Börsipäev 6. jaanuar

Viimased kaks kuud aktsiaturgude tõusu vedanud sektorid eesotsas finantside ja tööstusega saadeti eile tagaistmele ning juhirolli võtsid üle kinnisvara-, tervishoiu- ja tehnoloogiasektor, mis kokkuvõttes aitasid hoida S&P 500 indeksit stabiilsena (-0,1%) ning toetasid Nasdaqi tugevamat sooritust (+0,2%). Euroopas jäid liikumised marginaalseks, päädides Stoxx 600 indeksi 0,1% tõusuga.

Sarnaselt töötlevale tööstusele näitasid eile ka teenindussektori detsembrikuu küsitlused mitmel pool maailmas, et majanduslikud tingimused on uude aastasse liikudes paljulubavad. JPMorgani ja Markiti koostatud globaalse töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori PMI indeks kerkis detsembris 0,1 punkti võrra 53,4 punktile, viidates maailmamajanduse kiireimale kasvule läinud 13 kuu jooksul. Uute tellimuste indeksi tõus 53,5 punktilt 53,5 punktile ning ühtlasi tööhõive indeksi paranemine 51,4 punktilt 52,2 punktile räägivad hea majandusliku hoo jätkumise kasuks.

ADP küsitluse kohaselt loodi Ühendriikide erasektoris eelmisel kuul 153 tuhat täiendavat töökohta, mis märkis kasvu aeglustumist võrreldes novembris saavutatud 215 tuhandega ning samuti jäi see alla analüütikute prognoositud 175 tuhandele. Olgugi, et selle taustal võib konsensuse ootus tänase numbris osas jääda pisut liiga optimistlikuks, ei tohiks veidi madalam tulemus mõjutada turuosaliste arvamust majandusliku väljavaate ning rahapoliitika osas, kuna täistööhõivele lähenevale majandusele on iseloomulik töökohtade kasvu aeglustumine.

Tänase börsipäeva keskmes saab olema USA tööturu raport, millele lisaks väärivad mainimist veel eurotsooni novembri jaemüük ning detsembrikuu majandusliku kindlustunde indeks.

12.00 Eurotsooni ettevõtete ja tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (detsember)
12.00 Eurotsooni jaemüük (november)
15.30 USA tööturu raport (detsember)
15.30 Kanada tööturu raport (detsember)
17.00 USA tehaste tellimused (november)
20.00 USA Baker Hughes aktiivsete naftapuurtornide arv (6. jaanuar)

Saksamaa novembri jaemüük kahanes pärast oktoobri 2,5% tõusu MoM -1,8%, rohkem kui oodatud -0,9% aga tegemist on suhteliselt volatiilse näitajaga (YoY oli kasv 3,2% vs oodatud 1,2%)

Saksamaa tehaste tellimused vähenesid novembris MoM -2,5% (prognoositi -2,4%), olles eelneval kuul hüpanud 5,0%. Mullusega võrreldes oli kasv 3,0%.
Eile hoiatas USA jaemüüjatest lisaks Kohlile, Macy'sele, L Brandsile veel GIII

G-III Apparel lowers FY17 net sales to ~$2.41 bln and net income to $57 mln and $62 mln, or a range between $1.21 and $1.31 per diluted share vs. $1.52 consensus, compared to the previous guidance of net sales of ~$2.43 bln and net income between $67 mln and $72 mln, or a range between $1.41 and $1.51 per diluted share. Fourth quarter net sales from the Company's retail operations segment are expected to be less than anticipated due to unseasonably warm weather in the first part of the quarter, persistent lower traffic as compared to last year, issues with respect to the design and merchandising of accessories sold at the Wilsons stores, and an overall challenging retail environment.

Kuigi mitte kõik pole ühes paadis

Gap reports December comps of +3% vs -5% year ago and -1% (BR +5%, ON -2%) last month; now expect full-year EPS to be modestly above high end of previous guidance range of $1.92 (vs $1.93 consensus)
PVH expects its EPS on both a GAAP & non-GAAP basis for Q4 & FY16 to be at least at the top end of its guidance ranges previously announced on Nov 30, 2016
eurotsooni majandusliku kindlustunde indeks kerkis detsembris 106,6 punktilt 107,8 punktile (oodati 106,8), viidates sellega majanduskasvu (tähistatud oranžiga) kiirenemisele
Eurotsooni jaemüük kahanes novembris MoM ootuspärased -0,4%, kuigi oktoobri kasvu korrigeerimine 1,1% pealt 1,4% peale näitab novembri muutust positiivsemas valguses. Mullusega võrreldes kasvas jaemüük 2,3% (oodati 1,9%)
USAs loodi detsembris oodatust veidi vähem töökohti, kuid kahte viimast kuud revideeriti 19 tuhande võrra positiivsemaks, samuti tegi uue tsükli tipu tunnipalga aastane kasv (2,9%)
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:

