Reedel avalikustatud USA esimese kvartali SKT näit oli selge pettumus turu jaoks, kes ametlikult ootas 2,5%list annualiseeritud kasvu (salamisi isegi 3,0%list tõusu). Tegelikkuses oli aga majanduse kasvutempo 2,2%. Positiivseteks näitajateks selle raporti juures oli tarbimise kasv (+2,9%), mis osutus suurimaks alates 2010.a neljandast kvartalist ning lisaks jätkasid kinnisvarainvesteeringud põrkamist väga madalatelt tasemetelt. Negatiivse poole pealt aga üllatas varude 0,6 protsendipunktine panus SKT kasvu, kui ootus oli nullilähedane. Lisaks olid nõrgad ettevõtete investeeringud, valitsuse kulutused ja väliskaubandus. Kokkuvõttes leidis Morgan Stanley esimese pealevaatamise põhjal, et teise kvartali ootused peaksid madalamale tulema. Kui varasemalt oli nende Q2 SKT prognoosiks +2,1%, siis nüüd jääb see alla 2%.
USA esimese kvartali SKT andis küllalt põhjust müümiseks (lisaks veel Hispaania krediidireitingu langetamine), ent turuosalised ei suvatsenud sellele reageerida, kuna püsib lootus, et piisavalt halva makro juures muudab FED meelt QE osas. Ka EUR/USD reaktsiooni pealt võis välja lugeda kasvanud rahatrüki ootusi.
Tänane makrokalender:
10.00 Hispaania esimese kvartali SKT muutus
12.00 Eurotsooni aprillikuu inflatsioon
15.30 USA isiklike kulutuste muutus (märts)
15.30 USA isiklike sissetulekute muutus (märts)
15.30 USA tarbijahinnaindeksi muutus (märts)
16.45 Chicago PMI (aprill)
17.30 Dallas Fedi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus (aprill)
Käesolev nädal on täis rohkelt makrot ning muid olulisi sündmusi. Homme raporteeritakse USA aprilli autodemüük ja töötleva tööstuse ISM ning nädala keskele jäävad veel ADP ja teenindussektori ISM, pärast mida liigub fookus juba reedese tööjõuraporti peale. Euroopas on käesoleval nädalal fookuses kolmapäeval ja reedel avalikustatavad eurotsooni lõplikud PMI näidud, Euroopa Keskpanga kohtumine ning nädala lõpus valimised Prantsusmaal ja Kreekas. Kui Prantsusmaal näib Francois Hollande olevat võidukursil, siis Kreeka parlamendivalimised võivad tekitada isegi suuremat ärevust. Hetkel loodetakse siiski näha stabiilse valitsuse moodustamist, kui küsitlused viitavad kahe suurema erakonna 7liikmelisele enamusele.
USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad hetkel 0,3% jagu plussis, Euroopa on avanemas nulli lähedal.
Hispaania esimese kvartali langus QoQ -0,3% vs oodatud -0,4% (YoY langus oli -0,4%).

Eurotsooni aprilli inflatsioon aeglustus mõnevõrra märtsi 2,7% pealt 2,6% peale, kuid jäi oodatust siiski 0,1 protsendipunkti võrra kõrgemaks.

Kreeka veebruari jaemüük YoY -11,1% (jaanuaris -8,8%)

Goldman Sachsilt hea graafik selle kohta, kuidas USA ettevõtete kaubavarud on kasvanud taas suhteliselt kõrgetele tasemetele ning edaspidi võib tsüklist saada SKTd survestav tegur, kui see siiani oli toetav olnud. Tootmine on jäänud suhteliselt kõrgeks võrreldes lõppmüügiga, mistõttu võib lähikuudel vaja minna tootmise vähendamist vältimaks varude edasist kasvu.

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: SCHL +10.4%, HOLX +1.3% (also to acquire Gen-Probe; HOLX expects transaction to be $0.20 accretive to adjusted EPS in first fiscal year after close).
