2016.a viimase nädala langus aitas pisut turgudel auru välja lasta ning seda kasutati uue aasta esimesel tööpäeval kohe ära, kui S&P 500 startis 0,9% võiduga, mida aitas toetada oodatust parem makro Hiinas, Euroopas ja Ühendriikides. Euroopas parandas Stoxx 600 oma taset 0,7%, rallides eelmise aasta veebruari põhjadest tänaseks üle 20% ning jõudes definitsiooni kohaselt tagasi pulliturule.
Globaalse töötleva tööstuse jaoks lõppes eelmine aasta aktiivsuse edasise paranemisega, kui JPMorgani ja Markiti koostatut PMI indeks kerkis neljandat kuud järjest 52,7 punktile (novembris 52,1), saavutades sellega kõrgeima taseme 2014.a veebruarist. Kasvu veavad peamiselt Ühendriigid ja Euroopa, kuid näitajad paranesid ka mitmel pool Aasias. Samuti on kasv laiapõhjaline kategooriate lõikes, kui paremaid numbreid näidati nii tarbe-, vahe- kui ka kapitalikaupade sektoris.
Aasias jätkasid aktsiaturud liikumist valdavalt kõrgemale eesotsas Jaapani Nikkeiga (+2,5%), kus täna kaubeldi esimest korda pärast pühasid ning emotsioone kergitas täiendavalt Markiti küsitlus, mille kohaselt koges sealne töötlev tööstus detsembris kiireimat kasvu viimase aasta jooksul (51,9 punkti vs 51,3 punkti novembris). Suurem osa nõudluse kasvust tulenes siseturu tellimustest, kuid ettevõtjad täheldasid ka müügi kasvu Euroopasse, Hiina ja Põhja-Ameerikasse.
Nädal jätkub täna eurotsooni riikide teenindussektori aktiivsusindeksitega, millele lisaks on suurema tähelepanu all ka detsembri esialgne inflatsioon. Konsensuse ootuse järgi kiirenes hinnatõus euroalas detsembris 0,6% pealt 1,0%le, kuid seda kallinenud energia tõttu. Alusinflatsioon peaks seejuures jääma 0,8% peale. Ühendriikides jälgitakse FOMC detsembri istungi protokolli ning autotootjate eelmise kuu müüginumbreid.
09.45 Prantsusmaa tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (detsember)
10.00 Hispaania töötute arvu muutus (detsember)
10.15 Hispaania teenindussektori PMI (detsember)
10.45 Itaalia teenindussektori PMI (detsember)
10.50 Prantsusmaa teenindussektori PMI (detsember)
10.55 Saksamaa teenindussektori PMI (detsembri lõplik)
11.00 Eurotsooni teenindussektori PMI (detsembri lõplik)
12.00 Eurotsooni inflatsioon (detsember)
12.00 Itaalia inflatsioon (detsember)
14.00 USA hüpoteeklaenude taotlused (30. dets)
21.00 USA FOMC detsembri istungi protokoll
??.?? USA automüük (detsember)
Prantsusmaa tarbijate kindlustunde indeks püsis detsembris ootuspäraselt 99 punkti peal

Hispaania töötute arv kahanes detsembris oodatud -50 tuhande asemel -86,8 tuhande võrra, mida oli rohkem kui viimasel kahel aastal samal ajal

Hispaania teenindussektori aktiivsus püsis detsembris suuresti novembri tasemel (55,0 vs 55,1 novembris ning 54,7 oodatud), kuid tänu töötleva tööstusele kosus kogu erasektori aktiivsus 55,2 punktilt 55,5 punktile.

Itaalias oli teenindussektori aktiivsuse kasv detsembris mõnevõrra aeglasem kui novembris
Italian Markit/ADACI Services PMI Dec: 52.3 (est 52.6; prev 53.3)
Composite PMI Dec: 52.9 (est 53.0; prev 53.4)
Italian Markit/ADACI Services PMI Dec: 52.3 (est 52.6; prev 53.3)
Composite PMI Dec: 52.9 (est 53.0; prev 53.4)
Kuna nii Saksamaa ja Prantsusmaa teenindussektori PMI näitajad korrigeeriti ülespoole, kujunes ka kogu eurotsooni teenindussektori aktiivsus detsembris arvatust positiivsemaks (53,7 vs 53,1 esialgselt ning 53,8 novembris). Tänu sellele revideeriti kõrgemaks kogu euroala erasektori aktiivsusnäit (54.4 vs 53,9 esialgselt ning 53,9 novembris), mis on parim tase alates 2011.a maist ning saadab julgustavaid signaale ka 2017.a alguseks.

Eurotsooni inflatsioon kiirenes detsembris 0,6% pealt 1,1%le (oodati 1,0%) ja kuigi mõnevõrra tempokam oli ka hinnatõus energiat ja toitu arvestamata (0,9% vs 0,8% novembris), siis EKPd tõenäoliselt see veel tänavust ootust teist moodi vaatama ei sunni.

