Tõus globaalsetel aktsiaturgudel jätkus teist päeva järjest, kui Stoxx Europe 600 indeks rallis 3,1% ning S&P 500 lõpetas päeva 1,7% kõrgemal. Kuigi Stoxx 600 indeks on veel ligi 4% miinuses võrreldes Brexiti eelse tasemega, siis UK aktsiaturu indeks FTSE 100 on juba kaotused tasa teinud ning kaupleb 23. juuni sulgumistasemest kõrgemal. Kui aga vaadata UK aktsiaturgu laiemalt ehk FTSE 250 indeksit, kus on oluliselt rohkem kodumaise suunitlusega ettevõtteid, siis taastumisruumi on veel küllaga, sest antud näitaja on Brexiti tasemetest ligi 8% madalamal.
USA tarbijate kulutused kasvasid mais võrreldes eelneva kuuga 0,4%, olles aprillis kerkinud 1,1% võrra (revideeriti 1% pealt kõrgemale). Kuigi kasvutempo aeglustus märkimisväärselt, on tegu üsna volatiilse näitajaga ning suures plaanis jäid analüütikud tarbijate olukorraga rahule. Tarbijate sissetulekud kasvasid 0,2%, mis jäi 0,1 protsendipunkti nõrgemaks kui oodatud ning hindade indeks ilma toitu ja energiat arvestamata kasvas kolmandat kuud järjest aastatagusega võrreldes 1,6%. USA pooleliolevate kinnisvaratehingute arv langes mais 3,7%, jäädes kesisemaks kui oodatud 1,4% langus. Võrreldes 2015. aastaga tõusis pooleliolevate tehingute arv 2,4%. Analüütikute sõnul on pakkumine liiga madal, mistõttu on majade hinnad tõusnud kiiremini inflatsioonist ja palkadest, muutes finantseeringu saamise kodu ostmiseks raskemaks. National Association of Realtors prognoosib, et käesoleval aastal müüakse 5,44 miljonit olemasolevat maja ehk 3,7% rohkem kui aasta varem.
Nafta hind kerkis eile 4%, jõudes taas $50/barrel lähistele, kui EIA andmetel langesid USA toornafta varud 4 mln barreli võrra ehk oluliselt rohkem kui analüütikute oodatud 1,3 mln barrelit. Tegu on kuuenda järjestikuse nädalaga, mil naftavarud vähenesid.
Makrokalendri poolelt on oodata eurotsooni inflatsioonistatistikat ning UK esimese kvartali majanduskasvu.
9:45 Prantsusmaa tarbijahinnaindeks (juuni)
10:55 Saksamaa töötute arvu muutus (juuni)
11:30 UK esimese kvartali SKP (teine revideerimine, lõplik)
12:00 Itaalia tarbijahinnaindeks (juuni)
12:00 Eurotsooni tarbijahinnaindeks (juuni)
15:30 USA esmaste töötu abiraha taotlejate arv
16:45 Chicago PMI (juuni)
18:00 Inglismaa keskpanga juht Mark Carney kõne
20:30 FOMC liikme James Bullardi kõne
Fed avaldas eile suuremate USA pangafiliaalide stressitestide tulemused, mille kohaselt said 33 pangast 31 loa suurendada dividende ja aktsiate tagasostmise programme. Nagu eelmiselgi aastal, ei saanud vastavat luba Deutsche Banki ja Santanderi USA üksused. Morgan Stanley puhul avastati mõningaid puudujääke riskijuhtimises, kuid ettevõttel lubati siiski kapitalitagastuste plaanidega jätkata, kuid Morgan Stanley peab Fedile käesoleva aasta jooksul esitama korrigeeritud plaani. Üleüldiselt oli Fed pankadega rahul öeldes, et hetkel on suuremad finantsinstitutsioonid paremas olukorras kui enne finantskriisi puhkemist.
Prantsusmaa tarbijahinnaindeks tõusis aastatausega võrreldes 0,3%, mis vastas ka ootustele.

