Börsipäev 6.juuli

Äsja valiti 2012.a. olümpialinnaks LONDON

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Väga operatiivne inff:)

Rev Shark:

Several Reasons to Question Tuesday's Rally
7/6/05 8:50 AM ET

"The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised."

-- George F. Will

Like many others I was surprised by the strength in the market yesterday. Better-than-expected sales at WalMart (WMT:NYSE) were generally given credit for the boost but the extent of the strength and its persistence throughout the day caught quite a few folks unprepared. The good action was especially surprising because of the strength in crude oil. Obviously, oil stocks themselves helped boost the indices a little, but higher prices didn't seem to hurt other groups that should be sensitive to energy prices.

There are many good reasons to be pessimistic about this market. First, the technical condition of the major indices is questionable. The bounce yesterday helped a bit but it was on light volume and there is plenty of nearby overhead to contend with. The Nasdaq has substantial overhead at 2100 and I would be very surprised to see us move through that area at this point.

Crude oil is still obviously an issue although the market is ignoring it at the moment. It is trading up through $60 again this morning and it's unlikely to be disregarded indefinitely. If it persists it will take a toll.

The most major factor likely to affect the market in the short term is the upcoming second-quarter earnings reports. So far we haven't had much in the way of earnings warnings but there should be more preannouncements over the next week or so. The way the market reacts to earnings is going to determine where this market is headed. If inline or positive earnings reports are sold, we will be in trouble. If bad news is forgiven, the bulls will run.

Another issue affecting this market is that many market participants were unprepared for a rally; in fact, many expected the market to soften after the quarter ended, and they were not well positioned for a rally like we had yesterday. Others expected the market to fall apart at the beginning of July just like it did last year when we were crushed, so those folks were also scrambling yesterday as the market refused to repeat that scenario. Those folks who were leaning the wrong way won't be out of position for long. They will adjust and that will relieve upside pressure going forward.

There are lots of reasons to be concerned about where the market is headed and that very reason seems to be helping to keep us aloft for now. I'd certainly like to be a rip-snorting bull and fully embrace this market but the hurdles out there are substantial and it won't take much for this market to falter.

For now we have to respect the strength but we also have to watch very closely for signs that we are slipping. I suspect that the selling will be quite intense once it kicks in.

Futures are slightly negative as oil climbs and little market-moving news appears on the wires. European stocks are strong while Asia is a bit weak.

No position in stock mentioned

Gary B. Smith:

Gapping Up

LWAY +15% (reports Q2 sales up 27%), ULBI +9.4% (awarded contracts from General Motors), SERO +7.7% (BofA upgrade), NAPS +4% (teams with Dell to offer music downloads on college campuses), STEM +6% (grants license to ReNeuron), CTTY +5.7% (extends 23% move yesterday), SBAC +5.7% (Bear Stearns upgrade), IPII +5.3%, ABRX +4.6% (bounces after 13% drop yesterday), TELK +3.7% (positive Phase 2 data), FILE +3%... Small cap energy momentum stocks are moving: MPET +9%, GEOI +3%... Under $3: LOUD +17% (teams with Exabre for media recommendation technology), ENMD +15% (clinical data), XCYT +10% (to evaluate strategic alternatives), VLGC +5% (announces multi-year service agreement with Schering-Plough).

Gapping Down

ADEX -10.4% (reports AprQ, guides lower), ZION -4% (to merge with ABNK -3.2%), BDCO -14% (profit taking after 13% move yesterday), VPHM -3% (to convert debt into stock), CARS -2.4%, EXBD -2% (CSFB downgrade), TWAV -7.4% (receives going concern opinion), ELOS -1.7% (Lehman downgrade).

