Kasvav mure globaalsete makrotrendide pärast on varjutamas aktsiaturgusid Tokyost New Yorgini välja. S&P 500 lõpetas eile -2,6%-ga päeva põhjade juures ning sulgudes nüüdseks juba seitsmendat päeva järjest miinuspoolel, kustutades sellega kogu aasta positiivse tootluse. Järelturul kinnitasid nii Moody’s kui Fitch USA AAA krediidireitingu, kuid mõlemad on valmis seda langetama juhul kui fiskaaldistsipliinis järgi antakse või finantseerimiskulud tõusma hakkavad.
Makrouudiseid jälgitakse nüüd hoolsamalt kui kunagi varem – need kas aitavad lükata ümber kartusi paanikaks või kinnitavad, et mitmed arenenud riigid on taas avatud majanduslanguse riskile. Nii Euroopas kui USA-s on fookus täna teenustesektori PMI näitajatel (EMU kell 11.00, UK kell 11.30, USA kell 17.00). Reedese tööjõuraporti jaoks aitab ootusi paika panna ADP küsitlus, mis avalikustatakse kell 15.15. Pool tundi pärast USA turgude avanemist raporteeritakse veel juunikuu tehaste tellimuste muutus.
USA futuurid kauplevad hetkel nulli lähedal, Euroopa on aga avanemas 1,2-1,4% madalamal.
Hispaania ja Itaalia 10.a võlakirjade intressid liiguvad üha ohtlikumas vetes, jõudes eile vastavalt 6,28% ja 6,13% peale ning tehes päeva sees tipud isegi kõrgemal. Kui Hispaanial peaks olema raha piisavalt, et end järgmise aastani finantseerida siis Itaalial lõppeks ilma investorite poole pöördumiseta rahavaru septembris otsa. Berlusconi pöördub täna teleesinemises oma rahva poole, et anda ülevaade riigi majandusolukorrast ning tõenäoliselt üritab rahustada turge abipaketi vajadust ümberlükates. Samasugusel missioonil on homsel EKP pressikonverentsil ilmselt ka Trichet.
Itaalia 10.a võlakirja yield võrreldes Saksamaa omaga

Hispaania 10.a võlakirja yield võrreldes Saksamaa omaga
Itaalia 10.a võlakirja yield võrreldes Saksamaa omaga

Hispaania 10.a võlakirja yield võrreldes Saksamaa omaga

Kõige aktiivsemate futuuride järgi (detsember) on kuld pressimas uutesse tippudesse, kaubeldes nüüd 1672 dollari juures.

Hiina tegi möödunud kuu teenustesektori PMI indeksiga otsa lahti, näidates et osad tööstusharud on keskpanga poliitikaga paremini toime tulemas. Juuli teenust PMI kerkis 57 punkti pealt 59,6 punktile. Indeksi üks olulisemaid komponente, uue tellimused, paranes eelmise kuu 53,6 punktilt 55,6 punktile.
Šveitsi frangiga seotud valuutapaaride volatiilsus on üsna hullumeelne....eile üle 2% alla, täna sama palju üles tagasi. Tänase liikumise võib kirjutada keskpanga arvele, kelle arvates on valuuta tugevalt ülehinnatud ning lähipäevadel kavatsetakse turgudel sekkuda, et likviidsust tugevalt tõsta.
Eurotsooni juulikuu teenuste PMI oodatust pisut parem....51,4 punkti asemel 51,6 punkti, ent trend on siiski allapoole

Suurbritannia teenuste PMI valmistas positiivsema üllatuse, olles oodatud 53,2 punkti asemel 55,4 punkti. GBP/USD on sellest tuge saamas ning kaupleb 0,37% plusspoolel @ 1,6357 USD.

Vaatamata mitmetele erinevatele teguritele, alates maajanduslikust ja poliitilisest ebakindlusest kuni halva ilmani välja, oli USA juulikuu uute autode annualiseeritud müük 12,2 miljonit, ületades konsensuse 11,9 miljonilist ootust (juunis 11.6M). Eriti üllatuslik on kasv just seetõttu, et sektori varud vähenesid 53 päeva pealt juuni lõpus 48 päeva peale juulis. Igasugused soodustused ja stiimulid küll suurenesid 8% juuniga võrreldes, ent aastataguse perioodiga olid need siiski 10% madalamad. Morgan Stanley hinnangul on jätkuvalt nõudlust, mida ei suudetud Jaapani maavärina tagajärgede tõttu viimastel kuudel korralikult rahuldada ja kui makro väga palju halvemaks ei muutu, siis suve lõpus võiks põrge jätkuda ning aasta lõpuks SAAR olla 14 miljoni juures.

