Firma teatas, et merger closeb 6 veebruaril $30 per share in cash (mälu järgi oli 30 in cash …aga kontrollige üle)
SP teatas et umbes sellel kuupäeval saab ta indeksist kinga kuna võetakse üles.
Mis siin enam jahuda …neile kahele faktile toetudes peaks PSD mergeri closemine olema ülikindel, kuid nagu ikka - miski pole garanteeritud, et väikse osaga a`la 5% portust võiks PSD alla kütta küll.
Eniweis siit näib PSD ost ÜLIATRAKTIIVSE arbina.
P.S. ei viitsi uudistes täpselt kaevata, aga kontrolligem faktid üle.
kui see asi nii on, siis koos mergeri settlemendiga pakub PSD 65% annualiseeritud tootlust!!!!
loomulikult, kui asi läbi kukub, siis kaupleb PSD 18 doltsi juures a`la
loomulikult, kui asi läbi kukub, siis kaupleb PSD 18 doltsi juures a`la
Niisiis, PSD asi töötas ilusti ..vahepeal pakkus isegi 85% tootlust aasta baassil.
SAN FRANCISCO (Dow Jones)--A group of investors led by units of Australian
bank Macquarie Group Ltd. (MQG.AU) said Friday their $7.4 billion purchase
of Puget Energy Inc. (PSD) has been completed.
The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission approved the
$30-a-share deal Dec. 30, allowing the investor group, called Puget
Holdings, to buy the company, taking it private.
The acquisition will be funded with $3.4 billion in cash, $2.6 billion of
assumed debt held by Puget unit Puget Sound Energy and $1.45 billion of
newly issued debt. Of the new debt, about $600 million will be used to
replace or refinance existing utility debt and $850 million will be held
separately by the parent company.
"Our merger with Puget Holdings is already providing benefits to our 1
million electric and nearly 750,000 natural gas customers in Western
Washington," Puget Energy President and Chief Executive Stephen Reynolds
said in a statement.
After closing at $29.98 apiece Friday, Puget shares were trading 5 cents
higher after-hours
SAN FRANCISCO (Dow Jones)--A group of investors led by units of Australian
bank Macquarie Group Ltd. (MQG.AU) said Friday their $7.4 billion purchase
of Puget Energy Inc. (PSD) has been completed.
The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission approved the
$30-a-share deal Dec. 30, allowing the investor group, called Puget
Holdings, to buy the company, taking it private.
The acquisition will be funded with $3.4 billion in cash, $2.6 billion of
assumed debt held by Puget unit Puget Sound Energy and $1.45 billion of
newly issued debt. Of the new debt, about $600 million will be used to
replace or refinance existing utility debt and $850 million will be held
separately by the parent company.
"Our merger with Puget Holdings is already providing benefits to our 1
million electric and nearly 750,000 natural gas customers in Western
Washington," Puget Energy President and Chief Executive Stephen Reynolds
said in a statement.
After closing at $29.98 apiece Friday, Puget shares were trading 5 cents
higher after-hours
aga kui oleks ära kukkunud ja 18 USD peale langenud, palju siis negatiivne tootlus oleks olnud aasta baasil?
nii kobe, et pole mõtet arvutada. aga äkki oskad mõne näite tuua kuidas merger on ära kukkunud peale seda kui teatatakse kindla kuupäevaga close? ma ei tea vähemalt. aga siiski tuleb iga sellise asjaga mitte üle 5% portust minna.
Hmm, kas DOW-ROH on kinni? Kuupäev oli 29. jjanuar
Seal muidugi põhjuseks, et DOW Kuveidis kinga sai
DOW-ROHl pole osapooled kunagi teada andnud, et merger closeb.
OK, acquisition.
nad pole teada andnud ühtegi korda, et takeover, merger, acquisition või mis iganes nimetus closeks.
Krt, siis mul miskit valesti kõrvade vahele jäänud. :)
Mis asi see jaanuari lõpp siis oli? Mingi esialgne termin?
Mis asi see jaanuari lõpp siis oli? Mingi esialgne termin?