Viimaseid kauplemispäevasid iseloomustab üsna tasane ja tagasihoidlik meeleolu, mis ei vii päeva lõpuks indekseid kuigi kaugele. Käive polnud eile midagi kiita ning tõenäoliselt jäävad paljud eelarvekõneluste ajal lihtsalt äraootavale seisukohale, kuniks midagi on konkreetselt lauale pandud. Kerge positiivsus siiski domineerib, kuna laialdaselt usutakse, et uuest aastast rakenduvatel maksutõusudel ja kulude kärbetel ei lasta täies mahus realiseeruda. Tänane tööjõuraport on ilmselt lisanud samuti ettevaatlikkust. S&P 500 indeks sulgus 0,33% kõrgemal ning Stoxx 600 lõpetas 0,7% plussis (kõrgeim tase alates 2011.a maist) vaatamata EKP varasemast madalamale majandusprognoosile.
Euroopas olid fookuses Inglise ja Euroopa Keskpanga regulaarsed miitingud, mille raames baasintresse ei puudutatud (BOE jättis ka võlakirjade ostuprogrammi samale tasemele). Võrreldes septembrikuu prognoosidega on EKP muutunud eurotsooni tuleviku osas pessimistlikumaks, langetades järgmise aasta SKP prognoosi vahemiku keskpunkti 0,5% pealt -0,3% peale (isegi analüütikute konsensustest madalam). Inflatsiooniks oodatakse tuleval aastal 1,6% (varem 1,9%) ning 2014.a 1,4%, mis jääb selgelt alla sihiks seatud 2% ning suurendab tõenäosust, et baasintressi võidakse esimeses kvartalis langetada, seda eriti kuna Draghi sõnul kaaluti kärpimist tõsiselt juba sel korral. Draghi viitas pressikonverentsil mõnedele paranenud makroindikaatoritele, mis andsid alust jääda lootusrikkaks, et eurotsooni majanduslik taastumine võib koita 2013.a teises pooles.
Makro poolel avaldati Saksamaa oktoobrikuu tehaste tellimuste arv, mis kuu baasil kerkis 3,9% (olles septembris -2,4% languses) ning aasta baasil näitas -2,4% langust (siiski parem võrreldes konsensuse vastavalt 1,0% ja -5,6% ootustega). USA töötu abiraha taotluste arv on pärast Sandyt normaliseerumas, langedes 25K võrra 370K peale ning üllatas seega positiivselt võrreldes konsensuse 382K ootusega.
Tulles tänase päeva juurde, siis põhifookuses saab olema USA tööturu raport. Analüütikud ootavad väljaspool põllumajandussektorit loodud töökohtade arvuks 90K, mis on ligi poole võrra väiksem oktoobrikuu numbrist. Isegi kui number tuleb oodatust kehvem, siis kokkuvõttes saab Sandy mõjude tõttu reaalmajanduse tegeliku olukorra hindamine suhteliselt keeruline olema ja ma usun, et reaktsioon kujuneks seetõttu leplikumaks.
11.30 Suurbritannia tööstustoodang ja töötleva tööstuse toodang (oktoober)
13.00 Saksamaa tööstustoodang (oktoober)
13.00 Portugali oktoobri tööstustoodang ja kolmanda kvartali SKP
15.30 USA tööjõuraport (november)
16.55 USA Michigani ülikooli tarbijakindluse indeks (detsember)
22.00 USA tarbijakrediidi muutus (oktoober)
USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad hetkel nullis, Euroopa on alustamas kuni poole protsendi jagu kõrgemal.
Citi majandusindikaatorite üllatusindeksid.....eurotsoon on viimase nädala jooksul positiivselt üllatanud (oranž), USA negatiivselt (valge) ja Hiina kujunenud üsna ootuspäraseks (kollane)

Bundesbank langetas Saksamaa 2013. aasta majanduskasvu prognoosi 1,6% pealt 0,4% peale. 2012. aasta prognoos langetati 1,0% pealt 0,7% peale. Euro on hetkeseisuga jätkamas eile alanud langust ja kaupleb 0,23% madalamal $1,2940 juures.
