USA turud sulgusid reedel miinuse poolel. DJIA 12090.26 -0.6%, S&P500 1377.34 -0.8% ja Nasdaq 2350.62 -1.2%. Põhiliseks suunanäitajaks sai avaldatud SKT numbrid, mis jäid analüütikute ootustele tugevalt alla.
Osaliselt eelnevast tingituna on täna hommikkul tugevas miinuses Jaapan. Hetkel NIKKEI 225 1.9% miinuses. Langust veavad suuremad eksportöörid nagu Honda ja Toyota, mille tulemusi võib USA majanduskasvu aeglustumine kõige enam mõjutada.
USA SKT tulemused hakkavad tõenäoliselt mõjutama tänast börsipäeva euroopas.
Norras on oodata Statoili majandustulemuste avaldamist
Tallinna Börsi ettevõtetest on avaldanud oma majandustulemused AS Viisnurk. 9 kuu müügitulu oli 160,6 mln krooni/10,3 mln eurot (2005. a. samal perioodil 165,9 mln krooni/10,6 mln eurot) ning puhaskasum 8,4 mln krooni/536 tuhat eurot (2005. aastal 7,2 mln krooni/460 tuhat eurot).
Oodata on ka Tallink Grupi tulemusi.
Baird lowers SanDisk (SNDK 48.04) tgt to $60 from $68, as they believe NAND flash pricing is already past a peak, with a potentially significant pricing decline in the first quarter as the co's NAND flash output could potentially exceed for the first time its NAND flash card distribution potential
Deutsche Bank initiates Las Vegas Sands (LVS 75.04) with a Buy and $85 tgt, as they believe there is still upside potential from Hengqin Island and a potential license in PA or the UK, while in the near term, they anticipate continued strength at Sands macao despite new supply, while the opening of Venetian Macao and Palazzo (mid-07) could lead to further appreciation
Baird downgrades STMicroelectronics (STM 16.80) to Neutral from Outperform and lowers tgt to $17 from $22, based on a slowing semiconductor outlook
Baird downgrades Alltel (AT 53.99) to Neutral from Outperform and lowers tgt to $56 from $60, based on Q306 results that trailed their forecasts and believe roaming rates and other competitive challenges could pressure numbers further
Deutsche Bank upgrades Diamond Offshore (DO 70.93) to Buy from Hold and $89 tgt, based on visibility on contracts mitigating downside risk and midwater floater markets continuing to improveGoldman Sachs downgrades Janus Capital (JNS 20.79) to Sell from Neutral and $17.50 tgt
Merrill upgrades Yahoo (YHOO 25.34) to Buy from Neutral with a $32 tgt. Usun, et aktsia esmane positiivsus võidaksealla müüa ning 50 päeva EMA võib pakkuda huvitavat shortimise võimalust.
Deutsche Bank upgrades Komag (KOMG 38.43) to Buy from Hold with a $48 tgt following earnings. Firm says they view Komag's desktop business as more stable now that it is qualifying on 95mm programs with Samsung. In addition, they view Komag as very well positioned to expand into the 65mm/notebook market. Komag liigub ühest äärmusest teise! Äärmuslikust negatiivsusest positiivsusesse. Kahtlen, kas see call aktsiat suudab hoida.
Deutsche Bank downgrades Ingersoll Rand (IR 37.41) to Hold from Buy and cut their tgt to $38 from $45 following Q3 results. Firm says although the weakness in IR's results was confined to Bobcat, the pace of the demand drop off and current lack of visibility leads the firm to cut their 2007E earnings estimates by 15%. Ebakindlus tuleviku osas ja nõudluse langus onviimasel ajal sektori teemaks olnud.
Goldman upgrades Lockheed Martin (LMT 84.61) to Buy from Neutral
WMT eelturul languses. Suhteliselt kiire suunamuutus SSS prognoosi osas. Ootan huviga jõulumüügi numbreid.Reuters reports co had originally forecast 2% to 4% October same-store sales growth, but warned earlier this week that the figure would likely be closer to 1%.
FBR kommenteerib oktoobrikuu müügi osas mõningaid jaemüüjaid: firm's comp ests are below the consensus across the board, as they believe that the consensus expectations are too high, given the tough comparisons in Oct. Firm believes that comp trends in Oct will be very company-specific and heavily associated with the timing of sales and promotions during the month. Firm says HOTT and PSUN remained their weakest channel checks during Oct. Firm is looking for holiday sales up 5% for the season; retailers heading into the holiday season with conservative inventory positions. Firm expects ANF and GYMB to report in-line with expectations and AEOS, ANN, CHS, HOTT, and PSUN to report at the low-end/downside surprise.
Balti turu järelvaadeOlympicu aktsiast üritati lasta välja õhku ja aktsia sulguski esimest korda miinuses ja seda 0.95%. Käive oli konkurentsitult Tallinna Börsi suurim, üle 3 miljoni euro. Raske on ütelda, kas suuri ostjaid on kuid kindlalt on osa väikesed müümas. Ostupoolel oli suuremates tehingutes esindatud Hansapank.
Tallink avaldas oma imelised majandustulemused, mis esmapilgul ülitugevad tundusid. Täpsemal uurimisel selgus, et tulemused on küll mõnevõrra üle ootuste, kuid mitte hiilgavad. Taas kasutati tuntud raamatupidamislikku loomingulisust ning ka asjaolu, et tulemused avaldati kauplemisajal. Vastavalt käitus ka Tallinki aktsia. Kohe pärast kauplemise taasavamist käis aktsia ära 4.77 peal. Käive oli samuti üle pika aja keskmisest suurem. Suuremaid koguseid liikus, seda eriti pärast tulemustea avaldamist ning kauplemise taasalustamist. Suuremate koguste ostjaks oli paljudel juhtude Suprema ning müüjaks Carnegie. Mitte, et teised oleks vähem kaubelnud. Hind sulgus üle kahe miljoni eurose käibe juures 0.68% plussis.Leedu börsil näitas keskmisest suuremat käivet eelmisel nädalal 9 kuu tulemused avaldanud Snaige. Aktsia sulgus 2% võrra plussis.
