Börsipäev 3. september

Suurim alumiiniumitootja Alcoa (AA) on muutnud oma globaalset alumiini tarbimise prognoosi ning tõstnud selle 2009. aastal -7.0% pealt -5.5% peale. Sellise liigutamise peamiseks põhjuseks Hiina suurem nõudlus tänu valitsuse kuluprogrammidele ning Hiinalt loodetakse 0%lise tarbimise kasvu asemel nüüd 4%list kasvu.

Aasia turgudel ongi täna suurim tõusja Shanghai börs 4%lise tõusuga.

USAs on täna tulemas kaks majandusraportit. Kell 15.30 tuleb esmaste töötu abiraha taotlejate number, kust oodatakse 565 000list näitu, mis oleks üle-eelmisest nädalast pisut parem näit. Kell 17.00 tuleb augustikuu ISM teenindusindeks, millelt oodatakse 48 punktilist näitu, mis oleks suurem kui juuli näit, mis mäletatavasti valmistas juunikuule allajäämisega möödunud korral pettumuse.
Euroopas kuulatakse aga tähelepanelikumalt Euroopa keskpanga pressikonverentsi Eesti aja järgi kell 15.30, kus kõige huvipakkuvamaks teemaks on keskpanga värsked euroala majanduskasvu ja inflatsiooni prognoosid. Juunist kehtivate prognooside alusel oodatakse eurotsooni tänavuseks majanduslanguseks -4.6% ja 2010. aastaks -0.3%, mida tõenäoliselt korrigeeritakse üles, arvestades Prantsusmaa ja Saksamaa väljumist retsessioonist teises kvartalis ning eeldatavalt väga tugevat põrget kolmandas kvartalis tänu valitsuse stiimulpakettidele ja varude tsüklile.

Eile sai natukene BP 'hiiglasest' naftaleiust juba räägitud. Aga tahaks täna siia huvilistele veel ühe lingi panna, kus on hästi ära seletatud 10 km sügavuselt nafta pinnale toomisega kaasnevad probleemid alates vee-alusest hiigelsurvest, torude ummistumise ohust parafiiniga seoses ca 40 kraadise nafta jõudmisega 4 kraadistesse vee-alustesse torudesse jpm. Neid ultra-sügavaid projekte on võrreldud NASA kosmoseprogrammidega, kuid on öeldud, et NASA elu on kergem kuna nemad ei pea muretsema neid ründava hiigelsurve pärast. Link loole on siin.

CNN on saatnud ühe oma reporteritest jälgima NYMEX traderit, kuidas käib põrandal nafta kauplemine. Link videole

Eile USA turgudel päeva lõpus toimunud müük andis taas märku, et investorid ei ole puhkuselt väga optimistlikud tagasi tulnud. Riskikartlikkusest on pikalt märku andud ka võlakirjaturg: Hetkel on 10-aastase valitsuse võlakirja tulusus 3.29% vs 3.93 juuli keskel.

10 Yr Treasury Yld vs SPY

Societe Generali strateegi arvates reageerib võlakirjaturg kahele faktorile:

First, it is clear to us [that] the ongoing march into outright deflation will accelerate during this short-lived economic recovery. Second, post-bubble realities will force commercial banks to aggressively step up their buying of government bonds,” like they did in the 1990s US credit crunch (pikemalt FT's).

& kui kellelgi tekib küsimus, kas valitsuse tohutu võlakirjade pakkumine ei ületa nõudlust ja tõsta võlakirjade tulusust, siis vastab Edwards:

Well it never did in Japan (Jaapanil on suur võlg suhtena SKP’sse, kuid 10-aastase võlakirja tulusus on 1.3%).

Loomulikult ei tasu unustada ka teisi faktoreid - nt võlakirjade tulusust hoiab kuntslikult madalal keskpanga poolt ostmine v pikaajalisem ootus madalate intressimäärade suhtes.

The Markit euro-zone purchasing managers index rose to 49.9 in August, up from the flash estimate of 49.5 and above the 45.7 registered in July. That leaves it under the key 50 neutral mark for the 15th month in a row. (Marketwatch).

WSJ's oli teisipäeval toodud riikide kaupa PMI'id - vaadata saab siit.