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: N/A
M&A news:
REXX +4.5% (Antero (AR) will acquire the company's Ohio Utica assets in the Warrior South Area for net proceeds at closing of approx. $30.0 mln)
NVLS +4.3% (initiated a process to explore and review a range of strategic alternatives)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher:
MUX +1.9%, SBGL +1.6%, GFI +1.5%, SLV +1%, NEM +0.9%, GDX +0.9%, ABX +0.8%
Other news:
CBAY +41.6% (Kowa Pharmaceuticals America announces agreement with CymaBay Therapeutics to license gout compound)
BLPH +24.1% (receives confirmation of the FDA's acceptance of all modifications proposed by the co to its Phase 3 program for INOpulse )
OCUL +9% (announces additional successful results for Phase 3 clinical trial of Dextenza)
ECA +5% (anticipates production growth from its core four assets from 4Q16 to 4Q17 will be in the upper range of, or exceed, its previously indicated growth plan of 15-20% Y/Y)
SHAK +4.6% (to Join S&P SmallCap 600)
NVLS +4.3% (initiated a process to explore and review a range of strategic alternatives)
KOPN +3.5% (continued strength)
DEPO +3.2% (continued strength)
XRX +3% (continued strength)
RYAAY +2.2% (reports Dec traffic rose 20% YoY)
FOLD +1.4% (announced that the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Highly Specialised Technologies Evaluation Committee has issued a positive final evaluation determination for reimbursed patient access to Galafold)
CC +1.2% (to join S&P MidCap 400),
Analyst comments:
GBT +6.6% (initiated with a Overweight at JP Morgan),
CS +3.7% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Barclays)
STZ +2.8% (upgraded to Buy from Underperform at BofA/Merrill )
RDS.A +1% (upgraded to Outperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
MO +0.9% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
PIR +0.7% (initiated with a Buy at Loop Capital)
A +0.7% (upgraded to Overweight at Barclays)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
DLR -0.5%, ( sees FY17 funds from operations of $5.90-6.10 vs $6.02 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; FY16 $5.65-5.75 vs. $5.69 consensus)
Other news:
AGRX -62.4% (announces 'positive' top-line results from its Phase 3 SECURE clinical trial of Twirla; plans to resubmit its NDA for Twirla in the first half of 2017 on the basis of the SECURE results)
ACUR -10.7% (announces they are exploring a full range of financing and strategic alternatives, including a possible sale of the company)
ARR -3% (announces January 2017 dividend rate per common share of $0.19 vs $0.22/share prior month)
CLVS -2.7% (prices / upsizes public offering of 5 mln shares of common stock at $41/ per share)
TSLA -1% (Misses Q4 delivery targets on production delays related to new autopilot hardware; net orders set new record)
SFR +-0.5% (commences a private offering of $250 million aggregate principal amount of convertible senior notes due 2022)
Analyst comments:
COG -2.2% (downgraded to Underperform at BofA/Merrill)
STM -2.2% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley)
VRX -1.4% (target lowered to $11 from $16 at Piper Jaffray)
OSK -1.2% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank)
DNKN -1.1% (downgraded to Underperform from Hold at Jefferies )
SWN -1.1% (downgraded to Underperform at BofA/Merrill)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: N/A
M&A news:
REXX +4.5% (Antero (AR) will acquire the company's Ohio Utica assets in the Warrior South Area for net proceeds at closing of approx. $30.0 mln)
NVLS +4.3% (initiated a process to explore and review a range of strategic alternatives)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher:
MUX +1.9%, SBGL +1.6%, GFI +1.5%, SLV +1%, NEM +0.9%, GDX +0.9%, ABX +0.8%
Other news:
CBAY +41.6% (Kowa Pharmaceuticals America announces agreement with CymaBay Therapeutics to license gout compound)
BLPH +24.1% (receives confirmation of the FDA's acceptance of all modifications proposed by the co to its Phase 3 program for INOpulse )
OCUL +9% (announces additional successful results for Phase 3 clinical trial of Dextenza)
ECA +5% (anticipates production growth from its core four assets from 4Q16 to 4Q17 will be in the upper range of, or exceed, its previously indicated growth plan of 15-20% Y/Y)
SHAK +4.6% (to Join S&P SmallCap 600)
NVLS +4.3% (initiated a process to explore and review a range of strategic alternatives)
KOPN +3.5% (continued strength)
DEPO +3.2% (continued strength)
XRX +3% (continued strength)
RYAAY +2.2% (reports Dec traffic rose 20% YoY)
FOLD +1.4% (announced that the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Highly Specialised Technologies Evaluation Committee has issued a positive final evaluation determination for reimbursed patient access to Galafold)
CC +1.2% (to join S&P MidCap 400),
Analyst comments:
GBT +6.6% (initiated with a Overweight at JP Morgan),
CS +3.7% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Barclays)
STZ +2.8% (upgraded to Buy from Underperform at BofA/Merrill )
RDS.A +1% (upgraded to Outperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
MO +0.9% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
PIR +0.7% (initiated with a Buy at Loop Capital)
A +0.7% (upgraded to Overweight at Barclays)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
DLR -0.5%, ( sees FY17 funds from operations of $5.90-6.10 vs $6.02 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; FY16 $5.65-5.75 vs. $5.69 consensus)
Other news:
AGRX -62.4% (announces 'positive' top-line results from its Phase 3 SECURE clinical trial of Twirla; plans to resubmit its NDA for Twirla in the first half of 2017 on the basis of the SECURE results)
ACUR -10.7% (announces they are exploring a full range of financing and strategic alternatives, including a possible sale of the company)
ARR -3% (announces January 2017 dividend rate per common share of $0.19 vs $0.22/share prior month)
CLVS -2.7% (prices / upsizes public offering of 5 mln shares of common stock at $41/ per share)
TSLA -1% (Misses Q4 delivery targets on production delays related to new autopilot hardware; net orders set new record)
SFR +-0.5% (commences a private offering of $250 million aggregate principal amount of convertible senior notes due 2022)
Analyst comments:
COG -2.2% (downgraded to Underperform at BofA/Merrill)
STM -2.2% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley)
VRX -1.4% (target lowered to $11 from $16 at Piper Jaffray)
OSK -1.2% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank)
DNKN -1.1% (downgraded to Underperform from Hold at Jefferies )
SWN -1.1% (downgraded to Underperform at BofA/Merrill)
FORD DEC. AUTO SALES +0.3%, EXP. -1.6%
FORD DEC. AUTO SALES +0.3%, EXP. -1.6%