Bloombergi vahendusel üks huvitav graafik selle kohta, kuidas USA tarbijatele kuuluvate kestvuskaupade (autod, külmikud jms) keskmine vanus on tõusnud 4,6 aastani, mis on kõrgeim tase alates 1962. aastast. Võtmesõnaks on siin muidugi tööturg....kui seal jätkub taastumine, siis tähendaks ka suuremat nõudlust kestvuskaupade järele, kuna tekib rahaline võimalus vana tehnika välja vahetada.

Jaapani lähedal leidis aset 7,3 magnituudiline maavärin ning antud on 1m tsunami hoiatus
Hiina aktsiaturg on viimastel päevadel teinud ilusa liikumise. Nelja päevaga veidi üle +5%.

UK tööstustoodang ja töötleva tööstuse toodang (joonisel valge joon) jäid alla ootuste. Langus on kooskõlas oktoobrikuu PMI indeksiga (oranž), mis novembris näitas aga paranemist.
UK ECON: Industrial Production (Oct) at -0.8%M/M and -3.0%Y/Y versus 0.8%M/M and -0.5%Y/Y expected and -2.1%M/M and -3.2%Y/Y prior (rev.). Manufacturing production YoY -2,1% versus -0,2% expected and -1,7% prior.
UK ECON: Industrial Production (Oct) at -0.8%M/M and -3.0%Y/Y versus 0.8%M/M and -0.5%Y/Y expected and -2.1%M/M and -3.2%Y/Y prior (rev.). Manufacturing production YoY -2,1% versus -0,2% expected and -1,7% prior.

Erko Rebane
Bloombergi vahendusel üks huvitav graafik selle kohta, kuidas USA tarbijatele kuuluvate kestvuskaupade (autod, külmikud jms) keskmine vanus on tõusnud 4,6 aastani, mis on kõrgeim tase alates 1962. aastast. Võtmesõnaks on siin muidugi tööturg....kui seal jätkub taastumine, siis tähendaks ka suuremat nõudlust kestvuskaupade järele, kuna tekib rahaline võimalus vana tehnika välja vahetada.
Kas kestvuskaupade klassid eraldi detailsemalt välja toodud ei ole? Nimetatud kaupade alla kuuluvad muuhulgas ka näiteks autod, mööbel, elektroonika.
wiseErko Rebane
Bloombergi vahendusel üks huvitav graafik selle kohta, kuidas USA tarbijatele kuuluvate kestvuskaupade (autod, külmikud jms) keskmine vanus on tõusnud 4,6 aastani, mis on kõrgeim tase alates 1962. aastast. Võtmesõnaks on siin muidugi tööturg....kui seal jätkub taastumine, siis tähendaks ka suuremat nõudlust kestvuskaupade järele, kuna tekib rahaline võimalus vana tehnika välja vahetada.
Kas kestvuskaupade klassid eraldi detailsemalt välja toodud ei ole? Nimetatud kaupade alla kuuluvad muuhulgas ka näiteks autod, mööbel, elektroonika.
Kahjuks mitte, see on väike uudisnupp. Allikana on toodud Commerce Department ja töötlejana Renaissance Macro Research aga algallika kodukalt ei õnnestunud selle kohta infot leida.
Kreeka majandus oli 17. kvartalit järjest majanduslanguses ehkki natuke vähem kui arvati. Kolmapäeval Berliinis esinenud Roubini on isegi Kreeka osas positiivsemaks muutunud, uskudes et Saksamaa poliitilise tahte pärast on riigi väljaarvamise võimalus eurotsoonist vähenenud. Link
Greek economy declines by 6.9% vs 3Q 2011 (flash estimate -7.2%)
“To keep Greece in the euro zone, effectively you need a transfer union, you have to realize that the problems of Greece are long-term, it’s going to take 10 to 20 years to do the austerity and the reform to stabilize Greece and therefore you have to give money and you have to be patient,” Mr. Roubini said.
“If you’re willing to do that for the sake of keeping the euro zone together, whether it’s economic reasons or political or geo political or foreign policy then Greece has a chance.”