Nokia (NOK) aktsia on täna 3.7% plusspoolel. Nagu eile sai Pro all kirjutatud, on Nokia aktsia üheks soetamise argumendiks analüütikute negatiivsete soovituste kergitamine. Täna on Nordea analüütikud vahetanud Nokia müügisoovituse "osta" vastu. Nordea uus hinnasiht Nokiale on €12 eurot (vs €8.5 varem) ja hetkel kaupleb NOK €9.7 euro juures. Täna tasub veel vaadata, kuidas lõppeb Stuttgardis Nokia World üritust (täna rõhk teenustel).

Joel, kui sa analüüsid gaasihinda ja sellega seotud ettevõtteid, siis kas oled ka uurinud millist mõju võiks avaldada Kanada eksporti langus USA´le.

According to the EIA, the United States imported approximately 4 Tcf of natural gas in 2008. As expected, nearly all of our imports (approximately 90%), were shipped from Canadian pipelines.

Kuuldavasti on seal tootmine pidevalt vähenenud. "11% year-over-year Canadian production decline. " http://www.energyandcapital.com/articles/natural-gas-price-rebound/931

Euroopa Keskpank jättis tänasel kohtumisel intressimäärad rekordmadalale 1%'le.

Kulla hind on viimase kolme kuu kõrgeimale tasemele liikunud:


Kulla untsi hinda on aidanud tõsta nõrgenev dollar, mis täna on euro suhtes 0.4% langenud (EUR/USD = 1.4326).

RBS:"The ability of gold to continue to rise perhaps tells us that investors are far from calm about the longer term global economic outlook and the policy response to it.” (bloomberg)

Kes soovib, siis ECB kell 15.30 algavat pressikonverentsi on võimalik kuulata siit
Continuing claims 6234K vs 6130K consensus; prior revised to 6142K from 6133K
Weekly Initial Jobless claims +570K vs +564K consensus; prior revised to +574K from +570K
Pressikas algab
ECB staff SKP kasvu ootusteks 2010. aastal -0.5% kuni +0.9%. Juunis olid need ootused madalamad. SKP kasvuootusi on analüüsimajad juba ise ammu tõstnud.
Nii nagu hommikul sai mainitud, on viimastel kuudel paranenud makro euroalas andnud põhjust tõsta ka 2009 SKT prognoosi, mis kergitati varasemalt-5.1-(-4.1%) pealt -4.4-(-3.8%) peale
Trichet vastus odava raha turule pritsimise lõpetamise kohta: "Today is not time to exit. But we are alert..."
Q: kas lähima 12 kuu jooksul tõstetakse? Töpsustuseks, et kas on võimalus langetuseks?
A: Tüüpiline never precommited ja rates appropriate, decision was unanimous. Kuid oluline oli comment, et Rendez vous tuleb siis kui tuleb tulevikus.

mis on ilmselge vihje, et lähitulevikus intressi liigutamisega istungit näha ei ole.

Euroopa turud:
Saksamaa DAX +0.33%
Prantsusmaa CAC 40 +0.13%
Inglismaa FTSE 100 +0.19%
Hispaania IBEX 35 +0.74%
Rootsi OMX 30 +1.40%
Venemaa MICEX +2.09%
Poola WIG +1.44%

Aasia turud:
Jaapani Nikkei 225 -0.64%
Hong Kongi Hang Seng +1.23%
Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) +4.79%
Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +4.07%
Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -0.15%
Tai Set 50 +1.72%
India Sensex 30 -0.45%

Overseas Action Bodes Well for the Bulls
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
9/3/2009 8:38 AM EDT

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
-- Thomas Edison

Not a single stock on the Shanghai exchange was down overnight. All 890 stocks tacked on gains as the Shanghai exchange bounced back 4.8% after a loss of 7% on Monday. Interest rates were left unchanged in Europe, and there is positive action there as well. The good mood is spreading and early indications are that we will open strongly in the U.S.

News flow continues to be a bit slow, but gold is up again after a big move yesterday, oil is positive and the general tone is more upbeat.

My theme lately has been that the downside may not be quite as easy as the bears might think. Yes, we've had some deterioration in the technical picture, but the damage isn't that bad and the likelihood is that the dip-buyers have not completely given up yet. They were caught in an ugly intraday reversal on Tuesday and were unable to muster anything yesterday, but given how successful they have been for so long, it is difficult to count them out. They will need several failures before they are likely to relent.

