Börsipäev 31.august

WSJ kirjutab, et Washington Redskins omanik Dan Snyder on alates augusti keskelt ostnud 9% PKS aktsiatest.

Dan Snyder has been acquiring stock in Six Flags since mid-August, and now controls just under 9% of the co’s shares. In documents filed with the SEC yesterday, Mr. Snyder said he hoped to “influence management” to better maximize the co’s value. The filing also indicated that Mr. Snyder may seek a seat on the co’s board and try to take a controlling stake of what is the world’s second-largest theme-park operator.

Üks USA kontakt räägib, et Mr Snyderil on selja taga 45 edukat ülevõtmist.

Aga mitu ebaedukat :) see kontakt ei öelnud ?

Gapping Up

IPIX +10% (signs distribution agreement in Russia), TOPT +15% (reports Q2), PKS +11% (WSJ reports Redskins owner Dan Snyder has been buying 9% of co), TFSM +4.4% (signs reseller agreement in Greece), BLDP +3% (announces $3.6 mln follow-on contract with major automaker), EASI +2% (beats by a penny, affirms guidance), JNPR +1.8% (Wachovia upgrade).... Under $3: UAIR +13.2% (Talks Resume Between US Airways and Pilots -- AP), MACE +5.4% (in sympathy with IPIX).

Gapping Down

There is little action in the pre-mkt.... INTC -1% (Merrill cautions investors to stay away ahead of mid-qtr update on Thurs; FTN Midwest downgrade), FCEL -3.3% (reports JulQ), SNY -3% (reports results), BOBJ -2.6%, MESA -2.4% (UBS downgrade).

USA turud jätkavad vaikset oleskelu, vaid pooljuhtide sektoris võib oodata sellel nädalal suuremaid liikumisi, kuna Intel (INTC) avaldab neljapäeval kvartali vaheraporti, mis peaks avama katet pooljuhtide müügi ja tellimuste osas.

Morgan Stanley alandas Inteli kolmanda kvartali tulude prognoosi tuues peamise põhjusena välja väheneva personaalarvutite nõudluse ja suurt laoseisu. Aktsia hinnasihti langetati 32 dollarilt 28 dollarile.

Wachovia kergitas Juniper Networksi (JNPR) reitingut "outperform" peale. Telekommunikatsioonivaruustust tootev firma peaks kasu saama telekomifirmade suurenenud investeeringutest ning traditsiooniliselt tugev neljas kvartal peaks aktsia hinda tõstma

Rev Shark:

The big question for this market is whether volume can contract even further as the week drags on. Trading on Monday was slower moving than my daughter when faced with a plate of broccoli.

So what is going on here? Market participants have apparently come to the conclusion that there is no reason to do anything until after the Labor Day weekend. Apathy has a tendency to feed on itself. After all, if no one else thinks the market is worth caring about, why should we? Let's enjoy the end of summer and worry about it next week when everyone is back at work.

The big problem for market participants when volume is light is that it increases uncertainty. Trying to predict what the market is going to do is extremely tough under normal circumstances but when a big chunk of folks don't even find it interesting enough to bother trading, prediction becomes even tougher.

The simple fact to remember is that a move on low volume has less likelihood of gaining sustainable momentum than a move on higher volume. An increase on low volume or a pullback on light volume simply can't be trusted to continue in the same direction. That may occur but the probabilities are not as strong.

Yesterday we saw a particular good illustration of how a light-volume move can suddenly end without any particular reason. Although crude oil prices fell sharply and the news flow didn't contain anything particularly negative we sold off fairly steeply and broke the uptrend line that has been in place for a couple of weeks.

I'm inclined to stick with a bearish posture at this juncture because there appears to be so few catalysts to excite buyers and also because the recent bounce has provided some profits that market participants will want to protect. There simply isn't any compelling reason for buyers to hurry and buy this market right now.

Unsurprisingly we have a quiet start shaping up. Overseas markets were mostly weak, oil continues to fall and there isn't much news to content with. So stay patient and let the market deal with its lethergy. Right now this market is about as random as a slot machine but not as much fun.

Gary B. Smith:

Intel sai keskpäevaks veel teise downgrade'i (SG Cowen) ja lisaks veel negatiivset makrot (Chicago PMI) ning turg on taas miinuses.

Üks kommentaar turult (kõik on Intelis enne neljapäeva lühikesed):

I just hung up with one of my "best" fundie guys (remember the fellow who mused that perception vs.reality was the biggest disconnect of his career before the melt?) and we were talking Intel (INTC:NASD). The issue we kept discussing was "who doesn't know that it's "bad?" In fact, six of the last six hedgies I spoke with are short the name into the mid-quarter.

The takeaway is this: Appreciate the field position in the short-, intermediate- and long-term and make sure your risk profile mimics your time horizon. A crowded situation in a thin tape has "whippage" written all over it.
LHV Pro all paar värsket Kiiret Ideed, vaadake üle.