Millal peaks hakkama OMXT aktsiaid ostma, et tabada sesoonset (igasuvist) põhja? Osade firmade tulemused on ju head. Baltika märgiti täis, Tallinkil reisijate ja kauba käive tõuseb, Premial kah ilus suvi jne.
August võib selle perspektiiviga olla täitsa huvitav aga ma ise jälgiks hetkel veel uudiseid USA-st ja Euroopast ning ootaks, kuniks globaalne närvilisus on veidi taandunud.
Nüüd juba tervelt seitsmeks päevaks on karud USA aktsiaturul ohjad enda kätte saanud ning ostjad vähemalt ajutiselt eemale peletanud. Samal ajal kui meeleolud on teinud kiire pöörde negatiivsel suunal, siis vähemalt üks inimene on täna hommikul eriti optimistlik.
Streetinsideri vahendusel võib lugeda, et fondijuht Barton Biggs julgustas täna hommikul Bloombergis investoreid aktsiaid ostma. Eraldi ostusoovituse annab ta tehnoloogia aktsiatele, Catepillar (CAT), P&G (PG) ja Coca-Cola (KO)-le
Streetinsideri vahendusel võib lugeda, et fondijuht Barton Biggs julgustas täna hommikul Bloombergis investoreid aktsiaid ostma. Eraldi ostusoovituse annab ta tehnoloogia aktsiatele, Catepillar (CAT), P&G (PG) ja Coca-Cola (KO)-le
Birinyi on samuti pull, põhjendused igati pädevad: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-08-03/birinyi-advises-holding-stocks-with-scotch-after-s-p-500-erases-2011-gains.html.
ADP parem kui oodati aga viimasel ajal on see reedese data kohta vähe öelnud. Hetkel siiski turuosalistele teatud lohutust pakub, hoides futuure 0,4% plussis.
July ADP Employment Change 114K vs 100K Briefing.com consensus. June revised down to 145K from 157K
July ADP Employment Change 114K vs 100K Briefing.com consensus. June revised down to 145K from 157K
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: JCOM +13.5%, SFSF +12.3%, HRS +8%, TRMB +6.7%, HTZ +6.5%, SIMG +6.4% (also upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Merriman), DGI +4.5% (ticking higher), SKT +3.9% (ticking higher), OKS +2.7% (light volume), LNC +2.2%, YGE +2.1% (guides Q2 PV module shipments above prior guidance; reaffirms GM guidance), WBMD +1.9% (light volume), VASC +1.9%, PEET +1.8%, VRSK +1.8% (ticking higher), PODD +1.8%, MDRX +1.7% (ualso pgraded from Hold to Buy at Auriga, upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at Piper Jaffray), HCC +1.6% (ticking higher), XL +1.5%, CBS +1.2%, .
M&A news: GNET +19.5% (agrees to be acquired by an affiliate of GTCR for $14.00/share in cash), EM +16.7% (reports out indicate the co is in takeover talks with Blackstone), AMAG +7.7% (receives unsolicited proposal from MSMB Capital Management to acquire all outstanding stock for $18 per share in cash).
Select financial related names showing strength: STD +4.3%, BCS +4.1%, CS +3.2%, UBS +2.5%, DB +2.2%, ING +2%, LYG +2%, SAN +0.8%, HBC +0.7%.
A few mortgage related names are ticking higher in early trade: GNW +5.3%, PMI +5.0%, RDN +4.2%,
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: SLW +1.8%, KGC +1.7%, AUY +1.6%, GG +1.5%, AEM +1.4%, ABX +1.3%, NEM +1.2%, RIO +1.2%.
A few European drug names are trading higher: NVS +2.2%, SNY +1.9%.
