Pärast seda kui S&P 500 indeks läinud nädala kolmapäeval korraks 2400 punkti taseme ära puudutas, on müüjad asunud jõulisemalt survet avaldama. Ehkki indeks on rekordtasemest alla tulnud -1,1% jagu, on ostjad harilikult sessiooni teises pooles appi tulnud ning vähendanud kaotusi, nii nagu eilegi, mil S&P 500 sulgus -0,3% punases, olles eelnevalt kaubelnud pea kaks korda sügavamas miinuses.
Viimaste kuude ühe parima nädala järel kujunes eilne langus Euroopas üsna laiapõhjaliseks, tirides Stoxx 600 indeksi -0,5% võrra allapoole. Võidukamalt esinesid Standard Life +5.7%, Ultra Electronics Holdings +4.8%, Poste Italiane +4.6%, Aberdeen Asset Management +4.2%, Just Eat +4.1%. Miinuspoolel paistsid silma pangad ning kaevandajad: Deutsche Bank AG -7.9%, Credit Suisse Group AG -4.3%, Banco BPM -4.2%, Fingerprint Cards -3.5%, Glencore -3.5%.
Ühendriikide tehaste tellimused kasvasid jaanuaris teist kuud järjest, paranedes MoM 1,2% ning ületades sellega analüütikute 1,0% prognoosi. Osa tõusust tuli tänu volatiilsemat laadi transporditellimustele, ilma milleta kasvasid tellimused 0,3% pärast 2,4% hüpet detsembris (revideeriti kõrgemaks 2,1% pealt). Jaanuari kestuskaupade tellimused kaitse- ja lennutööstust arvestamata revideeriti küll positiivsemaks (-0,4% kuise languse asemel -0,1%), kuid võrreldes töötleva tööstuse küsitlustega, mis on alates oktoobrist järjest kiiremale aktiivsusele viidanud, osutab tegelik statistika mõnevõrra pehmemale aasta algusele.
Majandusuudiste osas püsib rinne täna suhteliselt vaiksena, kui mainimist vääriksid vaid Saksamaa jaanuarikuu tehaste tellimused.
09.00 Saksamaa tehaste tellimused (jaanuar)
09.45 Prantsusmaa valituse eelarve tasakaal (jaanuar)
12.00 Eurotsooni neljanda kvartali lõplik SKP
14.00 Brasiilia neljanda kvartali SKP
22.00 USA tarbijatele väljastatud krediit (jaanuar)
Saksamaa tehaste tellimused kukkusid detsembri tõusu järel jaanuaris oodatud -2,5% asemel -7,4% ning vähenesid mullusega võrreldes -0,8%. Ministeeriumi sõnul oli nõudlus keskmisest tagasihoidlikum eeskätt kallima hinnaklassi kaupade osas.
The ministry said demand for big-ticket items was markedly below average. “The weak start to the year should be manageable,” the ministry said. “Business confidence in manufacturing is significantly brighter than the long-term average, so that a revival in manufacturing can still be expected.”
The ministry said demand for big-ticket items was markedly below average. “The weak start to the year should be manageable,” the ministry said. “Business confidence in manufacturing is significantly brighter than the long-term average, so that a revival in manufacturing can still be expected.”

Aasta algas Prantsusmaa valitsuse jaoks väikseima eelarve puudujäägiga alates 2000.a

Novembriga võrreldes jätab OECD globaalse majanduskasvu prognoosi samaks nii 2017.a kui ka 2018.a, korrigeerides seejuures USA ootust vaid marginaalselt
The positive assessment reflected in market valuations appears disconnected from real economy prospects.
The positive assessment reflected in market valuations appears disconnected from real economy prospects.

Eurotsooni neljanda kvartali SKP kvartaalne ja annualiseeritud kasv kinnitati vastavalt 0,4% ja 1,7% peal, kui peamisteks veduriteks oli tarbimine ning ka investeeringud pöörasid pärast Q3 langust kasvule.

