Kel suur huvi aktsiakauplemise vastu, aga sellega oma igapäevast leiba siiski teenima veel ei soovi hakata, seisab varem või hiljem mitme keerulise küsimuse ees. Kust leida aeg, et hallata kõiki infokilde ja uudiseid, mis aktsiate hindu igapäevaselt mõjutavad? Mil moel leida häid võimalusi, mis turg igapäevaselt pakkuda võib? Kuidas aru saada, millal on mida õige aeg osta?
Selge on see, et aktsiaturgudel keegi tasuta lõunaid ei paku ja võitude nimel tuleb ka endal õppida, uurida, aega pühendada ja ka kaotusi alla neelata. Kuid ometi oleks teekond selles kirevas ja kohati eksitavas aktsiamaailmas märksa kergem, kui keegi kogenum ees natuke taskulambiga valgust näitaks.
Briefing Trader toode, mis on mõeldud just neile, kel huvi aktsiakauplemise vastu suur, kuid häid nõuandjaid napib. Briefing Traderis on palgal mitu erinevat aktsiakauplejat, kel kõigil aastatepikkune kauplemiskogemus ja igaüks neist on oma nišš, mida ta kõige paremini tunneb.
Niipea, kui turg avaneb hakkavad BT kauplejad otsima võimalusi, millega saaks teha kasumlikke tehinguid. Oma mõtetest ja ideedest antakse teada ka teistele. BT kõige legendaarsem kaupleja on kahtlemata Scalp Trader, kes spetsialiseerub peamiselt fundamentaalsele analüüsile ja olukordadele, kus turg üht või teist uudist valesti tõlgendab. Scalp Trader on kuulus oma väga hea turutunnetuse poolest ning oskab leida nii lühi-kui ka pikaajalisi (kauplemis)ideid.
Kuid tema kõrval on ka palju teisi kauplejaid, kes orienteeruvad näiteks hästi toorainete maailmas, oskavad kasutada tehnilist analüüsi või tunnevad ennast kindlalt blue chip aktsiatega kaubeldes. Ideed on peamiselt päevaisesed, kuid leidub ka pikema perspektiiviga inveteerimisideid.
Koostöös hakkan ma edaspidi põnevamaid BT ideid ka siia postitama. Loodetavasti leiab siit huvitavat ja kasulikku lugemist kogenum aktsiakaupleja julgustust esimesi samme astuda plaaniv huviline.
Kes aga tunneb, et BT peaks olema tema igapäevane abimees kauplemisel, siis kõik, kes tellivad endale Briefing Traderi teenuse läbi LHV, saavad lethinnast märkimisväärse soodustuse.
Otse kaudu tellides maksab BT $350 kuus. Kuu kaupa tellides saab LHV klient 20% allahindlust ehk $280 (teenuse tellimine on võimalik iga kuu katkestada).
Veelgi suurema soodustuse saab siis, kui tellida teenus terveks aastaks korraga. Aastatellimus maksab $2000 ehk 40% vähem letihinnast ($3300)
Kui tekib küsimusi või soov hakata BT kasutajaks, võtta palun ühendust LHV maakleritega.
ScalpTrader: RJET -- Would consider scalp long in RJET on this early dip. Would go 1/2 size and look to scale in for a pop.
ScalpTrader: RJET Update -- Trimming a piece. Stops to entry area. Caught move to $5.09 before coming back a bit. (5.01 -0.25)
ScalpTrader: RJET Update -- Out remainder of RJET scalp on pullback to entry price. (4.78)
Üks tänane hea idee veel tagantjärgi (kahjuks ei olnud mahti reaalajas siia postitada, aga annab aimu veel ühe BT kaupleja tegemistest):
30.7.2015 11:19.15 ET
Blue Chip Trader - - NFLX Swing Long Candidate (107.63 +0.55)
Buying some here as price lifts over its opening range highs on a fast move through 107-area. Risking about $3.
Option Traders consider Buying Aug 105 Calls for $5 or less.(30.7.2015 11:19.15 ET)
30.7.2015 12:36.15 ET
Blue Chip Trader - - NFLX Swing Long Follow Up (110.51 +3.43)
Solid run-up here as price rallies out of its 2-week pullback for a quick +3 pt gain (+40% on Aug Calls), so partial profits into strength warranted.
I like the stock above its 20-day ma's around this week's 105-lows, so ideally price will continue to press higher for a nice Swing on the balance.
30.7.2015 11:19.15 ET
Blue Chip Trader - - NFLX Swing Long Candidate (107.63 +0.55)
Buying some here as price lifts over its opening range highs on a fast move through 107-area. Risking about $3.
Option Traders consider Buying Aug 105 Calls for $5 or less.(30.7.2015 11:19.15 ET)
30.7.2015 12:36.15 ET
Blue Chip Trader - - NFLX Swing Long Follow Up (110.51 +3.43)
Solid run-up here as price rallies out of its 2-week pullback for a quick +3 pt gain (+40% on Aug Calls), so partial profits into strength warranted.
