Hotellide ja lennukite hinnad tõusnud, vaata mis kütus teinud. Näiteks Tenerife järgmise kuu keskel lend edasi tagasi üksi 400 nägu. Nüüd vaata pakettide hindu, siis tekib küsimus, kuidas saab nii odavalt üldse pakkuda.
Pakettreiside puhul võiks arvata, et liiri langus on kasumlik. Eeldaks ju, et reis müüakse kliendile eurodes, aga teenusepakkujalt ostatakse/on ostetud liirides või eurodes. Lisaks peaks Türgis välisturistid oma valuutaga praegu väga oodatud olema.
Since the 26th of January A. Keinytė is replaced by Vitalij Rakovski, who has many years of experience in business development, mergers and acquisitions, investment attraction and financial management.
Ehk siis turismikogemusega juht vahetati finantsmehe vastu välja. Põnev.
Tulemused väljas In 2021 the company has earned EUR 1.3 million net profit while in 2020 the group has experienced net loss of EUR 5.7 million. In addition, the group's EBITDA reached EUR 2.6 million last year compared to a loss of EUR 3.1 million in 2020. In 2021, the tour operator served more than 176 thousand customers, the group's revenues exceeded 110 million euros which is almost 3 times more than in 2020.
In November this year, Novaturas Group, the leader in the Baltic tourism market, generated a revenue of EUR 8.6 million, a 10% increase compared with November 2021, when revenue reached EUR 7.8 million. The Group’s revenue growth was achieved despite a lower number of customers served (9,800 versus 11,600).
In total, in January-November this year, according to preliminary data, the company served 258,000 customers – 60% more than in the same period in 2021. The total turnover in January-November this year amounted to EUR 186 million, two times more than in the corresponding period in 2021.
The company announces that the strong performance in November was achieved with adequate preparation for the volatility in travel supply. However, the number of travellers was 15% lower than expected – this was due to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt, the most popular winter destination. This event significantly limited the supply of accommodation for holidaymakers. However, Novaturas prepared for this by providing quality services to its customers and achieving a very high passenger load of 98% across the group.
Despite the uncertainty in the markets caused by macroeconomic factors, the volume of advance sales continues to be encouraging. This year, the company has sold significantly more trips for next summer than in the corresponding period last year, thanks not only to the attractive package of various protections and the lowest price guarantee, but also to the wide range of trips offered by Novaturas.
“Advance sales are ahead of last year’s figures in all the most popular destinations. And it is encouraging that we are also seeing strong growth in the relatively new destinations offered by Novaturas – Montenegro and Tunisia. Their sales are even 10 times higher than last year’s advance sales,” says Vitalij Rakovski, CEO of Novaturas.
Tundub, et üldisest negatiivsest majanduse tulevikufoonist hoolimata on reisiturg ikkagi ütlemata kuum.
Üritasin vahepeal leida perega reisivarianti kanaaridele- kui mõned aastad tagasi sai Lanzarotel käidud 2 peale ~500€/nägu nädal aega lend+viisakas hotell, siis hetkel on hinnad umbestäpselt 100% üles läinud, kui vaadata Tenerifet. Sealjuures ei ole ka abi piletite eraldi ostmisest (ei Riiast, Tallinnast ega Helsinkist ei ole otselennu hindadel suurt vahet), odavam on kokkuvõttes pakettreis osta. Sealjuures "viimase hetke pakkumisi" ei leidnud, pigem on kõik lähinädalate lennud välja müüdud. Samas kütuse hinnad sisuliselt samad, eks personalikulud ole vähe tõusnud, aga loomulikult mitte 100%. Türgit ei uurinud (NTU suurim sihtkoht käibelt), kuna seal sai viimati käidud ja ausalt öeldes oli see lärmakate idanaabrite konsentratsioon seal juba siis uskumatult suur (laevakruiisil lasti valdavalt vene mussi, et sihtgrupile meele järgi olla jne), ei kujuta ette mis praegu on. Aga kuna Türgi taskukohasem variant, siis ilmselt ka sinna reisijaid jagub.
Minu bullish tees Novatoursile ühesõnaga lihtsalt isikliku kogemuse põhjal (near term, eks ülehomsetest müüginumbritest saa aimu).