19st liikmesriigist paistis kiireima kasvuga silma Eesti

19st liikmesriigist paistis kiireima kasvuga silma Eesti

* Bill Barrett (BBG) raised to buy at Canaccord, PT $7
* Hyatt (H) raised to equal-weight at Morgan Stanley, PT $53
* Stericycle (SRCL) raised to neutral at Goldman
* SunOpta (SOY CN) raised to outperform at William Blair
* Targa Resources (TRGP) raised to outperform at Evercore ISI, PT $64
* Ascena Retail (ASNA) cut to sell at Citi
* Black Diamond (BDE) cut to hold at Stifel, PT $6
* Casey’s (CASY) cut to sector perform at RBC, PT $123
* Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) cut to neutral at BofAML, PT $46
* Diebold (DBD) cut to in-line at Imperial
* Frontier Comms (FTR) cut to neutral at BofAML, PT $2.50
* Major Drilling (MDI CN) cut to hold at Paradigm Capital, PT C$8.50
* Neuroderm (NDRM) cut to market perform at Oppenheimer
* Oncobiologics (ONS) cut to hold at Jefferies, PT $3
* Aduro Bio (ADRO) re-initiated Buy at Roth Capital, PT $17
* Agrium (AGU CN) rated new outperform at Bernstein, PT $119
* CB Financial Services (CBFV) rated new buy at DA Davidson,
PT $31
* City Holding (CHCO) rated new neutral at DA Davidson, PT $68
* Cloud Peak Energy (CLD) rated new hold at Jefferies, PT $5
* Community Bank System (CBU) rated new neutral at DA Davidson, PT $60
* FBM (FBM) rated new outperform at Raymond James
* FNB Corp (FNB) rated new buy at DA Davidson, PT $19
* Foundation Building Materials (FBM) rated new buy at Citi, PT $20
* Foundation Building Materials (FBM) rated new buy at SunTrust, PT $23
* Foundation Building Materials (FBM) rated new neutral atBaird
* Foundation Building Materials (FBM) rated new outperform atRBC
* Northwest Bancshares (NWBI) rated new neutral at DA Davidson, PT $18
* TriState Capital (TSC) rated new buy at DA Davidson, PT $29
* United Bankshares (UBSI) rated new neutral at DA Davidson, PT $45
* WSFS Financial (WSFS) rated new buy at DA Davidson, PT $55
* WesBanco (WSBC) rated new neutral at DA Davidson, PT $45
* Bill Barrett (BBG) raised to buy at Canaccord, PT $7
* Hyatt (H) raised to equal-weight at Morgan Stanley, PT $53
* Stericycle (SRCL) raised to neutral at Goldman
* SunOpta (SOY CN) raised to outperform at William Blair
* Targa Resources (TRGP) raised to outperform at Evercore ISI, PT $64
* Ascena Retail (ASNA) cut to sell at Citi
* Black Diamond (BDE) cut to hold at Stifel, PT $6
* Casey’s (CASY) cut to sector perform at RBC, PT $123
* Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) cut to neutral at BofAML, PT $46
* Diebold (DBD) cut to in-line at Imperial
* Frontier Comms (FTR) cut to neutral at BofAML, PT $2.50
* Major Drilling (MDI CN) cut to hold at Paradigm Capital, PT C$8.50
* Neuroderm (NDRM) cut to market perform at Oppenheimer
* Oncobiologics (ONS) cut to hold at Jefferies, PT $3
* Aduro Bio (ADRO) re-initiated Buy at Roth Capital, PT $17
* Agrium (AGU CN) rated new outperform at Bernstein, PT $119
* CB Financial Services (CBFV) rated new buy at DA Davidson,
PT $31
* City Holding (CHCO) rated new neutral at DA Davidson, PT $68
* Cloud Peak Energy (CLD) rated new hold at Jefferies, PT $5
* Community Bank System (CBU) rated new neutral at DA Davidson, PT $60
* FBM (FBM) rated new outperform at Raymond James
* FNB Corp (FNB) rated new buy at DA Davidson, PT $19
* Foundation Building Materials (FBM) rated new buy at Citi, PT $20
* Foundation Building Materials (FBM) rated new buy at SunTrust, PT $23
* Foundation Building Materials (FBM) rated new neutral atBaird
* Foundation Building Materials (FBM) rated new outperform atRBC
* Northwest Bancshares (NWBI) rated new neutral at DA Davidson, PT $18
* TriState Capital (TSC) rated new buy at DA Davidson, PT $29
* United Bankshares (UBSI) rated new neutral at DA Davidson, PT $45
* WSFS Financial (WSFS) rated new buy at DA Davidson, PT $55
* WesBanco (WSBC) rated new neutral at DA Davidson, PT $45