Esmaspäeval hakkab Londonis ametlikult kauplema Halyk Bank GDR.
Selle Kasahhi panga IPO lõppes eile 15 kordse ülemärkimisega ja hinnavahemiku ülemises otsas. IPO hinnaks kujunes 16 USD ja hetkel juba eelturul tehakse tehinguid 20 USDist kõrgemal.
Kuigi lühiajaliselt võib aktsia olla ülehinnatud, siis pikemaajaliselt kindlasti hea bet Kasahstani kiirele majanduskasvule, eriti tuletades meelde Ida-Euroopa ja Venemaa pankade tähelendu (OTP, Raiffeisen, Sberbank jne.)
Vaata ka:
ei tea kas HFASIAKTSF ka märkimisel osales? loodame
ma arvan, et Hansa Kesk-Aasia aktsiafond pakub head võimalust sellesse piirkonda investeerimisel
ma arvan, et Hansa Kesk-Aasia aktsiafond pakub head võimalust sellesse piirkonda investeerimisel
seda vist läbi LHV ei saa?
Sellest IPO-st ei saanud Hansa midagi kahjuks kätte :(
Jah, eks tegelikult oleks päris raske näha põhjust, miks 15x ülemärkimise puhul Elbooniasse midagi antaks IPO-st.
Esimeses järjekorras ikka rasvased korraldajate suurkliendid.
Esimeses järjekorras ikka rasvased korraldajate suurkliendid.
Mis Halykisse puutub, siis selle GDR paistab olema ka Xetral kaubeldav. Kas selle kaudu on LHV-l ligipääs olemas või samuti no-no? Sümboliks nimetavad H4L1.
See ning Londoni börsil kaubeldav 37QB.L on sama asi?
See ning Londoni börsil kaubeldav 37QB.L on sama asi?
London Stock Exchange: HSBK
HSBK.IL on Londonis kaubeldava Halyki aktsia õige Yahoo! ticker, vähemalt hetkel näitab õiget hinda, käivet ja 52 päeva kauplemisvahemikku
Taivo poolt väidetud 37QB.L tuleb on Yahoo! oma, kuid muutuseta alates 31.12.2006
Taivo poolt väidetud 37QB.L tuleb on Yahoo! oma, kuid muutuseta alates 31.12.2006
6. märtsil Halyki 2006. aasta tulemused. Aasta jooksul kasum +65%, varade maht +76%.
Net income of Halyk Group last year totaled KZT25.7 bn. with the increase of 65%. According to KSA income of the Bank totaled KZT20.7 bn.
Huvitav, kas siis börsil on grupp või pank. Kuna Kasahstani börsi veebis on Halyk savings bank of Kazakhstan JSC, siis vast pank? Samuti börsi veebi põhjal praegu ettevõtte market cap 702 bln KZT, seega nende numbrite järgi panga kasumi põhjal kallivõitu.
Net income of Halyk Group last year totaled KZT25.7 bn. with the increase of 65%. According to KSA income of the Bank totaled KZT20.7 bn.
Huvitav, kas siis börsil on grupp või pank. Kuna Kasahstani börsi veebis on Halyk savings bank of Kazakhstan JSC, siis vast pank? Samuti börsi veebi põhjal praegu ettevõtte market cap 702 bln KZT, seega nende numbrite järgi panga kasumi põhjal kallivõitu.
Hea ülevaade Kasahhi pangandussektori arengust:
Credit Suisse Research: Kazakh Banks on the Rise
Kazakhstan is ranked 56th in the 2006 Global Competitiveness Index. The country aims to become one of the top 50 most competitive economies on the globe within the next decade.
While Kazakhstan used to be a poor Central Asian country, it has maintained the highest GDP per capita growth rate in the region since the turn of the century. In 2006, Kazakhstan's GDP per capita was USD 5,081.
Between 2001 and 2006, total loans grew tenfold, and the loans-to-GDP ratio rose from 18 percent in 2002 to 42 percent by the end of 2005. We expect credit market growth to remain high at a 33 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) until 2010.
