PLUG Power on olnud LHV Rohelise fondi üks lemmikuid. Eilsed kvartalitulemused on tänasel eelturul vallandanud müügilaine. Kuidas Rohelise Fondi pealik olukorda hindab ja mis on plaan?
see roheline fond on viimased aasta aega nii põhjas olnud, et fondijuhtidel on sügavalt poogen juba, mis seal toimub. Nemad oma tasu saavad ja see on piisav, rohekogujatele saab mingit joga ajada, et tsüklid ja aeg on investori sõber jne.
LHV comment/vaade viimaste tulemuste tõlgenduses oleks huvitav lugemine.. toetan päringut
Mõned päevad tagasi said LHV rohelistesse fondisse investeerinud inimesed fondijuhilt kirja, kus muuhulgas viidati, et hiljuti on suurendatud osalust Plug Power's. Eile avaldatud tulemused ja tuleviku vaade on vähemalt osad investorid kangeks ehmatanud (tulemuste järgselt järelturul hind -25%.) Eelmiste tulemuste peale augustis kukkus hind 10,5 juurest 9'le. Aasta algusest võttes on hinnast tänaseks 2/3 kadunud. Fondijuhi kirjas olid ka õpetussõnad, mis viitasid tumepunasele kui heale ostukohale. Küsingi proffidelt, kas nüüd on PLUG osas ( ja seega ka Roheliste fondide osas) jälle hea ostukoht või ootame mõne kvartali veel ära? Või tasub kaaluda hobuste vahetust ja võtta seiklust kui kallist õppetundi.
PLUG on olnud valelubadustega kergeusklikelt investoritelt raha väljapumpamise perpetum mobile juba aastast 1999 saadik.
Mäletan kui 2004 nad SECilt trahvi said, sest valetasid General Electricuga fuel cell diili osas.
Mäletan kui 2004 nad SECilt trahvi said, sest valetasid General Electricuga fuel cell diili osas.
Ei ole proff, aga going concern sellelt hinnatasemelt tähendab olemasolevatele parajat peavalu.
Kas tuleb lahjendus või midagi halvemat.
Kas tuleb lahjendus või midagi halvemat.
Tundub jah keerukas olukord olevat. Septembri lõpu seisuga paistab LHV mõlemas rohelises fondis PLUG osakaal olevat peaaegu 2%. Oktoobris osteti juurde. Ise ka PLUG's pikalt sees ja nüüd mõtlemise koht, kuidas edasi. Murphy järrgi pole olukord kunagi nii hull, et enam hullemaks minna ei saa. Vbl on seekord teisiti :-).
Kas fondijuhid tahtsid jälle turust targemad olla?
In its third-quarter report, the company stated, "[W]e continue to incur losses and might never achieve or maintain profitability." It also issued a "going concern" warning, which lets investors know there's a possibility that it will not survive as a business.
Oskab keegi kommenteerida, kas PLUG teeb lahjenduse või mitte ? Hetkel tundub, et põhi võiks olla käes, kuid vanadel rahadega raskusi, investeeritud palju.
Lisaks veel sellele või?
On February 23, 2024, the Company and B. Riley entered into Amendment No. 1 to the Original ATM Agreement (the “Amendment” and, together with the Original ATM Agreement, the “ATM Agreement”) to increase the aggregate offering price of shares of the Company’s common stock available for future issuance under the Original ATM Agreement to $1.0 billion. Under the ATM Agreement, for a period of 18 months, the Company has the right at its sole discretion to direct B. Riley to act on a principal basis and purchase directly from the Company up to $11.0 million of shares of its common stock on any trading day (the “Maximum Commitment Advance Purchase Amount”) and up to $55.0 million of shares in any calendar week (the “Maximum Commitment Advance Purchase Amount Cap”). On and after June 1, 2024, so long as the Company’s market capitalization is no less than $1.0 billion, the Maximum Commitment Advance Purchase Amount will remain $11.0 million and the Maximum Commitment Advance Purchase Amount Cap will remain $55.0 million. If the Company’s market capitalization is less than $1.0 billion on and after June 1, 2024, the Maximum Commitment Advance Purchase Amount will be decreased to $10.0 million and the Maximum Commitment Advance Purchase Amount Cap will be decreased to $30.0 million. The Company believes that its working capital and cash position, together with its right to direct B. Riley to purchase shares directly from the Company under the ATM Agreement, will be sufficient to fund its on-going operations for a period of at least 12 months subsequent to the issuance of the accompanying consolidated financial statements and, as a result, substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern no longer exists.
On February 23, 2024, the Company and B. Riley entered into Amendment No. 1 to the Original ATM Agreement (the “Amendment” and, together with the Original ATM Agreement, the “ATM Agreement”) to increase the aggregate offering price of shares of the Company’s common stock available for future issuance under the Original ATM Agreement to $1.0 billion. Under the ATM Agreement, for a period of 18 months, the Company has the right at its sole discretion to direct B. Riley to act on a principal basis and purchase directly from the Company up to $11.0 million of shares of its common stock on any trading day (the “Maximum Commitment Advance Purchase Amount”) and up to $55.0 million of shares in any calendar week (the “Maximum Commitment Advance Purchase Amount Cap”). On and after June 1, 2024, so long as the Company’s market capitalization is no less than $1.0 billion, the Maximum Commitment Advance Purchase Amount will remain $11.0 million and the Maximum Commitment Advance Purchase Amount Cap will remain $55.0 million. If the Company’s market capitalization is less than $1.0 billion on and after June 1, 2024, the Maximum Commitment Advance Purchase Amount will be decreased to $10.0 million and the Maximum Commitment Advance Purchase Amount Cap will be decreased to $30.0 million. The Company believes that its working capital and cash position, together with its right to direct B. Riley to purchase shares directly from the Company under the ATM Agreement, will be sufficient to fund its on-going operations for a period of at least 12 months subsequent to the issuance of the accompanying consolidated financial statements and, as a result, substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern no longer exists.
Huvitav miks Plug Power on vaba teema alla paigutatud, kas LHV-l on piinlik seda investeerimise teemasse panna?