Hoolimata pettumust valmistavast Saksamaa tehaste tellimustest, suutsid Euroopa aktsiaturud näidata tugevust. Stoxx Europe 600 indeks tõusis 0,6%, kerkides kolmandat päeva järjest. USA aktsiatele eilne kauplemissessioon nii positiivseks ei kujunenud, kui päeva alguses suudeti tõusta korraks positiivsele territooriumile, kuid õige pea anti võit käest. Siiski suutis Dow Jones Industrial Average kerkida 0,1%, samas kui S&P 500 ja Nasdaq lõpetasid vastavalt 0,4% ja 0,7% madalamal.
Nii Euroopas kui ka Ühendriikides olid suurimateks tõusjateks energeetikasektori aktsiad. Selle põhjuseks oli eelkõige nafta hinna 4,9%-line tõus, kui must kuld maksis päeva lõpuks $48,5 barrelist, saavutades viimase kuu kõrgeima taseme. Eile avaldatud EIA raporti kohaselt langes USA toornafta toodang septembris võrreldes augustiga 120 000 barreli võrra päevas. Prognooside kohaselt oodatakse toodangu alanemist kuni 2016. aasta keskpaigani, millest alates peaksid tootmismahud taas tõusma hakkama. USA toornafta varud püsivad aga endiselt ajalooliselt kõrgel tasemel. Ühtlasi selgus raportist, et ameeriklased püstitasid aasta esimese seitsme kuuga uue autosõidu rekordi, kui sellel perioodil sõideti 1,82 triljonit miili. Varasem rekord pärines aastast 2007, mil seitsme kuuga sõideti 1,77 triljonit miili.
USAs näitas taaskord langust tervishoiusektor, eesotsas biotehnoloogia aktsiatega. Viimased kaotasid oma hinnast 3,6%, tervishoiusektor tervikuna jäi 2,3% miinusesse. Samuti survestasid aktsiaturge finants- ning tsüklilise jaekaubanduse sektorid.
Täna selguvad mitmete riikide augusti tööstustoodangu näitajad:
09:00 Saksamaa tööstustoodang (august)
10:00 Hispaania tööstustoodang (august)
11:30 UK tööstustoodang (august)
17:30 USA naftavarud
22:00 USA tarbijate krediit (august)
Taaskord pettumust valmistavad makroandmed Saksamaalt. Riigi tööstustoodang langes augustis võrreldes juuliga 1,2%, kuigi oodati 0,2% suurust kasvu. Positiivse poole pealt korrigeeriti aga juuli 0,7%-line tõus 1,2% peale. Aastases võrdluses kerkis tööstustoodang 2,3%, analüütikud ootasid kasvuks 3,3%.

Esialgsetel andmetel kasvas Samsung Electronicsi (+7,8% @ 1 241 000 KRW) kasum kolmandas kvartalis 80% Y/Y ehk 7,3 triljoni vonnini ($6,29 mld), ületades konsensuse 6,7 triljoni vonni suurust ootust. Tegemist on ühtlasi ka ettevõtte esimese kvartalikasumi kasvuga alates 2013. aasta kolmandast kvartalist (kui kasum kasvas 26% Y/Y). Samsungi kasumi hüppelisele kasvule aitas kaasa mobiiltelefonides ja teistes nutiseadmetes kasutatavate kiipide ja ekraanide nõudluse kasv. Ettevõtte käive kasvas samal ajal 7,5% Y/Y ehk 51 triljoni vonnini. Võrdlusena, konsensus ootas tulemuseks 50,5 triljonit vonni.
Samsungi aktsia viimase 12-kuu tootluseks on +8,4%
Samsungi aktsia viimase 12-kuu tootluseks on +8,4%

SABMiller, kes on juba kaks tagasivõtupakkumist (3800 penni ja 4000 penni aktsia kohta) Anheuser-Busch InBevilt tagasi lükanud sai täna viimaselt uue ülevõtupakkumise 4215 penni aktsia kohta. See teeks SABMilleri väärtuseks $104 mld. SABMilleri suurim aktsionär, 26%-list osalust omav Altria toetab viimast ülevõtupakkumist. Analüütikute sõnul tuleks tehingu toimumisel SABMilleril maha müüa ühisettevõte Molson Coorsiga, sest kui seda ei tehtaks, kontrolliks ABInBev/SABMiller 70% USA õlleturust ning ilmselt ei saaks ülevõtmine sellisel juhul USA konkurentsiameti heakskiitu.
