Nädalavahetuse retoorika on jäänud üsna ähmaseks. Ühest küljest toonitasid nii Geithner kui Summers praeguse olukorra kriitilisust ning pidasid vajalikuks elimineerida pankade pankrotistumise oht, kuna see seaks ohtu majanduse nii Euroopas kui globaalselt, samas konkreetset lahendust selleks välja ei käidud. Kuid erinevad meediaväljaanded on raporteerimas, et tagatubades valmistutakse Kreeka maksejõetuseks, üritades luua piisavalt tõhusat tulemüüri, et ka Portugali defaulti korral ei tekiks süsteemset finantskriisi.
Kui esialgu mõjusid uudised USA indeksite futuuridele ja eurole positiivselt, siis praeguseks on S&P 500 futuur kauplemas 1,0% miinuspoolel ja eur/usd vajunud alla reedese taseme 1,3370 USD juurde (-1%). Ka Aasias on sentiment jäänud negatiivseks ning Euroopa alustamas ca 0,6%lise langusega.
Tänasest makrost võiks välja tuua Saksamaa septembrikuu IFO indeksi (kell 11.00), USA augusti uute majade müügi (kl 17.00) ja Dallas Fedi septembri küsitluse (17.30).
Väärismetallid on jätkuvalt müügisurvet saamas. CME teatas reedel pärast turgude sulgumist, et tõstavad hõbeda, kulla ja vase tagatismäärasid, kuid see uudis lekkis juba enne avalikku pressiteadet. Hõbe kaupleb hetkel ligi 13,4% ja kuld ligikaudu 6,4% madalamal.
Ei tea, millest see 2 triljonit siis koosnema hakkab? Kui praeguse paketi puhul oli Eesti osa 2 miljardit, siis kas uue puhul ligi 10 miljardit ehk siis ca ca 1,5 kordne riigieelarve?
Ei tea, millest see 2 triljonit siis koosnema hakkab? Kui praeguse paketi puhul oli Eesti osa 2 miljardit, siis kas uue puhul ligi 10 miljardit ehk siis ca ca 1,5 kordne riigieelarve?
The package is expected to involve a quadrupling - from the current 440bn euros - in the firepower of Europe's main bailout fund, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).
This would be done by putting in place an arrangement that would allow the European Central Bank (ECB) to lend alongside the fund, our editor says.
The EFSF would take on the main risk of lending to governments struggling to borrow from normal commercial sources - governments like Italy.
kõik on mustvalgel kirjas, vaja ainult lugeda
isegi paremini on kirjas siin - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/8786665/Multi-trillion-plan-to-save-the-eurozone-being-prepared.html
The complex deal would see the EFSF provide a loss-bearing “equity” tranche of any bail-out fund and the ECB the rest in protected “debt”. If the EFSF bore the first 20pc of any loss, the fund’s warchest would effectively be bolstered to Eu2 trillion. If the EFSF bore the first 40pc of any loss, the fund would be able to deploy Eu1 trillion
Eesti 2 miljardit on loss-bearing, sealt läheb iga realiseerunud kahjum maha, kuid oma osalust suurendma Eesti (esialgu?) ei pea
The complex deal would see the EFSF provide a loss-bearing “equity” tranche of any bail-out fund and the ECB the rest in protected “debt”. If the EFSF bore the first 20pc of any loss, the fund’s warchest would effectively be bolstered to Eu2 trillion. If the EFSF bore the first 40pc of any loss, the fund would be able to deploy Eu1 trillion
Eesti 2 miljardit on loss-bearing, sealt läheb iga realiseerunud kahjum maha, kuid oma osalust suurendma Eesti (esialgu?) ei pea
OK, selge, tänud. Huvitav, kas see oleks siis turgudele piisavalt rahustav? Siiani on nõutud päästepaketi tõstmist 1 triljoni EUR-ini, nüüd siis tehakse 2x suurem. Kui see ka ei aita, siis ei aita ilmselt miski...
Kui oalju meil elanikke euroopas on? Euro alal? Kohutav summa ju per nuppi.
Sitt ja uskumatu lugu - eurost on saamas lepaleheraha.
Sitt ja uskumatu lugu - eurost on saamas lepaleheraha.
Jämedalt võttes siis 20k € iga euro ala töötegija kohta,pole paha.
Siiani ei võta mul mõistus , kuhu kurat see plekk topitakse?
Mida kurja Kreeka on teinud selle 340 miljardi euroga?
Mida kurja Kreeka on teinud selle 340 miljardi euroga?