Saksamaa töötute arv langes juunis 6000 inimese võrra ning töötuse määr jäi püsima 6,1% juurde.

UK esimese kvartali lõplik majanduskasv oli 2%, ühtides varasemalt väljakäiduga ning analüütikute ootustega.

Esialgsetel andmetel näitas eurotsooni inflatsioon esimeset korda viimase viie kuu jooksul edasiminekut, tõustes juunis aastatagusega võrreldes 0,1%. Kõige suuremat mõju avaldas teenuste kallinemine 1,1% ning toit, alkohol ja tubakas, millede hinnad kerkisid 0,9%. Energiahinnad kahanesid aastaga 6,5% (mais 8,1%). Tuuminflatsioon oli 0,9%.

USA töötu abiraha taotlejate arv tõusis 10 000 võrra, mida oli 3000 võrra rohkem kui oodatud.
Initial Claims 268K vs 265K Briefing.com consensus; Prior revised to 258K from 259K
Continuing Claims 2.120 mln, Prior 2.142 mln
Initial Claims 268K vs 265K Briefing.com consensus; Prior revised to 258K from 259K
Continuing Claims 2.120 mln, Prior 2.142 mln
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
PRGS +6.2%, CAFD +3.9%, STZ +2.2%, MKC +1.3%
M&A news:TTHI +107.1% (to be acquired by OPKO Health (OPK) for 6.4 mln shares of OPK, or $1.55 per share),
STRZA +15%, LGF +9.8%, (Starz to be acquired by Lionsgate (LGF) for $4.4 bln in cash/stock, or ~$32.73 per share),
BUD +2.8% (Anheuser-Busch InBev receives regulatory clearance in South Africa for its merger with SABMiller (SBMRY)),
VNET +2% (announces receipt of withdrawal of Buyer group's 'going private' proposal; separately, announces $200 mln share repurchase program), .
Select financial related names showing strength following CCAR:
CIT +6% (to sell its Canadian equipment finance & corporate finance biz to Laurentian Bank of Canada for $700 mln),
ALLY +4.7% (Ally Financial announces $0.08 quarterly dividend and $700 mln buyback following passage of CCAR review ),
BK +1.7% (BNY Mellon to repurchase up to $2.7 billion of common stock; Federal Reserve does not object to 2016 capital plan, including proposed dividend increase),
RF +1.4% (announces continuation of $0.065 quarterly dividend and possible $640 million buyback following CCAR ),
HBAN +1.1% (Huntington Banc receives no objection from Federal Reserve for proposed capital actions, including increase of the quarterly dividend to $0.08 per share in 4Q16),
USB +1% (receives results of CCAR; Federal Reserve did not object to company's capital distribution plan),
C +0.9% (announces 2016 planned capital actions; Federal Reserve Board does not object to the planned capital actions ),
BAC +0.9% (confirms CCAR plan in 8-K; increases dividend 50% to $0.075; announces $5 bln share repurchase )
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher despite mixed moves in metals: GOLD +3.9%, BBL +3.4%, BHP +2.7%, RIO +2.5%, AUY +1.9%, FCX +1.2%, VALE +1%, CLF +0.8%
Other news:
CRCM +43.4% (Care.com announces $46.35 mln investment from Alphabet- Laela Sturdy, a Partner at Google Capital, will join its Board; co repurchases 3.7 mln shares from Matrix Partners),
NGHC +18.8% (National General prices 7 mln depositary shares, each representing a 1/40th interest in a share of its series C 7.50% non-cumulative preferred stock at $25 per depositary share),
AKER +16.2% (completes clinical trial for rapid chlamydia test; co states results were highly successful),
