Balti põhinimekirjas tehti esmaspäeval 3909 tehingut ning käive oli 1,404 miljonit eurot, millest Tallinna börsi käive moodustas 698 tuhat eurot ja Vilniuse börsi käive 686 tuhat eurot. Tehinguid tehti vastavalt 2406 ja 1388.
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Viis nädalat jutt rallinud USA aktsiaturul tõmmati eile veidi hinge, kui eeskätt lasti Ühendriikide reedel selguva novembrikuu tööturu raporti ootuses auru välja vedurite rollis olnud suurematest tehnoloogiafirmade aktsiatest. Nasdaq lõpetas esmaspäevase sessiooni 0,8% madalamal ning S&P 500 indeks andis väärtusest ära 0,5%. Positiivsem oli meeleolu väikefirmade aktsiate seas, mis Russell 2000 indeksi näol suutis ronida 1% võrra kõrgemale ning tõsta sellega tootluse aasta algusest 7%-ni. Euroopas jäi Stoxx 600 0,1% võrra miinusesse.
Aasia aktsiaturud liikusid öösel kolme nädala madalaimale tasemele. Nikkei alanes 1,2%, Hang Seng langes 1,7%, Shanghai Composite nõrgenes 0,8% ja Kospi 0,5%. Brenti toornafta püsis 78,0 dollaril, Bitcoin kosus 1,4% 41 857 dollarile ja Ethereum odavnes 0,3% 2230 dollarile. EUR/USD tugevnes 0,1% 1,0842 dollarile ja unts kulda maksis 2031 dollarit (+0,1%).
Tänastest majandusuudistest võiks esile tõsta euroala oktoobri tootjahinnaindeksi, Ühendriikide JOLTS tööturu oktoobri küsitluse tulemuse ning USA teenindussektori novembri aktiivsusindeksi ISM küsitluse kohaselt.
09.45 Prantsusmaa tööstustoodang (oktoober)
10.00 Hispaania tööstustoodang (oktoober)
11.00 Euroala teenindussektori PMI (novembri lõplik)
12.00 Euroala tootjahinnaindeks (oktoober)
17.00 USA JOLTS tööturu küsitlus (oktoober)
17.00 USA teenindussektori ISM (november)
Aasia aktsiaturud liikusid öösel kolme nädala madalaimale tasemele. Nikkei alanes 1,2%, Hang Seng langes 1,7%, Shanghai Composite nõrgenes 0,8% ja Kospi 0,5%. Brenti toornafta püsis 78,0 dollaril, Bitcoin kosus 1,4% 41 857 dollarile ja Ethereum odavnes 0,3% 2230 dollarile. EUR/USD tugevnes 0,1% 1,0842 dollarile ja unts kulda maksis 2031 dollarit (+0,1%).
Tänastest majandusuudistest võiks esile tõsta euroala oktoobri tootjahinnaindeksi, Ühendriikide JOLTS tööturu oktoobri küsitluse tulemuse ning USA teenindussektori novembri aktiivsusindeksi ISM küsitluse kohaselt.
09.45 Prantsusmaa tööstustoodang (oktoober)
10.00 Hispaania tööstustoodang (oktoober)
11.00 Euroala teenindussektori PMI (novembri lõplik)
12.00 Euroala tootjahinnaindeks (oktoober)
17.00 USA JOLTS tööturu küsitlus (oktoober)
17.00 USA teenindussektori ISM (november)

Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse toodang kasvas oktoobris 0,1% võrreldes septembriga, osutudes nõrgemaks 0,2% ootusest ning lisaks korrigeeriti septembri 0,4% langus suuremaks -0,6% peale. Mullusega võrreldes suurenes töötleva tööstuse toodang 1,0%.