Other news: VOD +2.6% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), ASML +2.2% (still checking for anything specific), INCY +2.2% (FDA Accepts NDA Filing for Ruxolitinib as a Treatment for Myelofibrosis), PSTI +1.6% (announces effectiveness of the exclusive license agreement to develop and commercialize PLX Cells for the Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension), SM +1.5% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), CBOE +1.2% (announces share repurchase program of up to $100 mln and increase in quarterly dividend by 20% to $0.12 per share).
Analyst comments: PTEN +4.1% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo), DEO +1.8% (light volume, upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank).
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: JCOM +13.5%, SFSF +12.3%, HRS +8%, TRMB +6.7%, HTZ +6.5%, SIMG +6.4% (also upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Merriman), DGI +4.5% (ticking higher), SKT +3.9% (ticking higher), OKS +2.7% (light volume), LNC +2.2%, YGE +2.1% (guides Q2 PV module shipments above prior guidance; reaffirms GM guidance), WBMD +1.9% (light volume), VASC +1.9%, PEET +1.8%, VRSK +1.8% (ticking higher), PODD +1.8%, MDRX +1.7% (ualso pgraded from Hold to Buy at Auriga, upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at Piper Jaffray), HCC +1.6% (ticking higher), XL +1.5%, CBS +1.2%, .
M&A news: GNET +19.5% (agrees to be acquired by an affiliate of GTCR for $14.00/share in cash), EM +16.7% (reports out indicate the co is in takeover talks with Blackstone), AMAG +7.7% (receives unsolicited proposal from MSMB Capital Management to acquire all outstanding stock for $18 per share in cash).
Select financial related names showing strength: STD +4.3%, BCS +4.1%, CS +3.2%, UBS +2.5%, DB +2.2%, ING +2%, LYG +2%, SAN +0.8%, HBC +0.7%.
A few mortgage related names are ticking higher in early trade: GNW +5.3%, PMI +5.0%, RDN +4.2%,
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: SLW +1.8%, KGC +1.7%, AUY +1.6%, GG +1.5%, AEM +1.4%, ABX +1.3%, NEM +1.2%, RIO +1.2%.
A few European drug names are trading higher: NVS +2.2%, SNY +1.9%.
Other news: VOD +2.6% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), ASML +2.2% (still checking for anything specific), INCY +2.2% (FDA Accepts NDA Filing for Ruxolitinib as a Treatment for Myelofibrosis), PSTI +1.6% (announces effectiveness of the exclusive license agreement to develop and commercialize PLX Cells for the Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension), SM +1.5% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), CBOE +1.2% (announces share repurchase program of up to $100 mln and increase in quarterly dividend by 20% to $0.12 per share).
Analyst comments: PTEN +4.1% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo), DEO +1.8% (light volume, upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank).
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: CBR -18%, (light volume), SMSI -16.2%, IO -11.2% (light volume), GRMN -10.5%, MSTR -10.3%, CAVM -9.9%, OPEN -8.6%, KKR -8.1%, SAM -8.1% (also approved an increase of $25.0 mln to the previously approved $225.0 mln share buyback expenditure limit), HF -8% (to sell 4,047,472 shares in a secondary offering by existing stockholders), POWI -7.3%, BKI -5.3%, SONS -3.6%, DNKN -2.7%, THO -2%, VCLK -0.6%.
Other news: CHKM -0.7% (files for $750 mln mixed securities shelf offering and 44.6 mln share common stock offering by selling unitholders).
Analyst comments: PVA -2% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at SunTrust), PCS -0.9% (downgraded to Neutral at RW Baird), BHP -0.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Credit Suisse).
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: CBR -18%, (light volume), SMSI -16.2%, IO -11.2% (light volume), GRMN -10.5%, MSTR -10.3%, CAVM -9.9%, OPEN -8.6%, KKR -8.1%, SAM -8.1% (also approved an increase of $25.0 mln to the previously approved $225.0 mln share buyback expenditure limit), HF -8% (to sell 4,047,472 shares in a secondary offering by existing stockholders), POWI -7.3%, BKI -5.3%, SONS -3.6%, DNKN -2.7%, THO -2%, VCLK -0.6%.
Other news: CHKM -0.7% (files for $750 mln mixed securities shelf offering and 44.6 mln share common stock offering by selling unitholders).
