Turuosalised on novembrist väldanud tõusu järel jäänud äraootavale seisukohale, otsides võrdlemisi kõrgetele valuatsioonidele järgmist õigustust, samal ajal takistades hindadel ka sügavamasse miinusesse vajumast. Eilset päeva alustas S&P 500 finants- ja energiasektori eestvedamisel -0,3% langusega, kuid ostjad aitasid juba enne keskpäeva indeksil tagasi plussi ronida, lõpetades sessiooni 0,1% võiduga.
Ka Euroopas jäid liikumised võrdlemisi marginaalseks, kuid Stoxx 600 0,3% paranemine märkis siiski teist järjestikust tõusupäeva. Plusspoolel paistsid silma Firstgroup +4.8%, Neste +4.8%, Vinci +4.7%, Orpea +4.6%, SES +4.6%, suurima langusega pidid leppima Tullow Oil -5.4%,H Lundbeck -5.1%, AP Moller - Maersk -5.0%, Petrofac -4.6%, Victrex -4.1%.
Selget suunda ei näidanud aktsiaturud öösel ka Aasias, kus tugevamalt esinenud Hiina, Hongkongi ja Austraalia börsiindeksite kõrval sulgus Nikkei -0,5% madalamal, seda hoolimata oodatust paremast Jaapani masinate tellimustest. Viimased taastusid pärast novembrikuu -5,1% langust MoM 6,7% (prognoositi 3,0%), saavutades aastatagusega võrreldes samuti 6,7% kasvu. Kuigi tegemist on volatiilse näitajaga, võiks tellimuste kasv viidata ettevõtete hoogsamale kapitaliinvesteeringutele, mille jätkumist prognoosivad ettevõtted ka esimeses kvartalis.
Tänastes majandusuudistes langeb tähelepanu Ühendriikide möödunud nädala esmastele töötu abiraha taotlustele ning FEDi presidentide James Bullardi ning Charles Evansi (FOMC hääletav liige) kõnedele.
09.00 Saksamaa kaubavahetuse statistika (detsember)
09.00 Norra neljanda kvartali SKP
10.30 Rootsi majade keskmine hind (jaanuar)
15.30 USA esmased töötu abiraha taotlused
16.05 FEDi Bullard esineb
17.00 USA hulgimüük ja varud (detsember)
20.10 FEDi Evans esineb
JPMorgan toob välja, et isegi kui Le Pen võidab presidendivalimised, siis puudub tal piisav poolehoid parlamendis ja see muudab teekonna võimaliku referendumini keerulisemaks
* Bank believes the probability that Le Pen wins the presidential election is low (14% chance)
* A victory at the presidential election is only one step toward full powers as the president also needs a majority in parliament
* The likelihood Le Pen obtains a majority in parliament is low and a period of cohabitation would be likely if she wins the presidential election
* Le Pen wouldn’t be able to choose the prime minister, who would be in charge of the domestic agenda and strongly influence the external agenda
* A period of cohabitation would make any referendum difficult to achieve
* A constitutional change normally means invoking article 89 of the constitution and first requires a vote in the
lower and upper houses; article 11 could be used to avoid such hurdle, but the conditions to trigger a referendum under Article 11 are also strict
* Bank believes the probability that Le Pen wins the presidential election is low (14% chance)
* A victory at the presidential election is only one step toward full powers as the president also needs a majority in parliament
* The likelihood Le Pen obtains a majority in parliament is low and a period of cohabitation would be likely if she wins the presidential election
* Le Pen wouldn’t be able to choose the prime minister, who would be in charge of the domestic agenda and strongly influence the external agenda
* A period of cohabitation would make any referendum difficult to achieve
* A constitutional change normally means invoking article 89 of the constitution and first requires a vote in the
lower and upper houses; article 11 could be used to avoid such hurdle, but the conditions to trigger a referendum under Article 11 are also strict
Rootsi majade keskmine hind kallines jaanuaris aastaga 3,2% rekordilise 2,916 miljoni Rootsi kroonini (detsembris YoY 8,4%, novembris 8,9%)

Sentimendi uuringud Ühendriikides peegeldavad küllaltki erinevat pilti investeerimisnõustajate ja väikeaktsionäride seas. Kui esimeste seas on küsitluse järgi pullide osakaal kõrgeim alates 2004.a...

