OPERAIL* (endise nimega EVR Cargo) on Eesti riigile kuuluv rahvusvaheline raudtee logistikaettevõtte (vt. ka tutvustusvideo internetis). Ettevõte tegutseb hetkel 1520mm raudteel, millel opereerivad ka Läti, Leedu, Venemaa jt. endised Nõuk. Liidu maad. Ettevõtte ajalugu raudteel tegutsemisel ulatub 150 aastani.
Ettevõtte peamised tegevusalad on:
* kauba transport
* vagunite rent
* veeremi remont ja ehitus
Põhitegevusi toetavad horisontaalselt muud toetavad tegevused nagu IT, juriidiline, turvalisus jne osakonnad.
AS Operail põhitegevusaladeks on raudteeveod Eesti raudteedel, vagunite rent
ja raudteeveeremi remont. Kontsernil on 30.06.2018 seisuga 87 liini- ja manöövrivedurit, millega
teenindatakse klientide vedusid, kuid vedureid renditakse ka välja. Kontserni vaguniparki kuulub üle 3 000
kaubavaguni (poolvagunid, kinnised vagunid, konteinerplatvormid, tsisternid, teravilja- ja väetisehopperid).
Kontsern omab vaguneid, et teenindada klientide kaubavedusid nii Eesti-siseselt kui ka rahvusvaheliselt.
Olulisel kohal on vagunite üürile andmisest ja kasutustasust saadavad tulud. Kontserni koosseisu kuulub
veeremi remondi ja hooldusega tegelev äriüksus Tapa Depood ning mitmed veeremi tehnohooldepunktid üle
Eesti. Remonditakse nii Kontsernile endale kuuluvaid kui ka teiste Eesti ja välisklientide vaguneid ning
2017. aasta esimese poolaasta lõpu seisuga kuulub AS Operail konsolideerimisgruppi lisaks emaettevõtjale
ka WagonPro AS (osalus 100%) ja WagonPro tütarettevõte Soomes WagonPro Holding Oy (osalus 100%).
WagonPro AS ja WagonPro Holding Oy põhitegevusaladeks on vagunite rent.
Kontsernil oli 2018. aasta esimese poolaasta lõpus rendile antud kokku üle 1 700 vaguni: Operailil üle 1 100
vaguni ja WagonProl üle 580 vaguni.
Ettevõttes töötab 670 inimest kellest 40% asuvad Tallinnas või selle ümrbuses, 27% Tapal, 13% Narvas.
Ettevõtte vagunipark koosneb viite tüüpi vagunitest:
* tsisternid - vedelike, kütuste, õlide jm naftatoodete veoks, samuti vedelgaasi veoks
* pealt avatud poolvagunid - mahukaupade veoks nagu puit, metall, konteinerid, transpordivahendid, tehnika jmt.
* pealt suletud kinnised vagunid - pakendatud kauba veoks
* hopperid - suure mahuga puistekauba vedamiseks nagu vili, väetised, tsement jmt.
* platvormvagunid - lapikud platvormid on kasutusel sõidukite, masinate, konteinerite, ebaregulaarse suurusega kaupade jmt. veoks.
Ettevõttele kuulub 64 vagunit, mis paigutuvad kolme peamise tüübi alla:
* C36-7i - suurima arvukusega veduritüüp Eestis. Nende vagunitega veetakse kaubaronge. Vedurid on toodetud General Electricu poolt.
* TEM TMH - vedurid on kasutusel täispikkuses kaubarongide üle piiri vedamiseks ja piirijaamades manööverdamiseks. Toodetud alates 2014-st aastast Leedu DEPAS depoos.
* CME3 - CME3 vedurid on kasutusel jaamades manööverdamisel. Ehitatud 1983 ja 1987 aasta vahel Tśehhi ČKD tehases.
* C30-M - unikaalne, moderniseeritud vedur mis valmis 2017 aastal Tapa depoos koos Tśehhi partneri CZ Loko-ga. Veduri eesmärgid on peamised manööverdamised jaamades ja kohaliku kauba veod. (vt. ka video internetis)
2017 aastal vedas Operail 80% Eestis raudteel veetud kaubast, millest omakorda 60% on transiit läbi Eesti. Ettevõte pakub igapäevast kaubavedu kemikaalidele, väetistele, kütustele, põlevkivile puidule, teraviljale, raskele ja ülegabariidilistele veostele, mahukaupadele, palmiõlile, suhkruroole jmt. Omavahel on ühendatud olulised kaubasadamad, muuhulgas Muuga, Paldiski, Sillamäe, ja Venemaa ning Läti piirijaamad. Kauba peamine päritolu on Venemaa, Kasahstan, Valgevene.
Konteinerite vedu toimub peamiselt marsruutidel:
* Moscow Express (Tallinn – Moskva – Tallinn)
* ZUBR (Tallinn – Kiiev – Odessa – Tallinn)
* Baltic Transit II (Tallinn – Almatõ – Tallinn)
* Tallinn – Jekaterinburg – Tallinn
* Amber train (Muuga-Riia- Šeštokai /Kaunas-Riia-Muuga)
Kaubaveod ühendavad Skandinaavia, Lääne-Euroopa ja Läänemere ühelt poolt ja Hiina, Musta mere ja Vahemere teiselt poolt.