M&A news: DMD +31% (Demand Media was in talks to go private over the weekend, DMD prevented bid from private equity firm, according to reports), SUN +20.3% (Sunoco to be acquired by Energy Transfer Partners for a unit and cash transaction valued at $50.13/share, or ~ $5.3 bln), GPRO +19.7% (Gen-Probe to be acquired by Hologic (HOLX) for $82.75/share in cash; HOLX expects transaction to be $0.20 accretive to adjusted EPS in first fiscal year after close), WCRX +18.7% (Warner Chilcott is considering a sale or other options, according to reports; also Cantor Fitzgerald comments on reports Bayer could acquire WCRX -- strategic fit makes sense), XOMA +9% (trading higher following continued speculation that the co could be takeover target).
Select refiner names showing strength following SUN takeover news: ECA +2.2%, COG +2.1%, TSO +1.9%, CHK +1.9% (Former CHK Board Member has loaned CEO McClendon cash in the late 1990s, according to reports, upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at BMO Capital), VLO +1.3%, HFC +0.9%, WNR +0.7%, .
Other news: BKS +72.1% (Barnes & Noble and Microsoft announced the formation of a strategic partnership in a new BKS subsidiary), MNKD +7.1% (Mannkind and Tolero sign collaboration and license agreement to develop and commercialize noval BTK inhibitors for hematological malignancies and inflammatory diseases; MNKD to receive upfront and milestone payments), IOC +6.8% (enters into heads of agreement with Pacific Rubiales Energy For Interest In Triceratops And PPL237; transaction contemplates staged initial cash payments totaling $116 mln), MDRX +4.4% (announces $200 mln increase to stock repurchase program, elects Dennis Chookaszian Chairman of the Board), VVUS +3.4% (continued strength after resumed trading late Friday), CY +2.9% (positive mention on MadMoney), EBAY +1.1% (Barron's discusses positive view on Ebay), LIFE +0.8% (positive mention on MadMoney).
Analyst comments: SD +3.7% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JPMorgan), AMRN +2.5% (Amarin initiated with a Buy at Citigroup), DG +1.8% (upgraded to Strong Buy from Outperform at Raymond James), VE +1.2% (ticking higher, upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at HSBC Securities), SAIA +1.2% (upgraded to Strong Buy from Market Perform at Raymond James), AZN +1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Jefferies), KFT +0.9% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan).
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: SCHL +10.4%, HOLX +1.3% (also to acquire Gen-Probe; HOLX expects transaction to be $0.20 accretive to adjusted EPS in first fiscal year after close).
M&A news: DMD +31% (Demand Media was in talks to go private over the weekend, DMD prevented bid from private equity firm, according to reports), SUN +20.3% (Sunoco to be acquired by Energy Transfer Partners for a unit and cash transaction valued at $50.13/share, or ~ $5.3 bln), GPRO +19.7% (Gen-Probe to be acquired by Hologic (HOLX) for $82.75/share in cash; HOLX expects transaction to be $0.20 accretive to adjusted EPS in first fiscal year after close), WCRX +18.7% (Warner Chilcott is considering a sale or other options, according to reports; also Cantor Fitzgerald comments on reports Bayer could acquire WCRX -- strategic fit makes sense), XOMA +9% (trading higher following continued speculation that the co could be takeover target).
Select refiner names showing strength following SUN takeover news: ECA +2.2%, COG +2.1%, TSO +1.9%, CHK +1.9% (Former CHK Board Member has loaned CEO McClendon cash in the late 1990s, according to reports, upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at BMO Capital), VLO +1.3%, HFC +0.9%, WNR +0.7%, .
Other news: BKS +72.1% (Barnes & Noble and Microsoft announced the formation of a strategic partnership in a new BKS subsidiary), MNKD +7.1% (Mannkind and Tolero sign collaboration and license agreement to develop and commercialize noval BTK inhibitors for hematological malignancies and inflammatory diseases; MNKD to receive upfront and milestone payments), IOC +6.8% (enters into heads of agreement with Pacific Rubiales Energy For Interest In Triceratops And PPL237; transaction contemplates staged initial cash payments totaling $116 mln), MDRX +4.4% (announces $200 mln increase to stock repurchase program, elects Dennis Chookaszian Chairman of the Board), VVUS +3.4% (continued strength after resumed trading late Friday), CY +2.9% (positive mention on MadMoney), EBAY +1.1% (Barron's discusses positive view on Ebay), LIFE +0.8% (positive mention on MadMoney).