...siis väikeinvestorite seas nõnda eurofooriline meeleolu pole (pullide osakaal kerkis läinud nädalal 33% pealt 36%le, karude osakaal alanes 34% pealt 28%le ning neutraalsete osakaal suurenes 33% pealt 37%le).

...siis väikeinvestorite seas nõnda eurofooriline meeleolu pole (pullide osakaal kerkis läinud nädalal 33% pealt 36%le, karude osakaal alanes 34% pealt 28%le ning neutraalsete osakaal suurenes 33% pealt 37%le).

USA töötu abiraha taotlused madalaimad viimase 44a jooksul
US Initial Jobless Claims (WoW, 4/Feb): 234k (est 249k, prev 246k)
US Initial Jobless Claims 4wk Avg (WoW, 4/Feb): 244.25k (prev 248k)
US Initial Jobless Claims (WoW, 4/Feb): 234k (est 249k, prev 246k)
US Initial Jobless Claims 4wk Avg (WoW, 4/Feb): 244.25k (prev 248k)
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
SKYS +65.8%, (thinly traded), OSUR +23.4%, AVNW +15.9%, (thinly traded), TZOO +11.6%, PAYC +11%, ZEN +10.1%, MPAA +9.8%, CLF +9.8%, PCMI +9.5%
IMPV +9.3%, (also agrees to sell its Skyfence technology and service to Forcepoint, financial details not disclosed; acquires the assets of Camouflage Software)
WSTL +8.4%, FLT +7.8%, PRLB +6.5%, SCSS +6.2%, MDSO +6.1%, LLNW +5.4%, CXW +5.2%, LIVE +4.4%, ARRY +3.5%, ALNY +3.4%, RLGT +3.4%
VIA +3%, CMP +2.9%, FONR +2.7%, AOSL +2.5%, GPRE +2.2%, CVS +2.2%, MFC +2%, EFX +1.9%, TU +1.9%, CETX +1.9%, FORM +1.6%, CMI +1.6%
PTN +1.4%, WWE +1.4%, BGCP +1.3%, ROP +1.2%, RAI +1.1%, PSEC +1%, TOT +1%, RMR +0.9%, OHI +0.8%, CRAY +0.8%, AFG +0.7%, YUM +0.6%, PRU +0.5%
M&A news:
JAGX +69% (Jaguar Animal Health to merge with Napo Pharmaceuticals)
NOK +1.4% (to acquire Comptel for EUR 347 mln)
Other news:
ETRM +17.8% (publication of three-year data from the Company's VBLOC DM2 Study of vBloc Neurometabolic Therapy)
AQMS +16.1% (announces that Johnson Controls (JCI) finalized an agreement covering North America, China and Europe for its technology)
RELV +14.7% (thinly traded; announced that CardioSentials heart health supplement has earned a U.S. patent)
ACOR +12.3% (announces 'positive' Phase 3 data of CVT-301 'showing a statistically significant improvement in motor function in people with Parkinson's disease experiencing OFF periods)
VKTX +11.7% (announces 'positive' initial results from a proof-of-concept study of VK2809)
PPHM +9.9% (announces the publication of positive proof-of-concept data for a novel exosome-based cancer detection platform)
BANC +5.6% (Banc of California appoints Richard Lashley, co-founder of 6.9% holder PL Capital Advisors, to the Board and approves certain enhancements to corporate governance policies)
URRE +3.8% (announces its Special meeting not convened, nor adjourned to later date; RCF debt to be repaid from treasury)
STB +3.2% ( awarded new record $187 million contract )
SNY +2.3% (Regeneron Pharma confirms appeals court grants stay of permanent injunction for Praluent (alirocumab) during appeals process)
TSLA +2.1% (Reuters details that Tesla (TSLA) plans to pause factory production in California to prepare for Model 3)
XGTI +2.1% (prices offering of 1.75 mln shares of common stocks and warrants of up to 1.3 mln shares at $2.00 per share)
ETP +1.7% (received US Army Corps of Engineers easement to construct N Dakota pipeline (as expected - see Feb 7 comments); Dakota Access has now received all federal authorizations necessary to proceed)
BP +1.1% (in sympathy with TOT earnings)