Kui kuu tagasi arvas EKP nõukogu liige Isabel Schnabel, et intressimäära tõstmine pole välistatud, siis nüüd näib see tema silmis olevat laualt maas
“The most recent inflation number has made a further rate increase rather unlikely,” she said in an interview with Reuters that was transcribed on the ECB’s website.
The typically hawkish ECB official spoke days after a report showed euro-area consumer-price growth slowed to 2.4%, far less than economists had anticipated. Investors are now fully pricing in an interest-rate cut in April, and Schnabel didn’t rule out such a move could transpire.
“We have to see what’s going to happen,” she said. “We have been surprised many times in both directions. So, we should be careful in making statements about something that is going to happen in six months’ time.”
Just a month ago, after October data also showed slowing price growth, Schnabel had cautioned that it’s too early to rule out another rate hike and compared the fight to bring inflation to the ECB’s 2% target with overcoming the last mile in a long- distance run. Now she sounded more confident that the backdrop is shifting.
“The November flash release was a very pleasant surprise,” Schnabel said. “Most importantly, underlying inflation, which has proven more stubborn, is now also falling more quickly than we had expected. This is quite remarkable. All in all, inflation developments have been encouraging.”
“The most recent inflation number has made a further rate increase rather unlikely,” she said in an interview with Reuters that was transcribed on the ECB’s website.
The typically hawkish ECB official spoke days after a report showed euro-area consumer-price growth slowed to 2.4%, far less than economists had anticipated. Investors are now fully pricing in an interest-rate cut in April, and Schnabel didn’t rule out such a move could transpire.
“We have to see what’s going to happen,” she said. “We have been surprised many times in both directions. So, we should be careful in making statements about something that is going to happen in six months’ time.”
Just a month ago, after October data also showed slowing price growth, Schnabel had cautioned that it’s too early to rule out another rate hike and compared the fight to bring inflation to the ECB’s 2% target with overcoming the last mile in a long- distance run. Now she sounded more confident that the backdrop is shifting.
“The November flash release was a very pleasant surprise,” Schnabel said. “Most importantly, underlying inflation, which has proven more stubborn, is now also falling more quickly than we had expected. This is quite remarkable. All in all, inflation developments have been encouraging.”
Lühikeseks müüjad on USAs positsioone suurendanud, mis võib luua vajaduse hakata katma, kui ralli peaks jätkuma
Bullish sentiment around positioning is weakening for the S&P 500 even after the benchmark rose for a fifth consecutive week, according to Citigroup strategists.
* Short positioning activity is increasing once more and the S&P 500 finished last week with bearish levels rising, while Nasdaq positioning stabilized near neutral and was less changed, a team led by Chris Montagu writes in a note
** Says S&P 500 short covering risk remains high, “given the relative size of short positions and the accumulation of losses as the market continues to grind higher”
* Positioning turned more bullish in Europe, with Euro Stoxx 50 positioning turning neutral and DAX now moderately bullish
Bullish sentiment around positioning is weakening for the S&P 500 even after the benchmark rose for a fifth consecutive week, according to Citigroup strategists.
* Short positioning activity is increasing once more and the S&P 500 finished last week with bearish levels rising, while Nasdaq positioning stabilized near neutral and was less changed, a team led by Chris Montagu writes in a note
** Says S&P 500 short covering risk remains high, “given the relative size of short positions and the accumulation of losses as the market continues to grind higher”
* Positioning turned more bullish in Europe, with Euro Stoxx 50 positioning turning neutral and DAX now moderately bullish
Hispaania hooajaliselt korrigeeritud tööstustoodang kahanes oktoobris aastaga 1,5% vs. oodatud -1,7%

Euroala teenindussektori novembri lõplik näit osutus esialgsest paremaks, märkides viimase kahe kuu kõrgeimat taset, kuid see viitas sektoris vaid aktiivsuse aeglasemale langusele.
Eurozone HCOB Services PMI Nov F: 48.7 (flash 48.2; Oct 47.8)
- HCOB Composite PMI Nov F: 47.6 (flash 47.1; Oct 46.5)
“The service sector maintained its downward slide in November. The modest improvement of the activity index does not leave much room for optimism regarding a swift recovery in the immediate future. The sombre outlook is reinforced by the fifth consecutive monthly shrinkage in new business, albeit at a slightly tempered rate in November. Business expectations were subsequently subdued, remaining well below the long-term average and showing a slight dip. As per our GDP nowcast, factoring in the latest PMI indicators, a fall in GDP is on the cards for the fourth quarter. If two consecutive quarters of negative growth define a recession, we find ourselves currently on the brink.
Eurozone HCOB Services PMI Nov F: 48.7 (flash 48.2; Oct 47.8)
- HCOB Composite PMI Nov F: 47.6 (flash 47.1; Oct 46.5)
“The service sector maintained its downward slide in November. The modest improvement of the activity index does not leave much room for optimism regarding a swift recovery in the immediate future. The sombre outlook is reinforced by the fifth consecutive monthly shrinkage in new business, albeit at a slightly tempered rate in November. Business expectations were subsequently subdued, remaining well below the long-term average and showing a slight dip. As per our GDP nowcast, factoring in the latest PMI indicators, a fall in GDP is on the cards for the fourth quarter. If two consecutive quarters of negative growth define a recession, we find ourselves currently on the brink.
No täitsa eksitavalt saan aru nagu peaks valiku II samba sissemakseteks ära tegema sellel aastal, et 2024.aastal laekuks suurem sissemakse.
Tegelikult saab alles järgmisel aastal valikut muuta ja kehtima hakkab alles 2025. aastal nagu loen teise panga lehelt.
Mis siis on õige?
Tegelikult saab alles järgmisel aastal valikut muuta ja kehtima hakkab alles 2025. aastal nagu loen teise panga lehelt.
Mis siis on õige?
Parandasin sõnastuse ära. Korrektne on see, et järgmisest aastast avaneb valiku tegemise võimalus ja see jõustub 2025. aastast.