Nähes Baidu väga edukat IPO-järgset esimest päeva Nasdaqil, tekib vägisi küsimus - kas ja kuidas oleks Baidut Eestis märkida saanud?
Nii juhtub, kui kaks kõige kuumemat sõna kokku saavad: otsingumootor ja Hiina.
Cody Willard @ RealMoney
Yeah, that Baidu.com (BIDU) action sure is remarkable, isn't it? A 260% gain off the IPO price -- why, that's just about the same as Google's (GOOG) post-IPO performance. Of course, it took Google nearly a year to make that move, while Baidu.com has done it in about, oh, less than .02% (yes, that's two-one-hundredths of one percent) of the time it took Google.
Let's throw the analyst estimates out the window and assume that Baidu.com earns 2 times more than the 50 cents or so that I've seen cited as next year's earnings potential. That would still put the stock at 97 times forward earnings! Google would be at $3,200 with the same multiple.
ise kinnisvaraga ei tegele... aga alates Bidu 20.38(Eesti aja järgi) sai tehtud a 15 ostu 15 müüki sama kogusega ja 54.- PUNKTI plussi.Võimalusi oli sitaks rohkem, kuid hind liikus nii kiirelt, et ordereid oli õige hinna peale raske sättida.
Starman mu peps...