Karud limpsisid eile keelt, kui turud muutusid enne tänast Bernanke kõnet närviliseks ning sulgusid korralikult miinuspoolel. Käivet aga see juurde ei genereerinud ning seega selget müügihuvi domineerimist on siit raske välja lugeda. Isiklikult tundub, et Bernanke suhtes on ootusi viimastel päevadel veidi langetatud (Atlanta Fedi president ütles oma eilses esinemises, et QE3 on "close call" ja Philadelphia Fedi president ei leidnud, et uut rahatrükki oleks üldse vaja), mis tähendab et survet riskivaradele võib leevendada kasvõi see, kui Bernanke kinnitab valmisolekut vajadusel koheselt tegutseda ning mainib ära, mis võiksid olla need potentsiaalsed vahendid, millega appi tõtatakse.
NYSE composite volume (mln aktsiat)
Stoxx 600 indeks sulgus -0,8% madalamal ning nagu allolevast võlakirjade tabelist võib näha, siis risk-off sentiment aktsiaturgudel tõi kaasa ka mõningase languse Euroopa perifeeriariikide võlakirjade hindades. EKP liige Jörg Asmussen kinnitas eile majandusfoorumil esinedes oma seisukohta, et Euroopa Keskpank saab tegutseda vaid paralleelselt EFSFi/ESMiga ning võlakirjade ostuprogramm oleks suunatud lühematele tähtaegadele. Prantsuse presidendi Francois Hollande’ga kohtunud Hispaania peaminister Mariano Rajoy jäi kindlaks oma varasematele kommentaaridele, mille kohaselt ei kavatse ta küsida täiendavat finantsabi juhul kui pole teada täpselt, mida pakutakse. Bloomberg aga kirjutas, et juulis keskvalitsuse käest raha palunud Valencia soovib saada täiendavad 1 miljard eurot, mis toob kogusumma 4,5 miljardi euroni. Kui nüüd teha kiired arvutused, siis Kataloonia, Valencia ja Murcia kolmekesi küsivad kokku 10,2 miljardit eurot ehk 57% kogu abifondist ning tegemist on summadega, mis aitavad katta peamiselt ainult selle aasta kohustusi.
Ühendriikides lõpetas S&P 500 indeks samuti -0,8% punases, olgugi et makro vastas laias laastus ootustele. Möödunud nädala töötuabiraha taotluste arv püsis stabiilsena 374K peal (üle-eelmist nädalat revideeriti 2K võrra 374K peale). Isiklikud kulutused kasvasid juulis 0,4% (oodati 0,5%) ning isiklikud sissetulekud 0,3% (oodati 0,3%), mis tähendab, et majapidamiste säästmismäär tuli veidi allapoole 4,2% peale.
Tulles tänase päeva juurde, siis tõenäoliselt ei julge keegi enne väga mingeid otsuseid turul tegema hakata, kui Bernanke kell 17.00 õhtul Jackson Hole’is kõnepulti astub (ettekande pealkirjaks on “Monetary Policy Since the Crisis”). Siiski üht koma teist huvitatav jagub ka makro poolel. Saksamaa raporteerib juuli jaemüügistatistika, eurotsoonist tuleb augusti inflatsiooninäit ja juuli töötuse määr, USAs aga raporteeritakse Chicago PMI, Michigani ülikooli tarbijasentimendi indeks ja juulikuu tehaste tellimused.
09.00 Saksamaa jaemüük (juuli)
12.00 Eurotsooni inflatsioon (august)
12.00 Eurotsooni töötuse määr (juuli)
16.45 USA Chicago PMI (august)
16.55 USA Michigani ülikooli tarbijasentiment (august)
17.00 Bernanke kõne
17.00 USA tehaste tellimused (juuli)
USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad hetkel kerges plussis, Euroopa on avanemas nulli lähedal.
Saksamaa juuli jaemüük kujunes oodatust nõrgemaks. Aasta baasil vähenes müük -1,0% vs oodatud +0,1% kasvu ning kuu baasil kukkus näitaja -0,9% vs oodatud +0,2%. Juuni numbreid revideeriti aga ülespoole (YoY 2,9% -> 3,7% ning MoM -0,1% -> 0,5%).