WLDA $12.80, INNO $2.30
PIR- tambitakse hoolega alla. Mängitakse investorite närvidel.
MANH liigub täna osaliselt takeover jutu peale peale järjekordset Oracle firmaostu, tasub jälgida JDAS liikumist.
LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) - People were seen streaming out of a London underground station covered with blood on Thursday following what police described as a "major incident". Similar scenes were reported by witnesses outside other stations in the capital. The whole of the system was shut down and major thoroughfares were closed.
The cause of the incident, which occurred at rush-hour on the underground network, was as yet unknown.
"There have been some casualties and this has been declared as a major incident," said a spokeswoman for London's Metropolitan Police.
Emergency services rushed to the Aldgate East underground station where police reported one incident at 8:59 a.m. local time (0759 GMT).
Witnesses said passengers were seen emerging from the station at Aldgate East with blood on their faces and their clothes ripped.
"There were people streaming out of Algate station covered in blood," said Kate Heywood, 27, on her way to work. A Reuters corresondent at Oxford Circus station, at the heart of the underground system, heard an announcement over the public-address system saying: "A power outage has occurred London-wide. All train services are suspended."
A station official said: "All the power has gone down. I don't know when it'll come back."

Euroopa liigub korralikult alla...

ym -142

REUTERS Explosion on bus in central London, area closed

LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) - An explosion blew up a bus in
central London on Thursday, police told Reuters after witnesses
said they had heard a big boom.
Police closed off the area around Tavistock Square. A
policeman, who declined to be identified, said there had been an
explosion on a bus.
"We heard a big boom and we were all told to evacuate the
building," an officer worker said. There was no word on
((Reporting by Trevor Datson; editing by Howard Goller))

FT räägib kolmest plahvatusest bussides ja plahvatuste seeriast metroos.
järgmise kahe nädala jooksul head võimalused turule sisenemiseks
Eriti küüniline on Graafiku naeratav nägu peale selliseid teateid:)
lennufirmad alla ja TASR, MAGS, video surveillance ja muu seesugune üles
visioon homsest ÄP kaaneloost: Talse kukkus 0,26% Londoni terrorirünnaku tõttu.
Investorid müüsid Starmani, Eesti Telekomi, Tallinna Vee, Kalevi ja Saku aktsiaid suures terrorihirmus. Plussis lõpetasid ainult Külmhoone ja Rakvere lihakombinaadi aktsiad, sest tarbijad hakkasid terrorihirmus vorsti varuma ja Külmhoones hakatakse säilitama terroriste, kuni hukkamiseni.
PIR Pier 1 Imports reports June same store sales declined 3.8% vs. -7.1% Briefing.com consensus
kuna ma pidavat küüniline välja paistma(viie aasta tagune pilt), siis jätkab samas vaimus,

kõigile oli ju teada (kaasaarvatud londoni linnapea), et varem või hiljem midagi sellist juhtub(hea,et bigben püsti on), seetõttu on see kergeim lahendus, et asi juhtus päev pärast londoni kuulutamist olümpialinnaks..., sõnum euroopale - aeg üles ärgata ja asjade tegelikule seisule otsa vaadata.
Samas kõik õige - tegu ju ka USA suurima toetajaga Iraagis (sõjas?agressioonis?anastamises?vabastamises? - igaüks valib õige vastuse ise)... Ei usu, et IRA kätetöö.
aga mind paneb imestama just ajastus (miks peale olümpialinnaks kuulutamist?) ning kehv teostus. Seni on ju al-qaida esmaseks eesmärgiks olnud läbi võimalikult suure ohvrite arvu oma sõnumi "kohale toimetamine", kuid 6 pommi ja Londonis ning tulemuseks 2 surnut ning 100 haavatut. Võrreldes 9/11 ja Madridiga viitab see kas a) muutunud ideoloogiale (sõnum on tähtsam kui ohvrite arv) või b) nõrgenenud organsiatsioonile (lihtsalt ei suudeta enam korralikult mastaapseid rünnakuid läbi viia). Kindlasti võib seal olla ka valik c, aga mulle isiklikult meeldiks vastus b.

ohjah. minu kaastunne hukkunute/haavatute omakestele.