Mobius soovitab Ida-Euroopasse investeerida : http://www.cnbc.com/id/44638856
Väga suur raha ei ole, 20 ühikuga saab ühte Kreeka ametnikku kõigest 5 kuud nuumata ja neid on seal piinliku täpsusega sama palju, kui Eestis elanikke, kes oskab, see võib siit edasi arvutada:)
Kui analüütikud ja turuosalised on tuleviku suhtes muutumas iga päevaga järjest negatiivsemaks, siis ka ettevõtted ootavad jahenemist, ent oma ootustes kipuvad viimased jääma vähem murelikumaks. Saksamaa IFO indeksi kohaselt langes käesoleva majandusolukorra hinnang septembris 118,1 pealt 117,9 peale, samas kui analüütikud olid oodanud 115,7 punktist taset. Samuti jäid ettevõtted arvatust optimistlikuks ka järgmise kuue kuu suhtes, kui seda kajastav indeks langes 100,1 pealt 98 punktile (oodati 97,3).
Allolev graafik peegeldab koondindeksi liikumist

Allolev graafik peegeldab koondindeksi liikumist

WSJ kirjutab, et Nissani juhid on survestamas Jaapani valitsust ja keskpanka Šveitsi keskpanga eeskujul sekkuma valuutaturgudele Jaapani jeeni nõrgestamiseks. Teatavasti on jeen kauplemas dollari vastu kõikide aegade tippude lähedal ja euro vastu 10 aasta tipus.
YOKOHAMA—A Nissan Motor Co. senior executive on Monday urged Japan to take "decisive" action to prevent the strong yen from hollowing out the country's industrial base, saying he hopes Tokyo can learn from Switzerland's intervention in the foreign-exchange markets to weaken its currency.
The remarks are the latest in an increasingly vocal campaign by Nissan and other Japanese auto makers to push Tokyo into doing more to combat the yen's strength.
"The situation requires very determined and decisive action by the government," John Martin, a corporate vice president at Nissan, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
"We're very confident that [Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda] is going to learn from this issue with the Swiss Franc," said Mr. Martin, referring to the Swiss central bank's decision to set a ceiling for the franc against the euro.
The yen has risen to "abnormal" levels that are beyond the ability of any single company to cope with, he said.
The comments are the latest warning from the Japanese auto industry over the strength of the yen, and come after Nissan's Chief Executive Carlos Ghosn last week said Japanese car makers may be forced into a major strategic rethink if the yen stays near its recent record levels.
In a separate press release Monday, Nissan Executive Vice President Colin Dodge also piled pressure on the Japanese government, urging Tokyo to take bold monetary policy steps to halt the yen's rise.
"We're praying for the Japanese government to do something in terms of quantitative easing," Mr. Dodge said, referring to steps to slow the yen's ascent by adding liquidity to financial markets.
Merriman Capital tõstab täna Netflix (NFLX) reitingu Hoia pealt Osta peale ja koos hinnasihiga $ 155-175.
Since we downgraded NFLX to Neutral on July 6, the shares have dropped 55% vs. a 15% decline in the S&P 500. At this point, we believe our near-term concerns are more than reflected in the valuation - which no longer gives Netflix credit for its industry positioning and long-term potential. We are upgrading NFLX to Buy in spite of the near-term headwinds as our downside 2012 EPS analysis still shows solid growth potential over 2011. We are making no changes to our estimates at this time and see upside to $155-175 using a P/E of 25-28x.
Merriman andis NFLX-le negatiivse reitingu 6. juulil ja sellest asjast saadik on aktsiahind kukkunud 55%. Analüütikute arvates on antud aktsiahinda juba lähiaja kartused rohkem kui sisse arvestatud. Analüütikud on veendunud, et käesoleval aastal on kasvupotentsiaal veel täiesti alles.
Starz savings could offset earnings pressures. During 2012 we see three main earnings headwinds that could potentially push EPS below current expectations: 1) migration of DVD-only subscribers; 2) international launc operating losses; and 3) competition causing upward pressure on SAC. However, we believe the $250M in 2012 content savings from the Starz cancellation gives management some wiggle room should they not find alternative content (or choose not to spend the surplus).
Järgmine aasta seevastu võib firma jaoks kaasa tuua mitmed sündmused, mis võivad ettevõtte kasumit mõjutada. Esiteks DVD segmendi klientide lahkumine konkurentide juurde, teiseks laienemisega kaasnevad kulud ja kolmandaks tihenev konkurents.
Near-term risks remain in spite of upgrade. Our decision to upgrade to Buy from Neutral today is not based on any improving outlook for the near-term and continue to see risk in subscriber trends through year- end. Furthermore, based on our EPS analysis, we believe there is a more- than-likely chance that 2012 consensus estimates (and possibly our below- consensus estimate) may need to be reduced. Nevertheless, we believe NFLX shares already more than reflect these risks and should our downside analysis prove aggressive, we could see the shares rebound sharply in 2012 on an improved growth/margin outlook.