Hispaania augusti tööstustoodang kasvas aastatagusega võrreldes 2,7% vs analüütikute oodatud 4,7%.

Suurbritannia tööstustoodang kasvas augustis kuises võrdluses 1% vs oodatud 0,3%-line tõus ning aastases võrdluses 1,9% vs prognoositud 1,2%.

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: GBX +1.8%, STZ +1.3%
M&A news: BUD +2.8% (increases offer to acquire SABMiller (SBMRY) for GBP42.15 per share), CYBR +1.4% (acquires privately held Viewfinity for $30.5 mln in cash; expected to be accretive to non-GAAP EPS for 2016)
Select China related names showing strength: SOHU +3.4%, CMCM +3%, WYNN +2.4%, YY +2.1%, QIHU +2.1%, HSBC +2%, WUBA +2%, YNDX +1.7%
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: MT +8.6%, HMY +5.4%, BBL +4.2%, BHP +3.8%, FCX +3.3%, AU +3.1%, VALE +3.1%, GOLD +2.9%, X +2.8%, AKS +2.5%, AA +1.9%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: SDRL +5.9%, SD +4.8%, SSL +4.3%, BP +4.1%, DNR +3.9%, PBR +3.7%, TOT +3.5%, RIG +2.8%, RDS.A +2.7%, NE +2.5%, CHK +1.9%, COP +1.5%
Other news: MDCO +8.4% (co and SymBio Pharmaceuticals established a strategic partnership for IONSYS in Japan), DERM +5% (presents DRM01 Phase 2a trial data, showing the topline met all primary efficacy endpoints), CANF +3.6% (to deliver 2 presentations on its cancer drug CF102 on Oct 8-10 in Athens), AMRI +3% (extended Supply Agreement with GE Healthcare), CDE +2.5% (reported preliminary Q3 production of 3.8 mln ounces of silver and 85,658 ounces of gold, or 9.0 mln silver equivalent ounces; maintained FY15 production guidance), LINE +1.9% ( Linn Energy and LinnCo announces Board approval to suspend the companies' distribution and dividend, effective September 30, 2015), CLF +1.7% ( Terminates Pellet Supply Agreement with Essar Algoma ), EXAS +1.7% (modestly rebounding following yesterday's sell off), TWTR +1.4% (Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal discloses 5.17% passive stake in 13G filing), EXC +1.3% (late move higher on reports of DC announcement), POM +1.3% (late move higher on reports of DC announcement), PFE +1.3% (Pfizer and Merck KGaA (MKGAY) granted Fast Track designation by the FDA for avelumab for the treatment of metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma)
Analyst comments: RIO +8.9% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley), BHP +3.9% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley), CTRP +3.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill), MPC +2.3% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo), UBS +1.6% (upgraded to Buy at BofA/Merrill), MS +1.2% (upgraded to Outperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: NEON -16.3%, (issues guidance; also prices its underwritten public offering of 3.2 mln shares of common stock at $1.90/share), YUM -15.4%, NUS -14.5%, MON -3.5%, RPM -3.1%, PAH -2.9%, ADBE -2.2%
Select pharma related names showing weakness: AZN -1.5%, TEVA -1.5%, SNY -1.4%, SHPG -1%
Other news: AXPW -55% (announced that the exclusivity period under its Binding Letter of Intent with LCB International expired; LCB has indicated an unwillingness to move forward with any deal structure that contemplates anything further than a technology license), ADXS -19.5% (reports Clinical Hold of Investigational Agent Axalimogene Filolisbac; expects hold to be resolved expeditiously and without significant interruption to the HPV clinical development program), CTRV -13.5% (announces offering of common stock and warrants to purchase common stock for an undisclosed amount ), RSPP -3.4% (commences an underwritten public offering of 6 mln shares of its common stock), SUNE -2.8% (cont volatility pre-mkt), AVXL -2.1% (announces a 1-for-4 reverse stock split in preparation for Nasdaq uplisting), MCD -1.4% (following YUM results), PBF -0.5% (prices public offering of 10 mln shares of class A common stock at $31 per share)
Analyst comments: GPRO -2.3% (target lowered to $35 from $62 at Morgan Stanley), TSLA -1.8% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Robert W. Baird), JCP -1.8% (initiated with Sell at Citigroup)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: GBX +1.8%, STZ +1.3%
