Uudistes kirjutab, et UAL Corp.-l on juba käegakatsutav plaan, kuidas pankrotist välja tulla ning järgmine aasta $1B kasumit teenida. Kalkulatsioonid on tehtud kütuse hinnaga $50 per barrel. Väidetavalt iga lisanduv $1 per barrel lisab $60m-i kahjumit. Seega praeguste kütusehindade korral ollakse praktiliselt nullis omadega.
Praegune turuväärtus firmal aga on $74,96M-i (UALAQ.OB). Võlga on firmal $20B ja omakapitali $7,6B. Eeldades, et õli hind samaks jääb, võiks tegemist olla ühe 100-baggeriga Nullkasumit teeniv ettevõtte väärtus võiks olla vähemalt omakapitali suurune.
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Või siis ei vea päris hästi välja:
The company said it intends to cancel its existing common stock, as long warned, and proposed issuing up to 125 million shares of new common stock in UAL to settle the claims of unsecured creditors. It said it is exploring the possibility of offering an additional $500 million in new stock, with proceeds providing extra capital for the company to fund its operations or pay down debt.
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The company said it intends to cancel its existing common stock, as long warned, and proposed issuing up to 125 million shares of new common stock in UAL to settle the claims of unsecured creditors. It said it is exploring the possibility of offering an additional $500 million in new stock, with proceeds providing extra capital for the company to fund its operations or pay down debt.
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