Suures osas domineeris eilset päeva risk-off sentiment, kuid USA indeksid suutsid sessiooni jooksul vaikselt siiski kosuda ning sulguda alla protsendise kaotusega, kui esimese poole põhjad tehti üle 2% madalamal võrreldes reedega. Toetust oli pakkumas vastupidiselt ootustele kergelt paranenud teenindussektori PMI näitaja, mis tõusis juulikuu 52,7 pealt augustis 53,3 peale. Detailsemalt vaadates võib näha, et kui uued tellimused näitasid tugevust siis tööhõive indeks kukkus 11 kuu põhjadesse, peegeldades sellega tööturu viimaste kuude nõrgenevat trendi. Selles valguses oodatakse huviga Obama neljapäevast kõnet, milles president avalikustab töökohtade loomise stimuleerimiseks täiendavaid meetmeid.
Sentiment on jätkanud paranemist ka täna hommikul, kui USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad 0,9% plussis ning Aasias julgustas ostjaid Austraalia oodatust parem teise kvartali majanduskasv, milleks oli 1,2% vs prognoositud 1,0%. Esimeses kvartalis kahanes riigi sisemajandusekogutoodang -0,9% ning aastataguse perioodiga võrreldes oli Q2 näitaja parem 1,4%.
Riksbank avalikustab täna oma intressimäära otsuse (kl 10.30) ja ehkki valdavalt usutakse selle samaks jätmist, siis huvi võiksid pakkuda just kommentaarid majandusarengu osas nii Rootsis kui globaalsel tasandil. Makrost avalikustatakse kell 11.30 Suurbritannia ja kell 13.00 Saksamaa tööstustoodangu juulikuu muutused. Õhtul, kell 21.00 oodatakse aga Beige Booki. Suurimat huvi peaks täna siiski pakkuma Saksamaa riigikohtu otsus, kas Kreeka, Iirimaa ja Portugali päästepakettide finantseerimine oli kooskõlas põhiseadusega. Arvatakse, et otsused jäävad seaduslikuks, ent edaspidiste abipakettide puhul võib kohus nõuda hääletust Bundestagis.
Euroopa turud on praeguse info kohaselt avanemas üle 2% jagu kõrgemal.
Rootsi keskpank jättis intressimäära muutmata (2%) ning on taganenud varasemast nägemusest jätkata globaalselt halvenenud majandusolukorra tõttu lähitulevikus intresside tõstmisega. Järgmise aasta majanduskasvuks ootab Riksbank 1,7% vs varasemalt prognoositud 2,2% ning 2013.a ootuseks on 2,4%. Inflatsiooniks prognoositakse järgmisel aastal 2,1%, kui varasemalt oli ootuseks 2,7%.
Saksamaa kohus lükkas tagasi Kreeka abipaketi seaduslikkuse üle arutlemise. EURUSD spike'is päeva tippu 1,4150 juurde; hetkel kaupleb 0,8% kõrgemal 1,4106 juures.
Suurbritannia juuli tööstustoodang kahanes mullusega võrreldes -0,7%, samas kui konsensus oli prognoosinud -0,4%-list vähenemist.

WSJ kirjutab, et Yahoo! (YHOO) CEO Carol Bartz on ametist lahti saanud ning hetkel on tema asemele määratud firmas praegu CFO-na töötav Tim Morse.
Väidetavalt lasti Bartz lahti telefoni teel ja ega põhjuseid juhi vahetuseks pole vaja ka kaugelt otsida, sest YHOO käekäik pole viimastel aastatel investoreid just rõõmustanud ning i-le täpi pani ilmselt probleemid ettevõtte Aasia üksustega, mida siiani peeti firma suurimaks varaks.
Väidetavalt lasti Bartz lahti telefoni teel ja ega põhjuseid juhi vahetuseks pole vaja ka kaugelt otsida, sest YHOO käekäik pole viimastel aastatel investoreid just rõõmustanud ning i-le täpi pani ilmselt probleemid ettevõtte Aasia üksustega, mida siiani peeti firma suurimaks varaks.
Lisaks Šveitsi rahvusvahelistele ettevõtetele mõjub frangi tugevnemine negatiivselt ka Unagri ja Poola kodulaenude omanikele. Kuigi keskpanga viimatine plaan kehtestada EURCHF 1.2 tase, millest allpool frangil kaubelda ei lasta on lühiajaliselt efektiivsem kui teised varasemad sekkumised, usutakse, et Poola ja Ungari pankadel tuleb silmitsi seista suurema arvu probleemsete laenudega.
