Soovitage häid raamatuid inimesele, kes on alustamas investeerimist.
In January of 1994, Nicholas Maier hopped on a train that took him from Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he lived with his parents, to New York's Penn Station.With his wallet stuck in his sock, he headed down to the heart of the Wall Street district for a meeting with Jim Cramer that would change his life forever. For the next five years, Maier would work like a slave inside Jim Cramer's hedge fund, a limited partnership that included only the wealthiest investors, where rules were scarce and where, in his glory days, Jim Cramer managed almost a half a billion dollars, raking in phenomenal returns.
Entranced by the game, Maier quickly rose from the office assistant fetching sandwiches from the deli downstairs to a trader playing with a fifty-million-dollar portfolio. But under the pressure of Jim's constant war, Maier's adrenaline rush wore off, and the dark side of Wall Street was revealed: Maier had become exhausted and money driven -- at his worst moments swapping tranquilizers with his coworkers and passing out on a New York subway.
This is a true insider's story -- an honest, raw, page-turning account that takes us on a journey through the volatile, anything-goes world of hedge funds. From Cramer & Company to the brokerage houses and analysts to the reporters who cover the market action, we are shown a Wall Street where almost everyone is dirty -- a world where even the SEC fails to maintain order.
At the heart of this narrative is an incredible character study of Jim Cramer, one of Wall Street's brightest stars. Employing any means possible to make money, Cramer engaged in brilliant but questionable strategies that danced on the edge of ethics and legality. A typical day inside the fund would begin with Cramer's declaration, "I love the smell of money in the morning," followed by a boom-box serenade of Coolio's "Gangsta's Paradise." At the first sign of trouble, however, Cramer would turn paranoid and vicious, smashing phones and computer monitors and screaming insults that would leave even the toughest employees in tears.
In the tradition of Liar's Poker, this fascinating account of greed and excess on Wall Street will inevitably force the business world to reassess itself through the story of one young man who walked away from it all.
Employed by Cramer & Company for five years, the author tells the story of life within Jim Cramer's hedge fund, which at one time had almost half a billion dollars under management, and exposes the volitile, excessive, and dark side of Wall Street life.
Personal favourite,
siiski mitte algajale investorile.
üks link teise foorumisse. Seal räägitakse raamatutest päris palju...
Dr. Van Tharp
"Trading Your Way to Financial Freedom"
Raamat keskendub money-management'le - asjaolule, mida valdav enamus erialasest kirjandusest k2sitleb pealiskaudselt v6i yldse mitte.
Aga võib leida palju teisigi häid raamatuid investeerimise kohta, kõik sõltub ikka sellest milline strateegia on valitud ja mida tahetakse oma rahaga peale hakata.
Benjamin Graham "Intelligent Investor" (süstib tervet konservatiivsust)
ning teine loetav raamat võiks t]esti olla juba viidatud Talebi "Fooled by Randomness" ( tajumaks ning arvestamaks juhuse rolli meie ettevõtmistes)
Aga mida arvata sellest raamatust "How To Make Money In Stocks: A Winning System in Good Times or Bad, 3rd Edition" by William J. O'Neil? On keegi lugenud, on ka väärt raamat?
Seepärast soovitaks iga kell Grahami või Buffeti raamatuid, rikkaks nad sind ei tee, aga silmaringi avardavad üksjagu. "How to ..." tüüpi raamatud on vähemalt isiklikku arvamust mööda võrdväärsed teleshopis esitletavate dieetidega - neid müüakse inimestele, kes tahavad väikse vaevaga saavutada suurt tulemust. Elu ei käi nii.
isiklikult pyyan rohkem seda teed minna, et eelkoige makroöko selgeks,
siis wallstriiti hingeelu, siis pyyad aru saada mis game mangitakse,
alles seejarel ta juurde ning sealt edasi trademise nipid..
FA on nii timeconsuming et..
lugege parem "how to ruin your life"
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