Hommik on USAs üpriski punane. S&P500 -0.9% @ 932, Nasdaq100 -0.9% @ 1482 ning nafta -2.0% @ 67.0.
Kiire ülevaade täna USA turul toimuvatest sündmustest:
18:00 – 4 nädalase võlakirja oksjon
20:00 – 3 kuu võlakirja oksjon
20:00 – 6 kuu võlakirja oksjon
Danske Bank leiab täna avaldatud globaalsete stsenaariumite analüüsis, et taastumine võib maailmamajanduses sel aastal olla oodatust kiirem ning seda eriti kolmandas kvartalis. Haavatavus uuteks šokkideks jääb aga kõrgeks, kui majanduslike abipakettide mõju kustub ning nõudluse genereerimisel hakkab tähtsamat rolli mängima uute töökohtade loomine. Link
Paar ingliskeelset sõna Barclaysi kohta
"NY Times reports Barclays (BCS) is in advanced talks to sell its asset-management arm to BlackRock (BLK) for more than $10 bln, people briefed on the matter said Sunday. A deal could be reached sometime this week, although those briefed on the talks cautioned that negotiations were continuing and could still fall apart. One of the biggest unresolved matters is price, with Barclays seeking more than $12 bln for Barclays Global Investors. Other firms may also make a bid. Should a deal be reached, Barclays would probably retain a stake in B.G.I., and Robert Diamond, Barclays' president, would take a seat on BlackRock's board, these people said. Representatives for Barclays and BlackRock declined to comment. In a statement last month, Barclays said, "Barclays has received a number of expressions of interest, including unsolicited interest in the broader B.G.I. business." Barclays has been seeking to improve upon a $4.2 bln deal that it reached last month to sell iShares, the exchange-traded funds unit of B.G.I., to the private equity firm CVC Capital Partners. Under the terms of the iShares deal, Barclays has a "go-shop" period until June 18 to seek a better offer, though it must pay CVC a $175 mln breakup fee if it walks away. Barclays, which is seeking to raise capital to bolster its balance sheet, has been criticized for selling the iShares unit for too low a price. Selling B.G.I. may also allay concerns over the financial health of Barclays, especially after an investment vehicle of the Abu Dhabi government said last week that it would sell its $6.8 bln stake in Barclays." (thank Briefing.com)
The EM recovery trade may have further to go but the volatility over the past few sessions and current market focus on the challenges in Latvia, along with rising US Treasury yields, highlight the risks and low levels of market conviction.
Veel uudiseid Suurbritannia pangandussektorist. Seekord jututeemaks Lloyds Banking Group.
Lloyds Banking Group teatas täna, et turule paisatud aktsiatest osteti ära 87% (kokku sooviti müüa $6.35 miljardi väärtuses aktsiaid). Suurbritannia valitsuse lihtaktsiate osalus jääb pangas 43.4%-le. Saadud kapitali eest soovitakse siis osta valitsuselt aga tagasi 3.48 miljonit eelisaktsiat, mis kärbib panga kulusid aastas hinnanguliselt 480 miljoni naelsterlingi võrra. Aktiaid müüdi 38.4 penni tükk (reedel sulgus Lloyds Banking Groupi aktsia 66 penni tasemel).
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
6/8/2009 8:27 AM EDT
Juggling is sometimes called the art of controlling patterns, controlling patterns in time and space.
-- Ronald Graham
The predicament of the market right now is how much we should anticipate some consolidations or pullbacks when the overall technical action is still so good. The market stayed stubbornly strong last week, with only the most shallow pullbacks and some big bounces on Thursday after energy and commodities were clocked on Wednesday.
The market is doing absolutely nothing wrong at this point other than not taking much time at all to rest. Market players have been much more confident in chasing some big moves in "junk" stocks like small-cap biotechnology and China names, which may be a sign of overconfidence and complacency. It has worked, though, and it is not going to stop until it fails to work for more than a day or two.
Buying any dip in the market has worked extremely well lately. The more it works, the more aggressive market players are in doing it. Last week we barely were down for more than 30 minutes before the dip-buyers pounced. We were a little weaker on Friday, but every other day last week saw exceptionally strong and persistent buying support.
When an approach to the market like dip-buying works so well for so long, we have to start watching for the pattern to begin to falter. Market players will always stay with a pattern until it breaks down completely. When it fails and folks find themselves leaning the wrong way is when we see the big spikes down.
Traders trapped in a failed dip buy are likely to panic quickly and give us one of those ugly days that shake things up and help to relieve us of any complacency and overconfidence that may be building.
We have a good test of the dip-buying approach shaping up this morning. We are going to open a bit soft, and there's sure to be some early dip-buying. Will they be able to turn us straight back up and keep us going, or will the early buyers start to think about quicker flipping for some fast gains that results in bounces not holding? The chances are increasing that dip-buying bounces will not hold up, and we should start seeing strength sold more aggressively as momentum cools off.
Overseas markets were weak, mainly on softness in energy and commodities. There isn't a lot of news on the wires, but interest rates continue to run up and trading is slow as summer vacations are the primary focus of many.