Näiteks on Ungaris 73% hüpoteeklaenudest välisvaluutas, kusjuures 90% nendest Šveitsi frangi vääringus. Morgan Stanley hinnangul on hüpoteeklaenude kuumaksed, mis on välja antud CHFis, tõusnud 11% Poolas ja 70% Ungaris alates nende väljaandmise hetkest. Ungari valitsus on kehtestanud ka programmi, mille kohaselt fikseeritakse laenajale CHF/HUF kurss tasemel 180 (praegune kurss on 228) 2015. aastani. Muidugi mõista peab laenuvõtja tekkinud vahe pärast 2015. aastat tagasi maksma ehk kuni selle ajani oleksid laenumaksed fikseeritud praegusest madalamatel tasemetel. Osavõtt programmist on aga jäänud kesiseks, jäädes alla 1% laenude kogumahust. Jaeklientide probleemsed laenud on muutunud Ungaris tõsiseks probleemiks, ulatudes 11%-ni laenude kogumahust.

Näiteks on Ungaris 73% hüpoteeklaenudest välisvaluutas, kusjuures 90% nendest Šveitsi frangi vääringus. Morgan Stanley hinnangul on hüpoteeklaenude kuumaksed, mis on välja antud CHFis, tõusnud 11% Poolas ja 70% Ungaris alates nende väljaandmise hetkest. Ungari valitsus on kehtestanud ka programmi, mille kohaselt fikseeritakse laenajale CHF/HUF kurss tasemel 180 (praegune kurss on 228) 2015. aastani. Muidugi mõista peab laenuvõtja tekkinud vahe pärast 2015. aastat tagasi maksma ehk kuni selle ajani oleksid laenumaksed fikseeritud praegusest madalamatel tasemetel. Osavõtt programmist on aga jäänud kesiseks, jäädes alla 1% laenude kogumahust. Jaeklientide probleemsed laenud on muutunud Ungaris tõsiseks probleemiks, ulatudes 11%-ni laenude kogumahust.

Germany industrial output up 4 percent in July.
The country saw a 4 percent increase in industrial production in July compared to the previous month, according to seasonally adjusted figures. That compares with a 1.1 percent drop reported in June over May.
Economists had been predicting only a 0.5 percent increase in July.
Mis jama see on, kuidas need sakslased julgevad avaldada selliseid numbreid recessionis? Kas nad ei ole turgude peasuunaga kursis?
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: NVDA +5.1%, PAY +4.2%.
M&A news: WLT +12.1% (seeing early strength on reports that AAUKY may bid for the company), .
Select financial related names showing strength: NBG +6.1% (light volume), LYG +4.6%, ING +2.5%, UBS +2.4% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Collins Stewart), BCS +1.9%, DB +1.8%, CS +1.8%, HBC +1.5%, .
A few coal stocks are ticking higher on WLT M&A speculation: PCX +4.6%, ANR +3.2%, YZC +2.4%.
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: SDRL +3.2%, HAL +2.8%, E +1.8%, BP +0.6%.
Other news: MELA +56.3% (confirms it received European Union approval for MelaFind), YHOO +6.9% (removes Carol Bartz as CEO; appoints CFO Timothy Morse as interim CEO, effective immediately; reports out overnight also suggest potential M&A), BAC +6.4% (streamlines management and operations; BAC appointed David Darnell and Tom Montag to the newly-created positions of co-chief operating officers; Price and Krawcheck will leave co), STKL +5.5% (light volume, announced earlier a strategic review of Opta Minerals), YGE +4.3% (Yingli Green Energy, ECN and Amtech to develop N-type MWT High Efficiency PV cell and mod), FST +3.8% (announces spin-off of Lone Pine Resources (LPR) and special stock dividend to shareholders of 70 mln shares of LPR stock), WMB +3.8% (to increase annual dividend by 25% to $1.00/share; provides 2011-13 guidance reflecting separation of E&P business; committed to E&P separation; IPO timing dependent on market conditions), RCL +2.4% (still checking), SAP +1.1% (to acquire 3-D visualization software maker Right Hemisphere), GOOG +1.1% (higher on reports of China license renewal), RIMM +0.7% (Research In Motion urged to sell co or spin off patents, according to report).
Analyst comments: LVS +2.9% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman).
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: NVDA +5.1%, PAY +4.2%.
M&A news: WLT +12.1% (seeing early strength on reports that AAUKY may bid for the company), .
Select financial related names showing strength: NBG +6.1% (light volume), LYG +4.6%, ING +2.5%, UBS +2.4% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Collins Stewart), BCS +1.9%, DB +1.8%, CS +1.8%, HBC +1.5%, .
