Börsipäev 9. nov - Yukos +10%

Tänane hommik leiab USA futuurid mõnevõrra miinuspoolel. Põhjustena Infineoni (IFX) nõrkus Euroopas. Nimelt teatas maailma seitsmendaks suurim pooljuhtide tootja, et näeb nõrkust traditsiooniliselt tugevas neljandas kvartalis. Yukos on üle 10% tõusnud, kuna usutakse, et firma läheb müüki.

- Merck (MRK) kukkus eile järelturul, kuna Vioxxi skandaal on võtmas uusi pöördeid. SEC ning DOJ (Department of Justice) on avanud juurdluse.

- Smith Barney alandab PC sektori kasvuprognoose 2006 aaastaks. Pärast tugevat kasvu 2003/2004 viitavad kõik märgid aeglustumisele. Smith Barney uueks kasvuprognoosiks 2006. aastaks on 5% (varasem 10%, units). 2005. aasta 7% prognoos jääb hetkel muutmata. Top picks DELL ja AAPL. Ühegi PC-tootja reitinguid ei muudeta. Siiski negatiivse maiguga call.

- Deutsche Bank on väljas analüüsiga, väites et jaemüüja Sears Roebuck (S)-i aktsiate tegelik väärtus on $55 ning $105 vahel. Vahemiku keskpunk on $80, mis on tervelt 74% praegusest turuhinnast ülevalpool. Kas on sündimas uus Kmart (KMRT)? Usun, et täna leidub aktsiatele päris tugevat ostuhuvi.

- Electronic Arts (ERTS), maailma suurim mängutootja, langetas eile õhtul oma spordimängude hindu. Põhjuseks konkurents. Siiski on minu arvates tegemist väga huvitava firmaga, mille valuatsioon on vaikselt allapoole tiksunud. Täna kauplevad aktsiad 20x järgmise aasta kasumit aktsia kohta, mis ei olegi väga kõrge, arvestades potentsiaali. Pean tunnistama, et oleme Sidekick'ga viimastel nädalavahetustel ERTS-i loominguga lähemalt tutvunud ning peab nentima, et tegemist on maailma vägevamate mängude tootjaga. Konkurendid ei pääse ligilähedalegi. Liiguvad kuuldused, et MSFT on pakkunud võimalust firma ära osta, kuid hinna suhtes pole siiani suudetud kokku leppida. ERTS teab oma väärtust. Mäletan, et ca 6-12 kuu eest näitas saade 60 minutit mängutootja kontoreid, mis jätsid üpris kustumatu mulje. Firma juhid ennustasid, et 4-5 aasta pärast ei ole enam mängu vaadates võimalik aru saada, kas on tegemist mängu või filmiga. Statistika näitab, et keskmine mänguhuviline ei ole tänapäeval enam 13 aastane poiss, vaid hoopis 28-30 aastane valge mees. Maksujõud.

- Mida rohkem ma mõtlen NetFlixi (NFLX) peale, seda rohkem see firma mulle meeldima hakkab. Hinnasõjas peaks firma ellu jääma. EI välista, et tegemist on järgmise LHV Pro valikuga.

Graafik (Briefing.com):

Keegi võiks seda LHV PRO performancet ka lõpuks updateda. Valikud mõjuvad ebaveenvalt, kui tootlust pole kõrval. Kristjan on ainus, kes viitsibseda teha osaliselt. For god's sake, tehke midagi nagu Thestreet.comi under-10 portfell või Motley Fool.
Fit, tegelikult nuputame teemal, et võiks selle täitsa automaatseks teha. Kuid see nõuab veidi hoolikat arendust.
Dell Computer DELL Caris & Company Above Average Buy
08-Nov-04 10:07 ET In Play Dell Computer upped to Buy from Above Average at Caris (DELL) 37.24 -0.25 : -- Update -- The upgrade is based on firm's expectation of increased x86-based systems demand in 2005. 64-Bit product introductions are likely to accelerate PC and server purchases. Market growth could be 50% or more above current consensus forecasts, while pricing declines are likely to slow as well. Shipment of AMD-based products by Dell is also anticipated as Microsoft ramps its 64-Bit software in 2005.

08-Nov-04 10:01 ET In Play Dell Computer cut to long-term Buy from Buy at Hilliard Lyons (DELL) 37.24 -0.25 : -- Update --

Eile, mõlemad suht tundmatud firmad. No impact.
Talse on ka ennast juba üle 400 punni vedand

Rev Shark:

Many market participants have no problem loading up and riding the market when it is strong, but it is the trader who adeptly handles the pauses and pullbacks that is the true artist of Wall Street. The conventional wisdom of Wall Street is that the vast majority of investors should simply buy and hold for the long term. We are advised that trying to time the market is not only futile but likely to cost us.