Kuigi analüütikud tõstavad aktsia reitingut, siis möönavad nad, et riskid jäävad vaatamata sellele ning konsensus võib oma prognoose veelgi kärpida. Selle juures on analüütikud siiski üpris veendunud, et hiljutine hinnalangus peegeldab juba kõiki võimalikke riske, mis lähiajal võiks aset leida.
Peale väga järsku kukkumist on NFLX kaitsma tulnud mitmed analüütikud, kuid paraku on turg toetavaid kommentaare ignoreerinud ning aktsiahind on jätkanud langemist. Tänase upgrade puhul on vast kõige tähelepanuväärsemaks asjaoluks tõik, et Merrimani analüütikud andsid aktsiale Hoia reitingu vahetult enne suurt langust, mis peaks nende tänasele upgrade`le andma suurema mõju. Igal juhul soosib ka täna turg antud calli ja eelturu aktiivsus näitab, et ostuhuvi NFLX-le peaks täna jätkuma küll.
Hetkel kaupleb NFLX aktsia $ 135,80 kandis, ligi 5% plusspoolel.
Since we downgraded NFLX to Neutral on July 6, the shares have dropped 55% vs. a 15% decline in the S&P 500. At this point, we believe our near-term concerns are more than reflected in the valuation - which no longer gives Netflix credit for its industry positioning and long-term potential. We are upgrading NFLX to Buy in spite of the near-term headwinds as our downside 2012 EPS analysis still shows solid growth potential over 2011. We are making no changes to our estimates at this time and see upside to $155-175 using a P/E of 25-28x.
Merriman andis NFLX-le negatiivse reitingu 6. juulil ja sellest asjast saadik on aktsiahind kukkunud 55%. Analüütikute arvates on antud aktsiahinda juba lähiaja kartused rohkem kui sisse arvestatud. Analüütikud on veendunud, et käesoleval aastal on kasvupotentsiaal veel täiesti alles.
Starz savings could offset earnings pressures. During 2012 we see three main earnings headwinds that could potentially push EPS below current expectations: 1) migration of DVD-only subscribers; 2) international launc operating losses; and 3) competition causing upward pressure on SAC. However, we believe the $250M in 2012 content savings from the Starz cancellation gives management some wiggle room should they not find alternative content (or choose not to spend the surplus).
Järgmine aasta seevastu võib firma jaoks kaasa tuua mitmed sündmused, mis võivad ettevõtte kasumit mõjutada. Esiteks DVD segmendi klientide lahkumine konkurentide juurde, teiseks laienemisega kaasnevad kulud ja kolmandaks tihenev konkurents.
Near-term risks remain in spite of upgrade. Our decision to upgrade to Buy from Neutral today is not based on any improving outlook for the near-term and continue to see risk in subscriber trends through year- end. Furthermore, based on our EPS analysis, we believe there is a more- than-likely chance that 2012 consensus estimates (and possibly our below- consensus estimate) may need to be reduced. Nevertheless, we believe NFLX shares already more than reflect these risks and should our downside analysis prove aggressive, we could see the shares rebound sharply in 2012 on an improved growth/margin outlook.
Kuigi analüütikud tõstavad aktsia reitingut, siis möönavad nad, et riskid jäävad vaatamata sellele ning konsensus võib oma prognoose veelgi kärpida. Selle juures on analüütikud siiski üpris veendunud, et hiljutine hinnalangus peegeldab juba kõiki võimalikke riske, mis lähiajal võiks aset leida.
Peale väga järsku kukkumist on NFLX kaitsma tulnud mitmed analüütikud, kuid paraku on turg toetavaid kommentaare ignoreerinud ning aktsiahind on jätkanud langemist. Tänase upgrade puhul on vast kõige tähelepanuväärsemaks asjaoluks tõik, et Merrimani analüütikud andsid aktsiale Hoia reitingu vahetult enne suurt langust, mis peaks nende tänasele upgrade`le andma suurema mõju. Igal juhul soosib ka täna turg antud calli ja eelturu aktiivsus näitab, et ostuhuvi NFLX-le peaks täna jätkuma küll.
Hetkel kaupleb NFLX aktsia $ 135,80 kandis, ligi 5% plusspoolel.

Itaalia energiaettevõte Eni teatas, et esimest korda pärast rahutusi on ettevõte jätkanud naftatootmist Liibüas, pannes tööle 15 puurkaevu, mis toodavad 31 900 barrelit päevas. Eni ütles, et peagi pannakse tööle ka teised puurkaevud. Enne rahutuste algust oli Eni päevaseks toodanguks Liibüast 273 000 barrelit.
