Kas keegi oskab kommenteerida aktsia … noh pehmeltöeldes sööstu?

Üha kõrgemale liikunud nafta aitab toetada ettevõtte aktsiahinda ja languse korral jälle vastupidi. Lisaks, esmaspäeval tõstis Jefferies ettevõttele antavat hinnasihti $12 peale.
Dry Bulk
Baltic Indices
BDI 2065 up 168
BCI 2868 up 340
BPI 1895 up 193
BSI 1448 up 18
BHSI 715 up 12
“Early reports indicate April iron ore imports into China totaled 53 million tons, another
record and reflective of the higher levels of Capesize activity we have seen throughout the year. This
morning has been quite active, and rates have been firming throughout the week, driven largely by gains
in steel prices. Three Capes have been booked into China this morning at strong rates, two from BHP
and one from Vale. The Panamax market continues to firm as well, supported by stronger activity in the
Pacific as China increases thermal coal imports from Australia.”