RNVA +16.6%, (discloses an FY17 outlook; expects to begin generating sales from the clinical research organization relationship in the first half of 2017; discloses on Dec 29 co filed a Certificate of Designation with the Secretary of State of Delaware to authorize the issuance of up to 1.75 mln shares of Series F convertible preferred stock)
GPS +8.2%, (December comps of +3% vs -5% year ago and -1% (BR +5%, ON -2%) last month; now expect full-year EPS to be modestly above high end of previous guidance range)
HELE +4.2%, AEHR +3.5%, MNTA +3.5%, FC +3%, PSMT +0.7%
M&A news:
OGXI +48.5% (will acquire privately held Achieve Life Science in an all-stock transaction; co will be renamed 'Achieve Life Sciences' following completion of merger),
Other news:
QTNT +18.7% (Quotient Limited reports positive MosaiQ results from performance evaluation study for blood grouping)
STML +16.7% (announces positive FDA meeting and agreement on expedited pathway to full approval of SL-401 in first-line BPDCN )
MDCO +7.7% (attributed to Amgen / Sanofi cholesterol drug injunction decision)
IONS +7.1% (signs collaboration deal with Novartis (NVS); provides near-term payments of $225 mln plus potential license fees, milestone and royalty payments)
CTIC +5.2% (continued strength)
NBIX +5.1% (provides update on FDA advisory committee for Ingrezza for the treatment of tardive dyskinesia; FDA decided to cancel the Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee meeting which was originally scheduled for Feb 16, 2017)
AMGN +3.8% (following cholesterol drug Praluent ruling)
MNTA +3.5% (enters into a research collaboration and worldwide license agreement w/ CSL to develop and commercialize Fc multimer proteins; co to receive $50 million upfront license fee and up to $550 million in potential milestone payments from CSL)
ANW +3.3% (light volume- launches new service center in Germany that will serve all German Baltic Sea ports and Southern Scandinavian ports; will acquire OBAST's existing share capital)
BOX +3% (higher in after hours following CEO appearance on CNBC -- discussed Facebook partnership)
URRE +2.9% (light volume; closed the sale of its Churchrock and Crownpoint properties in New Mexico to Laramide Resources for consideration valued at $12.5 mln)
ILMN +2.2% (announced that GRAIL has received indications of interest to invest approximately $1B for its Series B financing primarily from undisclosed private and strategic investors; ILMN is invested in GRAIL),
Analyst comments:
ZFGN +4.5% (upgraded to Mkt Outperform from Mkt Perform at JMP Securities)
EXPE +1.4% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Stifel )
MON +0.9% (upgraded to Outperform from Underperform at CLSA)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:

RT -13.3%, GIII -9.2%, (lowers FY17 guidance due to warm weather, persistant lower traffic and challenging retail environment)
NVTA -4.8%, SHAK -1.8%, (appoints Zach Koff as COO and announces CFO Jeff Uttz will retire in 2017; remain confident in the 2016 financial guidance ranges)
SUM -1.6%, (reports downside Q4 prelim results; launches offering of 10,000,000 shares of its Class A common stock)
AMRN -1.3%, (sees FY17 revs $155-165 mln vs $171.30 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; sees FY16 rev exceeding prior range)
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower:
SBGL -3.1%, IAG -2.8%, HMY -2.7%, GOLD -1.8%, AG -1.7%, VALE -1.6%, RIO -1.2%, GDX -1.1%, GFI -0.6%, BHP -0.5%
Other news:
UEC -7.9% ( files for $100 mln mixed securities shelf offering)
REGN -5.5% (following cholesterol drug Praluent ruling)
GNK -5.2% (Genco Shipping & Trading files for 27,061,856 share common stock offering by selling shareholders that were issued upon the conversion of the Series A Preferred Stock )
JCP -4.1% (reports Nov/Dec comparable store sales declined 0.8% YoY; reaffirms EBITDA target of $1 billion for fiscal 2016)
SNY -3.1% (following cholesterol drug Praluent ruling)
SMRT -2.9% (reports Dec comps)
MYOK -2.8% (files for $250 mln mixed securities shelf offering)
P -2.4% (following Sirius XM Radio CFO conference commentary - ultimately dismissing the possibility of M&A deal)
FRSH -2.2% ( CEO resigns; Chair of the Board, Jean Birch, has been appointed interim CEO)
PES -1.4% (updates Q4 guidance in presentation slides; expects drilling services margin/day to be at the high-end or exceed the guided range of $6.5k-7.0k)
MRTX -0.8% (prices an underwritten public offering of 4,350,176 shares of its common stock at a price to the public of $5.60/share)
Analyst comments:
GPRO -3.7% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at Longbow)

Nasdaq 100 indeks tegi just kõigi aegade tipu ja kaupleb üle 5000 taseme.

Head ajad jätkuvad :)
Nasdag kaupleb ikka üle 5500 taseme.
Nasdag kaupleb ikka üle 5500 taseme.

Parandused tehtud.