase võlakirja tulususe madalaimale tasemele alates 1989. aastast ning hetkeks muutis ka kinnisvaralaenudega koormatud inimeste elu pisut kergemaks. Viimastel nädalatel on aga BOE ebaselge plaan tõstnud närvilisust ning viinud 10a võlakirja tulususe põhjadest pea 40 baaspunkti kõrgemale.
A tense feud has broken out between the outspoken television stockpicker Jim Cramer and the notoriously gloomy economist Nouriel Roubini. Roubini, a New York University professor who famously forecast a dire world recession as far back as 2006, has taken exception to remarks on a blog by Cramer that he is “intoxicated” with his own “prescience and vision” and is refusing to see green shoots of recovery in the financial markets. “Cramer is a buffoon,” said Roubini. “He was one of those who called six times in a row for this bear market rally to be a bull market rally and he got it wrong.”
The confrontation pits two of the financial world’s biggest egos against each other.
“After all this mess and Jon Stewart, he should just shut up because he has no shame,” Roubini said.
But Cramer has continued to attack… recently referring to Roubini and the Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman as part of a “nationalisation jihad” for their advocacy of public intervention in the financial sector.
S&P500 selle peale +1.6% @ 836 punkti.
Aga äkki mul on võimalus veel average teha:)
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
4/9/2009 7:33 AM EDT
Happiness is always a byproduct. It is probably a matter of temperament, and for anything I know it may be glandular. But it is not something that can be demanded from life, and if you are not happy, you had better stop worrying about it and see what treasures you can pluck from your own brand of unhappiness.
-- Robertson Davies
The day before a holiday often has a positive bias. Folks are just in a better mood when they have an extra day off coming up, and trading is thinner -- the folks who are left tend to have a more bullish bias.
Early indications today are that we are following the positive pattern. The primary catalyst is a draft of economic stimulus plan in Japan that provides for spending of the equivalent of about $154 billion, which is more than anticipated. There are provisions encouraging use of solar energy, so watch for the stocks in that sector -- including Tenaris (TSL) , First Solar (FSLR) , Suntech Power (STP) , LDK Solar (LDK) and Canadian Solar (CSIQ) -- to be active again.
We had a particularly choppy day of action yesterday, with the opening gap up being sold, a midday rally and failure and then a strong close. It was primary the lack of vigor in the financials that kept things contained. Technology stocks were mixed, and it was primarily energy and commodities that drove us to the upside.
Traders are going to be focusing on financials very closely again today and will be watching key technical level in the S&P 500 of around 845 to 850 or so, which was the high during the past week. There is a lot of overhead when we approach that level, and I expect some stiff resistance. That gives us a fair amount of leeway to the upside for now, but the tendency -- which we saw yesterday -- is to sell into strength and buy weakness. There is a positive bias, but we have flippers and dippers at work, pushing us around within a range.
And of course next week we start seeing some major earnings reports that will determine the character of this market. At this point the market doesn't seem to have any unusually high expectations. We all know that things have been rough and are likely to stay that way for a while. However, we will have to see how the mood develops as some key reports are digested. We'll have plenty to focus on next week.
Good luck and good trading today. It should be bumpy
Ülespoole avanevad:
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: APWR +27.5%, EXM +19.5%, CSH +12.8%... M&A news/stories: TXT +59.1% (Emirati consortium bidding for Textron; consortium is said to be offering $21 a share - AFP)... Financials showing strength following better than expected WFC guidance: WFC +18.0%, STI +13% (also upgraded to Outperform at Keefe Bruyette), BCS +9.4% (WSJ reported Barclays's expected sale of its iShares ETF business to CVC Capital Partners may be announced as soon as Thursday), FITB +9.1%, USB +8.6%, BAC +8.1%, C +5.2%, JPM +4.7%, HBC +4.5%, GS +3.5%, MS +2.7%... Drybulk stocks higher following much better than expected EXM earnings: EGLE +10.4%, NM +9.1%, DRYS +6.2%, TBSI +5.2%... Solar names moving higher in pre-mkt: TSL +9.1%, LDK +4.1% (Co and Q-Cells announce the formation of a joint venture focusing on PV systems and market development in Europe and China), FSLR +2.9% (FSLR tgt raised to $227 from $209 at Pacific Crest), ... Other news: CRME +42% (Merck and CRME sign license agreement for vernakalant, investigational drug for treatment for atrial fibrillation), ING +13.0% (WSJ reports ING will divest up to $10.6 bln in noncore assets and trim its geographical spread in a bid to refocus its business and boost capital), GM +8.8% (three bidders left in Hummer auction, according to sources - Reuters.com), TCK +7.3% (discloses sale of approximately 5.6 mln common shares of KGC).
Allapoole avanevad:
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance/Same store sales: MOV -14%, ANF -9.2%, WDFC -9.2%... Other news: ASIA -9.6% (AsiaInfo discloses the termination of a material definitive agreement), EQY -5.7% (announces a 4 mln share common stock offering).
Võimsad tõusud olid täna nii Lõuna-Korea, Jaapani kui ka Venemaa börsidel.
Saksamaa DAX +2.61%
Prantsusmaa CAC 40 +1.69%
Inglismaa FTSE 100 +1.15%
Hispaania IBEX 35 +2.82%
Venemaa MICEX +5.10%
Poola WIG +1.88%
Aasia turud:
Jaapani Nikkei 225 +3.74%
Hong Kongi Hang Seng +2.95%
Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) +1.38%
Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +1.21%
Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq +4.47%
Tai Set 50 +0.13%
India Sensex 30 +0.57%
In contrast, the cumulative loss from holding the S&P between 9.30 a.m. and 2 p.m. is 54 percent.
So, it's quite simple. Just buy at 2 p.m. and sell at 4 p.m. And even better if you could short the index at 9.30 a.m., and buy it back at 2 p.m.
Disclaimer: :)