Hei! Mõtlesin, et kirjutan foorumisse, et nõu saada. Teema ei ole püstitatud selleks, et arutleda selle üle, kas GME on hea investeering või mitte, aga pigem on küsimus selles, kuidas viimast dividendi LHV ja tema välismaakleri poolt kajastati.
Natuke ajaloost -
1. GME teatas oma stock split dividendist 6ndal juulil. Ajavahemikuks määrati 18-22 juuli. Tsiteerin -
"Company stockholders of record at the close of business on July 18, 2022 will receive a dividend of three additional shares of the Company’s Class A common stock for each then-held share of Class A common stock. The stock dividend will be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. Trading will begin on a stock split-adjusted basis on July 22, 2022…" link - https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-four-one-stock-split
Ehk siis sellest lähtuvalt saab eeldada,et 22 juuli seisuga kõik aktsionäärid peaksid omama 3 lisa aktsiat dividendi näol iga 1 omatud aktsia kohta. Ehk siis 1 asemel 4. ning peale 22 juulit kohandatakse hinda spliti järgselt.
2. 22 juuli õhtul laekus kontole spliti järgne kogus aktsiaid mispeale tundub justkui kõik okei. Otsustasun küsida LHVst täpsemalt üle, sest tekkis huvi, kuidas välismaakler seda kajastab.
3. LHV vastus mulle oli järgnev -
Tänan Teid kirja eest. Palun ka vabandust, et minu vastus on viibinud.
Tõepoolest, GameStop Corp. (GME) korraldas korporatiivse sündmuse ning maakler kajastab seda tavapärase splitina.
Tänan Teid kirja eest.
Meie vastaspoolele GME aktsiad dividendidena ei laekunud, vaid neile saabunud informatsiooni kohaselt toimus split, mida nad ka enda süsteemis kajastasid ning antud korporatiivset sündmust peegeldasime ka Teie kontol vastava informatsiooni alusel.
Ehk minul tekkis küsimus, et kas olen valesti aru saanud.
4. 6ndal juulil laekus gamestopilt investoritele teade -
GameStop has notified its transfer agent and the Depository Trust Company (“DTC”) that some of our valued stockholders in international geographies are still trying to determine if they have received the proper stock dividend associated with the Company’s recent 4-for-1 stock split. Please note GameStop has already distributed the shares of common stock required for the stock dividend to its transfer agent, which has confirmed it subsequently distributed the appropriate number of shares of common stock to DTC for allocation to brokerage firms and other participants.
Sellelt lähtuvalt tundub mulle, et LHV välismaakler ei ole dividendi splitti õigesti kajastanud minu kontol ning mul tekib küsimus - miks ma olen saanud kõigest spliti järgi kohandatud aktsiad?
LHV kajastas GME korporatiivse sündmuse samamoodi nagu meie välismaaklerid ehk aktsiasplitina. Sisuliselt sai investor iga olemasoleva aktsia kohta 3 aktsiat juurde. Kontol kajastati seda selliselt, et 1 aktsia läks kontolt maha ja 4 tuli asemele.
Juurde saadud aktsiad on samasuguste õigustega nagu olid olemasolevad, ning nendega mingisuguseid piiranguid ei ole.
Aitäh vastuse eest, aga mis vahe on siis tavalisel splitil ja dividendi splitil? Miks Saksa finantsjärelvalve andis mõista, et tavaline split ei ole õige. Samuti, miks pidas Gamestop vajalikuks välja lasta pressiteate, mis toonitas, et nad on teinud dividendi spliti mitte tavalise spliti?
Sisuliselt said GME aktsionärid iga olemasoleva aktsia kohta 3 aktsiat juurde ja see on rohkem sarnane jagunemisele kui aktsiadividendile. Viimasel juhul on viidatud Investopedia lingil toodud madalam suhtarv. Nt. iga 5 olemasoleva aktsia kohta 1 uus aktsia. Antud juhul on see aga 1 olemasoleva aktsia kohta 3 uut aktsiat.
Saksa finantsjärelevalve seisukoht puudutas sündmuse kajastamist, selle parandamist ja paranduse tühistamist andmeedastajate poolelt:
At the beginning of July, GameStop Corp. announced a stock split in the form of a stock dividend. In part due to information from various investors, BaFin called on the custodian banks to safeguard delivery of the new shares.
The relevant data providers’ systems treated this capital measure as a stock split and not as a stock dividend. On 29 July 2022, individual data providers changed the type of capital measure to a stock dividend. On 1 August 2022, however, this change was reversed. As a consequence, it may be necessary for some custodian banks to revise the account statements concerned; this should be completed within a few days. New and old shares already held in safe custody by these banks will not be affected.
GME ise ütleb ka, et on teinud aktsiaspliti dividendide vormis:
On July 6, 2022, GameStop announced a 4-for-1 stock split in the form of a stock dividend, effective as of July 21, 2022, for stockholders of record on July 18, 2022. Tax information related to this stock split can be found here.
WSJ: Keith Gill, The Meme Lord, Is Back. His aliases are “Roaring Kitty” on X and YouTube and “DeepF—ingValue” on Reddit. Amateur investor who turned GameStop into a phenomenon has revealed a monster stake in the company worth $260 million. His last Reddit post in 2021 showed that his GameStop positions were worth about $30 million. How has Gill built such a big position in GameStop lately? We don’t know, at least not yet. There's speculation that Gill isn’t working alone, or maybe he’s taken on leverage, borrowing against the holdings in his brokerage account. One thing we can tell is that he appears to be having some luck in the options market. Ahead of a mid-May post on X, Gill started scooping up options tied to GameStop. If Gill purchased call options tied to the shares rising, they likely surged in value—GameStop shares jumped 74% in the trading session after Gill re-emerged on social media. In recent days, Gill revealed holding June options tied to a $20 strike. Options outstanding in the calls tied to the $20 strike increased in mid-May and surged dramatically later in the month, Cboe Global Markets data show. As of early May, there were fewer than 10,000 contracts outstanding, a figure that swelled to almost 150,000 as of Friday. The screenshot shows Gill owns 120,000 of those call options. On Monday, he revealed a $54 million gain tied to that position in one session alone. Gill could flip the contracts he owns for a large profit, or exercise them to purchase additional shares. The contracts give him the right to buy shares at $20, well below where they are currently trading. Data suggests individual investors are lining up to follow Gill.
Morgan Stanley’s E*Trade is considering telling Gill that he can no longer use its platform after growing concerned about potential stock manipulation. No decision has been made and the firm could decide no action is needed.
Eelturul 62usd juba. Väidetavalt hinna 69 pealt oleks ta stake miljard! Võib juhtuda, et ta tahab oma 120k opts müüa või realsieerida. Selleks vaja vahendeid - müüb stok? Teiselt poolt gamma squeeze nendel callidele. Kas siin võib olla katmata MM play? Või nad on automaatsed, ehk callide välja kirjutamisel hoiavad delta neutral ning ostavad samas dollar mahus stoki? Ta pidi ka täna vist live tulema mingi teabega.