Greek economy declines by 6.9% vs 3Q 2011 (flash estimate -7.2%)
“To keep Greece in the euro zone, effectively you need a transfer union, you have to realize that the problems of Greece are long-term, it’s going to take 10 to 20 years to do the austerity and the reform to stabilize Greece and therefore you have to give money and you have to be patient,” Mr. Roubini said.
“If you’re willing to do that for the sake of keeping the euro zone together, whether it’s economic reasons or political or geo political or foreign policy then Greece has a chance.”
Saksamaalt laekumas üsna erisuunalist makrot. Eile raporteeritud tehate tellimused kujunesid arvatust paremaks, täna avaldatud oktoobrikuu tööstustoodang aga langes YoY prog -1,5% asemel -3,7%.
German Indust. Prod. (Oct) at -2.6%M/M s.a. & -3.7%Y/Y n.s.a. vs. 0.0%M/M and -1.5%Y/Y expected and -1.3%M/M & -0.8%Y/Y prior (rev.).
German Indust. Prod. (Oct) at -2.6%M/M s.a. & -3.7%Y/Y n.s.a. vs. 0.0%M/M and -1.5%Y/Y expected and -1.3%M/M & -0.8%Y/Y prior (rev.).

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: GEO +6.5%, (also authorizes special dividend of $350 million, takes critical steps toward 2013 REIT Conversion), SWHC +2.9%, ENB +2.9%, (also increases dividend by 12% to $0.315/share), ESL +1.4%, FIZZ +1.3%, (thinly traded).
Other news: BIOD +17.6% (FDA grants Orphan Drug Designation to Biodel's Glucagon for prevention of hypoglycemia in congenital hyperinsulinism population), BAGL +7.6% (completes review of strategic alternatives: Board of Directors recapitalizes the company & declares a one-time special dividend of $4.00 per share), SQNM +3.7% (Sequenom announces issuance of patent for methods of detecting fetal aneuploidy), CZR +1.9% (continued strength), DEO +1.2% (Diageo plc may sell Whyte & Mackay stake, according to reports), RGR +1% (following SWHC guidance), FB +0.9% (still checking, may be related to NFLX news), MHP +0.6% (approves special dividend in the amount of $2.50 per share), AFG +0.3% (ticking higher, declares special dividend of $0.25/SH).
Analyst comments: MPEL +2.7% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan), AET +1.1% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan), MCD +1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Janney), RHHBY +0.3% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley), TSM +0.3% ( upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: GEO +6.5%, (also authorizes special dividend of $350 million, takes critical steps toward 2013 REIT Conversion), SWHC +2.9%, ENB +2.9%, (also increases dividend by 12% to $0.315/share), ESL +1.4%, FIZZ +1.3%, (thinly traded).
Other news: BIOD +17.6% (FDA grants Orphan Drug Designation to Biodel's Glucagon for prevention of hypoglycemia in congenital hyperinsulinism population), BAGL +7.6% (completes review of strategic alternatives: Board of Directors recapitalizes the company & declares a one-time special dividend of $4.00 per share), SQNM +3.7% (Sequenom announces issuance of patent for methods of detecting fetal aneuploidy), CZR +1.9% (continued strength), DEO +1.2% (Diageo plc may sell Whyte & Mackay stake, according to reports), RGR +1% (following SWHC guidance), FB +0.9% (still checking, may be related to NFLX news), MHP +0.6% (approves special dividend in the amount of $2.50 per share), AFG +0.3% (ticking higher, declares special dividend of $0.25/SH).
Analyst comments: MPEL +2.7% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan), AET +1.1% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan), MCD +1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Janney), RHHBY +0.3% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley), TSM +0.3% ( upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse)
Erko Rebane
Saksamaalt laekumas üsna erisuunalist makrot. Eile raporteeritud tehate tellimused kujunesid arvatust paremaks, täna avaldatud oktoobrikuu tööstustoodang aga langes YoY prog -1,5% asemel -3,7%.
Pole vastuolulised: minevik oli arvatust kehvem, tulevik helgem.