Analyst comments: SD +3.7% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JPMorgan), AMRN +2.5% (Amarin initiated with a Buy at Citigroup), DG +1.8% (upgraded to Strong Buy from Outperform at Raymond James), VE +1.2% (ticking higher, upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at HSBC Securities), SAIA +1.2% (upgraded to Strong Buy from Market Perform at Raymond James), AZN +1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Jefferies), KFT +0.9% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan).
25. aprill, Bayer on kedagi ostmas, Reuters.
27. aprill, artikkel, kus Bayer oleks huvi tundmas WCRX-i vastu, Times.
30. aprill, WCRX Warner Chilcott (WCRX) is considering its options, including a possible sale, after receiving interest from strategic and private-equity buyers, hiring GS, sources. Bloomberg.
Huvitav olukord, aga vaatan kõrvalt.
27. aprill, artikkel, kus Bayer oleks huvi tundmas WCRX-i vastu, Times.
30. aprill, WCRX Warner Chilcott (WCRX) is considering its options, including a possible sale, after receiving interest from strategic and private-equity buyers, hiring GS, sources. Bloomberg.
Huvitav olukord, aga vaatan kõrvalt.
March Personal Spending +0.3% vs +0.5% consensus
March Personal Income +0.4% vs +0.2% consensus
March PCE Prices- Core M/M +0.2% vs +0.2% consensus
PCE Headline Y/Y +2.1%; PCE Core Y/Y +2.0%
March Personal Income +0.4% vs +0.2% consensus
March PCE Prices- Core M/M +0.2% vs +0.2% consensus
PCE Headline Y/Y +2.1%; PCE Core Y/Y +2.0%
Microsoft (MSFT) on teinud $ 300 miljoni suuruse investeeringu Barnes&Noble (BKS), mis on viinud aktsia eelturul üle 100% kõrgemale ehk BKS kaupleb hetkel 103% plusspoolel, $ 27,50 kandis.
Microsoft has invested $300 million in a joint venture with Barnes & Noble.
The plan is to spin out the "Nook" e-reader business from Barnes & Noble, along with its College business.
Microsoft's $300 million investment is worth a 17% stake in the new company, which means it's valued at $1.7 billion.
Microsoft has invested $300 million in a joint venture with Barnes & Noble.
The plan is to spin out the "Nook" e-reader business from Barnes & Noble, along with its College business.
Microsoft's $300 million investment is worth a 17% stake in the new company, which means it's valued at $1.7 billion.
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: LDK -11.8%, SOHU -4.9%, HUM -3.7%, TEN -1.4%, BUD-1.1%.
A few financial names trading lower: CS -1.9%, DB -1.7%, UBS -1.1%, BCS -0.9%.
Other news: GNC -3.6% (still checking), GOLD -1.5% (shareholders approve $0.40 annual dividend, downgraded to Reduce from Neutral at Nomura), AMZN -0.8% (has agreed to a sales tax deal with Texas, according to reports out Friday night).
Analyst comments: PLX -3.6% (light volume, downgraded to Hold from Buy at Auriga), SHFL -2.6% (downgraded to Neutral at boutique firm), PAY -2.1% (downgraded to Sell from Hold at Deutsche Bank).
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: LDK -11.8%, SOHU -4.9%, HUM -3.7%, TEN -1.4%, BUD-1.1%.
A few financial names trading lower: CS -1.9%, DB -1.7%, UBS -1.1%, BCS -0.9%.
Other news: GNC -3.6% (still checking), GOLD -1.5% (shareholders approve $0.40 annual dividend, downgraded to Reduce from Neutral at Nomura), AMZN -0.8% (has agreed to a sales tax deal with Texas, according to reports out Friday night).
Analyst comments: PLX -3.6% (light volume, downgraded to Hold from Buy at Auriga), SHFL -2.6% (downgraded to Neutral at boutique firm), PAY -2.1% (downgraded to Sell from Hold at Deutsche Bank).
SINA reede õhtul välja antud Form 20-F risk factoritest on välja kaevatud lk 18 pealt ühe riski pealt jutuke
Endale paistab väljaimemisena, aga kst, suur liikuja.
Endale paistab väljaimemisena, aga kst, suur liikuja.
