NIKKEI 10633.72 1.78%
EUR 0.898 (+0.02)
Nafta(Brent) 18.95
Kuld 278.75
Cisco eile õhtul avaldatud head majandustulemused lubavad ka täna tõusul jätkuda.
Täna tuleb ka otsus USA intressimäärade kohta. Nasdaq-i futuurid on protsendiga plussis.
Euroopa alustas samuti roheliselt, Daxx +0,5%. Eestis tõsteti samuti noteeringuid, aktiivsust juurde pole oluliselt tulnud.
HEX liigub 8000 suunas
tänase päeva eesmärk on nasdaq100l üle 1505 saada, et stop-orderid kätte saada. uus nõudlus võib hinnad isegi 1600ni viia. muidugi mitte täna.
ise plaaniks oma pika nasdaqi possu kuskil 1580 all kinni panna ja isegi lühikesse pöörata.
loodan, et vähemalt 1540 näema tänasel päeval ära.
ise plaaniks oma pika nasdaqi possu kuskil 1580 all kinni panna ja isegi lühikesse pöörata.
loodan, et vähemalt 1540 näema tänasel päeval ära.
kasumiv6tmine. homme.
siiski on kahtlane.. alustan tasapisi dec puttide ostmist
kuid t6usutrend on olemas. krt raightsaidil oli ka 6igus.
siiski on kahtlane.. alustan tasapisi dec puttide ostmist
kuid t6usutrend on olemas. krt raightsaidil oli ka 6igus.
siuke kõlakas - According to CIA sources,Bin Laden wants to force USD to collapse by attacking US mainland before X`Mas..So,defending USD against the majors has turned into one of the battle fronts against Bin Laden "the forex terrorist" now..Then,according to that logic,USD cannot be allowd to collapse under any circumstances while this war on terrorism lasts..A food for thought..
Tuesday November 6th
8:49--Microsoft judge sets a 1pm hearing on the settlement. The states are set to reject Friday’s call for a settlement by Ashcroft.
8:48--Macromedia upgraded to buy from neutral by Piper Jaffray.
8:46--AirTran Holdings upgraded to strong buy from hold with 12-month price target of $8.50.
8:45--Salomon boarding the Cisco upgrade train after they raised their earnings estimates.
8:40--TRW expects higher earnings in 2002 than the depressed level expected in 2001 despite expected declines in sales in some divisions. They are sticking with their prior forecasts.
8:22--U.S. special forces doubled, but still under 100.
8:21--BTM Warburg weekly sales up 0.9% vs. previous week. Sales were ‘on plan.’ Redbook +0.8% for October.
8:20--Phillip Morris CFO affirms 2001 earnings estimates. Expects EPS to grow 9%.
7:50--Computer Sciences downgraded at Legg Mason to buy from strong buy.
7:49--Cisco upgraded to strong buy at Lehman brothers.
7:46--MetLife met Q3 operating profit expectations of 30c/sh. They said that they expect to make 58c-60c/sh vs. 58c/sh expected in the next quarter.
7:43--Emerson Electric posted Q4 net operating earnings of 58c/sh, which was as expected. The company warned, however, that the first half of the year will be similar to the fourth quarter.
7:40--AOL Latin America (AOLA) posted Q3 loss of $1.10/sh vs. $2.93/sh. Pro forma loss before dividends on preferred stock was -21c/sh vs. -23c/sh expected.
7:38--Station Casino falls short of Q3 estimates and indicated that Q4 and 2002 results would fall short of expectations. Q3 earnings were 6c/sh vs. 11c/sh expected.
7:35--American Tower reported Q3 loss ex-items of 51c/sh vs. expectations of 48c/sh loss. They also lowered Q4 outlook.
7:33--Cisco estimates are being raised this morning at CS First Boston, UBS Warburg, Robertson Stephens, and JP Morgan. The stock was upgraded earlier by ABN Amro.
7:30--BMC Software will cut jobs by 7%, or 6,800. As a result, they will take a Q3 charge of $14-$18M. They reiterated that they are committed to achieving FY02 earnings of 25c-30c/sh vs. 27c/sh consensus.
7:05--U.S. stocks are mixed this morning. S&P’s -2.00, Nasdaq -3.00.
-There is a report from AFP that a U.S. helicopter has crashed after reentering Pakistan. However, the Pentagon has not confirmed or denied the report.
-Oxford Healthcare reported 85c/sh vs. 80c/sh expected. They also authorized a $250M increase in its existing share buyback program.
-Cisco upgraded by ABN Amro to buy from add.
-Disney downgraded to market perform from market outperform.
8:49--Microsoft judge sets a 1pm hearing on the settlement. The states are set to reject Friday’s call for a settlement by Ashcroft.