I like the stock above its 20-day ma's around this week's 105-lows, so ideally price will continue to press higher for a nice Swing on the balance.
ScalpTrader: LINE -- With LNCO starting to bounce off lows, I'd have LINE on the squeeze radar. Stock has rightly been punished the past two days (-37%) after co suspended its distribution, but think you may have some Shorts that will look to cover if this starts to lift. (4.06 -0.69)
Would keep it tight if playing.
Would keep it tight if playing.
ScalpTrader: LINE Update -- Caught a decent pop up to $4.28 before it comes back in. Should be all out with trailing stops if playing this, but would keep on radar for potential second leg later in the day.
Blue Chip Trader - - ETSY Long Scalp/daytrade Candidate (21.27 +0.43)
Sharp Opg Reversal back into positive territory over 21, could be getting a lift ahead of tomorrow's earnings.
Buying some here for a scalp/daytrade above $21, risking less than $1.
Sharp Opg Reversal back into positive territory over 21, could be getting a lift ahead of tomorrow's earnings.
Buying some here for a scalp/daytrade above $21, risking less than $1.
Blue Chip Trader - - ETSY Long Scalp/Daytrade Follow Up - Out (20.57 -0.26)
Caught in a trap on that Opg Reversal strength, so I'm looking to take the loss of less than $1 as planned. Out. Will not be looking to trade this again before earnings tomorrow night.
Caught in a trap on that Opg Reversal strength, so I'm looking to take the loss of less than $1 as planned. Out. Will not be looking to trade this again before earnings tomorrow night.
Blue Chip Trader - - BABA Swing Bounce Candidate (78.58 +0.59)
BABA showed up on the TA Scans "Power Down" for today, suggesting at least 3-days of aggressive distribution, but I like the way price staged a reversal yesterday along its early July bounce/gap up zone here along the 78-level. It's creating a potential "Double-Bottom" with a positive divergence in technical indicators like RSI, MACD, etc.
A rally back to last week's bearish gap near 81/82 could be setting up here ahead of Aug 12 earnings.
Buying some (1/2 size) here in mid-78's, risking about $2 for now.
Option Traders consider either Buying Sept 75 Calls for $6 or less, or Sell Next Week's Exp (Aug 14) 75 Puts to collect a +1.40 premium (and the possibility of owning stock at $74).
BABA showed up on the TA Scans "Power Down" for today, suggesting at least 3-days of aggressive distribution, but I like the way price staged a reversal yesterday along its early July bounce/gap up zone here along the 78-level. It's creating a potential "Double-Bottom" with a positive divergence in technical indicators like RSI, MACD, etc.
A rally back to last week's bearish gap near 81/82 could be setting up here ahead of Aug 12 earnings.
Buying some (1/2 size) here in mid-78's, risking about $2 for now.
Option Traders consider either Buying Sept 75 Calls for $6 or less, or Sell Next Week's Exp (Aug 14) 75 Puts to collect a +1.40 premium (and the possibility of owning stock at $74).
Mõned mõtted AAPL kohta täna:
Blue Chip Trader - - AAPL Thoughts (115.08 -3.35)
Down over -5% to start August and down nearly -15% off its July high from 2-weeks ago, AAPL is looking real tempting to buy for a bounce here below the 200-day ma's, however, it feels like everyone and their mother are trying to play that game, so to be honest, I'm preferring to just "avoid" it at the moment and see how it plays out tomorrow.
Perhaps another low is made this week that "shakes out" today's "bottom-pickers" and provides a better entry point.
From an intra-day perspective, there's an interesting pattern here for the afternoon...Buyers need a close back above 115.50/116.00 area (above morning range lows) to regain control in hopes of some upside recovery tomorrow. Sellers want to press back below 114 this afternoon and target fresh lows.
Perhaps Selling some Aug 110 Puts to collect a +1 premium and the chance to own stock at 109 is a better alternative.
Bottom line, if you get involved, stay small as the dust has yet to settle.
Blue Chip Trader - - AAPL Thoughts (115.08 -3.35)
Down over -5% to start August and down nearly -15% off its July high from 2-weeks ago, AAPL is looking real tempting to buy for a bounce here below the 200-day ma's, however, it feels like everyone and their mother are trying to play that game, so to be honest, I'm preferring to just "avoid" it at the moment and see how it plays out tomorrow.
Perhaps another low is made this week that "shakes out" today's "bottom-pickers" and provides a better entry point.
From an intra-day perspective, there's an interesting pattern here for the afternoon...Buyers need a close back above 115.50/116.00 area (above morning range lows) to regain control in hopes of some upside recovery tomorrow. Sellers want to press back below 114 this afternoon and target fresh lows.
Perhaps Selling some Aug 110 Puts to collect a +1 premium and the chance to own stock at 109 is a better alternative.
Bottom line, if you get involved, stay small as the dust has yet to settle.
