Juniper - Cisco tapja

Üks huvitav lugu, mis väidab, et Juniper võib saada Cisco tapjaks. Kas tõesti ei kehtigi reegel, et “winner takes all”? Juniper on võitnud Ciscolt 6% IP ruuterite turuosa 2. kvartali jooksul.

“In fact, a recent tour of cutting-edge networking gear at the National Fiber Optics Engineers Conference (NFOEC) trade show in Denver revealed some anecdotal, yet important
evidence of Juniper’s dominance. Most of the next-generation optical networking demonstrations picked Juniper as the router vendor of choice. Most notably, Tellium, a company that Cisco has invested in, was touting interoperability between its high-speed optical switch and Juniper routers.”

Great short! Õnnitlused!
Kas Ciscot on vaja tappa?
Tundub, et Juniper ise ei arva nii. Vt.tänane lugu:
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (Dow Jones) -- The chief executive of Juniper Networks Inc. (JNPR) said Tuesday that the market for Internet routers is growing so fast that he expects both his company, No. 2 in the market, and the leader, Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO), to enjoy continued growth and success.

"Cisco is the competition. I'll give you this stock advice: This is not one of the stocks I'm selling, personally," said Scott Kriens, speaking with potential investors at Dain Rauscher Wessels' Technology Conference 2000 at the Scottsdale Princess resort in Scottsdale, Ariz. "There's plenty of growth in the market for both companies. The market growth is faster than both companies' (growth). ... Cisco will certainly be an ally in making sure the contest stays between the two of us."

See, et andmevahetus optiliseks muutub on ilmselt vääramatu. Ja oodatav sektori kasv ülikiire.Aga valuationid optikasektoris on uskumatud. Corvis, kel pole hetkel veel dollaritki müüki omab turuväärtust ca 20 miljrd.USD, Juniperi P/E on üle 1300. Cisco tundub selle kõrval lausa konservatiivse blue chipina.