Certainly, market timing is not easy, but it definitely is not impossible. The market is full of surprises, but it does have a rhythm, and the astute trader can dance to it with some success. He must stay focused and be ready to move quickly and decisively as events unfold, but he knows there will be pauses and flourishes and crescendos that will offer great opportunity. While others stay paralyzed and mesmerized by the music of the market, the virtuoso trader is looking to dance with both the bulls and the bears as the band plays on.

The bulls have been moving in recent weeks like "Proud Mary" at an Italian wedding. But there are some signs that the band may slow it down with a rendition of "Feelings." We still have a good chance of River Dancing into the holiday season, but we are going to need some pauses and pullbacks to ensure that they have the energy to keep the party going.

Are we ready for a pause? The major indices did little yesterday, but still acted very well. Many of the high flyers came back sharply and buyers were obviously looking for action. The tricky part of this market right now is trying to gauge what sort of rest is likely. Are investors so worried about being left out that they are going to hold us steady or begin to falter when the great bullish optimism starts to crumble?

The only real problem the market faces at the moment is that it is overbought to some degree. However, there are some news events lurking about that can provide a catalyst for more intense selling. We have the Cisco (CSCO:Nasdaq) earnings report tonight after the close, which will be watched closely. The analysts have not been very optimistic about what to expect but the stock is still up over 10% in recent weeks. A mediocre report could cause some pressure on technology.

Last night Infineon Technologies (IFX:NYSE), which is the second-largest semiconductor manufacturer in Europe, talked about an industry slowdown. That is giving us some slight pressure this morning.

The big event tomorrow is the FOMC interest rate decision. A rate hike is widely anticipated but once again the focus will be on the accompanying statement that will provide some clues as to the course of future FOMC action.

Regardless of the macro matters we have a healthy trading environment right now. There are good opportunities in individual stocks no matter what tune the market decides to dance to.

We have a slight negative open on the way. Overseas market struggled and the dollar and oil is mixed. Gold continues to hold up well.

Gary B. Smith:

Täna võiks tähelepanelikult jälgida ka valuutaturgu. Dollar on euro vastu tugevnemas ning enne homset Föderaalreservi istungit on oluliselt tasemelt põrgatud (1,3 eur/usd jäigi saavutamata). Seega võiks lühiajaliselt oodata dollari tugevnemist, kuid homne käitumine pärast istungit on olulisema mõjuga.

Gapping Up

SNDA +12% (reports Q3, beats by $0.06), GOAM +14% (momentum from 82% move yesterday), SLXP +9.7% (reports Q3), ISON +8.3% (names retired Navy Admiral to Homeland Security advisory board), LONG +8.3% (in sympathy with SNDA), TMWD +7.3%, S +4.9% (Deutsche Bank makes positive comments), IUSA +4.9% (board authorizes buyback of up to $20 mln), PTP +4.4% (reports Q3), BEV +3.8% (reports Q3), DISH +3.6% (reports Q3), NTMD +2.9%.... Under $3: SPAB +33% (files tort claim for losses on Space Shuttle mission), TERN +14% (Jefferies upgrade), PFSW +14% (reports Q3), FONR +12% (reports SepQ), WEL +12% (reports SepQ, announces contracts), CHTR +10%, VCMP +8.5% (momentum from 52% move yesterday).

Gapping Down

JMDT -26% (reports Q3, Merrill inits at Neutral), GNTA -48% (receives notice of termination from Aventis on Genasense; target cut to $1 at Hibernia), GMTN -22% (guides below consensus), UNS -15% (judge recommends that regulators deny the proposed acquisition of UNS), MCLD -13% (reports Q3), ARXX -12% (reports SepQ), IPXL -8% (reports Q3), WWCA -7.3% (reports Q3 EPS below consensus), ANF -6.2% (beats, but issues cautious Q4 outlook), XYBR -5.7% (reports Q3), SNIC -5.5% (reports SepQ), WYNN -5.1% (cut to Neutral from Buy at BofA on valuation), CECO -4.2% (Bear Stearns makes cautious comments), MMC -3.1% (reports below consensus), ERTS -2.7% (cuts prices on most popular sports franchises), MRK -2.6% (DoJ and SEC launch investigations on Merck -- WSJ).
Oli siin mõni aeg tagasi ka üks LHV viide Business Weeki soovitusele Combimatrixi (CBMX) osas. Mulle endale tundub antud firma väga perspektiivikas ja enda vaatluslisti võtsin ta peale seda, kui CBMX sõlmis koostöölepingu Inteliga. Ei tea kas on möödunud aasta lõpu ralli taas kordumas, aga CBMX on täna igal juhul liikvele läinud. Tasub hoida radaril.

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