Analyst comments: PVA -2% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at SunTrust), PCS -0.9% (downgraded to Neutral at RW Baird), BHP -0.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Credit Suisse).
Erko Rebane
August võib selle perspektiiviga olla täitsa huvitav aga ma ise jälgiks hetkel veel uudiseid USA-st ja Euroopast ning ootaks, kuniks globaalne närvilisus on veidi taandunud.
Selleks ajaks kui globaalne närvilisus on taandunud, on aktsiaturud juba hoopis teistel hinnatasemetel, seega raha teenimiseks pole sellisest soovitusest mingit kasu, küll võib aidata raha kaotamise vastu :)
Kuldar1Erko Rebane
August võib selle perspektiiviga olla täitsa huvitav aga ma ise jälgiks hetkel veel uudiseid USA-st ja Euroopast ning ootaks, kuniks globaalne närvilisus on veidi taandunud.
Selleks ajaks kui globaalne närvilisus on taandunud, on aktsiaturud juba hoopis teistel hinnatasemetel, seega raha teenimiseks pole sellisest soovitusest mingit kasu, küll võib aidata raha kaotamise vastu :)
eks väga palju sõltub investori riskitaluvusest. Eesti ettevõtete väljavaateid ei pruugi näiteks USA tööjõuraport üldse mõjutada aga paratamatult jälgib Baltikum ka üldist meeleolu globaalsetel aktsiaturgudel. Alati võib positsiooni soetada ka osade kaupa ning silma nurgast jälgida paari nädala perspektiivis olulisemaid sündmusi, nagu näiteks non-farm payrolls sel reedel, FOMC kohtumine järgmine nädal ja siis Bernanke esinemine Jackson Hole's augusti keskel.
Rage Against the Machines
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
8/3/2011 8:41 AM EDT
"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable."
--James A. Garfield
Over the last couple of years, one of the strong tendencies of the market has been to "overshoot." Overbought markets become more overbought and oversold markets become more oversold. The folks who have tried to anticipate turning points have consistently found themselves on the wrong side of the action because the trend has continued without pause.
Generally, this overshooting has occurred to the upside. Right now, we are seeing the phenomena occur to the downside. The S&P 500 is down for the eighth straight day, which has only occurred a few times in history, trapping many anticipatory bulls who were confident that we would have a relief bounce once a debt-ceiling deal was reached.
I've written many times over the years that trends go further and last longer than most people think is reasonable. One of the easiest ways to get in trouble is to assume that the market is going to act in a manner that we believe is "reasonable." Just because we think the action is excessive, doesn't mean that the market beast is going to pay attention. Our thoughts about the way the market should act are totally irrelevant.
The inclination for one-way, lopsided moves has probably accelerated to a greater degree with the growth of computerized, high frequency trading. This soulless trading has helped to remove the human element that would produce an ebb and flow in the action as moods and emotions shifted. Instead, banks of computers drive the market based on parameters that have nothing to do with sentiment, news or issues discussed in the business media. Exploiting the prevailing trend is obviously a computer algorithm that works, and the fact that it may not seem "normal" or "natural" to many of us may be part of the reason that it works.
How do we deal with this sort of action? The first step is to be aware of it and not dismiss it as irrelevant. Know the truth about the way the market acts and it will help to set you free. Don't fight it. Acknowledge it and embrace it and, while it still might not be the easy to trade, it will at least be a little less frustrating.
If you know the market has a tendency to overshoot, don't try to anticipate turning points. Rather than keep trying to guess when the turn comes, wait until a change actually occurs and then react. Stick with trends longer than what feels comfortable. Use trailing stops and don't be too quick to sell or buy things because they are extended.
Wall Street has always had a tendency to anticipate rather than react since so many market pundits enjoy the game of making grand predictions. Everyone wants to be the hero who calls the exact high or low, and you can't do that if you are reactive rather than anticipatory.
The action this past week has been a particularly good example of how maintaining a reactive approach helps to avoid trouble. Most everyone, including myself, assumed we would see some sort of bounce as the debt-ceiling deal reached its conclusion. If you bet on that, you were caught by surprise. If you waited for some market strength before buying, you never would have put much capital to work.
This morning, we have jobs news and more talk about Italian and Spanish debt. Everyone agrees that we are oversold and ripe for a bounce, but folks have been thinking that for days.
