Microsoft (MSFT) kaupleb täna dividendi (3 USD) võrra madalamal, seega ei tasu portfellis lasta ennast hirmutada ca. 10% miinusest.
Päris huvitav on jälgida, kuidas aktsia dividendi järel kaupleb - pakuksin, et päeva lõpuks on miinus alla 10%.
First Albany downgrades INTC to Underperform from Buy and cuts their tgt to $18 from $24, as they do not see strong demand or a strong product cycle in the next 12-18 months. Firm believes the PC upgrade cycle is behind, as the co's yoy growth and gross margins peaked a year ago. In addition, the co is losing share in its core microprocessor business, and firm expects the loss of mkt share to continue through 2005. Also, the recently announced mgmt changes further cloud the longer-term picture, as they have not been impressed with the vision of the incoming CEO, Paul Otellini. They would use the seasonal strength to reduce exposure to INTC.
Saab näha, kuidas INTC sellest välja rabeleb. Või ei rabelegi.
07:51 TASR TASER Intl announces that TASER Devices Approved for Field Trials in South Korea (57.50 ) -- Update --
Co announced today that TASER technology was approved for trials by the South Korean National Police Agency for field tests and a successful presentation on TASER technology last week in Johannesburg, South Africa... see 05:37 update for additional commentary on TASR today
Gody Willard:
RevShark has some personal business to attend to and will be out of pocket for a couple more days, so I'm back in these waters again.
I'm no chartist, but I think I've looked at a daily chart of the Nasdaq no less than 10 times this morning. The run from 1750 to 2085 in just about three short months' time has been remarkable. We've now had 14 straight days of "higher lows" and, after Friday's remarkable afternoon rally off the morning lows, it will take an absolute bloodbath to break that streak.
We start today with oil down again, decent earnings flow from the likes of Lowe's, nice earnings from MUSE, an upgrade and new product rollout from SUNW -- couple all that with the ongoing rally and it's hard to remember what wasn't to like about this market in August.
Well, with the Nasdaq rally now pushing the 25% barrier and many, many large-cap, medium-cap, and of course, small-cap stocks having doubled during that time, I'd simply float the question -- wasn't it a better time to be bullish before those moves? Sure, it now looks like tech is going to be OK for the intermediate term and that many of the tech stocks that had been priced for a collapse in the second half of this year are now simply priced closer to whatever intermediate-term "fair value" probably should be.
But that's exactly why I'm getting more conservative again. The blood in the streets this summer went away, and although I certainly don't hear any trumpets blaring victory songs, I'm less confident that buying, in general, at these levels entails buying at bargain prices.
It's important to keep in mind that stocks usually go further and faster than we ever think they can or should -- both to the downside, as they did this summer, and to the upside, as they look like they're trying to do now. To be clear, I am expecting more rallies over the next few months, and I have lots of positioning that would benefit from such action.
But let's recall how it felt like the world was ending, the economy collapsing and how hard it was to buy this summer -- it's starting to feel a little bit like the inverse of that situation now, no? The world is rocking, the economy booming and it sure is hard to sell right now.
Gary B. Smith:
See indeks peegeldab väikeettevõtete liikumist (järjekorras suuruselt 1001.-3000. börsiettevõtted).
FLYI +25% (co addresses liquidity issue, Goldman upgrade), MUSE +17% (reports earnings), DWSN +15% (Raymond James upgrade), RHAT +7% (First Albany upgrade), SUNW +4% (Thomas Weisel upgrade), SUPG +8% (FDA approval), INGP +6% (Merrill upgrade), MKTW +6% (being acquired by Dow Jones), TASR +5.9% (device approved for field trials in S. Korea)... Momentum Movers: SYBR +46%, BOOM +25%.
Gapping Down
PRGO -10% (announces acquisition), EAGL -4.3% (JP Morgan downgrade), OSTK -4% (announces offering), LOW -1.3% (earnings)
Ühtegi konkreetset põhjust tundub et ei ole, samas on kogu semi equipmendi sektor mõnusalt plussis. Võib muidugi spekuleerida optimismi üle kolmapäevaste tulemuste osas (mõnede turuosaliste hinnangul on kõik halb nagunii juba hindades sees). On räägitud ka sellest, et fondihaldajad üritavad põhjadest osta ning Inteli kvartali vahearuanne võib pooljuhid tõusule viia.