8:48--Macromedia upgraded to buy from neutral by Piper Jaffray.
8:46--AirTran Holdings upgraded to strong buy from hold with 12-month price target of $8.50.
8:45--Salomon boarding the Cisco upgrade train after they raised their earnings estimates.
8:40--TRW expects higher earnings in 2002 than the depressed level expected in 2001 despite expected declines in sales in some divisions. They are sticking with their prior forecasts.
8:22--U.S. special forces doubled, but still under 100.
8:21--BTM Warburg weekly sales up 0.9% vs. previous week. Sales were ‘on plan.’ Redbook +0.8% for October.
8:20--Phillip Morris CFO affirms 2001 earnings estimates. Expects EPS to grow 9%.
7:50--Computer Sciences downgraded at Legg Mason to buy from strong buy.
7:49--Cisco upgraded to strong buy at Lehman brothers.
7:46--MetLife met Q3 operating profit expectations of 30c/sh. They said that they expect to make 58c-60c/sh vs. 58c/sh expected in the next quarter.
7:43--Emerson Electric posted Q4 net operating earnings of 58c/sh, which was as expected. The company warned, however, that the first half of the year will be similar to the fourth quarter.
7:40--AOL Latin America (AOLA) posted Q3 loss of $1.10/sh vs. $2.93/sh. Pro forma loss before dividends on preferred stock was -21c/sh vs. -23c/sh expected.
7:38--Station Casino falls short of Q3 estimates and indicated that Q4 and 2002 results would fall short of expectations. Q3 earnings were 6c/sh vs. 11c/sh expected.
7:35--American Tower reported Q3 loss ex-items of 51c/sh vs. expectations of 48c/sh loss. They also lowered Q4 outlook.
7:33--Cisco estimates are being raised this morning at CS First Boston, UBS Warburg, Robertson Stephens, and JP Morgan. The stock was upgraded earlier by ABN Amro.
7:30--BMC Software will cut jobs by 7%, or 6,800. As a result, they will take a Q3 charge of $14-$18M. They reiterated that they are committed to achieving FY02 earnings of 25c-30c/sh vs. 27c/sh consensus.
7:05--U.S. stocks are mixed this morning. S&P’s -2.00, Nasdaq -3.00.
-There is a report from AFP that a U.S. helicopter has crashed after reentering Pakistan. However, the Pentagon has not confirmed or denied the report.
-Oxford Healthcare reported 85c/sh vs. 80c/sh expected. They also authorized a $250M increase in its existing share buyback program.
-Cisco upgraded by ABN Amro to buy from add.
-Disney downgraded to market perform from market outperform.
võib olla kellegile tuleb kasuks?
Üks asi millega arvestada on reaalne Fedi intressimäär (FEDi määr - CPI). Ja see on juba jõudnud miinusesse (vt. graafik). Selle järgi peaks FEDi edasine lõikamisruum olema üsna limiteeritud.
Meie server on oli täna õhtul mõnda aega maas!
Vabandame kõigi klientide ja kasutajate ees ja teeme kõik selleks, et edaspidi midagi taolist ei juhtuks
Vabandame kõigi klientide ja kasutajate ees ja teeme kõik selleks, et edaspidi midagi taolist ei juhtuks
anname andeks?
suur tõus! või?
kõik mis halb on hea ja vastupidi
USA-l on suur oht muutuda 90-ndate Jaapaniks. Valuation'id aktsiaturul on endiselt sellised, mis justkui ootavad raha hinna langemist nullintressimäärade tasemele ka pikaajalisemas otsas. Kui rahapakkumist ei suurendata (ja inflatsiooni ei tekitata), siis jõutaksegi lõpuks nullintressimääradeni. Karm lugu.
upser, täna on reeglid järgmised:
kõik mis on halb on hea ja
kõik hea on samuti hea
US, oht ei ole muutuda mitte 90. aastate Jaapaniks vaid XXIsaj. Jaapaniks :-)
kõik mis on halb on hea ja
kõik hea on samuti hea
US, oht ei ole muutuda mitte 90. aastate Jaapaniks vaid XXIsaj. Jaapaniks :-)
huvitav millega fed enne jõule üllatab
tahaks ikka enne kukkumist korralikult üles minna, sept. loogika järgi peaks homme tõusma, qqq on teinud 6 üles , 3 alla ja tänaseks 4 üles(täne ehk viies), tundub liialt palju, jõud peaks otsa saama, ise tahaks jõulu liugu.......
kahju, kui mu ennustus 1860 täna täide ei lähe, csco on juba 18.55
viimased 30 mintsa ainult up and up.
see on õige, 1900 peab ära tulema. muidu alla minemiseks pöhjust ei oleks