Gapping up
Financial related names showing strength: DB +6.7%, BCS +6.4%, CS +5.7%, RBS +5.2%, PUK +4.6%, UBS +3.6%, BAC +3%, JPM +2.1%, HBC +1.2%.
Select European drug stocks ticking higher: SNY +3.1%, NVS +2.2% (eliminated 2500 jobs across the globe, according to report), GSK +1% (receives a failure of approval notice for MenHibrix).
Other news: MELA +104.4% (receives approvable letter from FDA for MelaFind), DCTH +12.9% (announces updated efficacy results from Phase 3 trial of chemosaturation for melanoma metastases in the liver presented at European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress), AEZS +7.9% (provides interim data for its Phase 1/2 Trial with AEZS-108 in Prostate Cancer; AEZS-108 well tolerated at all dose levels / early evidence of anti-tumor activity), AEO +5.1% (moving 5% higher pre-market following Chairman and Director purchase of 1.12 mln share purchase at $10.79-11.28 worth $12.8 mln), PT +4.2% (ticking higher following report of increased shareholder stake), SI +3.7% (light volume, comments suggesting potential interest in acquisitions, according to reports out over the weekend), CBLI +2.1% (disclosed Agreement with Panacela Labs and Open Joint Stock Company), WM +1.3% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), MOS +1.2% (announces pricing of secondary offering of common stock for S&P 500 index inclusion trade at $57.65/share), GIS +0.9% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney).
Analyst comments: NFLX +5.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Merriman), AMD +4.4% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at UBS), OXY +3.1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Citigroup), EXPE +1.6% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at Piper Jaffray).
Financial related names showing strength: DB +6.7%, BCS +6.4%, CS +5.7%, RBS +5.2%, PUK +4.6%, UBS +3.6%, BAC +3%, JPM +2.1%, HBC +1.2%.
Select European drug stocks ticking higher: SNY +3.1%, NVS +2.2% (eliminated 2500 jobs across the globe, according to report), GSK +1% (receives a failure of approval notice for MenHibrix).
Other news: MELA +104.4% (receives approvable letter from FDA for MelaFind), DCTH +12.9% (announces updated efficacy results from Phase 3 trial of chemosaturation for melanoma metastases in the liver presented at European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress), AEZS +7.9% (provides interim data for its Phase 1/2 Trial with AEZS-108 in Prostate Cancer; AEZS-108 well tolerated at all dose levels / early evidence of anti-tumor activity), AEO +5.1% (moving 5% higher pre-market following Chairman and Director purchase of 1.12 mln share purchase at $10.79-11.28 worth $12.8 mln), PT +4.2% (ticking higher following report of increased shareholder stake), SI +3.7% (light volume, comments suggesting potential interest in acquisitions, according to reports out over the weekend), CBLI +2.1% (disclosed Agreement with Panacela Labs and Open Joint Stock Company), WM +1.3% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), MOS +1.2% (announces pricing of secondary offering of common stock for S&P 500 index inclusion trade at $57.65/share), GIS +0.9% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney).
Analyst comments: NFLX +5.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Merriman), AMD +4.4% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at UBS), OXY +3.1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Citigroup), EXPE +1.6% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at Piper Jaffray).
Gapping down
Select metals/mining stocks under pressure: AG -3%, SLW -2.8%, RGLD -2.8%, GLD -1.6%, SVM -1.6%, RIO -1% (considering a spin off of its Austrialian aluminum business).
Other news: EK -16% (discloses it initiated a draw of $160 mln under the Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement for general corporate purposes), IVAN -8.3% (still checking), CLX -4.9% (Clorox confirms withdrawal of Icahn nominees), FSL -4.1% (light volume; lowers Q3 rev guidance to -6 to -8% QoQ from flat to -3% QoQ).
Select metals/mining stocks under pressure: AG -3%, SLW -2.8%, RGLD -2.8%, GLD -1.6%, SVM -1.6%, RIO -1% (considering a spin off of its Austrialian aluminum business).
Other news: EK -16% (discloses it initiated a draw of $160 mln under the Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement for general corporate purposes), IVAN -8.3% (still checking), CLX -4.9% (Clorox confirms withdrawal of Icahn nominees), FSL -4.1% (light volume; lowers Q3 rev guidance to -6 to -8% QoQ from flat to -3% QoQ).
Marc Faber: "Gold Is Quite Oversold. I Will Consider Buying Gold Over The Next Two Days"
Faber teatab, et kavatseb järgmise kahe päeva jooksul kulda osta.
Faber teatab, et kavatseb järgmise kahe päeva jooksul kulda osta.
Bloomberg rääkis, et Buffett oma aktsiaid tagasi ostmas, kuna hirmus odavad pidid olema...