A few coal stocks are ticking higher on WLT M&A speculation: PCX +4.6%, ANR +3.2%, YZC +2.4%.
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: SDRL +3.2%, HAL +2.8%, E +1.8%, BP +0.6%.
Other news: MELA +56.3% (confirms it received European Union approval for MelaFind), YHOO +6.9% (removes Carol Bartz as CEO; appoints CFO Timothy Morse as interim CEO, effective immediately; reports out overnight also suggest potential M&A), BAC +6.4% (streamlines management and operations; BAC appointed David Darnell and Tom Montag to the newly-created positions of co-chief operating officers; Price and Krawcheck will leave co), STKL +5.5% (light volume, announced earlier a strategic review of Opta Minerals), YGE +4.3% (Yingli Green Energy, ECN and Amtech to develop N-type MWT High Efficiency PV cell and mod), FST +3.8% (announces spin-off of Lone Pine Resources (LPR) and special stock dividend to shareholders of 70 mln shares of LPR stock), WMB +3.8% (to increase annual dividend by 25% to $1.00/share; provides 2011-13 guidance reflecting separation of E&P business; committed to E&P separation; IPO timing dependent on market conditions), RCL +2.4% (still checking), SAP +1.1% (to acquire 3-D visualization software maker Right Hemisphere), GOOG +1.1% (higher on reports of China license renewal), RIMM +0.7% (Research In Motion urged to sell co or spin off patents, according to report).
Analyst comments: LVS +2.9% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman).
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: URBN -7.3%, DRI -4.3%, (also downgraded to Outperform from Strong Buy at Raymond James), NNN -2.4%, (also prices 8 mln shares of common stock at $26.07 per share), ALTR -1.7%.
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: SLV -2.8%, SLW -2.7%, HL -2.6%, GLD -2.4%, SVM -2.3%, GDX -1.7%, GOLD -0.7%.
Other news: ACOR -1.5% (announced that the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey has ruled against it in its patent litigation against Apotex Corporation and Apotex Inc), BIDU -0.3% (under modest pressure on reports that GOOG received China license).
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: URBN -7.3%, DRI -4.3%, (also downgraded to Outperform from Strong Buy at Raymond James), NNN -2.4%, (also prices 8 mln shares of common stock at $26.07 per share), ALTR -1.7%.
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: SLV -2.8%, SLW -2.7%, HL -2.6%, GLD -2.4%, SVM -2.3%, GDX -1.7%, GOLD -0.7%.
Other news: ACOR -1.5% (announced that the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey has ruled against it in its patent litigation against Apotex Corporation and Apotex Inc), BIDU -0.3% (under modest pressure on reports that GOOG received China license).
Veel YHOO uudiste jätkuks:
Jefferies analüütik Youssef H. Squali ütleb, et ettevõttel on äärmiselt raske leida piisavalt võimekat juhti juhti, kes tahaks YHOO juhi kohale astuda. Sellest tulenevalt usub ta, et Yahoo hakkab endale ostjaid otsima.
Analüütiku sõnul oleks potentsiaalsed ostjad NWSA, MSFT (mis on ka eelnevalöt üritanud YHOO-d üle võtta) ja AOL ning ülevõtt võiks toimuda hinnavahemikus $ 18-20 aktsia eest.
Given the succession of three CEOs in less than four years, it'll be challenging for the board to find an A player who'd be willing to take on the daunting task, and for investors to wait for yet again another turnaround to happen. We believe that Yahoo! sells itself before a permanent CEO is announced.
Number of strategic options could be on the table. These include: "an outright sale to a large media company like News Corp. (Nasdaq: NWSA), or a more convoluted structure that would involve private equity, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT), AOL (NYSE: AOL) and may be even Alibaba Group."
Yahoo! could reasonably get $18-$20 per share in a deal even though the company is a diminishing asset.
Jefferies analüütik Youssef H. Squali ütleb, et ettevõttel on äärmiselt raske leida piisavalt võimekat juhti juhti, kes tahaks YHOO juhi kohale astuda. Sellest tulenevalt usub ta, et Yahoo hakkab endale ostjaid otsima.
Analüütiku sõnul oleks potentsiaalsed ostjad NWSA, MSFT (mis on ka eelnevalöt üritanud YHOO-d üle võtta) ja AOL ning ülevõtt võiks toimuda hinnavahemikus $ 18-20 aktsia eest.
Given the succession of three CEOs in less than four years, it'll be challenging for the board to find an A player who'd be willing to take on the daunting task, and for investors to wait for yet again another turnaround to happen. We believe that Yahoo! sells itself before a permanent CEO is announced.