MBLY +9.4% (Bloomberg reported that Mobileye has partnered with Intel (INTC) to develop autonomous driving tech for BMW, also shareholders approve proposal to repurchase up to 10% of the co's stock ),
GBSN +8.6% (agrees to issue $75 mln in principal face amount of senior secured convertible notes and related Series H common stock purchase warrants),
SGY +6.9% (Stone Energy to terminate its current contract with Ensco (ESV) for total consideration of $20 million; separately, enters an agreement with Williams at the Mary field in Appalachia),
CDXC +5.4% (announces article Bleecker Street Research published on Seeking Alpha on June 20 has been removed and replaced with an apology from the author),
SSTK +5.3% (will replace Southwest Gas in S&P SmallCap 600),
CPHD +1.2% (FDA cleared for marketing the Xpert Carba-R Assay - first test to detect specific genetic markers for certain antibiotic-resistant bacteria directly from clinical specimens),
AA +1.2% (receives contract w/ Embraer (ERJ) valued at ~$470 mln)
Analyst comments:
SSNI +3.4% (upgraded to Strong Buy from Outperform at Raymond James),
PENN +2.4% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Macquarie),
PCLN +2.3% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley),
AUY +1.9% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse),
IAG +1.7% (upgraded to Neutral from Underperform at Credit Suisse),
NOK +1.3% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman),
SLW +1% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
EXFO -17%, PIR -5.3%, DRI -4.5%, SBLK -3.6%, TSCO -3.4%, (Tractor Supply lowers FY16 guidance, guides Q2 below consensus), BGCP -1.2%, XPLR -0.7%
Select EU financial related names showing weakness:
DB -3.7% (Federal Reserve objected to the capital plans of Deutsche Bank Trust Corporation and Santander Holdings USA)
SAN -2.6% (Santander Holdings USA issues statement on results of the Federal Reserve's CCAR confirming Federal Reserve objects to its proposed capital plan on a qualitative basis)
RBS -5.9% and BCS -2.6%(trading lower in sympathy with EU bank peers)
Other news:
SRNE -6.7% (files for ~32.3 mln share common stock offering by selling shareholders)
ICPT -5.9% (announces a $400 mln underwritten public offering of convertible notes due 2023)
BRX -4.5% (announces 20 mln share secondary offering of common stock by selling stockholders)
BRX -4.5% (prices secondary offering of 20 mln shares of its common stock by selling stockholders at $26.15 per share)
TSRO -3.1% (announces a $300 mln underwritten public offering of common stock)
LPCN -1.6% (following 50%+ decline Wednesday)
NSA -1.4% (upsizes and prices offering of 10,475,000 common shares at $20.75 per share)
Analyst comments: QCOM -1.6% (downgraded to Mkt Perform from Outperform at Bernstein)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
PRGS +6.2%, CAFD +3.9%, STZ +2.2%, MKC +1.3%
M&A news:TTHI +107.1% (to be acquired by OPKO Health (OPK) for 6.4 mln shares of OPK, or $1.55 per share),
STRZA +15%, LGF +9.8%, (Starz to be acquired by Lionsgate (LGF) for $4.4 bln in cash/stock, or ~$32.73 per share),
BUD +2.8% (Anheuser-Busch InBev receives regulatory clearance in South Africa for its merger with SABMiller (SBMRY)),
VNET +2% (announces receipt of withdrawal of Buyer group's 'going private' proposal; separately, announces $200 mln share repurchase program), .