Kazakhstan's banking landscape is highly concentrated, with the three biggest banks accounting for more than 60 percent of assets.
However, the market is far from being saturated. On the consumer side in particular, we still consider the Kazakh banking sector to be at an early stage. Given a relatively low mortgage-to-GDP ratio and the moderate level of vehicle ownership, we expect to see strong growth in mortgage lending and automobile financing in retail banking.
Credit Suisse Research: Kazakh Banks on the Rise
Kazakhstan is ranked 56th in the 2006 Global Competitiveness Index. The country aims to become one of the top 50 most competitive economies on the globe within the next decade.
While Kazakhstan used to be a poor Central Asian country, it has maintained the highest GDP per capita growth rate in the region since the turn of the century. In 2006, Kazakhstan's GDP per capita was USD 5,081.
Between 2001 and 2006, total loans grew tenfold, and the loans-to-GDP ratio rose from 18 percent in 2002 to 42 percent by the end of 2005. We expect credit market growth to remain high at a 33 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) until 2010.
Kazakhstan's banking landscape is highly concentrated, with the three biggest banks accounting for more than 60 percent of assets.
However, the market is far from being saturated. On the consumer side in particular, we still consider the Kazakh banking sector to be at an early stage. Given a relatively low mortgage-to-GDP ratio and the moderate level of vehicle ownership, we expect to see strong growth in mortgage lending and automobile financing in retail banking.
Lihtne küsimus - kelle (maakleri) kaudu on eestis võimalik seda aktsiat osta ja kui suur on min lot?
Halyk aktsiate ostmisel ilmselt sama problemaatika, mis Bank of Georgia puhul.
Bank of Georgia aktsiat saab nüüd Hansast min 100 tk.
Bank of Georgia aktsiat saab nüüd Hansast min 100 tk.
Jah, BoG kohta olen sellega kursis ja väga õnnelik!
Parex on selline maja, kes parematele klientidele SRÜst IPO aktsiaid välja toob. Aga seda siis Läti kaudu, Eesti pank sellega ei tegele. Parexi enda fondides on ka Halyk Bank juba paar kuud sees.
Ka Kasahhi pank Halyk Bank, õigemini selle GDR, mida kaubeldakse Londonis, on muutunud taskukohasemaks.
IPO hind detsembris 2007 oli $16 ja vahepeal käis hind ära üle $26, nüüd ollaks jälle $20 peal tagasi.
Määramatus Kasahhi arengute ja selle panga osas on muidugi suur, kuid pikas perspektiivis peaks Halyk olema hea investeering.
Suurematel huvilistel soovitan heita ka kiire pilgu eelpool toodud (28/05/07 08:50) Credit Suisse uuringule.
Credit Suisse Opens An Office in Kazakhstan
2007 Credit Suisse is pleased to announce the opening of an office in Almaty, Kazakhstan, reflecting its commitment to this important growth market. This new office will allow Credit Suisse to deliver the integrated bank to its clients in Kazakhstan, one of Central Asia's most dynamic markets. This development further solidifies Credit Suisse's presence in Kazakhstan and reflects its confidence in Kazakhstan and the Central Asia region.
KKBB kohta. Enne ja peale 5 oktoobrit kukkusid nii kkbb kui ka halyk. kkbb hind oli hetkel londonis isegi alla 12 dollar. siis kosus ja eile 14. ajalooliselt püsinud pikemalt ka 22 juures. kkbb kohta on huvitav see et pikaajaline siht morgani meelest 32eur.
LONDON, October 5 ( - Analysts at JP Morgan maintain their "overweight" rating on Kazkommertsbank (ticker: KKBB). The target price is set to €32.
