Korrutasin indeksi valuutakursi muutustega ja mis selgus… USD on EUR-i vastu andnud aastaga umbes sama palju ära, kui indeks tõusnud on. Arvuliselt on indeks küll üle 20% plussis.
Kõige parem ostukoht on olnud kuskil märtsis (umbes 17-18% allpool tänast taset). Seega on tegemist olnud pigem 6-kuulise põrkega, mitte aga aastapikkuse tõusutrendiga, nagu siin hiljaaegu uudistes hõigati (et aktsiaturu madalseisust möödus aasta).
To create today’s chart, the S&P 500 was divided by the price of one ounce of gold. This results in what is referred to as the S&P 500 / gold ratio or the cost of the S&P 500 in ounces of gold. For example, it would currently take about 2.63 ounces of gold to “buy the S&P 500.” This is considerably less that the 5.53 ounces of four years ago. When priced in gold, the stock market rally that began in October 2002 appears to be treading water; though it is currently trading in the lower half of its trading channel
Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the 'hidden' confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights." - Alan Greenspan
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With the US dollar in steep decline, we received many requests for a chart of the S&P 500 priced in euros. For today's chart we did just that. When priced in euros the S&P 500 rally that began back in October 2002 does not appear particularly robust. This brings up an important point. A declining US dollar encourages investors (both foreign and domestic) to move a portion of their investment funds out of the US in order to reap the benefits of strengthening foreign currencies. Stay tuned...
Ca 20% portfellist on hetkel rahas. Müüsin eelmisel nädalal ExxonMobilit 73.88. Ei tea, kas oodata lähinädalatel korrektsiooni või jääbki turg nüüd intressimäärade tõusu peatumise mõjul tugevaks?