Sunly on Eesti päritolu taastuvenergia tootmis- ja arendusettevõte, mis tegutseb Baltikumis ja Poolas. Sunly arendab taastuvenergia projekte läbi Sunly Infra ja juhib taastuvenergia ja elektrifitseerimise startuppide portfelli läbi Sunly Startup. Sunly City rendib päikesepaneele ettevõtetele, kortermajadele, eramajadele jt.
Ettevõte sai alguse, kui 4Energia müüs end Enefit Greenile.
Ettevõttel on arenduses 1644 MW ulatuses offshore tuuleparke:
• SW1 offshore wind farm: 84 MW
• SW2 offshore wind farm: 144 MW
• SW3 offshore wind farm: 144 MW
• SW4 offshore wind farm: 132 MW
• SW5 offshore wind farm: 84 MW
• SW6 offshore wind farm: 492 MW
• SW7 offshore wind farm: 252 MW
• SW8 offshore wind farm: 120 MW
• SW9 offshore wind farm: 120 MW
• SW10 offshore wind farm: 72 MW
Samuti on ettevõttel arenduses 725 MW ulatuses on-shore tuuleparke:
• SW Metsatuul: 425 MW
• SW Multituul: 155 MW
• SW Tuulekohin: 60 MW
• SW Tuulerii: 50 MW
• SW Tuulepõld: 35 MW
Sunly teatas äsja, et omandab ja ühendab endaga Poola ettevõtte Alseva:
Alseva Group has successfully been cooperating with Sunly starting from 2019. “For Sunly, this is an important milestone for expanding our existing renewables portfolio. This transaction brings us in Poland at least 400 MW ready to build solar power developments in the short term and 2000 MW in 5 years,” commented Priit Lepasepp, the CEO of Sunly.
Alseva Group has a pipeline of 2000 MW, has won renewable energy auctions for over 200 MW, and has constructed or is currently constructing over 250 MW of solar parks in Poland. The company offers one-stop-shop services for large-scale solar parks, starting from land identification, permitting, designing and construction to long-term operating and maintenance services.
“We started mainly with 1 MW solar projects but in 2020 our first 60 MW large-scale solar project won at the Polish renewable energy auction. Our aim is to increase our market share from 4% to 10% by 2030 and become one of the leading players in Poland. Therefore, we have decided to take our existing cooperation with Sunly to a new level by joining the companies under common ownership,” said Anna Zagrajek, the CEO of Alseva Group.
Besides a bigger pipeline the synergy of this transaction is also created by uniting the teams of the two companies. “For Sunly it is very valuable that now we have increased our team from 30 to approximately 100 highly qualified professionals. People of Alseva Group are mainly engineers, accompanied by technicians and specialists who can deliver the full range of support for solar parks. This has made Alseva Group a very successful company, growing exceptionally fast,” commented Tadas Navickas, the Country Manager of Sunly in Poland.
Following the transaction, Alseva will continue business as usual, and all Alseva Group’s employees and management will remain with the company. Both companies share similar values and have a mission to contribute to the green transition. The deal will be finalised within the first quarter of 2022.
After this deal, Sunly will have 6,7 GW of renewable energy projects under development. Sunly is a renewable energy company developing, constructing and operating solar, wind and storage projects in Poland and Baltics. Sunly also invests in electrification startups such as Zero Terrain and Energiasalv, Themo, GridIo, Solarstone, Rexplorer, Skeleton Technologies, Beast and others.
Pärast Alseva ostmist, on Sunly roheenergia arendusportfell 6.7 GW suurune.
Finantseerimiste ja investeeringute ajalugu:
17 Märts 2019 teatas Sunly, et Sunly Startup investeeris Smart Load Solutions startuppi.
12 November 2019 teatas Sunly, et kinisvaraettevõte Kaamos Group omandas 1/6 ettevõttest Sunly Land.
16 Oktoober 2020 teatas Sunly, et Eesti üks suurematest maaomanikest OÜ Metsagrupp on koostöös Sunlyga alustanud ühisettevõttes SW Metsatuul OÜ roheenergia arendusi.
2 November 2020 teatas Sunly, et sai SEB pangalt 1 700 000 EUR päikeseparkide arenduseks.
18 November 2020 teatas Sunly, et LHV pensionifondid investeerisid 14 000 000 miljonit EUR Sunly Land 8% võlakirjadesse.
01 Juuli 2021 teatas Sunly, et kaasas 28 000 000 EUR aktsiakapitali olemasolevatelt ja uutelt investoritelt.
11 Jaanuar 2022 esines Sunly CEO Priit Lepasepp ÄP raadios ja mainis, et ettevõte võib kaugemas tuleikus jõuda börsile: Lepasepp kasvu rahastamisest: esmalt professionaalsetelt investoritelt ja siis börsile
Taastuvenergiaettevõte Sunly jätkab hoogsat kasvu ja võib lähiaastatel hakata otsima lisarahastust. Üks variant investeeringute kaasamiseks on minna börsile, ütles Sunly asutaja ja tegevjuht Priit Lepasepp.
Lepasepp rääkis Äripäeva raadio teisipäevases hommikuprogrammis, et "ühiskond peaks osa saama sellest, kuidas ettevõtted kasvavad". Tema sõnul on esialgne plaan minna uut raha kaasama professionaalsetelt investoritelt, seejärel otsida tuge võlakirjadega ja ühel hetkel jõuda IPOni ehk aktsiate avaliku pakkumiseni.
Sama intervjuu pikemas teksti-formaadis: Sunly mitmekordistab Poolas ostu teel oma päikeseparkide suuruse.