Select financial related names showing strength following CCAR:
CIT +6% (to sell its Canadian equipment finance & corporate finance biz to Laurentian Bank of Canada for $700 mln),
ALLY +4.7% (Ally Financial announces $0.08 quarterly dividend and $700 mln buyback following passage of CCAR review ),
BK +1.7% (BNY Mellon to repurchase up to $2.7 billion of common stock; Federal Reserve does not object to 2016 capital plan, including proposed dividend increase),
RF +1.4% (announces continuation of $0.065 quarterly dividend and possible $640 million buyback following CCAR ),
HBAN +1.1% (Huntington Banc receives no objection from Federal Reserve for proposed capital actions, including increase of the quarterly dividend to $0.08 per share in 4Q16),
USB +1% (receives results of CCAR; Federal Reserve did not object to company's capital distribution plan),
C +0.9% (announces 2016 planned capital actions; Federal Reserve Board does not object to the planned capital actions ),
BAC +0.9% (confirms CCAR plan in 8-K; increases dividend 50% to $0.075; announces $5 bln share repurchase )
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher despite mixed moves in metals: GOLD +3.9%, BBL +3.4%, BHP +2.7%, RIO +2.5%, AUY +1.9%, FCX +1.2%, VALE +1%, CLF +0.8%
Other news:
CRCM +43.4% (Care.com announces $46.35 mln investment from Alphabet- Laela Sturdy, a Partner at Google Capital, will join its Board; co repurchases 3.7 mln shares from Matrix Partners),
NGHC +18.8% (National General prices 7 mln depositary shares, each representing a 1/40th interest in a share of its series C 7.50% non-cumulative preferred stock at $25 per depositary share),
AKER +16.2% (completes clinical trial for rapid chlamydia test; co states results were highly successful),
MBLY +9.4% (Bloomberg reported that Mobileye has partnered with Intel (INTC) to develop autonomous driving tech for BMW, also shareholders approve proposal to repurchase up to 10% of the co's stock ),
GBSN +8.6% (agrees to issue $75 mln in principal face amount of senior secured convertible notes and related Series H common stock purchase warrants),
SGY +6.9% (Stone Energy to terminate its current contract with Ensco (ESV) for total consideration of $20 million; separately, enters an agreement with Williams at the Mary field in Appalachia),
CDXC +5.4% (announces article Bleecker Street Research published on Seeking Alpha on June 20 has been removed and replaced with an apology from the author),
SSTK +5.3% (will replace Southwest Gas in S&P SmallCap 600),
CPHD +1.2% (FDA cleared for marketing the Xpert Carba-R Assay - first test to detect specific genetic markers for certain antibiotic-resistant bacteria directly from clinical specimens),
AA +1.2% (receives contract w/ Embraer (ERJ) valued at ~$470 mln)
Analyst comments:
SSNI +3.4% (upgraded to Strong Buy from Outperform at Raymond James),
PENN +2.4% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Macquarie),
PCLN +2.3% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley),
AUY +1.9% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse),
IAG +1.7% (upgraded to Neutral from Underperform at Credit Suisse),
NOK +1.3% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman),
SLW +1% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
EXFO -17%, PIR -5.3%, DRI -4.5%, SBLK -3.6%, TSCO -3.4%, (Tractor Supply lowers FY16 guidance, guides Q2 below consensus), BGCP -1.2%, XPLR -0.7%
Select EU financial related names showing weakness:
DB -3.7% (Federal Reserve objected to the capital plans of Deutsche Bank Trust Corporation and Santander Holdings USA)
SAN -2.6% (Santander Holdings USA issues statement on results of the Federal Reserve's CCAR confirming Federal Reserve objects to its proposed capital plan on a qualitative basis)
RBS -5.9% and BCS -2.6%(trading lower in sympathy with EU bank peers)
Other news:
SRNE -6.7% (files for ~32.3 mln share common stock offering by selling shareholders)
ICPT -5.9% (announces a $400 mln underwritten public offering of convertible notes due 2023)
BRX -4.5% (announces 20 mln share secondary offering of common stock by selling stockholders)
BRX -4.5% (prices secondary offering of 20 mln shares of its common stock by selling stockholders at $26.15 per share)
TSRO -3.1% (announces a $300 mln underwritten public offering of common stock)
LPCN -1.6% (following 50%+ decline Wednesday)
NSA -1.4% (upsizes and prices offering of 10,475,000 common shares at $20.75 per share)
Analyst comments: QCOM -1.6% (downgraded to Mkt Perform from Outperform at Bernstein)
Juuni Chicago PMI üllatab positiivselt:
June Chicago PMI 56.8 vs 50.8 Briefing.com consensus, May 49.2
June Chicago PMI 56.8 vs 50.8 Briefing.com consensus, May 49.2