01.08.2012 kehtestas Prantsusmaa uue finantstehingute maksu (financial transaction tax), igale Prantsusmaa ettevõtte aktsia ostutehingule lisandub 0,2%. Maksu võetakse nende ettevõtete aktsiate ostmisel, mille peakorter asub Prantsusmaal ning mille turukapitalisatsioon on suurem kui 1 miljard eurot. ADR-de ja GDR-de puhul lisandub tasu alates 01.12.2012
LHV lisab antud maksu peale tehingu teostamist ning esialgses teenustasus seda kajastatud ei ole.
Sweden also opposes the idea, after a disastrous experience with a similar tax on financial transactions was introduced and then abandoned in the 1980s by the government in Stockholm.
The country set a 0.5% levy on all purchases and sales of equity securities in 1984, and then doubled the amount two years later after disappointing revenues.
The policy was abandoned after analysts revealed it had led to an exodus of traders.
Anders Borg, the Swedish finance minister, estimates that "between 90-99%" abandoned Stockholm and took their business to London.
Sweden also opposes the idea, after a disastrous experience with a similar tax on financial transactions was introduced and then abandoned in the 1980s by the government in Stockholm.
The country set a 0.5% levy on all purchases and sales of equity securities in 1984, and then doubled the amount two years later after disappointing revenues.
The policy was abandoned after analysts revealed it had led to an exodus of traders.
Anders Borg, the Swedish finance minister, estimates that "between 90-99%" abandoned Stockholm and took their business to London.
Sarnast maksu kavandab ka Hispaania, alguskuupäev 1.01.2013, muud tedailid on lahtised. Kuuldavasti on ka Soome sellele mõtlemas (0,1% maks).