Kuuldavasti peaks täna Esindajatekoda finantssektorit abistava eelnõu osas, mis paar päeva tagasi maha hääletati, uuesti hääletama ca kell 19.30 Eesti aja järgi. Et siis tasub silmad ja kõrvad (veelgi rohkem) lahti hoida…
ehk tehti sell the news reaktsioon eile ära?
WB Wachovia, Wells Fargo agree to merge; Wells Fargo to acquire all outstanding shares of common stock Wachovia in a stock-for-stock transaction (3.91 )
WFC and Wachovia (WB) announce they have signed a definitive agreement for the merger of the two companies including all of Wachovia's banking operations in a whole company transaction requiring no financial assistance from the FDIC or any other government agency. Under the agreement, WFC will acquire all outstanding shares of common stock of WB in a stock-for-stock transaction. In the transaction, WFC will acquire all of WB and all its businesses and obligations, including its preferred equity and indebtedness, and all its banking deposits. Under terms of the agreement, which has been approved unanimously by the boards of both companies, WB shareholders will receive 0.1991 shares of Wells Fargo common stock in exchange for each share of Wachovia common stock. The transaction, based on Wells Fargo's closing stock price of $35.16 on October 2, 2008, is valued at $7.00 per WB common share for a total transaction value of approximately $15.1 bln. Wachovia has almost 2.2 bln common shares outstanding. The agreement requires the approval of Wachovia shareholders and customary approvals of regulators. Wells Fargo will record Wachovia's credit-impaired assets at fair value. The acquisition is expected to exceed Wells Fargo's internal rate of return goal and add to Wells Fargo's earnings per share in the first year of operations, excluding integration costs, write-downs, transaction charges, and credit reserve build. Wells Fargo expects to incur merger and integration charges of approximately $10 bln. To maintain its strong capital position, Wells Fargo intends to issue up to $20 bln of new Wells Fargo securities, primarily common stock.
SQM vähemalt on globaalne värk. Teised?
Kas lõunapoolkera kevad ja väetamise algus on mingi oluline point, kst.
Morgan Stanley alustas eile Salesforce'i (CRM) katmist Equal Weight soovitusega:
"2H09 balance strong growth potential and positioning. CRM trades at a 30%+ premium to the software group based on CY09 P/FCF, and while we are bullish on the long-term growth outlook, we think multiple expansion requires billings to reaccelerate from 35% in 1H09 towards 40% YoY for FY09 (CRM’s long-term target). Given a difficult compare in 4Q, stronger dollar and weak IT environment, this will be difficult to achieve."
UBS on oluliselt kriitilisem, langetades aktsia soovituse "osta" pealt "müü" peale. Muuseas tuuakse põhjuseks müügitsükli pikenemist.
Müügisoovitust on eile kinnitanud ka Goldman Sachs, kelle hinnasiht on $44. Samas on Thomas Weisel jätkuvalt positiivne, hinnasiht $70.
CRMi lähitulevik just paljutõotav ei paista ning järgmised kvartalitulemused võivad investoritele päris suure pettumuse tuua.
Tundub, et MSCO-le ei anna ka rahu:
Fertilizer valuations were reset yesterday based on an overreaction to an earnings “miss” which, combined with recent nitrogen / phosphate price weakness and an announced supply cut response, created an equity death spiral such that even a realistic Bear Case allows for a cash buyout over the next five years.
Schwarzenegger says to US: State may need $7-billion loan - LA Times
LA Times reports California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, alarmed by the ongoing national financial crisis, warned Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson that the state might need an emergency loan of as much as $7 billion from the federal government within weeks. The warning comes as California is close to running out of cash to fund day-to-day government operations and is unable to access routine short-term loans that it typically relies on to remain solvent. The state of California is the biggest of several governments nationwide that are being locked out of the bond market by the global credit crunch. If the state is unable to access the cash, administration officials say, payments to schools and other government entities could quickly be suspended and state employees could be laid off.
Mul õnnestus ka osta aga hiljem order tühistati! Kas Sul läks paremini?
Vaatame numbrite sisse ka. Kõige rohkem vähendati töökohti jaemüügis, tööstuses (kuigi tööstuses on seekord töökohtade kaotamine väiksem, kui eelmine kord), ehituses ja erinevate äriteenustega seotud harudes. Lisati töökohti hariduses/tervishoius ja kaevanduses. Väike võrdlev tabel siia tuhandetes eelmise ja selle kuu kohta:
august 08 | september 08 | |
Kogu mittepõllumajandussektor | -84 | -159 |
Kogu erasektor | -101 | -168 |
Kaupu valmistavad harud | -57 | -77 |
Maavarad ja kaevandus | +12 | +9 |
Ehitus | -8 | -35 |
Tööstus | -67 | -51 |
Finantsteenused | -3 | -17 |
Professionaalsed äriteenused | -53 | -27 |
Haridus ja tervishoid | +55 | +25 |
Valitsus | +17 | +9 |
Citi on siis sellest diilist eemale puksitud ja C aktsia eelturul -7%. Tulevased USA panganusturu jõujooned pannakse praegu paika.