RDS.A +1.1% (in sympathy with TOT earnings)
DECK +0.9% (following late move higher on Marcato active stake disclosure)
BA +0.8% (confirms that Singapore Airlines has commited to purchase 20 777-9s and 19 787-10 Dreamliners)
Analyst comments:
RMBS +2.8% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan)
FNV +0.7% (upgraded to Neutral from Sell at Goldman)
ALV +0.6% (upgraded to Overweight from Sector Weight at KeyBanc Capital Mkts)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
SNCR -15.9%, LPSN -15.2%, FSC -13.4%, MTRX -10.6%, MB -10.5%, QLYS -9.1%, TWTR -8.9%, IRBT -8.8%, BGC -8%, VSTO -7.6%, SON -7.5%, OII -7%
MXL -6.9%, LQDT -6.8%, GLUU -6%, STRL -5.8%, (sees Q4 net loss of $5.5-6.5 mln and revs of $165-170 mln vs. $157.25 mln two analyst estimate; says results are 'very disappointing')
ECHO -5.3%, COTY -5.2%, ENSG -5%, TYL -4.8%, CDE -4.2%, TBI -3.6%, KS -3.4%, ENTA -3.3%, UHAL -3%, MC -3%, SNN -2.9%, FSFR -2.8%, FISV -2.6%
PPC -2.1%, KO -2.1%, GLAD -1.7%, AGTC -1.5%, MAS -1.5%, CTL -1.4%, PDS -1.3%, DTE -1.2%, REGN -1.2%, JE -1%, CX -0.6%, SEE -0.5%
Other news:
SRRA -9.1% (to offer shares of its common stock in an underwritten public offering; size not disclosed)
CREE -5.5% (CFIUS informed Infineon and Cree that the Wolfspeed transaction poses a risk to the national security of the United States)
AMGN -1.4%/ REGN -1.2% (Regeneron Pharma confirms appeals court grants stay of permanent injunction for Praluent (alirocumab) during appeals process)
TM -1.2% (traded ~2% lower in Japan overnight)
HLI -1.1% (prices offering of 8 mln shares of common stock by co and selling shareholders at $29.25 per share)
FSLR -1% (awarded module supply contract for the 140 megawatt DC Sun Metals Solar Farm in North Queensland)
PYPL -0.9% (discloses that it has received subpoenas from the DOJ seeking the production of certain information related to the company's historical anti-money laundering program)
KR -0.9% (WFM sympathy)
Analyst comments:
SLW -1% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
FCX -1% (resumed with a Neutral at JP Morgan)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
SKYS +65.8%, (thinly traded), OSUR +23.4%, AVNW +15.9%, (thinly traded), TZOO +11.6%, PAYC +11%, ZEN +10.1%, MPAA +9.8%, CLF +9.8%, PCMI +9.5%
IMPV +9.3%, (also agrees to sell its Skyfence technology and service to Forcepoint, financial details not disclosed; acquires the assets of Camouflage Software)
WSTL +8.4%, FLT +7.8%, PRLB +6.5%, SCSS +6.2%, MDSO +6.1%, LLNW +5.4%, CXW +5.2%, LIVE +4.4%, ARRY +3.5%, ALNY +3.4%, RLGT +3.4%
VIA +3%, CMP +2.9%, FONR +2.7%, AOSL +2.5%, GPRE +2.2%, CVS +2.2%, MFC +2%, EFX +1.9%, TU +1.9%, CETX +1.9%, FORM +1.6%, CMI +1.6%
PTN +1.4%, WWE +1.4%, BGCP +1.3%, ROP +1.2%, RAI +1.1%, PSEC +1%, TOT +1%, RMR +0.9%, OHI +0.8%, CRAY +0.8%, AFG +0.7%, YUM +0.6%, PRU +0.5%
M&A news:
JAGX +69% (Jaguar Animal Health to merge with Napo Pharmaceuticals)
NOK +1.4% (to acquire Comptel for EUR 347 mln)
Other news:
ETRM +17.8% (publication of three-year data from the Company's VBLOC DM2 Study of vBloc Neurometabolic Therapy)
AQMS +16.1% (announces that Johnson Controls (JCI) finalized an agreement covering North America, China and Europe for its technology)
RELV +14.7% (thinly traded; announced that CardioSentials heart health supplement has earned a U.S. patent)
