Raisio teatas esimese kvartali käibeks 98,1 miljonit eurot ja kasumiks 0,02€ aktsia kohta. Kasumlikkuses on toimunud selge paranemine ja ettevõtte juht ootab edasist kasumi kasvu. Ettevõttel on raha ja ekvivalente 2,11 eurot aktsia kohta (võlga pole). Peatselt alustatakse oma aktsiate tagasiostu (kuni 8 miljonit aktsiat ehk 5%).
Mainitud 3 panga aktsiad siis kõik Baltikumi panganduses olulisel määral esindatutena ka Hansapanga aktsiate alt vabanenud rahale mingil määral pretendeerimas ...
Rev Shark:
Fed's Job #1: Fighting Inflation, Not Helping Stocks
5/3/05 8:55 AM ET
"Events are influenced by our very great desires."
-- William James.
The big news today will obviously be the FOMC interest rate decision at 2:15 p.m. EDT but this time the market environment is quite a bit different than it had been for prior FOMC decisions. We now have a very large contingent of folks who are hopeful that the Fed will give some indication that the pace of future interest rate hikes will slow.
Prior FOMC interest rate decisions generally came with a clear set of expectations. We knew that we would see a quarter percent hike and some comments that would indicate more hikes are forthcoming. This time we still have inflationary fears but there is clear evidence that the economy is slowing. Many folks are hoping that the Fed will be move focused on economic growth and less so on inflationary worries.
The very poor market environment we have had most of this year has helped feed the hope of a more accommodating FOMC. That high level of hope is setting up an explosive situation.
Despite the desires of many market participants, the consensus still is that the Fed will raise rates by .25% and indicate that more raises are to come, but there are enough other folks hoping that the Fed will address the slowing growth that the consensus will likely be a disappointment.
I'm not overly optimistic that the FOMC will be market friendly. Its primary goal is inflation fighting, and the overall health of the stock market is not high on its list of importance. The Fed is likely to be taking into account the continued strength in real estate when crafting its policy statement for today.
The good news is that the market is set up for a big move if the FOMC decides to be accommodating to investors. Sentiment is negative, cash on the sidelines has been building, and we have some technical support to play off of. If we get a positive surprise from the Fed we have the makings of a big move.
If the Fed does what is expected and gives no strong indication that hikes will be slowing it is probably priced in to a great degree but with the level of desire for a more accommodating Fed so high there is likely to be a certain level of disappointment.
We are set up for a very interesting afternoon. The market is likely to be rather dead until then as we wait. Be careful about betting too aggressively on the Fed; there is little edge here.
I'll be back in a bit.
Gary B. Smith:
Gapping up on strong earnings/guidance: CECO +6.5%, IVAC +8% (also Needham upgrade), OSK +2.9%, KOSP +2.8%.... Other News: IMGN +8.7% (announces renewal of Genentech deal), ITMN +6.8% (announces publication of positive phase 2 data), SHPGY +3%, RYAAY +2.8%.... Under $3: GNBT +27% (receives approval to sell oral insulin in Ecuador), NURM +25%, PRTL +16% (bounces after 49% drop yesterday), PARS +11% (receives grant from Israeli Govt), IDEV +9%.
Gapping Down
Gapping Down on disappointing earnings/guidance: TYC -9.2% (also Pru downgrade), PDII -31% (also Wm Blair downgrade), TTMI -12.5% (also CSFB downgrade), GIVN -8.4%, LVS -6%, MVSN -5%, TEVA -3.2%, PDLI -2.6%.... Other News: FWHT -13% (auditor resigns; Pac Growth downgrade), TXU -3%, ISSX -3% (started with a Neutral at First Albany), NAL -7.7%, PWAV -2.5%.
Intressimäärad siis ikka 21.15 Eesti aja järgi nagu tavaliselt ehk GMT 18.15 + 3
Viimane karu maha lastud? :)
Kas nad tabasid tipu?
Tasub radaril hoida ka Oliveri poolt mainitud GOOG, aktsia on täna esimest korda jõudnud pärast tulemusi eelturul saavutatud tasemeni ($227), selle murdmine annaks ruumi edasi tõusta.
GOOG chart (after hrs, pre mkt included):