Remarkable Startups

Hiina vihmavarjuvahetuse startup kaotas kolme kuu jooksul oma 300000 vihmavarju!
Chinese umbrella-sharing startup loses most of its 300,000 umbrellas in three months

Loos on kõvasti vihjatud, et vaat velojagamine see on sarnane aga parem biz, et velo justkui saab suva kohta parkida, vihmavarju ei saa. Samasugused idioodid need rattajagajad, paar firmat kummuli sest ei tea kuhu velod said.

China's bike-sharing frenzy has turned into a bubble
Short-form video app Quibi is shutting down after just six months

Tõstis 2 miljardit. 6 kuuga pani kinni. St. päevas kulutas 11 miljonit. Hea tulemus.
Short-form video app Quibi is shutting down after just six months

Tõstis 2 miljardit. 6 kuuga pani kinni. St. päevas kulutas 11 miljonit. Hea tulemus.

$1.75bn tõsteti ja $350m tagastati investoritele, niiet tundub et üsna nutuse 20% sisse pandud investeeringust saavad investorid keskmiselt tagasi. Kasvu ootused neile olid väga suured (subscriber numbrid tulid kõvasti alla ootuste) ja hea näide tulevastele ettevõtjatele miks palju raha tõsta ei ole hea mõte
Tõstis 2 miljardit. 6 kuuga pani kinni. St. päevas kulutas 11 miljonit. Hea tulemus.

Meg Whitmani järjekordne edulugu.
Holon IQ kirjutab, et terve ports tervisevaldkonna startuppe pole enam unicornid ja startupid on kokku väärtust kaotanud ca -50%.

Holon IQ: 78 Health Unicorns downgraded in our mark-to-market valuation scenario. From a $335B valuation herd, down to $181B.
200 Health startups have achieved Unicorn status in the last 10 years. 53 escaped the herd and have exited (43 via IPO/SPAC), leaving 147 behind. HolonIQ’s Q2 2023 mark-to-market scenario values 78 of those 147 companies at less than $1B in today’s market, leaving just 69 above threshold. 73% of the 43 IPO Exits are trading below 50% of IPO Valuation with 40% trading below 20% of IPO Valuation.

As of 27 March 2023 there are 147 Health Unicorns around the world who were collectively valued at $335B at the time of their last funding round. As a cohort, these Unicorns represent some of the sector’s most exciting enterprises, providing beacons of hope for the future direction of innovation in the health market.

As we brace for further impact from the global economy, post-pandemic normalization and cross-border turbulence, maintaining the momentum built by these pioneering organizations will be crucial to the sector but there must also be a re-evaluation of the status of the Health Tech Unicorn cohort as the market adjusts to changing circumstances.

In HolonIQ’s Q2 2023 Outlook, our Health Intelligence Unit stress tested the 147 Health Unicorns against a mark-to-market valuation scenario (M2M). The M2M scenario considered public and private valuations across both time and model/category to ensure that the re-valuation scenario was sensitive to market timing and model/category multiples.

Figure 1. Health Unicorn Valuation - Mark-to-Market Scenario Impacts

The left hand chart in Figure 1 shows the total count of Health Unicorns today, segmented by their home category on HolonIQ’s Open-Source Global Healthcare Landscape. The colored count shows the total number of companies in that category that had a valuation at or greater than $1B USD, the Unicorn threshold. The hatched count on top of the colored segment, shows the total number of companies that have completed a funding round valuing the company at or greater than $1B USD, but in HolonIQ’s M2M scenario, reflected a mark-to-market valuation less than $1B USD. Of the total 147 companies, 69 remained above the $1B threshold in the M2M scenario (represented in colored bars) and 78 fell below the threshold (hatched bars).

The right hand chart in Figure 1 shows the total valuation of Health Unicorns today, again segmented by the Global Healthcare Taxonomy and whether or not the companies represented in the colored and hatched sub-totals reached the threshold valuation in the M2M scenario. The total 147 companies were collectively valued at their last respective funding rounds at $335B, however the total drops to $181B for all 147 companies in the M2M scenario.

Tõenäoliselt on see sarnane sellele, mis on toimunud muudes sektorites. Kuigi terve hunnik SPAC ettevõtteid on veel rohkem kukkunud, seega tervisevaldkond, kui defensive sector, on võibolla isegi hästi üleval hoidnud ennast.

Tahaks näha ausat pilti, mida VC fondide NAV-id hetkel teevad. Kellegile ometi pidid need lõputud SPAC ettevõtted kuuluma ja keegi peab need -90% ja rohkem kahjumid vastu võtma.

PitchBook DeSPAC index on kõige rohkem kukkunud võrreldes VC-backed IPO indexiga, PE-backed IPO indexiga, Morningstar PitchBook GLobal Unicorn Indexiga ja Morningstar PitchBook US Unicorn indexiga:

Kokku alates 2016 aasta alguses ca -50%, kuigi enamus langus algas alles 2021 alguses.
CNBC on Statista kaasabil üles loendanud maailma 200 kõige olulisemat startuppi.

Mõned firmad on isegi Eestist vastavasse nimekirja sattunud.

Lugu ja edetabel: From banking giants to lending up-and-comers — here are the world’s top 200 fintech companies
Metoodika ja edetabel: CNBC’s top 200 global fintech companies: The complete list

Sektorid, milles parimaid otsiti:
• Neobanking;
• Digital payments;
• Digital assets;
• Digital financial planning;
• Digital wealth management;
• Alternate financing;
• Alternate lending;
• Digital banking solutions;
• Digital business solutions;

Eestiga seotud startupid:

Digital payments:
Wise, London, United Kingdom

Alternate lending:
Bondora, Tallinn, Estonia
IUVO Group, Tallinn, Estonia

Samas kategoorias Läti:
Mintos, Riga, Latvia
Twino, Riga, Latvia

Samas kategoorias Leedu:
Finbee, Vilnius, Lithuania

Digital banking solutions:
LHV, London, United Kingdom
CNBC on Statista kaasabil üles loendanud maailma 200 kõige olulisemat startuppi.

Mõned firmad on isegi Eestist vastavasse nimekirja sattunud.

Täpsustus - fintech startuppi.