The market is at a tricky juncture right now. Participation is light, as many on Wall Street take vacations prior to the Labor Day holiday, and that keeps things volatile. We are in what has historically been the worst month of the year, but everyone is keenly aware of that fact.

The most important consideration is that many market players continue to root for a pullback, not because they are bearish but because they are bullish and want better entry points. The major worry of market players for a long time has been not having enough long exposure in a market that has been unrelenting in its strength. The hope is that a pullback will finally make it easier to find good entries without having to chase things that are going straight up.

That desire to gracefully entry this market on pullbacks is the big challenge for the bears. Until the mentality shifts from "buying opportunity" to "change in trend," the bears are going to have a hard time. We'll see today if the dip-buyers can get something going. The move in China bodes well for the bulls, and after the action of the last two days, the bears may be feeling a bit complacent and be susceptible to a short squeeze.

Gold is going crazy again, and that is garnering attention as a market negative. Keep an eye on financials. If we hold up for the first hour or so of trading, I'll be looking for a positive trend day
Ülespoole avanevad:

In reaction to strong earnings/guidance/SSS: DLM +11.6%, MEI +8.3%, CIEN +7.6%, OXM +6.5% (also upgraded to Buy at KeyBanc Capital Mkts), LAYN +6.3%, AEO +4.7%, COST +4.7%, GPS +3.9%, TGT +3.5%, ARO +2.8%, ZUMZ +2.6% (also upgraded to Buy at MKM Partners), JTX +2.1%, SAI +1.8%... Select financials rebounding: FNM +13.1%, FRE +10.4%, MBI +9.1%, IRE +8.3%, PMI +8.1%, ABK +6.0%, AIG +4.7%, ING +4.4%, UBS +4.3%, AIB +4.3%, DB +4.0% (denies it is bidding for Postbank shares - Reuters.com), CS +3.0%, C +2.8%, BAC +2.0%, HBC +1.9%, MS +1.8%, JPM +1.1%, GS +1.0%... Select metals/mining names seeing early strength: SWC +5.2%, HMY +4.4%, MT +3.9%, BBL +3.5%, RTP +3.1%, BHP +2.6%... Select China related names showing strength following +4.8% gain in Shanghai: LFC +2.1%, PTR +2.0%, BIDU +1.8%... Select aluminum names showing strength following reports that Alcoa raised world aluminum forecast on China demand: CENX +5.9%, ACH +4.9%, AA +2.9%... Other news: BNVI +42.9% (to Present positive results from phase 2 trial of menerba for vasomotor symptoms to the international community), CRIS +37.1% (announces GDC-0449 Phase I clinical data published in New England Journal of Medicine), ALTH +21.0% (FDA panel backs Allos Therapeutics' cancer drug - AP), DHT +7.5% (rebounding from yesterday's 20% drop), NOK +4.5% (still checking), SHPGY +1.3% (announces FDA approval of once-daily INTUNIV extended release tablets for the treatment of ADHD in children and adolescents aged 6 to 17)... Analyst comments: GNW +4.5% (initiated with an Outperform at Northland Securities), TC +4.0% (upgraded to Sector Perform at CIBC Wrld Mkts), CCL +3.6% (raised to $34 at Credit Suisse as volume growth remains encouraging), DHR +2.5% (upgraded to Outperform at FBR Capital), BEN +2.4% (upgraded to Outperform at Keefe Bruyette), SI +2.4% (upgraded to Outperform at Bernstein), APC +2.1% (upgraded to Outperform at FBR Capital), AAPL +1.2% (initiated with an Outperform at William Blair).

Allapoole avanevad:

In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance/SSS: INWK -13.4%, FDO -8.2%, HOV -5.4% (downgraded to Underperform at Credit Suisse), UTIW -5.4%, MATK -5.0%, ABM -4.4% (light volume), ANF -4.0%, JCP -1.6%... M&A news: JAVA -2.3% (EU to probe Oracle-Sun deal - WSJ)... Other news: CHNG -2.6% (priced a ~5.725 mln share common stock offering at $8.75/share), CRXL -2.6% (still checking), ENDP -2.4% (FDA has extended its review period for its long-acting testosterone undecanoate injection)... Analyst comments: DE -2.1% (downgraded to Underweight at JPMorgan).