Number of strategic options could be on the table. These include: "an outright sale to a large media company like News Corp. (Nasdaq: NWSA), or a more convoluted structure that would involve private equity, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT), AOL (NYSE: AOL) and may be even Alibaba Group."
Yahoo! could reasonably get $18-$20 per share in a deal even though the company is a diminishing asset.
Playing a Broken Market
By James "Rev Shark" DePorre
| Sep 07, 2011 |
"Investors should start with a view of skepticism. They should become intellectual investors rather than emotional investors. They should be careful, and they should be skeptical."
--Arthur Levitt, former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman
The challenge of a broken market is playing the bounces and countertrend moves without becoming prematurely bullish for the longer term. The first positive action after a spike to the downside always produces a crowd of emotional bulls who are ready to proclaim that the worst is over and that it is clear sailing.
It is human nature to want to believe that we have finally put the worst behind us, but that inclination causes the most damage when a bad market continues to act poorly. If we went straight down, we’d avoid bouts of false hope. Building up hope and then crushing it causes the despair of bear markets.
The key to dealing with this sort of market is to embrace the bounces as best you can but maintain skepticism, and don't join the folks who are so quick to celebrate. Calling the bottom produces a false sense of confidence at exactly the time when you need to be most disciplined with your trading. It is not the time to be too comfortable.
I don’t want to sound overly negative as countertrend bounces can produce some very profitable trading. You can do quite well in a downtrending market, even if you don’t play the short side, by just playing the bounces and upside spikes in a disciplined manner. Don't let short-term bounce plays turn into long-term investments if you are caught by surprise when the market turns back down.
We already have a good supply of overanxious bulls caught by surprise when the bounce at the end of August was slammed by the poor action to start September. Many of these folks will want to escape if they can cut their recent losses and get back to even, which will be the source of some overhead resistance.
If we take a step back and look at the big picture, we are smack in the middle of a trading range. We have very important support on the S&P 500 at 1125 and overhead resistance at 1225. Holding above that 1125 area is key. As I discussed Tuesday, any retest of that level has a very high probability of failing and if we move close to it, I’ll be looking for selling pressure to pick up substantially.
One of the big challenges of playing oversold bounces like the one we are seeing this morning is you aren’t going to find many standard bullish setups. There are never many good charts, especially for momentum traders, when the market has broken down and hovers around the lows.
If you are a trend trader, the trend is still down and you shouldn’t expect to find much, so adapt your approach if you hope to put money to work. In an environment like this, I often buy charts that I’d normally never touch in a bull market but the dynamics are quite different when you are playing an oversold bounce versus a market that is trending to the upside.
The key thing to watch this morning will be the aggressiveness of dip buyers on the first pullback after the gap-up open. They should be quick to jump in if we are going to see a healthy bounce. If we take out the early lows quickly, that is going to undermine any fledging bullishness we see this morning.
The news flow is positive with the German courts clearing the way for continued bailout efforts in Europe, and news is trickling in about President Obama’s new jobs plan, which includes the magic words "tax cuts," and the market is looking forward to comments tomorrow from Fed chief Ben Bernanke.
Play the bounce, but maintain a high level of skepticism. The important thing at this point is to book some gains rather than worry about whether a longer-term low is in place.
By James "Rev Shark" DePorre
| Sep 07, 2011 |
"Investors should start with a view of skepticism. They should become intellectual investors rather than emotional investors. They should be careful, and they should be skeptical."
--Arthur Levitt, former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman
The challenge of a broken market is playing the bounces and countertrend moves without becoming prematurely bullish for the longer term. The first positive action after a spike to the downside always produces a crowd of emotional bulls who are ready to proclaim that the worst is over and that it is clear sailing.
It is human nature to want to believe that we have finally put the worst behind us, but that inclination causes the most damage when a bad market continues to act poorly. If we went straight down, we’d avoid bouts of false hope. Building up hope and then crushing it causes the despair of bear markets.
The key to dealing with this sort of market is to embrace the bounces as best you can but maintain skepticism, and don't join the folks who are so quick to celebrate. Calling the bottom produces a false sense of confidence at exactly the time when you need to be most disciplined with your trading. It is not the time to be too comfortable.
I don’t want to sound overly negative as countertrend bounces can produce some very profitable trading. You can do quite well in a downtrending market, even if you don’t play the short side, by just playing the bounces and upside spikes in a disciplined manner. Don't let short-term bounce plays turn into long-term investments if you are caught by surprise when the market turns back down.
We already have a good supply of overanxious bulls caught by surprise when the bounce at the end of August was slammed by the poor action to start September. Many of these folks will want to escape if they can cut their recent losses and get back to even, which will be the source of some overhead resistance.
