Jim Crameril oli eile fiskaalkuristiku teemal hea point….miks peavad USA poliitikud üldse teatama avalikkusele, et kokkuleppe osas pole arenguid toimunud ning põhjustada sellega läbi meedia närvilisust nii börsidel kui ka reaalmajanduses. Oodatakse konstruktiivset arutelu ning alles siis kui milleski on suudetud ühele meele jõuda, oleks põhjust seda ka laiema publikuga jagada. Selles mõttes on olukord muutunud juba natuke naeruväärseks, kui üleeile optimistliku sõnavõtuga esinenud Esindajatekoja spiiker John Boehner teatas eile, et on ikkagi pettunud, kui väikene on progress olnud. Positiivse meeleolu saatel alustanud turgudel võttis see taaskord jala nõrgaks, ent seekord suudeti päeva lõpuks siiski taastuda. S&P 500 indeks kerkis 0,43%, Stoxx 600 lõpetas 1,2% plussis.
Kõige suuremat tähelepanu pälvis eilsest makrost USA kolmanda kvartali SKP teistkordne revideerimine, mille tulemusel näitas majandus varasemalt eeldatud 2,0% kasvu asemel 2,7% kasvu, mis vastas laias laastus analüütikute ootustele. Kuigi number ise on heaks uudiseks, siis paljude arvates valmistasid detailid korraliku pettumuse, kuna suur osa ülespoole korrigeerimisest tuli varude kasvu arvelt ning natuke ka ekspordist, samal ajal aga kasvasid tarbijakulutused kolmandas kvartalis varasema 2,0% asemel 1,4% (aeglaseim alates 2011 Q2) ning kapitalikulused seadmetele ja tarkvarale korrigeeriti samuti allapoole 0,0% pealt -2,7% QoQ peale. Kuna lõppnõudlus oli arvatust madalam ning varud jällegi kõrgemad, tõi see varude/müügi suhte mitme aasta kõrgeimale tasemele ning kuna hetkel vähemalt pole mingit indikatsiooni saabuvast tarbimisbuumist, siis ootab näiteks Morgan Stanley viimases kvartalis varude korrektsiooni. MS prognoosib hetkel SKP Q4 QoQ annualiseeritud kasvuks 0,6%, Deutsche prognoos on 1,3%, kuid seejuures on hakatud tundma, et tegemist on laega.
USA töötu abiraha taotlused langesid ülemöödunud nädala 416K pealt 393K peale ületades sellega konsensuse prognoositud 395K. Huvitav on see, et Tööjõubüroo sõnul ei avaldanud orkaan Sandy eelmise nädala numbritele enam erilist mõju, ent võrreldes Sandy eelse 360-370K tasemega jäi seega möödunud nädala tase siis kuidagi kõrgeks. Siiski toodi välja ka see, et praegusel ajal kipuvad läheneva jõuluhooaja tõttu hooajalised mõjutused olema tavapärasest suuremad, mistõttu tasuks oodata veel paari nädala jagu numbreid, et hakata tööturu kohta adekvaatsemaid järeldusi tegema.
Positiivseks uudiseks oli oktoobris pooleliolnud kinnisvaratehingute kasv 5,2% võrreldes septembriga, mis ületas analüütikute 1,0% ootust ning ilmselt toetab arvatust rohkem ka järgneva kuu olemasolevate majade müüki.
Tulles tänase makro juurde, siis huvi võiks pakkuda Saksamaa ja Prantsusmaa tarbimisstatistika, eurotsooni töötuse määr ning inflatsioon. USA poolel raporteeritakse oktoobrikuu isiklike sissetulekute/kulutuste muutus ja novembri Chicago PMI. Hiina avaldab homme novembri ametliku PMI.
09.00 Saksamaa jaemüügi muutus (oktoober)
09.45 Prantsusmaa tarbijakulutused (oktoober)
11.00 Itaalia tööpuudus (oktoober ja kolmas kvartal)
12.00 Eurotsooni tööpuudus (oktoober)
12.00 Eurotsooni inflatsioon (november)
15.30 USA isiklike kulutuste ja sissetulekute muutus (oktoober)
16.45 USA Chicago PMI (november)
USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad hetkel 0,2% madalamal, Euroopa on alustamas 0,1% punases.
Saksamaa oktoobrikuu jaemüük kahanes mulluse baasil -0,8% vs oodatud -0,3% (septembris YoY -3,4%)

Viskan siia ka Citi majandusindikaatorite üllatusindeksid: Hiina (kollane), eurotsoon (oranž) ja USA (valge). Nagu näha, siis viimase nädala jooksul on positiivsed üllatajad olnud Hiina ja eurotsoon, USA samas näitas kerget nõrkust.

Prantsusmaa tarbimiskulutusd kahanesid oktoobris mullusega võrreldes -0,5% vs oodatud -0,5% (sepmtebris -0,3%).
