Ditton Pievadķēžu Rūpnīca (DPK1R)

Kas keegi teab mida sellega teha.
Üle pika aja panka kiigates paistis, et seda enam pole minu aktsiate hulgas ja nagu kodulehelt paistis siis nüüd kuskil läti registris.

Seda rämpsu ei oleks tulnud ostagi.

minule tehti sundmüük okt lõpus 1,4€-ga
realiseeritud tulu/kulu raport näitab

Aga raha realselt ju kätte ei saanud?
Lhv näitab seda kui makseta kannet.

tõsi, kontot vaadates raha pole liigutatud :frowning:

Mingit sundmüüki ei ole! Need paberid liigutati lihtsalt ära Nasdaq’st Läti ettevõtete registrisse.
Aga vot kas ja kuidas seda vaadata saab, et need seal ka on?
Raha eest peaks nagu saama, aga samas peaks omanikud nagu (vist) ka tasuta saama?

Hetkel seal tehniline rike ja otsingut teostada ei saa.

Aga kodulehel selline tekst ka olemas:

According to the Paragraph one of the Section 42 of the Share Buy-Back Law of the
Republic of Latvia a shareholder may request that the company buys back the shares owned
for the price determined according to the Paragraph two of the Section 42 of the Share BuyBack Law, i.e., it may not be less than the weighted average share price and book value per

Ei tea mis kodulehte silmas pead?. Seal inglise keelsel näitab tihti tõrget, aga selle kaudu ma nagunii ei näinud suurt midagi (ei tea kas ei osanud kasutada)
Aga tegemist on järgnevaga:
According to the decision of the shareholders’ meeting of AS “Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” dated
27.09.2024. on the conversion of shares from dematerialized (previously bearer) to registered,
the share conversion process has been started from 30.09.2024., with the preparation of a list of
shareholders from the depository “Nasdaq CSD SE” to the Company, with the subsequent
transfer of the list to the register of enterprises of Latvia.
The securities depository “Nasdaq CSD SE” has prepared a list of shareholders as of 28.10.2024.
In order to transfer the list of shareholders, it is necessary to go through the process of checking
the list of shareholders for compliance and completeness of the data in the list of shareholders.
In the absence of delaying factors (clarification of shareholders’ addresses, surnames, etc.), this
process may be completed on 03.12.2024. In this case, shareholders will see themselves in the
list of shareholders, which will be available in the Register of Enterprises. In case of delay in
preparing the list of shareholders, for reasons beyond the control of the Company, this process
may be extended, according to the decision of the Register of Enterprises.

Kas keegi on läbi teinud selle, et oma osalus müüa ettevõttele tagasi?

Riivo, millest sa räägid? Mingit tagasiostmist ju ei ole!

According to the Paragraph one of the Section 42 of the Share Buy-Back Law of the
Republic of Latvia a shareholder may request that the company buys back the shares owned
for the price determined according to the Paragraph two of the Section 42 of the Share BuyBack Law, i.e., it may not be less than the weighted average share price and book value per

Mis see siia puutub! See säädus ikka siis, kui aktsiaid ostetakse tagasi ja/või ettevõte peab neid tagasi ostma. Praegu seda (tagasiostmist)ei toimu.

Kui aga tahaks sellest ettevõttest väljuda kuidas siis seda teha?

Kustutad rea Excelis või tõmbad paberi peal maha.