Ülespoole avanevad:
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: MSPD +9.5% (light volume), GIS +1.6%... Other news: MITI +37.0% (achieves primary endpoint in phase 2 study with acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients), GMET +19.7% (light volume; announces favorable ruling in its antitrust suit against CNX Gas Corporation and Consol Energy), ARNA +19.0% (announces Lorcaserin data demonstrating highly significant categorical and absolute weight loss and improvements in secondary endpoints associated with cardiovascular risk), DYAX +17.1% (announces FDA accepts for review the complete response submission for DX-88 in hereditary angioedema), SOL +9.0% (still checking), SLM +8.2% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), INCY +8.1% (presents results of INCB13739 that show improvement in glycemic control, insulin sensitivity and total cholesterol in patients with Type 2 diabetes), VVUS +7.9% (reports Weight loss with Qenxa stops progression toward Type 2 diabetes in obese non-diabetic patients), OREX +7.7% (presents additional NB-302 Contrave data at ADA), JBL +2.9% (SunPower Announces Multi-Year Manufacturing Agreement With Jabil Circuit), STEM +2.9% (announces 'positive' Phase I batten trial results), BRCM +2.0% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), SGMO +1.2% (presents 'positive' Phase 2 ZFP therapeutic data at ADA 2009)... Analyst comments: BX +4.4% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman- Reuters), ITRI +1.4% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan), STZ +1.0% (upgraded to Buy at Stifel Nicolaus).
Allapoole avanevad:
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: Q -4.1% (completes strategic review of long distance network asset; also downgraded to Sell at Argus), MCD -3.1%... Select financials showing weakness: AIB -15.7% and IRE -9.1% (S&P lowers Republic of Ireland rating to 'AA'; outlook negative), LYG -7.4% (Lloyds TSB banking rights issue 87% subscribed - DJ), IBN -5.6%, ABB -4.3%, BCS -4.2% (Barclays said to hold talks to sell an asset unit - NY Times), RBS -3.2%, BAC -3.0%, DB -3.0%, AZ -2.2%, C -1.7% (Citigroup capital raising hit by FDIC threat - FT), GS -1.3%, MS -1.2%... Select oil/gas related names trading lower: HAL -3.1%, WFT -3.1%, TOT -2.6%, RIG -2.5%, E -2.4%, RDS.A -1.8%, BP -1.1%... Select metals/mining names showing weakness: MT -5.7%, BHP -5.5%, BBL -4.8%, RTP -4.5% (Rio Tinto has run up an estimated $1 bln bill as a result of its botched Chinalco fundraising - Guardian Unlimited), AAUK -4.4%, GFI -4.2%, HMY -4.1%, VALE -2.6%, GOLD -2.2%, GG -2.2%, SLV -2.1%, ABX -1.9%... Select solar names ticking lower: CSIQ -5.7%, LDK -3.2%, FSLR -1.4%... Other news: PALM -4.4% (Palm Pre users reporting possible heat-related screen distortion - Gizmodo), SI -2.8% (still checking), F -2.2% (Ford to face tougher rivals following U.S. rescue - WSJ), TMK -1.5% (updates status of investment portfolio and liquidity and capital), ... Analyst comments: HOV -3.7% (downgraded to Underperform from Market Perform at Wachovia), GOOG -1.3% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Benchmark), BAX -1.2% (downgraded to Hold at Soleil), T -0.9% (removed from Conviction Buy List at Goldman- Reuters).
USA turud on eelturgudel langustrendis.
Saksamaa DAX -1.52%
Prantsusmaa CAC 40 -1.50%
Inglismaa FTSE 100 -1.17%
Hispaania IBEX 35 -1.60%
Venemaa MICEX -2.40%
Poola WIG -1.67%
Aasia turud:
Jaapani Nikkei 225 +1.00%
Hong Kongi Hang Seng -2.28%
Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) +0.53%
Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +0.18%
Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq +0.00%
Tai Set 50 -0.88%
India Sensex 30 -2.90%
Nädalavahetusel läks müüki ka uus nutitelefon Palm Pre. Aktsia on eelturul -5.92%.
"RBC notes channel checks suggest widespread stockouts on strong early demand. THey note first weekend sales are estimated at 45-55k, inline with their prelim sales ests. Stores have limited visibility to replenishment; they expect inventories to be constrained and likely to remain tight through summer. They appears on track for their 470k units sold est 1st quarter. They estimate 80-90%+ of early Pre buyers appear to be Sprint customers, many upgrading from regular flip phones and also other smartphones and 60% of buyers as prior PALM owners. Uptake affirms Pre's differentiation, suggests sustainability of long-term demand, in their view. Battery life and limited apps (shortcomings highlighted in early Pre reviews) are not deterring early buyers." (again, thank Briefing.com).
Credit card delinquencies in 1Q jump 11% from year earlier - DJ
DJ reports delinquencies on plastic issued by banks jumped in the first quarter from a year ago as strapped borrowers used their tax refunds to meet daily expenses instead of paying down their credit card balances. For the first three months of the year, the delinquency rate in the U.S. rose to 1.32% for consumers who were three months or more behind payments on their cards, up 11% from 1.19% a year earlier, according to a report published by credit-reporting bureau TransUnion. The delinquency rate for the first quarter jumped 9.1% from the previous quarter. Higher delinquencies, fueled by rising unemployment and the economic slump, force issuers to squirrel away capital to reserve for potential losses; ultimately, companies must write off loans if customers can't pay up. That could mean more trouble for card issuers such as Citigroup (C), Bank of America (BAC), American Express (AXP), Capital One Financial (COF), Discover Financial Services (DFS) and JPMorgan Chase (JPM).
Turg rallib üles???
Ja juba teist kauplemispäeva nafta tõuseb koos USD-ga.