Börsipäev 6. detsember

Hoolimata Itaalia refrendumi „ei“ tulemusest, mis eeldatavalt tõstab poliitilist ebakindlust, suutsid turud lõpetada plusspoolel. Stoxx Europe 600 indeks sulgus 0,6% kõrgemal ning üsna kitsas vahemikus kaubelnud S&P 500 tõusis samuti 0,6%. Euro, mis esialgse reaktsioonina kauples dollari vastu 20-kuu madalaimal tasemel, tõusis eilse päeva lõpuks 1%, mis on suurim tõus alates suve algusest.

Isegi Itaalia aktsiaturg langes kõigest 0,2%, kuid sellele eelnes sõit Ameerika mägedel. Päev algas 2% langusega, kuid sarnaselt USA presidendivalimiste järgsele reaktsioonile tundus, et turuosalised said õige pea šokist üle ning esimese kauplemistunni lõpuks oli FTSE MIB indeks ligi 1,5% plussis. Lõunaks oli meeleolu jällegi pöördunud ja indeks kauples 1,5% miinuses, suutes siiski päeva lõpuks peaaegu tagasi reedesele sulgumistasemele jõuda. Itaalia pangandussektori aktsiad kukkusid 2,2%, taastudes päevasisesest 4,6% langusest.

Eile avaldatud PMI indeksid näitasid jätkuvat tugevust mitmete riikide teenindussektorites. USAs suutis ISM indeksi tõus novembris 57,2 punktini (oktoobris 54,8 punkti) ületada kõikide analüütikute ootusi. Tegu on tugevaima näitajaga viimase 13 kuu jooksul. Sarnaselt mitmete Euroopa riikidega võis täheldada uute tellimuste ja tööhõive kasvu.

Tänastest makrouudistest tulevad avaldamisele eurotsooni lõplik kolmanda kvartali majanduskasvu näit ning USA oktoobrikuu tehaste tellimused.

12:00 Eurotsooni kolmanda kvartali SKP muutus
15:30 USA väliskaubanduse bilanss (oktoober)
17:00 USA tehaste tellimuste muutus (oktoober)

Itaalia president Sergio Mattarella palus Matteo Renzil ametisse jääda veel vähemalt üheks nädalaks ehk seniks kuni Senat kiidab heaks riigi 2017. aasta eelarve. Ühtlasi usutakse, et Mattarella ei lase korraldada erakorralisi valimisi.

Samal ajal levivad kuulujutud, et Monte dei Paschi pangal on soovitatud valmis olla riigistamiseks. Nimelt on pank maha kirjutamas €28 miljardi ulatuses laenusid ning sellega seoses on vaja katta €5 miljardi suurune tekkiv auk omakapitalis. Viiendik sellest on plaanitud võlakirjade konverteerimisega ning ülejäänu tõstmiseks plaanitakse emiteerida aktsiaid perioodil 7-31. detsember, mis on ühtlasi ka EKP poolt seatud tähtaeg. Väidetavalt on aga seoses referendumi tulemusega kahtlasemaks muutunud Katari poolt loodetav €1 miljardi suurune investeering. Kapitalitõstmise läbikukkumisel peetakse tõenäoliseks riigi sekkumist. Monte dei Paschi on kauplemas 2% miinuses.
USA oktoobri väliskaubanduse defitsiit arvatust mõnevõrra suurem:

October Trade Balance -$42.6 bln vs -$41.8 bln Briefing.com consensus; Prior revised to -$36.2 bln from -$36.4 bln
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:

COUP +6.3%, BOBE +4.8%, (also continues to evaluate all options to create shareholder value and is working with J.P. Morgan to review and evaluate potential opportunities for value creation; no formal timeline for the completion of the review )
CONN +4.5%, BMO +2.8%, HOME +2.5%, TOL +2%, AZO +1.1%, BNED +0.9%, HDS +0.6%
M&A news: IL +16.1% (to be acquired by Synchronoss Technologies (SNCR) for $13.00/share), P +3.2% (RBC's Mark Mahaney on CNBC says Sirius (SIRI) is front runner to acquire the company)