Samal ajal on Draghi pidamas kõnet, avaldades rahulolu Kreeka lisameetmete suhtes ning oodates eurotsooni majanduslikku taastumist 2013.a teises pooles. EUR/USD näib selle peale reageerivat 0,3% tõusuga, jõudes tagasi üle 1,30 USD piiri.
Samal ajal on Draghi pidamas kõnet, avaldades rahulolu Kreeka lisameetmete suhtes ning oodates eurotsooni majanduslikku taastumist 2013.a teises pooles. EUR/USD näib selle peale reageerivat 0,3% tõusuga, jõudes tagasi üle 1,30 USD piiri.
173 tuhat inimest liitus oktoobris eurotsooni töötute armeega, mis kergitas töötuse määra ootuspäraselt 0,1 protsendipunkti võrra rekordilise 11,7%ni. ELis on tööturg töötuse määra alusel kõige jõudsamalt kosunud Baltikumis, halvenenud enim aga Lõuna-Euroopa riikides.
The largest decreases were observed in Estonia (11.5% to 9.6% between September 2011 and September 2012), Lithuania (14.2% to 12.4%) and Latvia (15.7% to 14.2% between the third quarters of 2011 and 2012). The highest increases were registered in Greece (18.4% to 25.4% between August 2011 and August 2012), Cyprus (9.2% to 12.9%), Spain (22.7% to 26.2%) and Portugal (13.7% to 16.3%).
The largest decreases were observed in Estonia (11.5% to 9.6% between September 2011 and September 2012), Lithuania (14.2% to 12.4%) and Latvia (15.7% to 14.2% between the third quarters of 2011 and 2012). The highest increases were registered in Greece (18.4% to 25.4% between August 2011 and August 2012), Cyprus (9.2% to 12.9%), Spain (22.7% to 26.2%) and Portugal (13.7% to 16.3%).

Kreeka jaemüük on pärast suvist kosumist taas allamäge liikumas. Septembris kukkus müük -10,7% YoY vs -7,2% augustis.

Bundestag on kiitnud Kreeka lisameetmed heaks 473 poolthäälega ja 100 vastuhäälega.
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: CBK +19.9%, FIVE +9%, ULTA +5.2%, HBI +3%, WWAV +2.6%, (light volume), SPLK +2.1%.
M&A related: BCRX +3.1% (BioCryst Pharm and privately held Presidio Pharmaceuticals announced the mutual termination of the Merger Agreement and the related Investor Financing Agreement entered into on October 17, 2012), SVU +1.8% (following late 20% drop on Cerberus bid concerns, Supervalu confirms that review of strategic alternatives is proceeding).
A few financial related names showing strength: HBC +1.2%, BCS +0.9%, DB +0.8%.
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: IOC +1.6% (disclosed that the Antelope-3 appraisal well encountered the reservoir 217 feet higher than prognosis), PTR +1.4%, TOT +0.9%, TOT +0.9%, CAM +0.9% (initiated with an Outperform at Bernstein), COP +0.7% (ENI S.p.A. is not interested in purchasing ConocoPhillips (COP) stake in Kazakhstan's Kashagan oil field, according to reports; initiated with a Outperform at Wells Fargo), SU +0.7%, STO +0.4%.
A few Brazil util/elec names are higher after Brazil increased util compensation : EBR +10.4%, ELP +5.1%, CIG +2.4%, CPL +1.3%
Other news: TLAB +39% (ames Daniel P. Kelly Chief Executive Officer and President, declares special dividend of $1.00 per share), ENZN +21.2% ( announces special dividend of $2.00 per share), KITD +13% (continued strength), MHH +12.7% (announces special cash dividend of $2.00 per share), ELRC +4.6% (eclares special year-end cash dividend of $1.00 per share), RGC +3.9% (completes acquisition of Great Escape Theatres and declares special cash dividend of $1.00 per share), SIGA +3.1% ( announces ST-246 to be branded Arestvyr; confirms it received $12.3 mln minestone payment), FIZZ +2.4% ( to distribute $2.55 per share to shareholders), STJ +2.4% ( Board of Directors Authorizes $1 Billion Share Repurchase), ILMN +2.4% (still checking, light volume), PWR +2.4% (positive MadMoney mention), HLF +2% (Herbalife COO discloses buying 45,516 shares at $43.73 to $44.40 on 11/29, worth ~$2.0 mln), STX +1.3% (eases quarterly cash dividend by 19% to $0.38 from $0.32 per share), BUD +0.8% (still checking), THRX +0.7% ( reports outcome of the FDA Advisory Committee meeting on VIBATIV (telavancin) for the treatment of nosocomial pneumonia ), WFM +0.5% ( announces special cash dividend of $2.00 per share), DUK +0.3% (reaches settlement agreement with NCUC Staff and NC Public Staff),.