Eile oma augustikuu numbrid raporteerinud jaemüüjad tulid välja oodatust paremate tulemustega, kui tugevust näidati Morgan Stanley sõnul nii geograafiliselt kui ka kategooriate lõikes. Vaatamata konsensusest kõvematele SSS numbritele jäädi tuleviku suhtes siiski konservatiivseks, kui allolevatest ettevõtetest kergitas prognoose vaid TJX.

ekathimerini kirjutab pikemalt lahti, millest Kreeka järgmise kahe aasta 11,5 miljardi euro suurune kärpeprogramm siis koosneb
- the abolition of the traditional holiday payments (at Easter, Christmas and summer) for all pensioners, not just former civil servants;
- Cuts on all pensions above €800, with cuts starting at 2% and reaching 20% for the highest levels. The government hopes to raise €4.5bn through pension cuts alone.
- Fresh cuts to healthcare of €1.3bn, some €500m of cutbacks in defense and €750m in cutbacks to local authority subsidies.
- Cuts to the so-called «special salaries» of certain categories of civil servants are to raise €800m.
- As for civil servants, the likely scenario involves between 35000 and 40000 employees leaving the public sector by 2014, either through early retirement or for failing to pass an evaluation. Another 110000 are to leave the service by 2015 either through retirement or the termination of their contracts.
- the abolition of the traditional holiday payments (at Easter, Christmas and summer) for all pensioners, not just former civil servants;
- Cuts on all pensions above €800, with cuts starting at 2% and reaching 20% for the highest levels. The government hopes to raise €4.5bn through pension cuts alone.
- Fresh cuts to healthcare of €1.3bn, some €500m of cutbacks in defense and €750m in cutbacks to local authority subsidies.
- Cuts to the so-called «special salaries» of certain categories of civil servants are to raise €800m.
- As for civil servants, the likely scenario involves between 35000 and 40000 employees leaving the public sector by 2014, either through early retirement or for failing to pass an evaluation. Another 110000 are to leave the service by 2015 either through retirement or the termination of their contracts.
Üks värskem graafik jäi silma Hispaania autonoomsete piirkondade 2012 teise poolaasta aeguvate võlakohustuste suuruste kohta (kokku 15,6 mld EUR).

Prantsusmaa maadleb 13 aasta kõrgeima tööpuudusega ning selle vähendamiseks on tulnud välja üpris kummalise plaaniga palgata riigi ja erasektoris 150 000 vähese või puuduva oskusega noort. Via Google Translate
The beneficiaries of these so called "jobs of tomorrow" will work for municipalities, hospitals, schools, social organizations, associations or, exceptionally, in private companies, and will receive a grant of up to 75% of their compensation.
The estimated cost is 500 million euros in 2013 and "more than 1,500 million" next year by the state budget, said Labor Minister Michel Sapin, at a press conference.
The beneficiaries of these so called "jobs of tomorrow" will work for municipalities, hospitals, schools, social organizations, associations or, exceptionally, in private companies, and will receive a grant of up to 75% of their compensation.
The estimated cost is 500 million euros in 2013 and "more than 1,500 million" next year by the state budget, said Labor Minister Michel Sapin, at a press conference.
Itaalia töötuse määr püsis juulis 10,7% peal, mis oli madalam kui analüütikute oodatud 10,9%.