M&A news: BUD +2.8% (increases offer to acquire SABMiller (SBMRY) for GBP42.15 per share), CYBR +1.4% (acquires privately held Viewfinity for $30.5 mln in cash; expected to be accretive to non-GAAP EPS for 2016)
Select China related names showing strength: SOHU +3.4%, CMCM +3%, WYNN +2.4%, YY +2.1%, QIHU +2.1%, HSBC +2%, WUBA +2%, YNDX +1.7%
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: MT +8.6%, HMY +5.4%, BBL +4.2%, BHP +3.8%, FCX +3.3%, AU +3.1%, VALE +3.1%, GOLD +2.9%, X +2.8%, AKS +2.5%, AA +1.9%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: SDRL +5.9%, SD +4.8%, SSL +4.3%, BP +4.1%, DNR +3.9%, PBR +3.7%, TOT +3.5%, RIG +2.8%, RDS.A +2.7%, NE +2.5%, CHK +1.9%, COP +1.5%
Other news: MDCO +8.4% (co and SymBio Pharmaceuticals established a strategic partnership for IONSYS in Japan), DERM +5% (presents DRM01 Phase 2a trial data, showing the topline met all primary efficacy endpoints), CANF +3.6% (to deliver 2 presentations on its cancer drug CF102 on Oct 8-10 in Athens), AMRI +3% (extended Supply Agreement with GE Healthcare), CDE +2.5% (reported preliminary Q3 production of 3.8 mln ounces of silver and 85,658 ounces of gold, or 9.0 mln silver equivalent ounces; maintained FY15 production guidance), LINE +1.9% ( Linn Energy and LinnCo announces Board approval to suspend the companies' distribution and dividend, effective September 30, 2015), CLF +1.7% ( Terminates Pellet Supply Agreement with Essar Algoma ), EXAS +1.7% (modestly rebounding following yesterday's sell off), TWTR +1.4% (Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal discloses 5.17% passive stake in 13G filing), EXC +1.3% (late move higher on reports of DC announcement), POM +1.3% (late move higher on reports of DC announcement), PFE +1.3% (Pfizer and Merck KGaA (MKGAY) granted Fast Track designation by the FDA for avelumab for the treatment of metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma)
Analyst comments: RIO +8.9% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley), BHP +3.9% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley), CTRP +3.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill), MPC +2.3% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo), UBS +1.6% (upgraded to Buy at BofA/Merrill), MS +1.2% (upgraded to Outperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: NEON -16.3%, (issues guidance; also prices its underwritten public offering of 3.2 mln shares of common stock at $1.90/share), YUM -15.4%, NUS -14.5%, MON -3.5%, RPM -3.1%, PAH -2.9%, ADBE -2.2%
Select pharma related names showing weakness: AZN -1.5%, TEVA -1.5%, SNY -1.4%, SHPG -1%
Other news: AXPW -55% (announced that the exclusivity period under its Binding Letter of Intent with LCB International expired; LCB has indicated an unwillingness to move forward with any deal structure that contemplates anything further than a technology license), ADXS -19.5% (reports Clinical Hold of Investigational Agent Axalimogene Filolisbac; expects hold to be resolved expeditiously and without significant interruption to the HPV clinical development program), CTRV -13.5% (announces offering of common stock and warrants to purchase common stock for an undisclosed amount ), RSPP -3.4% (commences an underwritten public offering of 6 mln shares of its common stock), SUNE -2.8% (cont volatility pre-mkt), AVXL -2.1% (announces a 1-for-4 reverse stock split in preparation for Nasdaq uplisting), MCD -1.4% (following YUM results), PBF -0.5% (prices public offering of 10 mln shares of class A common stock at $31 per share)
Analyst comments: GPRO -2.3% (target lowered to $35 from $62 at Morgan Stanley), TSLA -1.8% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Robert W. Baird), JCP -1.8% (initiated with Sell at Citigroup)
SABMiller lükkab ka kolmanda ülevõtmispakkumise AB InBev'ilt tagasi:
SABMiller rejects AB InBev's $104 bln offer, saying the proposal "still very substantially undervalues" the world's second-largest brewer.
SABMilleri aktsia päevasisene graafik:
SABMiller rejects AB InBev's $104 bln offer, saying the proposal "still very substantially undervalues" the world's second-largest brewer.
SABMilleri aktsia päevasisene graafik: