Quality Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: QSII)

Romet Enoki poolt koostatud ülevaade, mille lõpust leiab veel lingi LHV Pro-s avaldatud analüüsile:



67% gross margin
21% profit margin
QSII’s sales and earnings have doubled in the past two years.
Quarterly Revenue up 16% to $163 million.
QSII is now selling for only 20-21 times next year’s earnings.

Market Cap: 1.00B
Trailing P/E: 30.38
Forward P/E: 21.02
PEG Ratio (5 yr expected): 1.00
Price/Sales: 6.09
Price/Book: 9.62
Revenue: 163.12M
Qtrly Revenue Growth (yoy): 16.50%
Gross Profit: 106.38M
EBITDA: 56.41M
Qtrly Earnings Growth (yoy): 3.50%
Total Cash: 70.50M
Total Debt: 0

Mõningad ettevõttespetsiifilised riskid:
Juhtkond ei ole varasematel aegadel olnud üksmeelne.
CFO Paul Holt on uurimise all seoses ettevõtte aktsiatega sooritatud tehingutega.

QSII Quality Systems upgraded to Overweight from Market Weight at Thomas Weisel