Hansapank teatas, et viib läbi fondiemissiooni. Iga praeguse aktsia kohta saab 3 aktsiat juurde. Ajalugu on näidanud, et sellistel juhtudel aktsia reeglina tõuseb, keskmiselt 4%. Põhjused on psühholoogilised, aktsia tundub odav (absoluutväärtuselt), kuigi tegelikult toimub muutus vaid bilansikirjetel.
Karumõmm, kas jagad arvamust? :)
FIM usub et Raisio kasutab saadud raha võlgade äramaksmiseks, investeeringuteks, firmaostudeks ja/või lisadividendiks. Ettevõttel on aktsia kohta sularaha ca 0,85€.
RavintoRaisio EV value on 0,98€ aktsia kohta ja Life Sciences EV value 0,41€ aktsia kohta.
-Põrke tõenäosus on tänase seisuga päris suur, Euroopa ja Jaapani turgude tõus on selleks hea aluspinna loonud.
- USA sisemajanduse kogutoodang kasvas neljandas kvartalis 4.1%, mis on siis tunduvalt vähem kui kolmanda kvartali 8.2% kasv. Töötu abiraha taotluset arv kerkis eelmisel nädalal 1000 võrra 339 000 taotluseni. Tulemused olid ootustele vastavad.
-Micron Technology (MU) majandustuelmused olid ootusi ületavad, kuna kahjum jäi oodatust väiksemaks, samas oli käive nõrk. Aktsia eelturul minimaalses miinuses.
-Protsessoritootja Transmeta (TMTA) on eelturul 10% plussis, Jaapani firma NEC Electronics on omandanud firmas väikese osaluse.
Rev Shark:
The market is at a particularly interesting juncture. The Nasdaq has been struggling for over two months and showing few signs of vigor, but there also are some signs that a bottom may be near. The optimistic bulls are anxious to anticipate an end to this weak action and are looking for earnings season to be a possible catalyst. The pessimistic bears assure us that the weakness is just beginning and that we should be selling the rallies when we have the chance.
Both sides have very good arguments and there are intelligent folks in both camps. We could easily adopt one posture or the other and act accordingly. If we are right we will have a nice jump on the market and make some good money but if we are wrong we are likely to suffer some rather severe losses.
The less risky approach is to try to gain further certainty before acting. The picture right now is very murky and most people who hold strong beliefs are acting based on faith, not hard evidence. Rather than hold a strong view about the course of the market we should stay open-minded and prepare to act when we have greater insight into where things are headed.
That doesn't mean we sit idly as we wait. The key is to make plans and to be ready to act swiftly and decisively when the time is ripe. Find the stocks that you wish to buy when the market turns. Track them carefully and be ready to deploy your capital when the technical picture clarifies.
You can afford to be patient if you are prepared. One reason many folks overanticipate trend changes in the market is that they don't prepare adequately. They aren't sure what to do when the market makes a sudden turn and they waste valuable time scrambling around trying to make decisions. They don't trust themselves to make decisions when under pressure so they act too early in the hope their timing won't be too bad.
The most important thing you can be doing right now is looking for stocks you want to accumulate when the market makes a turn. With first-quarter earnings on the horizon there are many solid stocks that have good potential when the focus once again turns to earnings growth.
Make plans and know what you want to do and you can afford to be patient.
Early indications are for a solid open. Europe and Japan are trading higher this morning, which is improving the mood. Oil prices are under pressure because of talk that OPEC may delay production cuts. The dollar is holding up and gold is weak.
We have the weekly unemployment report due out at 8:30 a.m. EST, which will be closely watched. Consensus is for claims of 338,000. Existing-home sales data are due out at 10 a.m. EST.
Micron (MU:NYSE) posted a mixed earnings report last night and will help drive the chip sector this morning. Although revenue was light, management had some good things to say about demand and pricing. The chip sector looks to be up slightly on the news. Keep your eye on that group. If it can gain some momentum that will bode well for the broader market.
Gary B.Smith:
Ma üritan ära sõnuda...;P
Ülalmainitud pooljuhid taas kogu turgu vedamas ja kui turg meie aja järgi 22.00-ni püsib, siis hea eeldused ka järgmisteks päevadeks.
MSFT veab turgu.