Analyst comments: ACTV +8.9% (upgraded to Buy from Underperform at BofA/Merrill)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: CBK +19.9%, FIVE +9%, ULTA +5.2%, HBI +3%, WWAV +2.6%, (light volume), SPLK +2.1%.
M&A related: BCRX +3.1% (BioCryst Pharm and privately held Presidio Pharmaceuticals announced the mutual termination of the Merger Agreement and the related Investor Financing Agreement entered into on October 17, 2012), SVU +1.8% (following late 20% drop on Cerberus bid concerns, Supervalu confirms that review of strategic alternatives is proceeding).
A few financial related names showing strength: HBC +1.2%, BCS +0.9%, DB +0.8%.
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: IOC +1.6% (disclosed that the Antelope-3 appraisal well encountered the reservoir 217 feet higher than prognosis), PTR +1.4%, TOT +0.9%, TOT +0.9%, CAM +0.9% (initiated with an Outperform at Bernstein), COP +0.7% (ENI S.p.A. is not interested in purchasing ConocoPhillips (COP) stake in Kazakhstan's Kashagan oil field, according to reports; initiated with a Outperform at Wells Fargo), SU +0.7%, STO +0.4%.
A few Brazil util/elec names are higher after Brazil increased util compensation : EBR +10.4%, ELP +5.1%, CIG +2.4%, CPL +1.3%
Other news: TLAB +39% (ames Daniel P. Kelly Chief Executive Officer and President, declares special dividend of $1.00 per share), ENZN +21.2% ( announces special dividend of $2.00 per share), KITD +13% (continued strength), MHH +12.7% (announces special cash dividend of $2.00 per share), ELRC +4.6% (eclares special year-end cash dividend of $1.00 per share), RGC +3.9% (completes acquisition of Great Escape Theatres and declares special cash dividend of $1.00 per share), SIGA +3.1% ( announces ST-246 to be branded Arestvyr; confirms it received $12.3 mln minestone payment), FIZZ +2.4% ( to distribute $2.55 per share to shareholders), STJ +2.4% ( Board of Directors Authorizes $1 Billion Share Repurchase), ILMN +2.4% (still checking, light volume), PWR +2.4% (positive MadMoney mention), HLF +2% (Herbalife COO discloses buying 45,516 shares at $43.73 to $44.40 on 11/29, worth ~$2.0 mln), STX +1.3% (eases quarterly cash dividend by 19% to $0.38 from $0.32 per share), BUD +0.8% (still checking), THRX +0.7% ( reports outcome of the FDA Advisory Committee meeting on VIBATIV (telavancin) for the treatment of nosocomial pneumonia ), WFM +0.5% ( announces special cash dividend of $2.00 per share), DUK +0.3% (reaches settlement agreement with NCUC Staff and NC Public Staff),.
Analyst comments: ACTV +8.9% (upgraded to Buy from Underperform at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down:
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: ZUMZ -8.4%, YUM -7.3%, YOKU -4.4%, TEVA -2.7%, PSUN -2.1%, (light volume), AVGO -1.7%, GCO -0.9%, OVTI -0.6%.
M&A related: BBY -1.2% (Best Buy's Schulze may miss deadline for bid, according to reports).
Other news: RIC -31.9% (nounced immediate closure of the Francoeur Mine and provides update on Wasamac Project), SUPN -15.1% (Supernus Pharma prices 6 mln shares of common stock at $8 per share), ZNGA -11.1% (ends terms with Facebook for game development ), GRPN -4.2% ( CEO Mason will not be replaced in the near term according to spokesperson-- Bloomberg TV), VRSN -3.4% (Halted, VeriSign announces US Department of Commerce approval of newly revised '.com' registry agreement; to hold a conference call tomorrow to provide a status update on the .com
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: ZUMZ -8.4%, YUM -7.3%, YOKU -4.4%, TEVA -2.7%, PSUN -2.1%, (light volume), AVGO -1.7%, GCO -0.9%, OVTI -0.6%.
M&A related: BBY -1.2% (Best Buy's Schulze may miss deadline for bid, according to reports).
Other news: RIC -31.9% (nounced immediate closure of the Francoeur Mine and provides update on Wasamac Project), SUPN -15.1% (Supernus Pharma prices 6 mln shares of common stock at $8 per share), ZNGA -11.1% (ends terms with Facebook for game development ), GRPN -4.2% ( CEO Mason will not be replaced in the near term according to spokesperson-- Bloomberg TV), VRSN -3.4% (Halted, VeriSign announces US Department of Commerce approval of newly revised '.com' registry agreement; to hold a conference call tomorrow to provide a status update on the .com
October Personal Income 0.0% vs +0.2% Briefing.com consensus
October Personal Spending -0.2% vs +0.1% Briefing.com consensus
October Personal Spending -0.2% vs +0.1% Briefing.com consensus