November Unemployment Rate 7.7% vs 8.0% consensus; October 7.9%
November Nonfarm Payrolls 146K vs 90K consensus; Prior revised to 138K from 171K
November Nonfarm Private Payrolls 147K vs 120K consensus
Net revision over past two months in Nonfarm -49K
November Hourly Earnings +0.2% vs +0.1% consensus
November Average Workweek 34.4 vs 34.4 consensus
November Nonfarm Payrolls 146K vs 90K consensus; Prior revised to 138K from 171K
November Nonfarm Private Payrolls 147K vs 120K consensus
Net revision over past two months in Nonfarm -49K
November Hourly Earnings +0.2% vs +0.1% consensus
November Average Workweek 34.4 vs 34.4 consensus
jaheErko Rebane
Saksamaalt laekumas üsna erisuunalist makrot. Eile raporteeritud tehate tellimused kujunesid arvatust paremaks, täna avaldatud oktoobrikuu tööstustoodang aga langes YoY prog -1,5% asemel -3,7%.
Pole vastuolulised: minevik oli arvatust kehvem, tulevik helgem.
Tellimused on vaikselt taastunud juba suve keskpaigast, samas tööstustoodang tegi oktoobris korraliku kukkumise. Võib-olla on siin ühekordsed tegurid, mida pole jõudnud järgi uurida.
Gapping down:
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: HWD -16.7% (ticking lower), CMTL -12.8%, ALOG -5.9% (light volume), PANW -4.2%, COO -0.4% (light volume).
Financial related names showing weakness: ING -1.8%, IRE -1.5%, DB -1.3%, CS -1.1%, HBC -1.1%, LYG -0.7%.
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: TOT -2.1%, E -1.7%, STO -1.3%, SDRL -1.2%, RDS.A -0.8%, BP -0.8%, SD -0.6%.
Other news: AMRN -17.7% (announces $100 million non-equity financing and Vascepa sales force hiring while continuing to assess strategic alternatives), BCRX -15% (light volume, BioCryst Pharm announces focused corporate strategy and restructuring; 2013 cash utilization projected to drop 38-45% versus 2012), VTSS -8.1% (announces proposed public offering of common stock), UVE -7.3% (reports a Florida Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment and announces recoupment plan), RIMM -5.4% (still checking), QRE -4.5% ( announces underwritten public offering of 12 mln common units representing limited partner interests in QRE), ABMD -3.0% (FDA 515i Reclassification Panel recommends Class III Status for Temporary Ventricular Support Devices in the non-roller type cardiopulmonary bypass blood pumps category), FOLD -2.1% (files for $145 mln mixed securities shelf offering and 1 mln shares of common stock by selling stockholders), WBS -1.9% (announces secondary offering and authorization of $100 mln share repurchase program), AVGO -1.8% (announces sale of 21,490,022 ordinary shares by selling shareholders), H -1.8% (still checking), NFLX -1.2% (disclosed last night that it and its CEO Reed Hastings received a Wells Notice from the SEC for violations of Regulation Fair Disclosure), MEMP -0.9% (announces pricing of public offering of 10.5 mln common units at $17 per unit).
Analyst comments: RGC -6.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at Piper Jaffray), AVB -0.9% (downgraded to Hold at Cantor), NVS -0.7% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: HWD -16.7% (ticking lower), CMTL -12.8%, ALOG -5.9% (light volume), PANW -4.2%, COO -0.4% (light volume).
Financial related names showing weakness: ING -1.8%, IRE -1.5%, DB -1.3%, CS -1.1%, HBC -1.1%, LYG -0.7%.
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: TOT -2.1%, E -1.7%, STO -1.3%, SDRL -1.2%, RDS.A -0.8%, BP -0.8%, SD -0.6%.