ACOR +12.3% (announces 'positive' Phase 3 data of CVT-301 'showing a statistically significant improvement in motor function in people with Parkinson's disease experiencing OFF periods)
VKTX +11.7% (announces 'positive' initial results from a proof-of-concept study of VK2809)
PPHM +9.9% (announces the publication of positive proof-of-concept data for a novel exosome-based cancer detection platform)
BANC +5.6% (Banc of California appoints Richard Lashley, co-founder of 6.9% holder PL Capital Advisors, to the Board and approves certain enhancements to corporate governance policies)
URRE +3.8% (announces its Special meeting not convened, nor adjourned to later date; RCF debt to be repaid from treasury)
STB +3.2% ( awarded new record $187 million contract )
SNY +2.3% (Regeneron Pharma confirms appeals court grants stay of permanent injunction for Praluent (alirocumab) during appeals process)
TSLA +2.1% (Reuters details that Tesla (TSLA) plans to pause factory production in California to prepare for Model 3)
XGTI +2.1% (prices offering of 1.75 mln shares of common stocks and warrants of up to 1.3 mln shares at $2.00 per share)
ETP +1.7% (received US Army Corps of Engineers easement to construct N Dakota pipeline (as expected - see Feb 7 comments); Dakota Access has now received all federal authorizations necessary to proceed)
BP +1.1% (in sympathy with TOT earnings)
RDS.A +1.1% (in sympathy with TOT earnings)
DECK +0.9% (following late move higher on Marcato active stake disclosure)
BA +0.8% (confirms that Singapore Airlines has commited to purchase 20 777-9s and 19 787-10 Dreamliners)
Analyst comments:
RMBS +2.8% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan)
FNV +0.7% (upgraded to Neutral from Sell at Goldman)
ALV +0.6% (upgraded to Overweight from Sector Weight at KeyBanc Capital Mkts)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
SNCR -15.9%, LPSN -15.2%, FSC -13.4%, MTRX -10.6%, MB -10.5%, QLYS -9.1%, TWTR -8.9%, IRBT -8.8%, BGC -8%, VSTO -7.6%, SON -7.5%, OII -7%
MXL -6.9%, LQDT -6.8%, GLUU -6%, STRL -5.8%, (sees Q4 net loss of $5.5-6.5 mln and revs of $165-170 mln vs. $157.25 mln two analyst estimate; says results are 'very disappointing')
ECHO -5.3%, COTY -5.2%, ENSG -5%, TYL -4.8%, CDE -4.2%, TBI -3.6%, KS -3.4%, ENTA -3.3%, UHAL -3%, MC -3%, SNN -2.9%, FSFR -2.8%, FISV -2.6%
PPC -2.1%, KO -2.1%, GLAD -1.7%, AGTC -1.5%, MAS -1.5%, CTL -1.4%, PDS -1.3%, DTE -1.2%, REGN -1.2%, JE -1%, CX -0.6%, SEE -0.5%
Other news:
SRRA -9.1% (to offer shares of its common stock in an underwritten public offering; size not disclosed)
CREE -5.5% (CFIUS informed Infineon and Cree that the Wolfspeed transaction poses a risk to the national security of the United States)
AMGN -1.4%/ REGN -1.2% (Regeneron Pharma confirms appeals court grants stay of permanent injunction for Praluent (alirocumab) during appeals process)
TM -1.2% (traded ~2% lower in Japan overnight)
HLI -1.1% (prices offering of 8 mln shares of common stock by co and selling shareholders at $29.25 per share)
FSLR -1% (awarded module supply contract for the 140 megawatt DC Sun Metals Solar Farm in North Queensland)
PYPL -0.9% (discloses that it has received subpoenas from the DOJ seeking the production of certain information related to the company's historical anti-money laundering program)
KR -0.9% (WFM sympathy)
Analyst comments:
SLW -1% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
FCX -1% (resumed with a Neutral at JP Morgan)