Mis kanaleid te aktsiate investeerimisideede/soovituste leidmiseks kasutate? Pigem üldisi portaale nagu Seeking Alpha, Motley Fool jne või pigem spetsiifilisemaid/tasulisi kohti? Soovitused on teretulnud. Vaadates kas või Hai võistluse hetke tippe, siis kaubeldakse selliste asjadega mille otsa ise väga komistanud ei ole.
Seeking Alpha, Barron's, Minyanville, Motley Fool on leheküljed, kust jookseb igapäevaselt läbi palju arvamuslugusid majandussektorite ja ettevõtete kohta. Briefing ja Streetinsider (ning mitmed muud samalaadsed) on küll tasulised aga neist jooksvad läbi nii upgrade'id kui downgrade'id ja analüüsimajade lühikesed kommetaarid, mis võivad samuti huvitavate mõteteni viia.
The startup, which was founded by Tom Mueller three years ago, announced the $150 million Series B round on Tuesday. Impulse is developing a line of orbital transfer vehicles (OTVs) that can adjust satellite positions in space after they’re launched by a rocket. While a handful of other firms are working on OTVs, Impulse says its products are differentiated for their chemical propulsion systems that offer very high delta-v, or change in velocity, capability.
The company has announced two OTVs so far: Mira, to provide last-mile deliveries for spacecraft getting dropped off on ride-share launches, and a larger high-energy kick stage called Helios to move spacecraft from low Earth orbit to geosynchronous orbit (GEO) in less than 24 hours. This is much faster than existing options, which are either more costly, like paying for a SpaceX Falcon Heavy to fly directly to GEO or Rocket Lab to have an Electron rocket drop you in a precise orbit, or time-consuming, with lower delta-V pushes to GEO over months.
The startup, which was founded by Tom Mueller three years ago, announced the $150 million Series B round on Tuesday. Impulse is developing a line of orbital transfer vehicles (OTVs) that can adjust satellite positions in space after they’re launched by a rocket. While a handful of other firms are working on OTVs, Impulse says its products are differentiated for their chemical propulsion systems that offer very high delta-v, or change in velocity, capability.
The company has announced two OTVs so far: Mira, to provide last-mile deliveries for spacecraft getting dropped off on ride-share launches, and a larger high-energy kick stage called Helios to move spacecraft from low Earth orbit to geosynchronous orbit (GEO) in less than 24 hours. This is much faster than existing options, which are either more costly, like paying for a SpaceX Falcon Heavy to fly directly to GEO or Rocket Lab to have an Electron rocket drop you in a precise orbit, or time-consuming, with lower delta-V pushes to GEO over months.