Kui varasemalt on Operail tegutsenud peamisel kaubavedude ja transiidi teenindamisega, siis viimastel aegadel on rohkem tähelepanu pööratud ka muudele tegevusaladele nagu vagunite remont ja rent ning vedurite ehitus. Seoses ettevõttesisese transformatsiooniga on varasem negatiivne majandustulemus asendumas olulise kasumiga:
Operail moves steadily on profitable route
In the first six months of 2018, international logistics and transport firm Operail has significantly exceeded the financial indicators of the previous year and is securely on the way to profitability.
“In the first six months of this year, we have improved on the income figures of the same period from last year, and we have turned a loss of 1.8 million euros into profits of almost five million euros,” said Chairman of the Operail Board, Raul Toomsalu, releasing the financial results. The Group’s EBITDA has increased fivefold compared with the previous year, reaching 7.8 million euros.
According to Toomsalu, one of the reasons for the positive financial indicators is the investments made in the previous year, which have proven to be highly profitable: “We see how last year’s decisions and investments to develop the wagon rental business line is paying off more and more each month.” Toomsalu’s statement is supported by figures as well: compared with the same period last year, Operail’s wagon rental revenue has grown by 171%, meaning an increase to 3.81 million euros.
The strong results are also supported by freight revenues that have grown by 55% over the previous period to almost 25 million euros. “We have increased freight volumes by 44% and have moved almost seven million tonnes in the first six months,” explained Toomsalu. More than half of the freight volumes transported were made up of the mineral fuel and fertilizer product groups; there was also significant growth in container freight carriage during the first half of the year.
The Chairman of the board added that the positive figures were in part a result of the change in the company’s philosopy. “It is clear that we are no longer just freight carriers. We have a wider view of the railway and in the last year, we have vigorously developed our other business lines—namely wagon and locomotive rental and rolling stock repair. The change in our business name over the summer clearly also supports our efforts to provide our customers more than just freight carriage.”
According to Toomsalu, Operail is also changing the way it communicates with its clients: “We want to be a partner for our clients that thinks and provides prompt responses for various logistical situations. Here, we have a long way to go, but today’s positive financial results confirm that we are moving in the right direction.”
Nädala algupoolel teatas Operail, et on asunud üle 90 aastast pausi jälle Tapal vedureid ehitama:
New locomotive completed in Tapa after 90-year pause
AS Operail presented a modernised C30-M locomotive in Tapa depot, the first locomotive built in Estonia in 86 years.
International railway logistics and transport company Operail introduced a new locomotive, modernised in collaboration with the Czech company CZ Loko. The C30-M is designed for shunting; however, it is equally suitable for freight transport. “When modernising the locomotive, we were initially guided by our need for a 6-axle shunter that would also be suitable for local transporting,” said Raul Toomsalu, Chairman of the Board of AS Operail.
The locomotive was built during 2016 and 2017 in the Tapa depot. The construction was followed by a testing period, and the C30-M is now ready for everyday use on the Estonian railway as well as for sale on foreign markets.
“In today’s economy and transit situation, we need to create additional value to our existing services. We will continue developing the locomotives construction business in Tapa Depot in the nearest future. says the head of Operail, adding that two other locomotives are currently being modernised and a contract for the production of four additional locomotives is about to be signed.
“While in the past we have mainly focused on freight transport, then in the last year we have steadily developed other business directions, as a result of which we estimate that we will end this year by turning a profit. In addition to freight transport, our economic results are also greatly affected by wagon rental and the repair and modernisation of the rolling stock,” added Toomsalu.
The Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure Kadri Simson said that she is happy that the state-owned Operail has adapted to the evolving market and found new challenges in both modernizing locomotives and renting wagons. “Operail is an important employer in Tapa and hopefully the new locomotive named today is the first of many,” said Simson.
The last time a locomotive converted in Estonia was in 1940 in the metal works and engineering company of Franz Krull. Although local companies have later built railcars from passenger train wagons that moved from Tallinn to Tartu and Narva, it has been 86 years since the last locomotive was constructed. “We are very proud of the work of our Tapa unit, and I am glad that the excellent work done in Operail will also be seen by our foreign clients – we have already signed a cooperation agreement,” said Toomsalu. Operail uses the locomotive in Estonia in various stations for shunting, and for container transport between Muuga and Koidula border crossing point.
During its showcase event, the locomotive was also ceremonially named. The new locomotive received the dignified name Adam, which is a homage to Adam Zmijevski, a Tapa stationmaster who worked on the Estonian railway during 1909–1918. “We honour the tradition of giving new names to locomotives, and we named our first locomotive Adam, after the hardworking and diligent Tapa station master,” Toomsalu explained the origin of the locomotive’s name.
Operail’s C30-M is a new, safe and modern modular locomotive that is more environmentally friendly than the previous ones. The locomotive was assembled using the frame and chassis of the C30-7A locomotive, manufactured by the international company General Electric, and the modules are designed by CZ Loko, a large manufacturer in Europe. The locomotive is certified in the European Union. The 6-axle locomotive weighs 138 tonnes with an axle load of 23 tonnes, and it uses AC/DC power transmission. The locomotive is equipped with the Caterpillar 3512C HD diesel engine with a power output of 1,550 kW (2,079 hp), and its maximum speed is 100 km per hour. The maximum allowed speed for freight trains in Estonia is 80 km per hour.
2018 aasta vahearuanne

31 mai artiklis näeb OPEREAIL-I juht parima meelega ettevõtet börsil olevana: EVR Cargo juht tahaks enda firmat börsil näha. Veel 2017 aasta sügisel oli olukord selline, et valmistati börsile minekut ette: skandaalne EVR Cargo tehakse börsikõlblikuks
* Allikad: ettevõtte koduleht ja majandusaasta aruanded