Select financial related names showing strength: DB +4.1%, RBS +3.6%, BCS +3.1%, CS +2.3%, SAN +1.9%, BBVA +1.4%, LYG +1%

Other news:
TXMD +27.7% (announces 'positive' top-line results from its pivotal phase 3 Replenish Trial of TX-001HR; trial met primary endpoints )
HTBX +23.4% (reports topline response and survival results in the ongoing Phase 1b study evaluating HS-110 in combination with Opdivo)
NVCN +11.3% (provides an update on the clinical experience with its Tiara transcatheter mitral valve)
DRYS +8.5% (continued strength)
SAGE +8.1% (announces its expedited development plan for SAGE-547 following receipt of formal meeting minutes from a meeting with the FDA)
NVLS +6.9% (CFO discloses the purchase of 24K shares)
IMMU +6.7% (IMMU-140 'demonstrated a significant antitumor effect)
CLNE +4.6% (announces two new fueling station construction projects and multiple projects for its Facility Modification Services)
VSTM +2.8% (reports Phase 2 DYNAMO clinical data; results in a 46% ORR)
ACHN +2.4% ( announces data presented at American Society of Hematology Meeting demonstrate potential advantages of factor D inhibition for the treatment of complement alternative pathway-mediated diseases )
BLCM +2.1% ( presents clinical results to date of BPX-501 pediatric program and provides regulatory update at investor event during ASH Annual Meeting)
AGIO +1.5% (reports new clinical data from Phase 1 Trial of Single Agent AG-120)
AZN +1% (reports Phase III trial of Tagrisso; demonstrates superiority over chemotherap)
Analyst comments:
ENPH +7% (initiated with a Buy at Craig Hallum)
HSBC +3.9% (upgraded to Equal Weight from Underweight at Morgan Stanley)
ZYNE +3.2% (resumed with a Buy at Jefferies)
UBS +2% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Morgan Stanley
NFLX +0.7% (upgraded to Hold from Sell at Evercore ISI)
SKX +0.6% (initiated with a Outperform at Wells Fargo)

Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
MIK -10.1%, IRTC -3.6%

Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: BBL -2.9%, BHP -2.8%, MT -2.1%, GFI -1.9%, RIO -1.8%, AA -1.5%, X -1.4%, FCX -1.4%, VALE -1.3%, CLF -1.2%

Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: EPE -2.1%, SDRL -1.9%, DNR -1.8%, WLL -1.3%, MRO -1.1%

Other news:
RGSE -25.5% (public offering of common stock & series I warrants to purchase shares of common stock; size not disclosed )
SGY -15.6% (provides operational update for its Amethyst well; no assurance well can be restored to previous levels)
SB -14.8% ( to offer Common Stock)
LXRX -8.6% (announces top-line results today from a Phase 2 clinical study of sotagliflozin conducted by Lexicon in collaboration with JDRF)
RCII -7.7% ( CFO Guy J. Constant resigns; also downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank )
FET -6% (prices 7 mln shares of common stock by co and selling shareholders at a price to the public of $21.50 per share)
TEVA -4.4% ( names Dipankar Bhattacharjee as President and CEO, Global Generic Medicines Group, effective today; reaffirms FY16 forecast)
ASUR -4.2% (prices underwritten public offering of 1,695,000 newly issued shares of common stock at $8.00/share)
CMG -3.9% (mgmt says it is nervous about FY17 guidance at Barclays Conf)
SBSI -3.8% (announces an underwritten public offering of approx. $60 mln of its common stock )
STWD -3.6% (prices 17.8 mln shares of common stock for gross proceeds of $394.3 mln)
REI -2.9% (to offer shares of its common stock )
SIEN -2.8% ( confirms receipt of FDA pre-market supplement approval for four new breast implant styles in both shaped and round as well as additional profile and sizing options for nine existing implant offerings)
MTDR -2.6% (prices 6,000,000 shares at $24.65/share)
ZG -1.5% (proposes offering of $400 mln of convertible senior notes due 2021)
Analyst comments:
OSK -1.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Longbow)
SPWR -1% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Guggenheim)
SKYW -1% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Evercore ISI)
NKE -0.8% (downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Cowen)