If we take a step back and look at the big picture, we are smack in the middle of a trading range. We have very important support on the S&P 500 at 1125 and overhead resistance at 1225. Holding above that 1125 area is key. As I discussed Tuesday, any retest of that level has a very high probability of failing and if we move close to it, I’ll be looking for selling pressure to pick up substantially.
One of the big challenges of playing oversold bounces like the one we are seeing this morning is you aren’t going to find many standard bullish setups. There are never many good charts, especially for momentum traders, when the market has broken down and hovers around the lows.
If you are a trend trader, the trend is still down and you shouldn’t expect to find much, so adapt your approach if you hope to put money to work. In an environment like this, I often buy charts that I’d normally never touch in a bull market but the dynamics are quite different when you are playing an oversold bounce versus a market that is trending to the upside.
The key thing to watch this morning will be the aggressiveness of dip buyers on the first pullback after the gap-up open. They should be quick to jump in if we are going to see a healthy bounce. If we take out the early lows quickly, that is going to undermine any fledging bullishness we see this morning.
The news flow is positive with the German courts clearing the way for continued bailout efforts in Europe, and news is trickling in about President Obama’s new jobs plan, which includes the magic words "tax cuts," and the market is looking forward to comments tomorrow from Fed chief Ben Bernanke.
Play the bounce, but maintain a high level of skepticism. The important thing at this point is to book some gains rather than worry about whether a longer-term low is in place.
Mis selle kullaga juhtus, et nii palju alla tuli?
Täna on lihtsalt jälle see päev, kus natuke vähem inimesi arvab, et USA läheb defaulti ja recession-isse ning Euroopat tabab üldse meteoriit, mis selle koos euroga maamunalt minema pühib. Seega ostetakse natuke rohkem riskivarasid ja natuke vähem tehakse defensive bet-e. Homme võib kõik olla jälle teistpidi...
Täna on lihtsalt jälle see päev, kus natuke vähem inimesi arvab, et USA läheb defaulti ja recession-isse ning Euroopat tabab üldse meteoriit, mis selle koos euroga maamunalt minema pühib. Seega ostetakse natuke rohkem riskivarasid ja natuke vähem tehakse defensive bet-e. Homme võib kõik olla jälle teistpidi...
Fed's Evans says Fed needs to take strong action now, should 'seriously consider' easing policy significantly - Reuters
Doug Kass otsutas minna just SPY-s lühikeseks, sest tema sõnul tänane ralli ennast ei õigusta.
We are now up fifty s and p handles since early yesterday. Little has been resolved. Taking out small short rental at 119.4 in spy
We are now up fifty s and p handles since early yesterday. Little has been resolved. Taking out small short rental at 119.4 in spy
VeriSign (VRSN) on tühistanud juba kaks konverentskõnet järjest: esimene eile Citiga ja teine täna ThinkEquity`ga, mis omakorda on viinud spekulatsioonideni, et ettevõte võidakse ära osta.
Aktsiahind on kahe päevaga kallinenud 18% ja hetkel kaupleb VRSN $ 34,35 juures, 7,2% plusspoolel.
Aktsiahind on kahe päevaga kallinenud 18% ja hetkel kaupleb VRSN $ 34,35 juures, 7,2% plusspoolel.
Tänases Foorumi saates võetakse teemaks Euroopa võlakriis.
Käesoleval pühapäeval möödub teatavasti kümme aastat päevast, mil kaks terroristide poolt kaaperdatud lennukit NY-s asuvasse WTC tornmajja sisse lendasid. Kuigi sellest päevast on palju vett merre voolanud, siis hirm elab inimeste alateadvuses edasi ning aeg-ajalt annab endast ka märku. Olukord pole erinev ka aktsiaturgudel ning veebilehel on küsitud mitme turuosalise arvamust, kui kõrgeks hindavad nad tollaste sündmuste mõju turgudele täna. Ja kõik, sealhulgas ka tuntud Dr. Doom`na tuntud Marc Faber, kinnitavad ühest suust, et kümne aasta taguse rünnaku mõjud on selgelt tuntavad ka täna ning terroristidel õnnestus kogu USA finantsstruktuuri olulisel määral õõnestada, rääkimata sellest, et USA valitsuse vastulöök terroriaktile ehk Iraagi sõda on Ameerikale maksma läinud tohutuid summasid. Kaitsekulutuste järsk suurenemine jättis vaeslapse rolli investeeringud, mis oleks majandust toetanud. 9/11 muutis investorid ettevaatlikumaks ja kogu USA majanduse haavatavamaks ning paljud on veendunud, et just kõnealused sündmused on viinud USA majanduse madalseisu.