Eelmise nädala heitlikkus püsis aktsiaturgudel ka esmaspäeval, kui S&P 500 kaotas -0,7%. Ehkki tagasi anti vaid osa reedesest 2% rallist, vähendab kasvanud volatiilsus ilmselt turuosaliste kindlustunnet näha aasta viimastel nädalatel vaid hooajalisusest tingitud positiivset liikumist.
Märkimisväärne osas langusest tuli energiasektorist, mille kaotus ulatus S&P 500 indeksis -3,7%ni. OPECi reedest otsust seedides jätkati naftapositsioonide likvideerimist, juhatades musta kulla WTI näol -5,8% madamalale ja tingides Brenti -5,3% odavnemise 40,7 dollarile barreli eest. Kaasa ei aidanud uudised ka nõudluse poolel, kui keskmisest kõrgemate temperatuuride tõttu oodatakse Ühendriikides aasta lõpuni madalat kütteõli kasutust.
CNBC-le antud intervjuus ütles Atlanta FEDi president Dennis Lockhart, et USA majandus liigub hetkel mõõduka kasvu trajektooril, mis jääb pigem 2% kui 3% juurde. Tema sõnul on raske täpselt öelda, milliseks majanduse olukord kujuneb ja seepärast ei saa keskpank intressimäärade reguleerimisel lähtuda ettemääratud kavast. Tema hinnangul peaks intressimäära kergitamine jätkuma pärast esimest tõstmist järkjärguliselt. Ka St Luis FEDi presidendi James Bullardi sõnul ei tohiks FED intressimäärade reguleerimisel lukustada end kindlasse mustrisse nagu näiteks perioodil 2004-2006.a.
Allapoole on Wall Streeti ja toorainete nõrkuse tõttu liikunud ka Aasia börsid, sh Jaapanis, kus Nikkei kauples kirjutamise hetkel -1,0% punases. Seda vaatamata uudisele, et riigi kolmanda kvatali SKP kvartaalne -0,2% langus korrigeeriti 0,3% kasvuks (oodati 0,0%), millega suudeti tehniliselt vältida majandussurutist. Peamine erinevus võrreldes esialgse hinnanguga tulenes erasektori investeeringutest ja varudest, samal ajal revideeriti tarbimise kvartaalne muutus 0,5% pealt 0,4% peale ja avaliku sektori kulutuste langus -0,3% pealt -1,5% peale.
Hiina novembrikuu kaubandusstatistika kohaselt püsis ekspordi -6,8% langustempo sisuliselt samal tasemel võrreldes oktoobriga, jäädes alla analüütikute -5,0% ootusele. Mõnevõrra positiivsemad olid uudised impordi osas, mille langus dollarites aeglustus -18,8% pealt -8,7% peale (oodati -11,9%), viidates kodumaise nõudluse võimalikule stabiliseerumisele.
Hiina ekspordi (valge) ja impordi (oranž) YoY muutus
Tänase börsipäeva majandusuudiste valik midagi väga silmapaistvat ei paku. Euroopas avaldatakse Suurbritannia oktoobrikuu tööstustoodangu muutus, Ühendriikides jälgitakse väikefirmade kindlustunde indeksit ja JOLTS tööturu küsitlust.
09.45 Prantsusmaa valitsuse eelarve tasakaal (oktoober)
11.30 Suurbritannia tööstustoodang (oktoober)
12.00 Eurotsooni kolmanda kvatali lõplik SKP
13.00 USA väikeettevõtete kindlustunde indeks (november)
17.00 USA JOLTS tööturu küsitlus (oktoober)
Prantsusmaa valitsuse eelarve tänavune puudujääk ulatus oktoobri seisuga -76,2 miljardi euroni, mis märkis mullu sama ajaga võrreldes langust -8,5 miljardi euro võrra

USA väikeettevõtete kindlustunde indeks alanes novembris 96,1 punkti pealt 94,8 punktile, osutudes nõrgemaks võrreldes analüütikute 96,4 ootusega. Märkimisväärne aga on küsitletud firmade seas nende osakaalu tõus, kes kavatsevad töötajate palka tõsta, mis võib näidata et inflatsiooniline surve on vaikselt ligi hiilimas.

