CCJ - uranium play

Nii AAPL ega KMG polnd suurem asi, here comes another.

CCJ - uranium play. hearing some smart guys buying the stock on dips. Might go back to 40s next week.

Disclaimer - long CCJ small.

selling CCJ here. 40.18

The WSJ is reporting that as energy-hungry China prepares to award a lucrative nuclear-reactor contract, multinational co's are heatedly pitching Beijing on their technologies. And the bidders' success may hinge on how amiably and effectively they intend to share some of the trade secrets the nation needs to build more plants by itself. China's extraordinary economic growth makes energy a pressing issue. In a country powered largely by coal, the govt aims to add about two dozen reactors by 2020, raising its nuclear-power output to at least 4% of energy generation from about 2.2% today. The foreign bidders are vying to win a contract to build 4 of those plants, which are estd to cost somewhere between $1 bln and $2 bln each. To nurture a robust domestic nuclear-energy program, China needs foreign co's not only to build the latest plants but also to confer the technical know-how on Chinese engineers. "They want to become self-sufficient," says Steve Tritch, president and CEO of Westinghouse Electric. Technology transfer is "a crucial part of the proposal." According to the article, Siemens has participated in building of two nuclear plants in China and is expected to be among winners of next contract. ( note: News may spark interest in recently hot uranium mining sector: CCJ)

CCJ on heas ostukohas jälle. Üritab osta low 37 peal.
kui ostad/ostmata jätad, siis anna teistele foorumlastele kah teada. huvitav lihtsalt jälgida guru tegutsemas...
just in, 37.05 pealt.
commodities sector on tykk aega kukkund, isegi väike reversal võib CCJ hoobilt 3-4 taala tõsta. 36-37 kind of support area. Ja uraan on endiselt suht defitsiitne.
Nice. Where's the stop?

Kui alla 36 kipub päevalõpul sulguma, siis kaalun stoplossi kasutamist.
teine asi, milles long - TRGL, average'i pole täpselt arvutand, umbes 15.50 ilmselt, hiljemalt järgmine nädala on lubatud drilling results, net asset value ehk floor ebaõnnestumise korral on 13-14.
CCJ siis myydud 39.85 average, TRGL sold some 16.80 kandis ja plaanin tagasi osta madalamal. Nafta hind on nõrk, aga väidetavalt peaks firma väärtus üle 20£ olema ka
35$/barrel juures.
20$ siis of course.
TRGL 18.87 and climbing. Müük 20 peal. Hearing long-term it should go to 25.
väga õhuke aktsia (TRGL).
ok, sue me. 19.60 sold last shares.
stupid me:D
aga uus pick: EEFT is going to 32 soon.