Other news: AMRN -17.7% (announces $100 million non-equity financing and Vascepa sales force hiring while continuing to assess strategic alternatives), BCRX -15% (light volume, BioCryst Pharm announces focused corporate strategy and restructuring; 2013 cash utilization projected to drop 38-45% versus 2012), VTSS -8.1% (announces proposed public offering of common stock), UVE -7.3% (reports a Florida Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment and announces recoupment plan), RIMM -5.4% (still checking), QRE -4.5% ( announces underwritten public offering of 12 mln common units representing limited partner interests in QRE), ABMD -3.0% (FDA 515i Reclassification Panel recommends Class III Status for Temporary Ventricular Support Devices in the non-roller type cardiopulmonary bypass blood pumps category), FOLD -2.1% (files for $145 mln mixed securities shelf offering and 1 mln shares of common stock by selling stockholders), WBS -1.9% (announces secondary offering and authorization of $100 mln share repurchase program), AVGO -1.8% (announces sale of 21,490,022 ordinary shares by selling shareholders), H -1.8% (still checking), NFLX -1.2% (disclosed last night that it and its CEO Reed Hastings received a Wells Notice from the SEC for violations of Regulation Fair Disclosure), MEMP -0.9% (announces pricing of public offering of 10.5 mln common units at $17 per unit).
Analyst comments: RGC -6.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at Piper Jaffray), AVB -0.9% (downgraded to Hold at Cantor), NVS -0.7% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley
Septembris ja oktoobris taastunud tööjõus osalemise määr langes novembris 0,2 protsendpunkti võrra 63,6 protsendile ja sealt ilmselt pärineb ka töötuse määra paranemine.

CROX-ga seoses selline uudis, mis küll otseselt aktsiat ei peaks mõjutama, aga huvitav uudisekild igal juhul:
Crocs announced that Chinese courts have sentenced eighteen individuals to prison for producing and selling counterfeit Crocs goods
In addition to prison sentences, the above men together with another two face fines totaling RMB 2,832,500 (approximately $450,896). Nearly 128,752 pairs of counterfeit Crocs products valued at roughly RMB 60,000,000 (approximately $9,550,690) were seized as part of these recent investigations.
Crocs announced that Chinese courts have sentenced eighteen individuals to prison for producing and selling counterfeit Crocs goods
In addition to prison sentences, the above men together with another two face fines totaling RMB 2,832,500 (approximately $450,896). Nearly 128,752 pairs of counterfeit Crocs products valued at roughly RMB 60,000,000 (approximately $9,550,690) were seized as part of these recent investigations.
December Michigan Sentiment- Prelim 74.5 vs 82.4 consensus; November 82.7
Üks suurimaid päevasiseseid tõuse, mis üle pika aja nähtud: CBMX + 335%.
Uudised aktsia kohta täna küll positiivset laadi, kuid pigem on selle tõusu genereerinud momentumkauplejad ja lühikeseksmüüjad.
Earlier the company announced that a pair of studies published in a leading journal favor chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) over traditional karyotyping for genetic prenatal diagnosis and genetic evaluation of stillbirths. The two large studies, published in the current edition of the New England Journal of Medicine, represent the largest head-to-head studies comparing CMA to traditional karyotyping. Both concluded that CMA identified additional, clinically significant genetic abnormalities compared to karyotyping in both the prenatal diagnostic setting as well as the evaluation of stillbirths. Ronald Wapner, M.D., lead author of the prenatal diagnosis study and a co-author on the stillbirth study, has called for CMA to replace karyotyping, which has been the traditional standard of care for these tests.
Uudised aktsia kohta täna küll positiivset laadi, kuid pigem on selle tõusu genereerinud momentumkauplejad ja lühikeseksmüüjad.
Earlier the company announced that a pair of studies published in a leading journal favor chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) over traditional karyotyping for genetic prenatal diagnosis and genetic evaluation of stillbirths. The two large studies, published in the current edition of the New England Journal of Medicine, represent the largest head-to-head studies comparing CMA to traditional karyotyping. Both concluded that CMA identified additional, clinically significant genetic abnormalities compared to karyotyping in both the prenatal diagnostic setting as well as the evaluation of stillbirths. Ronald Wapner, M.D., lead author of the prenatal diagnosis study and a co-author on the stillbirth study, has called for CMA to replace karyotyping, which has been the traditional standard of care for these tests.