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: ORIG +15.9%, PLCE +8.7%, DRYS +5.5%, ENZ +1.8%
M&A news: FCS +7.8% (acknowledges receipt of an unsolicited proposal to be acquired for $21.70/share in cash, says Board will review and consider the proposal)
Other news: ONTX +43.5% (presents positive data from Phase 2 combination trial of oral Rigosertib and Azacitidine), TXMD +38.7% (announced positive top-line results from its pivotal Phase 3 Rejoice Trial of TX-004HR), ANAD +17.6% (announced end of 'go-shop period'), GLPG +17.4% (announced that its 200 mg filgotinib product has been shown to be effective and safe as once-daily, oral induction treatment in moderate to severe Crohn's disease), PIRS +16.5% (announces research collaboration and license agreement with Roche (RHHBY) in cancer immunotherapy), EFUT +9.5% ( raises active stake to 56.49% (Prior 50.51%)), ICLD +7.8% (commences a review of its strategic alternatives in response to the receipt of multiple unsolicited offers to purchase certain of its key assets), BSI +7.7% (announced that Mega Retail has agreed to sell six supermarket branches to Rami Levi Chain Stores Hashikma Marketing; consideration will be NIS 26 mln), CUR +7.5% reports that NSI-189 molecule data has been published in Molecular Psychiatry), CPXX +7.3% (reports positive data for Vyxeos, showing induced high rates of response in patients with AML), CTRV +6.8% (reports positive results for CMX157; results from head-to-head studies support CMX157's), ZIOP +5% (announced presentation of data from CD19-specific car+ T-cell therapy programs; results demonstrate survival benefit in long-term follow-up infusing autologous genetically modified T cells after hsct), SYN +4.7% (positive topline results from the four week Phase 2 clinical trial of SYN-010 for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation), GALE +2.6% (reports final data for its GALE-401 Phase 2 proof-of-concept clinical trial), CSRA +1.8% (awarded an IDIQ contract from the Dept of Homeland Security for support of its Data Center 1), EGRX +1.7% (Eagle Pharma and Teva Pharma announce that the FDA has approved BENDEKA), DBVT +1.3% (announced the initiation of a pivotal Phase III study designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Viaskin)
Analyst comments: FEYE +3.3% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup), MESO +2.5% (initiated with a Overweight at JP Morgan), ARES +1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: RAS -25.9%, OUTR -20.3%, UNFI -14.1%, TOL -4.3%, HQY -3%, CASY -2.5%, HRB -1.1%, GWPH -0.9%, HD -0.6%
Select EU financial related names showing weakness: DB -2.5%, ING -2.3%, HSBC -2.3%, SAN -2.1%
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: MT -7.7%, VALE -7.1%, RIO -6.9%, BBL -6.4%, BHP -5.6%, CLF -4.2%, FCX -3.2%, AKS -2.9%, X -2.8%, AA -2%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: SDRL -11.1%, CHK -4%, KMI -3.9%, PBR -3.7%, MRO -3.6%, RDS.A -2.6%, TOT -2.1%, BP -1.8%
Other news: GEVO -36% (announced a public offering of common stock and warrants), FELP -12.2% (provided update on bondholder litigation; discussions with bondholders and secured credit facility lenders; says 'discussions with the bondholders are unsuccessful, it could result in an adverse judgment being rendered'), KBIO -6.1% (still checking), CMG -4.5% (following report that Several basketball players are sick of E Coli after eating at CMG, CMG issued statement to CNBC said 'safety of customers a priority -Cleveland Circle store temp closed -no evidence yet to suggest e-coli'), VRX -3.6% (mulling a sale of its specialty contact lens manufacturing unit, according to Reuters), QCOM -3.1% (The EU sends two Statements of Objections on exclusivity payments and predatory pricing to Qualcomm), NFLX -3% (likely down with futures), WYNN -2.5% (Gaming stocks weak in HK trade), LVS -2.1% (Gaming stocks weak in HK trade), BABA -1.5% (likely down with futures), M -1.4% (likely down with futures)
Analyst comments: ODP -4.1% (target lowered to $7.50 from $11 at Telsey Advisory Group), PKI -3.9% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman ), CG -3% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill), CBOE -1.8% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal Weight at Barclays), APO -1.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill), CUK -1.6% (downgraded to Hold at Numis ), IHG -1.3% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Berenberg)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: ORIG +15.9%, PLCE +8.7%, DRYS +5.5%, ENZ +1.8%