Pole ka Kreeka mingi erand kliki ja poliitladviku soovist jääda ellu ka järgmistel valimistel. Nüüd siis on Samaras, olles saanud võimule peale kõiki neid aastaid, võtnud ja "kärpinud" koalitsioonipartneritega nii, et nad jääksid ellu. Ma ei tea kas kõik 3, aga vähemalt mõni neist elab järgmised valimised üle. Pensionäride ja juba riigiteenistusest lahkunute hüvede kärpimine on samm, kuigi selgelt ühiskonnas furoori tekitav, mis ei lõika sügavalt kõige olulisemasse aktiivsesse valimisgruppi - praegused riigiteenistujad. Dim.Ar valimislubadus oli mitte mingit riigiteenistujate koondamist, mis ka täideti, kuna 100 000 asemel läheb hoopis 35K-40K pensionile. See 110K aastaks 2015 ehk kolme aasta pärast on pigem lubadusteprogramm väliskreeditoridele. Ei ole see siiani tehtud, ei tehta see ka 3 aasta pärast, sest ka tollal tulevad kohe-kohe valimised.
Kreeka mõõdupuu järgi on tegemist enneolematult räigete kärpetega. Eriti koomilised on need praegu, kui Samaras veel veebruaris, troikaga detaile kokku leppides, võitles veel €230 pensionite eest, lisatasude maksmise eest ja ma ei tea mida veel, et võimule saada ning tekitades mitte ainult Euroopa kriisi süvenemist, vaid ka maailmas laiema kriisimeeleolu kasvu.
Kõige olulisem mistahes tulemite juures on see, et Kreeka valitsus ise jälgiks kirja pandud lubadusi.
Samarasele edu. Zeus olgu ta pattude tunnistajaks!
Kreeka mõõdupuu järgi on tegemist enneolematult räigete kärpetega. Eriti koomilised on need praegu, kui Samaras veel veebruaris, troikaga detaile kokku leppides, võitles veel €230 pensionite eest, lisatasude maksmise eest ja ma ei tea mida veel, et võimule saada ning tekitades mitte ainult Euroopa kriisi süvenemist, vaid ka maailmas laiema kriisimeeleolu kasvu.
Kõige olulisem mistahes tulemite juures on see, et Kreeka valitsus ise jälgiks kirja pandud lubadusi.
Samarasele edu. Zeus olgu ta pattude tunnistajaks!
Erko Rebane
ekathimerini kirjutab pikemalt lahti, millest Kreeka järgmise kahe aasta 11,5 miljardi euro suurune kärpeprogramm siis koosneb
- the abolition of the traditional holiday payments (at Easter, Christmas and summer) for all pensioners, not just former civil servants;
- Cuts on all pensions above €800, with cuts starting at 2% and reaching 20% for the highest levels. The government hopes to raise €4.5bn through pension cuts alone.
- Fresh cuts to healthcare of €1.3bn, some €500m of cutbacks in defense and €750m in cutbacks to local authority subsidies.
- Cuts to the so-called «special salaries» of certain categories of civil servants are to raise €800m.
- As for civil servants, the likely scenario involves between 35000 and 40000 employees leaving the public sector by 2014, either through early retirement or for failing to pass an evaluation. Another 110000 are to leave the service by 2015 either through retirement or the termination of their contracts.
eurotsooni inflatsioon augustis 2,6%, mis on 0,2 protsendipunkti võrra kõrgem juuliga võrreldes ja 0,1 pp võrra kõrgem oodatust. Juuli töötuse määr püsis 11,3% peal, mis vastas prognoosidele.

Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: GMAN -12.9%, ZUMZ -12.3%, ESL -0.1%.
Other news: GFI -3.4% (Gold Fields announces unlawful and unprotected strike at KDC East), HMY -2% (continued weakness), TM -1.3% (still checking), NFLX -0.5% (ticking lower, HBO streaming video service launched in the Nordic region, according to reports).
Analyst comments: LAYN -0.5% (Layne Christensen downgraded to Sell from Neutral at UBS, downgraded to Neutral at Janney Mntgmy Scott).
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: GMAN -12.9%, ZUMZ -12.3%, ESL -0.1%.
Other news: GFI -3.4% (Gold Fields announces unlawful and unprotected strike at KDC East), HMY -2% (continued weakness), TM -1.3% (still checking), NFLX -0.5% (ticking lower, HBO streaming video service launched in the Nordic region, according to reports).
Analyst comments: LAYN -0.5% (Layne Christensen downgraded to Sell from Neutral at UBS, downgraded to Neutral at Janney Mntgmy Scott).
Gapping up:
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: SPLK +15.7%, OVTI +10.6%, SAI +6% (also announces plan to separate into two independent, publicly traded companies).
Financial related names showing strength: BBVA +4%, DB +3.8%, CS +3.8% (upgraded to Hold from Sell at ING Group), ING +3.5%, UBS +1.6%, SAN +1.5%, HBC +0.7%, RY +0.2% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse).
A few metals/mining stocks trading higher: MT +3.5%, RIO +2%, GOLD +2%, BHP +1.3%, BBL +0.8%, GLD +0.3%.
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: TOT +1.7%, E +1.6%, WFT +1.5%, STO +1.5%, RDS.A +0.9%, CVX +0.6%, SDRL +0.3%.
A few large cap drug names ticking higher: SNY +2.0%, MRK +1.6%, NVS +0.8%
Other news: FFN +11.9% (FriendFinder Networks 'clarifies inaccurate Bloomberg reporting' ), TKC +3.3% and SAP +2.9% (still checking), NAV +2.5% (light volume, renews and increases dealer inventory funding facility to $750 million), FSLR +1.4% (modestly rebounding), P +0.8% (positive mention in Barron's).
Analyst comments: TSYS +4.9% (to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan), GLW +3.3% (upgraded to Outperform at Oppenheimer).
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: SPLK +15.7%, OVTI +10.6%, SAI +6% (also announces plan to separate into two independent, publicly traded companies).
Financial related names showing strength: BBVA +4%, DB +3.8%, CS +3.8% (upgraded to Hold from Sell at ING Group), ING +3.5%, UBS +1.6%, SAN +1.5%, HBC +0.7%, RY +0.2% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse).
A few metals/mining stocks trading higher: MT +3.5%, RIO +2%, GOLD +2%, BHP +1.3%, BBL +0.8%, GLD +0.3%.
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: TOT +1.7%, E +1.6%, WFT +1.5%, STO +1.5%, RDS.A +0.9%, CVX +0.6%, SDRL +0.3%.
A few large cap drug names ticking higher: SNY +2.0%, MRK +1.6%, NVS +0.8%
Other news: FFN +11.9% (FriendFinder Networks 'clarifies inaccurate Bloomberg reporting' ), TKC +3.3% and SAP +2.9% (still checking), NAV +2.5% (light volume, renews and increases dealer inventory funding facility to $750 million), FSLR +1.4% (modestly rebounding), P +0.8% (positive mention in Barron's).
Analyst comments: TSYS +4.9% (to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan), GLW +3.3% (upgraded to Outperform at Oppenheimer).
EUR on täna hoos, kaubeldes dollari suhtes ligi protsendi jagu kõrgemal @ 1,2620 USD. Üks potentsiaalne liigutaja võiks olla info, et Euroopa Komisjon võib ülejärgmise nädala kohtumisel anda EKP-le ainuõiguse pangalitsentside määramisel (via Bloomberg). Ju siit loetakse välja, et keskpank võib end mugavamalt tunda ka ESMi võimendamise suhtes, mille kohta on tegelikult nii Draghi kui Merkel öeldnud, et ESMile pangalitsentsi andmine oleks vastuolus ELi seadustega.

