Noppeid tänastest sündmustest:
Wachovia sai täna hommikul downgrade’i Prudential’ilt soovitusega “Underweight” peale – uus hinnasiht $54, varasem oli $63. FBR alandab samuti soovitust “Market Perform” peale. Wachovia teatas, et ostab Golden West’i 25 miljardi dollari eest.
Ameritrade(AMTD) CEO esines CNBC-l. Andis mõista, et aktsia hinnal on kasvuruumi ning hiljutisi müügitehinguid põhjendas väitega, et 90% perekonna varadest on seotud TD/Ameritrade’ga ning teod olid vajalikud diverseerimise eesmärgil, pannes kogu müügist saadud raha püsiva sissetuleku saamiseks.
Apple Computer(AAPL) võitis kohtu case’i Beatles – RegHardware vastu seoses iTunes’idel kasutatavate logodega. Apple aktsiad +1,8% eelturul.
Venetsueela andis teada, et kõik naftakompaniid riigis peavad maksma 33,3% maksu (royalty). Maksueelnõud(tax bills) lähevad kongressi juba homme.
Best Buy(BBY) downgrade'ti Market Performi peale Outperform'ilt Raymond James poolt. Põhjuseks valuatsioon.
Intel(INTC) sai AmTech'ilt upgrade'i 'Osta' peale varasemalt 'Hoia' pealt. Hinnasihiks $24 - põhjuseks väide, et kõik negatiivne seotud Inteliga on suuresti hinda sisse arvestatud. Ettevõte on väga positiivne PC sektori suhtes aastal 2007 ning AmTech usub, et Inteli aktsia hind hakkabki tasapisi kajastama positiivseid väljavaateid 2007. aastast.
Don't Fight the Market's Good Vibes
By Rev Shark Contributor
5/8/2006 8:44 AM EDT
"The sad truth is that excellence makes people nervous."
--Shana Alexandrer
Although it may make you nervous and you may not trust it, the action in the S&P 500, DJIA and Russell 2000 is excellent. All three indices are breaking out to multiyear highs in the face of concerns about energy and commodity prices, rising interest rates and the age of this uptrend. Despite what seems to be very positive action overall, we have seen only brief flashes of the sort of momentum buying that is associated with a frothy and overextended market.
The Nasdaq and Nasdaq 100 have been the main drag on the market. They have lagged while the other indices have broken out, but in the perverse world of the stock market that is probably a positive: The weakness in the Nasdaq and Nasdaq 100 has helped temper the excitement about this market and has kept many investors from becoming too positive too quickly.
The underperformance of big-cap technology stocks Friday was quite glaring, because the S&P 500 delivered a picture-perfect breakout. But we should take a little comfort in the fact that investors were not aggressively chasing high-beta technology stocks. There is still nervousness and uncertainty in this market and that means there is untapped buying power that can serve as fuel for further gains.
The great temptation now is to conclude that the action is so positive that it can't possibly last. Certainly we need to make sure we continue to manage our portfolio in a prudent manner and lock in some portion of gains into strength, but we should not be too fast to conclude that just because things are good it can't last much longer. The big macroeconomic worries that the pundits love to tell us about are out there, but speculating when and to what degree they may matter is a good way to ensure that you miss out on profits.
Intel on seni tänasest tipust 20.20 ka juba reageerimas ja 15 senti allapoole tulnud.
The oil industry has yet to fully recover and the Gulf of Mexico, which annually supplies about 25% of the nation's oil and gas demand, is still missing almost 22% of its typical oil production.
Oil sector braces for hurricane season
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