Bulls Are Right, but So Are the Bears
By Rev Shark Contributor
10/30/2006 8:47 AM EST
Click here for more stories by Rev Shark
"Where we have strong emotions, we're liable to fool ourselves."
-- Carl Sagan
The strong move in the major indices off the lows of July has stirred up some very powerful emotions in market players. There are those who believe that the strength is merely a manifestation of the many obvious positives that exist and they feel quite strongly that the market will continue to run steadily higher. We have positive seasonality kicking in, the Fed on the sidelines and a pretty good economy. There are plenty of bulls who are confident that this market is going to keep on going.
On the other hand, there are plenty of bears who feel equally confident that this market is doomed and as soon as market players come to their senses about the dangers that exist it will be a slippery slide down the slope of hope. If you want the bearish take on things, just read Doug Kass over on Street Insight, who does a nice job of spelling out the things that can take this market down.
One of the interesting things about a market that has run up big like this one is that both sides, bulls and bears, tend to become even more convinced that they are right as the trend continues. The bulls look at the strength and tell us its proof of how good things are; the bears look at the same strength and tell us it's proof of how stupid the market is and sets the stage for some major pain.
The truth about the market, at least in the shorter term, lies somewhere in between. Strong markets don't tend to just suddenly fall apart and go straight down. There tends to be plenty of folks who missed the move and are looking to buy on a pullback. Most large mutual funds do not chase stocks. They look to buy on weakness and therefore they help prevent a suddenly collapse unless there is a news catalyst of some sort.
We have some underinvested bears to support things but once a market falters a bit like we did on Friday, there are going to be some sellers much more intent on protecting recent gains who will pressure things. They don't want profits to slip away so when the trend starts to slow and shows some signs of stress they will look for opportunities to take gains and make it harder for the market to resume its uptrend.
Keep in mind we have month-end; it's also the end of the fiscal year for many big mutual funds, which may help hold the market up.
Gapping up on strong earnings/guidance: BEAV +4.4%, HUM +3.2%... Other News: APCC +26% (to be acquired), CPWM +7%, ELSR +4.1% (Cramer positive on Mad Money), OPTM +4% (extends its strong IPO debut on Friday), NVEC +2.8% (extends recent momentum), TLAB +2.7% (mentioned positively in Barron's), ARDI +2.7%, YHOO +2.6% (Merrill upgrade; also Fortune Magazine article says co inquired about buying AOL), RNVS +2.2% (Matrix upgrade), BIDU +1.9%, MRVL +1.5% (extends Friday's 5% move), LVLT +1.4% (Cramer positive on Mad Money), KLAC +1% (RBC upgrade)... Under $3: GNTA +13% (FDA extends review of co's leukemia drug), SNTO +6.8%, POTP +3.2% (announces pre-clinical data).
Päris huvitav oli lugeda Susqehanna arvamust kruiisisektori võimalike tendentside kohta. Susquehanna avaldab kruiisinduse kohta arvamust üpriski tihedalt ning nad on üpriski karused olnud. Seda ka seekord. Ettevõte rõhutab, et nõrkus kruiisinduses on jätkunud ka hoolimata sellest, et kütusehinnad on langenud ning orkaanihooaeg, mis see aasta midagi erilist kaasa ei ole toonud, on mööda saamas. Susquehanna ei usu, et lähiajal tugevamad ajad Kariibi ja Mehhiko regioonide kruiiside jaoks oleks tagasi tulemas.
RCL on oma tulemustega tulemas selle nädala lõpu poole. Susquehanna usub, et RCL võib anda sarnase nägemuse 2007. aasta trendide kohta nagu seda tegi Carnival(CCL), kelle nägemuses ei olnud midagi kiiduväärset.
Tänased majandusnumbrid:
Personal Spending +0.1% vs +0.3% konsensus
Personal Income +0.5% vs +0.3% konsensus
USA turg on päeva alustamas väikeses miinuses.
Seminarile saab registreerida siit...
Tundub, et nasdaq ei suvatse lasta mingil seltskonnal manipuleerida ja vaesekestele aktsiaid 200% kõrgemalt pähe määrida.
See pidev tehingute tühistamine nasdaqi poolt on eriti nõme debiilikute kaitsmine IMHO. Endal on ka sõrm valesti lipsanud, aga kui sa ei osta 2$ aktsiat 20ga vaid näiteks 2,5$ga, siis võiks see küll olla kooliraha oma lolluse eest.
Kui oled tähele pannud varasematest postitustest, siis tead, et sellistest rakettidest olen varemgi rääkinud ja maininud, et nad tulevad tagasi kust minema hakkasid või madalamale.Vahest libastun ka jää peal, ehki ma tean, et see on libe.
Juba mitu nädalat polnud selliseid rakkette olnud ja olin jõudnud unustanud ettevaatlikuse selliste tegelaste puhul.
Kui nad tipust kukkuma hakkavad siis nad eriti ei põrka ja targem oleks neil lasta kukkuda vähemalt sinnani kust nad tõusu alustasid sel päeval.
Mul lihtsalt vedas oma ettevaatamatuses ja kõik.Seda ei juhtu iga päev kui miinused tagasi võetakse.
Võib-olla olid sina nende seas, kes sai 2 pealt müüa ja nüüd torised?