In a research note published this morning, the analysts mention that the recent liquidity turmoil has resulted in a potential wholesale finance rollover risk. Kazakh banks are likely to face challenging times ahead and the absence of funding is likely to result in halting the availability of local credit, the analysts say. Going forward, there is increased likelihood of Kazkommertsbank facing higher-than-expected margin pressures, lower-than-anticipated profitability and a significant slowdown in loan growth, JP Morgan adds.
LONDON, October 5 ( - Analysts at JP Morgan maintain their "overweight" rating on Kazkommertsbank (ticker: KKBB). The target price is set to €32.
In a research note published this morning, the analysts mention that the recent liquidity turmoil has resulted in a potential wholesale finance rollover risk. Kazakh banks are likely to face challenging times ahead and the absence of funding is likely to result in halting the availability of local credit, the analysts say. Going forward, there is increased likelihood of Kazkommertsbank facing higher-than-expected margin pressures, lower-than-anticipated profitability and a significant slowdown in loan growth, JP Morgan adds.
Samas teeb KKBB endiselt väga häid tulemusi:
Almaty, Kazakhstan - November 20, 2007 - JSC Kazkommertsbank, Kazakhstan's
leading bank, today announced its financial results for the third quarter of
• Net profit increased by 96% from KZT 21,827 million in the third quarter
2006 to KZT 42,777 million in the third quarter 2007
• Net profit before income tax increased by 87.43% from KZT 29,424 million
to KZT 55,150 million
• Net interest income increased by 2.1 times from KZT 24,811 million to
KZT 52,429 million
• Net interest margin increased to 5.9 per cent from 5.2 per cent
• Net commission income grew by 50.42% from KZT 10,706 million to KZT
16,104 million
• Operating income increased by 78.34% from KZT 43,410 million to KZT
77,418 million
• Earnings per share increased by 38.91% from KZT 51.14 to KZT 71.04
• Total assets increased by 23.08% from KZT 2,444 billion as at 31
December 2006 to KZT 3,008 billion as at 30 September 2007
• Total equity increased by 17.3% from KZT 249 billion to KZT 292 billion
• Loans to customers less allowance for impairment losses increased by
44.4% from KZT 1,679 billion to KZT 2,425 billion
• Customer accounts increased by 20.36% from KZT 688 billion to KZT 828
• Debt securities issued increased by 75.24% from KZT 424 billion to KZT
743 billion
• Return on Equity amounted to 19.5
Almaty, Kazakhstan - November 20, 2007 - JSC Kazkommertsbank, Kazakhstan's
leading bank, today announced its financial results for the third quarter of
• Net profit increased by 96% from KZT 21,827 million in the third quarter
2006 to KZT 42,777 million in the third quarter 2007
• Net profit before income tax increased by 87.43% from KZT 29,424 million
to KZT 55,150 million
• Net interest income increased by 2.1 times from KZT 24,811 million to
KZT 52,429 million
• Net interest margin increased to 5.9 per cent from 5.2 per cent
• Net commission income grew by 50.42% from KZT 10,706 million to KZT
16,104 million
• Operating income increased by 78.34% from KZT 43,410 million to KZT
77,418 million
• Earnings per share increased by 38.91% from KZT 51.14 to KZT 71.04
• Total assets increased by 23.08% from KZT 2,444 billion as at 31
December 2006 to KZT 3,008 billion as at 30 September 2007
• Total equity increased by 17.3% from KZT 249 billion to KZT 292 billion
• Loans to customers less allowance for impairment losses increased by
44.4% from KZT 1,679 billion to KZT 2,425 billion
• Customer accounts increased by 20.36% from KZT 688 billion to KZT 828
• Debt securities issued increased by 75.24% from KZT 424 billion to KZT
743 billion
• Return on Equity amounted to 19.5
Teab äkki keegi öelda, kas 1 ADR võrdub Kazkommertsi puhul ka ühe aktsiaga. Aktsia hind on juba alla book value ja huvitaks just P/E ka siia juurde?
1 adr võrdub 2 aktsiaga. Aktsiaid väljas ca 700milj ja eeldatav kasum sel aastal 400+ milj USD