Imho, SINA on scam. Pakun, et üle poole kõikidest kasutajatest on fantoom või späm kontod.
WCRX halted
Tõehetke lüliti :)
Tõehetke lüliti :)
April Chicago PMI 56.2 vs 60.0 consensus; Prior 62.2
ZAGG: Chatter making the rounds about trouble with Logitech contract
Aktsia päevasiseselt 5% kõrgemal kauplemas $ 13 taseme all.
Aktsia päevasiseselt 5% kõrgemal kauplemas $ 13 taseme all.
Monster Beverage spikes on M&A headlines suggesting KO in talks to buy co... headlines attributed to WSJ
Ja MNST aktsiatega hetkel ka kauplemine peatatud.
Ja MNST aktsiatega hetkel ka kauplemine peatatud.
Doug Kass on tõstnud oma SPY õiglase väärtuse taset 1360 pealt 1485 peale ja ütleb, et kuigi see võib paljudele üllatuseks tulla, siis tema hinnangul ei saa me võrrelda käesolevat aastat lõppenud aastaga ja tema arvates on mitmed majanduse jaoks olulised näitajad paranemas.
Mõned tema argumendid:
■Economic growth: Most observers are more cautious regarding domestic growth today, even though the recovery's breadth is better -- employment has improved, and there is a nascent recovery in the residential real estate markets. Consensus (worldwide) GDP forecasts (here and abroad) are far more reasonable today.
■Profits: Corporate profit momentum has turned positive. Historically, the magnitude of the upward earnings revisions has been associated with a near-8% rise in the U.S. stock market over the next six months (and by year-end).
■Housing: The outlook for housing is markedly improved. Household formations are recovering, and the NAHB Index and buyer traffic are at five-year highs while inventories are at five year low. The role of residential real estate markets cannot be overstated. Representing a third of household wealth and nearly half of bank assets, housing could add almost 1% to GDP in 2013.
■Durable spending: Other types of durable spending are returning -- for instance, autos industry sales have risen sharply to a four-year high.
■Household health: Household leverage has moved lower -- household debt/GDP has returned back to the long-term average.
■Employment: Employment indicators have improved relative to a year ago. Claims data are lower, and ISM employment components are consistent with monthly payroll gains in excess of 200,000. Hours worked are expanding at a 4% annualized rate.
Kogu artiklit The Street veebilehelt saab lugeda siin.
Mõned tema argumendid:
■Economic growth: Most observers are more cautious regarding domestic growth today, even though the recovery's breadth is better -- employment has improved, and there is a nascent recovery in the residential real estate markets. Consensus (worldwide) GDP forecasts (here and abroad) are far more reasonable today.
■Profits: Corporate profit momentum has turned positive. Historically, the magnitude of the upward earnings revisions has been associated with a near-8% rise in the U.S. stock market over the next six months (and by year-end).
■Housing: The outlook for housing is markedly improved. Household formations are recovering, and the NAHB Index and buyer traffic are at five-year highs while inventories are at five year low. The role of residential real estate markets cannot be overstated. Representing a third of household wealth and nearly half of bank assets, housing could add almost 1% to GDP in 2013.
■Durable spending: Other types of durable spending are returning -- for instance, autos industry sales have risen sharply to a four-year high.
■Household health: Household leverage has moved lower -- household debt/GDP has returned back to the long-term average.
■Employment: Employment indicators have improved relative to a year ago. Claims data are lower, and ISM employment components are consistent with monthly payroll gains in excess of 200,000. Hours worked are expanding at a 4% annualized rate.
Kogu artiklit The Street veebilehelt saab lugeda siin.
Lisaks veel Kassi tänane säuts:
Despite weakness in the averages and in breadth there are only 4 new 52-week lows and 80 52- week highs.. Gun to head we turn pos later.
Despite weakness in the averages and in breadth there are only 4 new 52-week lows and 80 52- week highs.. Gun to head we turn pos later.
MNST uudiste jätkuks veel: Monster Beverage: Hearing UBS suggesting that KO could pay $84-100 for MNST
Meeldetuletuseks kõigile turuosalistele, et homme on Euroopa, Baltikumi ja Venemaa börs suletud. USA börs on avatud ja kauplemine toimub tavapärasel ajal.