The big problem for the bulls is that even when we do see a bounce, we have suffered much technical damage lately and there are many trapped bulls looking for exits. Anyone who catches a bounce is going to be thinking seriously about a quick exit, especially as we struggle with growing worries about a double dip recession.
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
8/3/2011 8:41 AM EDT
"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable."
--James A. Garfield
Over the last couple of years, one of the strong tendencies of the market has been to "overshoot." Overbought markets become more overbought and oversold markets become more oversold. The folks who have tried to anticipate turning points have consistently found themselves on the wrong side of the action because the trend has continued without pause.
Generally, this overshooting has occurred to the upside. Right now, we are seeing the phenomena occur to the downside. The S&P 500 is down for the eighth straight day, which has only occurred a few times in history, trapping many anticipatory bulls who were confident that we would have a relief bounce once a debt-ceiling deal was reached.
I've written many times over the years that trends go further and last longer than most people think is reasonable. One of the easiest ways to get in trouble is to assume that the market is going to act in a manner that we believe is "reasonable." Just because we think the action is excessive, doesn't mean that the market beast is going to pay attention. Our thoughts about the way the market should act are totally irrelevant.
The inclination for one-way, lopsided moves has probably accelerated to a greater degree with the growth of computerized, high frequency trading. This soulless trading has helped to remove the human element that would produce an ebb and flow in the action as moods and emotions shifted. Instead, banks of computers drive the market based on parameters that have nothing to do with sentiment, news or issues discussed in the business media. Exploiting the prevailing trend is obviously a computer algorithm that works, and the fact that it may not seem "normal" or "natural" to many of us may be part of the reason that it works.
How do we deal with this sort of action? The first step is to be aware of it and not dismiss it as irrelevant. Know the truth about the way the market acts and it will help to set you free. Don't fight it. Acknowledge it and embrace it and, while it still might not be the easy to trade, it will at least be a little less frustrating.
If you know the market has a tendency to overshoot, don't try to anticipate turning points. Rather than keep trying to guess when the turn comes, wait until a change actually occurs and then react. Stick with trends longer than what feels comfortable. Use trailing stops and don't be too quick to sell or buy things because they are extended.
Wall Street has always had a tendency to anticipate rather than react since so many market pundits enjoy the game of making grand predictions. Everyone wants to be the hero who calls the exact high or low, and you can't do that if you are reactive rather than anticipatory.
The action this past week has been a particularly good example of how maintaining a reactive approach helps to avoid trouble. Most everyone, including myself, assumed we would see some sort of bounce as the debt-ceiling deal reached its conclusion. If you bet on that, you were caught by surprise. If you waited for some market strength before buying, you never would have put much capital to work.
This morning, we have jobs news and more talk about Italian and Spanish debt. Everyone agrees that we are oversold and ripe for a bounce, but folks have been thinking that for days.
The big problem for the bulls is that even when we do see a bounce, we have suffered much technical damage lately and there are many trapped bulls looking for exits. Anyone who catches a bounce is going to be thinking seriously about a quick exit, especially as we struggle with growing worries about a double dip recession.
July ISM Services 52.7 vs 53.7 Briefing.com consensus; June 53.3
June Factory Orders -0.8% vs -1.0% Briefing.com consensus
June Factory Orders -0.8% vs -1.0% Briefing.com consensus
Doug Kass usub,et turg lõpetab täna plusspoolel ja ehk isegi 1% kõrgemal.
Douglas Kass: Another ludcirus Forecast... Gun to my head we will have an up day. Perhaps as much as one percent higher.
Omalt poolt ütlen veel kommentaariks, et viimase paari kuu jooksul olen Kassi päevasiseseid ennustusi turu liikumise kohta tähelepanelikumalt jälginud ning peab ütlema, et üheksal juhul kümnest on tema lühiajalised prognoosid ka õiged olnud.
Douglas Kass: Another ludcirus Forecast... Gun to my head we will have an up day. Perhaps as much as one percent higher.
Omalt poolt ütlen veel kommentaariks, et viimase paari kuu jooksul olen Kassi päevasiseseid ennustusi turu liikumise kohta tähelepanelikumalt jälginud ning peab ütlema, et üheksal juhul kümnest on tema lühiajalised prognoosid ka õiged olnud.