M&A news: FCS +7.8% (acknowledges receipt of an unsolicited proposal to be acquired for $21.70/share in cash, says Board will review and consider the proposal)
Other news: ONTX +43.5% (presents positive data from Phase 2 combination trial of oral Rigosertib and Azacitidine), TXMD +38.7% (announced positive top-line results from its pivotal Phase 3 Rejoice Trial of TX-004HR), ANAD +17.6% (announced end of 'go-shop period'), GLPG +17.4% (announced that its 200 mg filgotinib product has been shown to be effective and safe as once-daily, oral induction treatment in moderate to severe Crohn's disease), PIRS +16.5% (announces research collaboration and license agreement with Roche (RHHBY) in cancer immunotherapy), EFUT +9.5% ( raises active stake to 56.49% (Prior 50.51%)), ICLD +7.8% (commences a review of its strategic alternatives in response to the receipt of multiple unsolicited offers to purchase certain of its key assets), BSI +7.7% (announced that Mega Retail has agreed to sell six supermarket branches to Rami Levi Chain Stores Hashikma Marketing; consideration will be NIS 26 mln), CUR +7.5% reports that NSI-189 molecule data has been published in Molecular Psychiatry), CPXX +7.3% (reports positive data for Vyxeos, showing induced high rates of response in patients with AML), CTRV +6.8% (reports positive results for CMX157; results from head-to-head studies support CMX157's), ZIOP +5% (announced presentation of data from CD19-specific car+ T-cell therapy programs; results demonstrate survival benefit in long-term follow-up infusing autologous genetically modified T cells after hsct), SYN +4.7% (positive topline results from the four week Phase 2 clinical trial of SYN-010 for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation), GALE +2.6% (reports final data for its GALE-401 Phase 2 proof-of-concept clinical trial), CSRA +1.8% (awarded an IDIQ contract from the Dept of Homeland Security for support of its Data Center 1), EGRX +1.7% (Eagle Pharma and Teva Pharma announce that the FDA has approved BENDEKA), DBVT +1.3% (announced the initiation of a pivotal Phase III study designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Viaskin)
Analyst comments: FEYE +3.3% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup), MESO +2.5% (initiated with a Overweight at JP Morgan), ARES +1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: RAS -25.9%, OUTR -20.3%, UNFI -14.1%, TOL -4.3%, HQY -3%, CASY -2.5%, HRB -1.1%, GWPH -0.9%, HD -0.6%
Select EU financial related names showing weakness: DB -2.5%, ING -2.3%, HSBC -2.3%, SAN -2.1%
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: MT -7.7%, VALE -7.1%, RIO -6.9%, BBL -6.4%, BHP -5.6%, CLF -4.2%, FCX -3.2%, AKS -2.9%, X -2.8%, AA -2%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: SDRL -11.1%, CHK -4%, KMI -3.9%, PBR -3.7%, MRO -3.6%, RDS.A -2.6%, TOT -2.1%, BP -1.8%
Other news: GEVO -36% (announced a public offering of common stock and warrants), FELP -12.2% (provided update on bondholder litigation; discussions with bondholders and secured credit facility lenders; says 'discussions with the bondholders are unsuccessful, it could result in an adverse judgment being rendered'), KBIO -6.1% (still checking), CMG -4.5% (following report that Several basketball players are sick of E Coli after eating at CMG, CMG issued statement to CNBC said 'safety of customers a priority -Cleveland Circle store temp closed -no evidence yet to suggest e-coli'), VRX -3.6% (mulling a sale of its specialty contact lens manufacturing unit, according to Reuters), QCOM -3.1% (The EU sends two Statements of Objections on exclusivity payments and predatory pricing to Qualcomm), NFLX -3% (likely down with futures), WYNN -2.5% (Gaming stocks weak in HK trade), LVS -2.1% (Gaming stocks weak in HK trade), BABA -1.5% (likely down with futures), M -1.4% (likely down with futures)
Analyst comments: ODP -4.1% (target lowered to $7.50 from $11 at Telsey Advisory Group), PKI -3.9% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman ), CG -3% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill), CBOE -1.8% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal Weight at Barclays), APO -1.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill), CUK -1.6% (downgraded to Hold at Numis ), IHG -1.3% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Berenberg)