Blue Chip Trader - - AAPL Swing Long/Bounce Candidate (113.53 -1.10)
Tagged that Jan gap along 112 and showing reversal. Buying some here, risking about $2 for now.
Tagged that Jan gap along 112 and showing reversal. Buying some here, risking about $2 for now.
Blue Chip Trader - - AAPL Swing Long/Bounce Follow Up (115.80 +1.16)
Nice reversal action so far for about a +2 point gain, but can't forget that this has been a significant laggard the last few weeks, so need to still treat it as a just "bounce" play.
Trimming some into strength here and tightening up the balance stop near 112-level. Next targets are the 200-day sma/ema resistance zones near 118/120.
Nice reversal action so far for about a +2 point gain, but can't forget that this has been a significant laggard the last few weeks, so need to still treat it as a just "bounce" play.
Trimming some into strength here and tightening up the balance stop near 112-level. Next targets are the 200-day sma/ema resistance zones near 118/120.
Nelli Janson
Blue Chip Trader - - BABA Swing Bounce Candidate (78.58 +0.59)
BABA showed up on the TA Scans "Power Down" for today, suggesting at least 3-days of aggressive distribution, but I like the way price staged a reversal yesterday along its early July bounce/gap up zone here along the 78-level. It's creating a potential "Double-Bottom" with a positive divergence in technical indicators like RSI, MACD, etc.
A rally back to last week's bearish gap near 81/82 could be setting up here ahead of Aug 12 earnings.
Buying some (1/2 size) here in mid-78's, risking about $2 for now.
Option Traders consider either Buying Sept 75 Calls for $6 or less, or Sell Next Week's Exp (Aug 14) 75 Puts to collect a +1.40 premium (and the possibility of owning stock at $74).
Blue Chip Trader - - BABA Swing Bounce/Long Follow Up (80.20 +1.33)
Nice bounce back into mid-80's for a gain of almost +2 pts on yesterday's pick-up from the mid-78's. Trim some if you can. Balance stops tightened up to July lows near 77-area
Blue Chip Trader - - AAPL Swing Bounce/Long Follow Up (115.08 +0.44)
Market rolling over a bit here midday with the Dow the first of the Majors to turn negative. AAPL's Gap Down Reversal activity was a solid +5 points from 112 to 117, of which we caught a +3 pt profit.
Going forward, holding the "neutral zone" around yesterday's close/low at 114/113 is a must. Failure to do so, and I may be looking to exit my balance sooner than expected.
Market rolling over a bit here midday with the Dow the first of the Majors to turn negative. AAPL's Gap Down Reversal activity was a solid +5 points from 112 to 117, of which we caught a +3 pt profit.
Going forward, holding the "neutral zone" around yesterday's close/low at 114/113 is a must. Failure to do so, and I may be looking to exit my balance sooner than expected.
Momentum Trader: SPECULATIVE LONG Idea for LL--
With the crazy move in AQXP, seeing highly shorted and low float names run higher in sympathy (VLTC CBLI etc..) Would keep an eye on name as stock has been decimated past few sessions and could ramp on on short covering. Risking $0.25
With the crazy move in AQXP, seeing highly shorted and low float names run higher in sympathy (VLTC CBLI etc..) Would keep an eye on name as stock has been decimated past few sessions and could ramp on on short covering. Risking $0.25
Blue Chip Trader - - TMUS Swing Long Candidate (41.33 +0.97)
One of the "cleaner" patterns I can spot out there in the market, this LQDXX wireless stock has a textbook Bull Flag/Pullback pattern in effect off the late-July breakout momentum (earnings).
Also noticing peer Telecoms stocks like VZ, S, and T showing relative strength today, but TMUS leading in strength/momentum as of late.
Worth a try for a Swing Long as fresh multi-year highs lie just above $42. Risking about $2 for now.
Option Traders consider Buying the Sept 37 Calls for less than $5.
Momentum Trader: NK Swing Long (22.15 +0.24)
Eyeing recent IPO for a bounce after 9 down days in a row. Scaling in for a Swing Long with a $1 stop.
Eyeing recent IPO for a bounce after 9 down days in a row. Scaling in for a Swing Long with a $1 stop.
Nelli Janson
Momentum Trader: NK Swing Long (22.15 +0.24)
Eyeing recent IPO for a bounce after 9 down days in a row. Scaling in for a Swing Long with a $1 stop.
Momentum Trader: NK Swing Update -- Locking in remaining 1/2 of NK swing long initiated yesterday for +1.9 pts, or 8.6%
Blue Chip Trader - - WYNN Long (78.34 +1.86)
Buying small size here above First Hour consolidation highs above the $78-level. Risking about $2 or so.
Option Traders consider Buying the Sept 75 Calls for less than $7 or Selling the Sept 70 Puts for a +1.75 premium.
Buying small size here above First Hour consolidation highs above the $78-level. Risking about $2 or so.
Option Traders consider Buying the Sept 75 Calls for less than $7 or Selling the Sept 70 Puts for a +1.75 premium.