Reedene päev eeldab, et siis üks lõbus video oleks omal kohal. What happens when Draghi joins Bernanke on the QE wheel.
What Will Bernanke Say?
By James "Rev Shark" DePorre
Aug 31, 2012 | 8:38 AM
I believe that additional purchases of longer-term securities, should the FOMC choose to undertake them, would be effective in further easing financial conditions. --Ben Bernanke, Jackson Hole, Wyo., August 2010
The market has stayed stubbornly strong for weeks as investors anticipate some sort of action by the central banks. In August 2010, Fed chief Ben Bernanke triggered a massive rally when he announced the likelihood of a quantitative easing program at the Jackson Hole conference. Subsequently, the market moved straight up for six months with nary a dip along the way as a flood of cheap money had few places to go but into equities.
Many are skeptical that QE3 can have a similar impact, and many others question whether we need this sort of stimulus again. Nonetheless, the market bulls are hopeful that Bernanke will announce something market friendly at Jackson Hole this morning.
While the market is acting like it anticipates something positive, the consensus seems to be that there will be no specific QE3 announcement today. The most bullish scenario appears to be that Bernanke will lay out in some detail what will cause the Fed to act. The more specific he is about potential Fed moves, the more the market will like it. Keep in mind that Bernanke did not formally announce quantitative easing in his Jackson Hole speech in 2010. He merely laid out possible policy moves that the Fed might make. The actual decision didn't come until November.
Many market players are anticipating that Bernanke may do nothing more than repeat what he has said a number of times lately, which is that the Fed is monitoring economic data closely and is prepared to act quickly as needed. I'm not sure that sort of generalization will satisfy the market, but as long as some form of quantitative easing is on the table it is going to be tough for the bears to make much progress.
The bears are feeling increasingly confident that we have a setup in place for a market top. We are entering the weakest time of the year seasonally, Europe is still a mess, economic reports are mixed and the Fed may be on hold as far as further quantitative easing. There just aren't many positive catalysts other than hope the central bankers will do something. It sounds like a good setup for a market rollover but I suspect it may be too easy, especially with the bankers constantly chattering about what they might do.
In addition, this market has created performance anxiety recently and there is a big supply of dip buyers to provide support. They have not had many chances to buy weakness and I look for them to take advantage of pullbacks. It is going to take a while to discourage the underinvested bulls, so if you are looking for some downside, expect it to be quite bumpy.
We'll see what Bernanke has to say shortly after the open and we'll go from there. The sell-the-news reaction seems too obvious, and I'm looking for a fair amount of volatility as the news is digested. If we dip because Bernanke is vague, I expect many will view that as a buying opportunity. Stay on your toes.
By James "Rev Shark" DePorre
Aug 31, 2012 | 8:38 AM
I believe that additional purchases of longer-term securities, should the FOMC choose to undertake them, would be effective in further easing financial conditions. --Ben Bernanke, Jackson Hole, Wyo., August 2010
The market has stayed stubbornly strong for weeks as investors anticipate some sort of action by the central banks. In August 2010, Fed chief Ben Bernanke triggered a massive rally when he announced the likelihood of a quantitative easing program at the Jackson Hole conference. Subsequently, the market moved straight up for six months with nary a dip along the way as a flood of cheap money had few places to go but into equities.
Many are skeptical that QE3 can have a similar impact, and many others question whether we need this sort of stimulus again. Nonetheless, the market bulls are hopeful that Bernanke will announce something market friendly at Jackson Hole this morning.
While the market is acting like it anticipates something positive, the consensus seems to be that there will be no specific QE3 announcement today. The most bullish scenario appears to be that Bernanke will lay out in some detail what will cause the Fed to act. The more specific he is about potential Fed moves, the more the market will like it. Keep in mind that Bernanke did not formally announce quantitative easing in his Jackson Hole speech in 2010. He merely laid out possible policy moves that the Fed might make. The actual decision didn't come until November.
Many market players are anticipating that Bernanke may do nothing more than repeat what he has said a number of times lately, which is that the Fed is monitoring economic data closely and is prepared to act quickly as needed. I'm not sure that sort of generalization will satisfy the market, but as long as some form of quantitative easing is on the table it is going to be tough for the bears to make much progress.
The bears are feeling increasingly confident that we have a setup in place for a market top. We are entering the weakest time of the year seasonally, Europe is still a mess, economic reports are mixed and the Fed may be on hold as far as further quantitative easing. There just aren't many positive catalysts other than hope the central bankers will do something. It sounds like a good setup for a market rollover but I suspect it may be too easy, especially with the bankers constantly chattering about what they might do.
In addition, this market has created performance anxiety recently and there is a big supply of dip buyers to provide support. They have not had many chances to buy weakness and I look for them to take advantage of pullbacks. It is going to take a while to discourage the underinvested bulls, so if you are looking for some downside, expect it to be quite bumpy.
We'll see what Bernanke has to say shortly after the open and we'll go from there. The sell-the-news reaction seems too obvious, and I'm looking for a fair amount of volatility as the news is digested. If we dip because Bernanke is vague, I expect many will view that as a buying opportunity. Stay on your toes.
USA futuurid on eelturul korralikku 0,9% plussi roninud, kuid Hispaania 10a võlakiri keeldub positiivse sentimendiga kaasa minemast. Yield täna liikunud 0,09 pp võrra kõrgemale 6,684% peale.

August Chicago PMI 53.0 vs 53.8 Briefing.com consensus; July 53.7

August Michigan Sentiment- Final 74.3 vs 73.6 Briefing.com consensus; prelim 73.6

July Factory Orders +2.8% vs Briefing.com consensus +2.0%, June -0.5%
Ühesõnaga lühidalt - QE3 praegu ei tule.